'l‘here‘s a lot going on in l.i\'et'pool this year; unsurprising. really. given that it‘s the European Capital of Culture 2008. The eelehrations begin with the last eouple ol' yy'eeks ol' 2007's 'l'tirner l’ri/e exhibition ('l‘ate l.iy'erpool. until Sun 13 .lanl and the l‘resh musie l'estiy'al (until (i Jan). while the year ahead is lilled with a range ol' musieal. theatrieal and artistie highlights. Seouseophiles might like to keep an eye out l'or

86 THE LIST 4-17 .Jar‘

Clockwise from main pic: Barcelona's Sonar festival; Bonnaroo; Berlin Love Parade; Brooklyn Book Festival; Crossing Borders, the Netherlands

5 h‘

All tomorrow’s parties

Tired of T in the Park? Fed up with Edinburgh? David Pollock rounds up the best international music and arts festivals happening in 2008

Paul Me('artney headlining the l.iy'erpool Sound eoneeit at .»\nlield on 1 lid. and Ken l)odd taking to the stage at St (ieorge‘s Hall on 8 (R; ‘) Mar. See yy'yy'yy. liy'ei‘pool()8.eoin for tall details.


(Hi all 2008's hook liesliy‘ztls. perhaps Amsterdam‘s tyy'yy'yy'. amsterdainliteraiyl'estiy‘al.eom. Mayl desery'es mention more than most.

as this year the eity yyill he l’NliSCO World Book ('apital. Remaining in the Netherlands. The

llague's Crossing Border tyy‘yy'yy'eriissinghordernl. Noy'emheri is a yy'onderl'ully l'oryyaid—thinking

yy'eek ol aetiy‘ities yyith a line-tip ol~

yy‘riters. perl‘ormei‘s atid musieians. Last year. they ran a ‘Seottish Night‘. with the likes ol' Louise Welsh and Malcolm Middleton taking to the stage. Slightly eonl‘tisingly. ‘erossing horders‘ is also the theme ol‘ this year's Ordkalloten tyyyy yy.ordka|otten. no/english. 36-30 Sept in 'l‘romso. Noryyay.

:\L‘l‘ttss the Atlantie. the third instalment of the yihrant. hip Brooklyn Book Festival lyyyyyy. brookly'nhookl’estiyal.org. Sun l4 Sept has already eonl'irmed appearanees from (iloria .\'aylor

\tlslt‘l [/lt taking the tiayelling arm ol its Hay Festival to ('aitageiia. (ioliiiiiliia l\\ \y \yltay lestiyal eoiii

aiid l’atil

(intimiiit: is

eartagenaeng delault asp\. ll ." .lalt l. and \\ ill liopelully l‘e returning to Segoy ia. ‘s'pam latei iii lllL‘ )t‘dl.

\Vai'y ol the \ylieel ol iiieteoiologieal l'ot'tuiie at lioiitegioyyii daiiee iiitisit' lestiyals like (lt'atllllt'ltls and llie Big ('liill'.’ 'I here are similar suitniei‘ eyeiits all oyer the \yoild \t‘lltlt‘rlltlu'tl L‘lly \\ L‘L‘lst‘lltlt‘H .llt' heeoming inereasiiigly popular and surely Sonar in Bat'eelotia lyyyyyy. soiiai'.es. I” ll .ltiiii is the most lamoiis ol' all. l‘lll'lllt'l' eeleetie eleetronie eity sounds an he heard at Montreal‘s \ery eool Mutek lyyyyyy.iiititek.ea. May/.ltiiii. \yliile Belgitiiii's more traditionally staged l)otir l'estiyal (\yyy\\.doiirlesti\a|. he. l7—3ll .ltil l eoities \\ illi a latitaslie reputation. despite the name.

'lilltl\t‘ in seareh Hl Hld seltool tranee and teehno kieks eaii elope to (iermany's Love Parade this summer l yy \\ \y.|o\ eparadede l. yyhieh is being held in l)ortiiiuud as a result ol ol'lieial disagreements in its natiye Berlin. \yhile eluhhers yyith a le\\ air miles to spend eaii head oy er to Australia lor the yy ide ranging but generally mainstream Future Music Festival Iyyyyyy. lillltll'L' llltlle'lL‘slhtil.L‘tilll.;ttl. touring nationally hetyyeen l—lll Mari. 'llie ('hemieal Brothers. ('liieks on Speed. l)ip|o and Syeii \'ath \\lll all he in attendanee.

Miami‘s Winter Music

Conference lyy yy yy .yy intermusie L'llllliL'l'L‘llL'L'x‘lllll. 25-39 \lttl'l is an essential stop lor those yyith some eonneetion to the industry. or simply a liking l'or legendary alterparties.