
Perfect harmony

The newly opened Stereo in Glasgow's West End challenges the misconception that food and music don't mix

Renfield Lane, Glasgow, 0141 222 2254

Open seven days for breakfast, lunch and dinner (last orders 8pm)

Average price for two-course evening meal: £10

The must- ._ 3. The best Recover from have -'. ,.. mUSIC and the festive .m. Sadcgets of * arts. blowout With a 00 festivals little TLC ......;'.-..” mecca moses moses? THE MEAL

he \xorlds ol music and tpialit} lood \ilitllitilld be. on the lace ol it. ones \xhich e\ei' collide think ol the musicians late night \\orld ol burgers and takeaoa}

pi//a. or e\ en a simple liquid diet. But Stereo. the latest in a series ol' \enttii‘cs l‘rom the team behind Mono. the 78 and the non near-legendar} 13th \ote. aims to dispense \\ ith the gi‘eas} spoon. gi'ctis}-li;iii'c't| image ol the struggling indie popstei'. Regulars at these aloi'emenlioned establishments \xiH knim ol’ the resolute|_\ \egan stance taken b_\ l'oiinder ('raig illititock. btit Stereo‘s ino\e tl'roni the \Vest lind‘s Keb inhaugh Streeti talses this part ol' the chain centre stage. gaining a Mill-capacit} basement \entie to boot.

Such is the respect al'l‘oi‘ded the \eniies b) the cooler clubbers ol the cit} that e\ en hardened carni\orcs are prepared to at the \ei'_\ least sample the range ol beers and \xincs tno sign ol' the ubiquitous 'I‘ here) or organic sol’t drinks.

l)ecor in the bar/restaurant area is. like e\ei‘_\thing elsc. understated: housed in a listed. Mackintoshdesigned

building. exterior sineage is. it seems. lorbidden. but ill” is tinl‘inished in appearance.

the unisex toilets clean but

spartan. All Hi this ttdds it) the


and not overbearing. and the

extensne menii ol‘l‘ers a laid- A

back l‘lexibilit}. :\ coml‘oi'ting

soup of the da_\ ai'i‘i\es \sith premises. but breakfast

options are a\ailable all da} so the min scramble sei'\es as an e\ening starter. (‘ompleinented b} the etpiall} tast} tomato and apple chutne}. the smok} aroma hits the nostrils

The cal/one comes recommended to its and \iilh good reason a pull} pi//a dough tagain baked inhoiisei conceals a /est} sun-dried tomato and coiii'gette mi\. The inapahn- hotl cottage pie is perhaps the onl_\ 'traditional' \egetable Houewr. it's stirprisingl} moist and lttsi} with the potato topping shots ing just the right amount ol crispness.

Desserts come l‘i'om a dail} selection ol cakes and pastries. axailable l'or all-da} takeaua} at the deli counter. credentials. 'I‘hankl'ull}. uhile the ctittsisienc} is a little blancmange-like. a crumbl} base and I‘Ltsphel‘l'} iiis Cltsli} compensate.

With its central location and ililpl'Cssl\ e housing. it seems its Kings ('ourt sister \enue Mono boasts. Houewr. the restaurant‘s stated aim is to be lsnoun as a good itmd establishment rather than simpl) a \eggie restaurant. On first shiming. it seems that these objecliVes are u ell \iithin

adxantage is taken ol' the large picture \\il1tii)\\s. ’l he interior

Like“ ise. ser\ ice is li‘iendl}


organic bread. baked on the belore the lirst t‘orlxl‘iil. dish on the menu. \sith lentils the meat ‘siibstittite’. but the special non-dair} cheesecake tests out the \egan Stereo has the lot. Well. apart from the built-in record shop reach.

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