Film ll attracting the higgext xtarx and preinierex ix the mark nt a malnr

lilm lexti\al. Cannes l\\\\\\. l‘exti\ 14-35 .\la_\i remainx unbeatable. Yet. man}

l'e\ll\;tl\ itll n\ er the unt'ld ltnltl llteit‘ nun particular appeal. he ll the nature nl the lilmx the) xhnu nr the hnme cit} itxell'.

Still managing tn retain a link \Klllt itx independent rnntx uhile l'eeding nl'l' [lie gnntluill (ill the American tilm induxtr}. l'tah'x Sundance Muncxundance. nrg/ l'exti\al. l7-37 .lant ix \xell knnun and t‘expected llte \Mit'ltl (H et‘. uhile Venice t u \\ u. lahiennale.nrg/ en/cinema/. Aug/Sept. Berlin t\x'uulierlinale. de. 7-17 l‘elH and Spain'x San Sebastian t\\\\\\. xanxehaxtian l‘extiuilcnm. Sept all mix glamnur \xith mnre exnteric liurtlpean l‘are. Meanwhile. it xci- l'i‘x )nur thing. ()pnrtn‘x Inng— running Fantasporto t\\ u \x. lantaxpnrtn. pt. 3‘) l'eh-X .\lart ix a “ell—regarded celehratinn nl grnu n- up l‘atttax} \\nl'kx.

lt'x pnxxihle tn nrganixe a hnlida} tn mnxt majnr cnuntriex in the \Hit'ltl arnund a decent muxic t‘exti\al. hut xnrne are tnnre exxential than ntherx. America. l‘nr e\ample. hnaxtx the mnnxtrnux and xuperhh- ltt‘t‘gt‘ammed likex nt' (‘alil'nrnia'x Coachella (\\'\\ \\.cnachella.cnm. 25—37 .-\pr) and 'l’ennexxee‘x Bonnaroo l\\\\\\.lNHlllLll'tHLL‘Ulll. l2-l5 .lunt. althnugh .-\uxtin. 'l‘e\ax' South By South West tx\x\\. cnm. 7-l(i Mart ix ttn\\ l‘irml} extahlixhed ax the hext place in the \xnrld tn hear ne\\ talent. (‘heekil_\ cn-npting the name. 'l‘nrnntn‘x North By North East t\\\\\\. nxne.cnnt. l2-l5 .lunet ix alxn gaining in credihilit}.

l'urther atield. :\ll\ll}tll.t.\ "\xinter' \xeekcnder Splendour in the Grass t\\\\\\.\[‘lelltltttll'llllllegl'.t\\. cnm. 4-5 .-\ugt and .lap.itt\ l'up Rnck tuuxxtuurnck texti\al.cnm. .llll_\) teature a \xide range nt tarniliar l:urnpean and .-\nierican actx. \xith a hunch nt lncal talentx turther dnun the hill. Spain'x Festival lnternacional de Benicassim itihertilxcnm. I‘ll) .lltll can't gn unmentinned. \xith a reputatinn lnr' triendh hednnixm nn a par \xith (ilaxtnnhury and actx like l3;ih_\xliariihlex. .\l} Blnnd} Valentine and 'l‘he Rumhle Stripx alt'ead} cnntirmed. \\ hile Snowbombing t\\\\\\.xnn\\ hnnthingcnm. 3| Mar—(i i-\pr. .\la.\rhntien. .-\uxtriat ix hringing ('al\in llarrix. .‘\nniex Mac and \iglttittgale and Snma'x l'.\\att l’earxnn tn a \xinter xpnrtx—ln\ing L‘l.(l\\tl.

Visual Art

Specilicallt placed tn launch the art \xnrld calendar iii the l'l\' c\er_\ _\ear. the London Art Fair (uu\\ ln—Ztl .lan) celehratex itx Ztlth arinnerxar'} thix _\ear. \\ hile Frieze m \\ \\.lrie/e artl'aircnm. l()-l() ()ctt npenx juxt

it] time tn xltn\\ caxe ti xelectinn til

the cnuntr_\ ‘x man talented ne\\


graduatex and their \\nt‘k.

the Venice Biennale might lie ha\ing an ‘nll‘ _\ear in Zilllh’. hut there are man} ximilar e\entx happening arnund the unrld. including the Sao Paulo Art Biennial thienalxanpauln.glnl\n. ctim/englixh/det‘aultaxpt. the brand nexx Singapore Biennale t\\\\\\. xingapnrehiennaleiu‘g. ll Sep—lti .\'n\ t and the Biennale of Sydney m\\\\.hiennalent'x}dneycnmau. l.\’ .lun-7 Sept. the theme nt \xhich ix

Frieze (above) showcases the UK's visual art talent; Snowbombing (below) brings winter sports and music together in Austria; Tennessee's Bonnaroo (bottom) boasts a vast music programme

'Rc\nltttinttxi l-nrmx 'l‘hat 'lurn‘ .'\l\t) tll- little i\ liet‘litt\ Transmediale t\\\\\\.tranxmediale. de. .lttlt/l‘elH. \xhich mi\ex c\ltil)ilinltx \xith talkx and lilrn prexentatinnx. 'l'hix tear. the theme

Ix ‘cnttxplt‘e .


l-‘nr thnxe Sentx \xhn can‘t excape the l‘eeling that .-\uguxt xhnuld he alinut theatre e\en ax the} jet auax l‘nr a xurnrner hnlida}. there are plcnt} nt' li\e theatre l‘exti\;tlx ttlit‘ntttl It) get them thrnugh the mnnth. The New York International Fringe Festival in \\ u.l'r'ingeincnrg. 3-24 Aug) ix xtill the largext in .\'anh .-\merica. althnugh the Philadelphia Live Arts Festival and Philly Fringe (xx \\ u.|i\eartx-lringeiirg. 2‘) Aug-H Sept ix xtarting tn xteal itx thunder xnmeuhat. particularl} ax the .\'e\\ ank—haxed Rint (irnup chnxe tn xtage the lirxt perl'nrmance nl their ne\\ pla} Hear/x n) .llun there laxt )ettl'

The Adelaide Fringe (V. \x xx. adelaidet'ringe.c<nnau. 23 l'eh-ln .\lat't ix the xecnnd-lat‘gext e\cnt nl itx kind in [lie \knt‘ltl. ttltltnttglt t'nnunatel} itx datex dnn't claxh xx ith lidinhurgh. the nne e\ent \xhich heatx it l'nr xi/e and the \ariet}' nl perttirmancex. l‘nr an internatinnal lla\nttt'. the Festival d’Avignon m \\ \\.t'exti\al-a\ ignnncnnt. Jul t and the neu hut expanding l’rague liringe m \x \x.praguetringectint. 25 Mayl Jun) are line cnntinental exentx. uhile the Brighton Fringe Festival in \x u .hrightnnl‘extiVal l' 3-26 .\la_\t ix an up- and-enming cnntender nn the lfK xcene.

Sn. all that remainx ix tn hnnk’ that plane. train. hux nr hnat ticket and get nut there and enjn} the hext the cultural \x'nrld hax tn ntl‘er.

.'.—‘ ' ,a' 22']: THE LIST 87