{1.31. "I if? j ryl : I. y

I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh ‘1“.2111111; 11' 11 1: \171'." "‘1‘V'L ~;1::.

111 1 .111 _.1111'.' 1111.' .1 1.;1'


I Eva Eastwood 8. The Major Keys 1'11'111. \..‘11.111‘

... ‘1'111 1‘ 1:11'1 1:1'1‘1“‘l_‘11l_\7.‘1

\‘1‘1' 1"-1111'

Saturday 10

/.I'4/ ,i/

I Eva Eastwood & The Major Keys '11111'11‘11'111 \ 111.1:‘1' \\111111\1\1’1' 1<!‘.l11. 1111111111ufll 11’ ':_?1.".1. ' Ll111111 1111.1'1\

i.‘ *11 1' 111.11. \ 119111 1111111'1 \11111‘1'11

": ‘11‘ "1'1‘ 1" \1'1'11'11111‘,\\'1‘11 ~

I The Magic of Scotland l’.11. 1111111 111121111 1\’.'1'T1.'11l \111'1'1 41.? 1\ll1 .‘111111\ "1111111 ‘I. N. \\1'11


:i: Annual Hamish Henderson Lecture \\\1‘11:11l\ 1(1111111\.(11'1111'1‘\111'1‘1. ‘.\\1|\* l.‘ 11111111 111'1' 1\1..111\11\11.11 ;111'\1'111« \\1'.' 11.11111\ \\1'.:11\ 11.11111\11 11.'11111'1\1111.1\.1(11111'11111111(11111111'11K 11‘11' [11171 /1\1'l.11.

I Uncle Earl 1111-1111111111('11111_ \1111.11 111|l|\1'_11111‘.11111111{H.111.§;\ “(1111 v

{1111111 tl.‘ \11111111111' \1111'111'.111.111 11'111.111'111111x111111'[11.111111'.111111\111 11.111.111\.

1' in (1.1111112: \11111111

111111'1'1.1\\1111111'.1111111111 111111'1 11111x11 111m 111111 11.111 l1.1111111111 \111p111g'.111111.111 11.11111111' 1111'11 1.111'\1.1111111111\|1111111111'1111} 11'11/1'11111'1111\ 11111111’.1111 111111'\ I Roddy Hart .11111 LeRoy Stagger (.11‘.ll1'1\1111.1111'.111.111\111‘1'1.::11(\1~(\ 11111 H ‘11 \11111.11111\ 11111111111111} 11’1111111 11.11111.1\ \11.111'11x11111111111111'111111 |\’\.111 \11.1111-\.1111111.1\11.11\11111' 1\'11\ 1'\1|\111111_‘l1111.11111111111 1(1'.1111'1 1111111\111'\\ .111111111 111'K1111111'11111 11111111.11111111 11'11’11} \1.1_:'j.'1'1 1111111111111\|1('11111111111.1 I Ceilidh Dance \‘1 11111111'\ (111111: 111\\1'|| 11'11.111'.‘**"11l11\ 1' 11111111 {N 12 \1 1111111111'11’11111'1111x1111.111111111.111111 1'11'111112' 111111'1\.1\.111.11111' 11111111111' \11’ \1111\ \111x11(1111111\ :I— Kris Drever, Tommy Peoples .11111 The Funky String Band 1111- 1’11'.1\.11111'(1111.111‘1 11.11. 1'11'.1\.1111‘1‘. 11‘” .‘ 11" \11111 (111 11"1 (11111113 x111;'1'1 1'1111.111\1I111'\1'1.11';‘1'1111.11} 11111113211 11111111'1 1’1-111111'\.111111111'1111111} \11111g,‘ 11.11111 .1 111111111 .111111'111'1'111 11111.111111.1111111 111'1111'1'11 \111111g'11'111111‘xl 11111'1’11111111.11111 \11;'11\ ( 11.1111. \1. 1111 \11\\11' \111gg1'1 1’1'11'1 11.111\1 /’1.'I.' 11’ /1\.'/V‘... :I: The Power 01 Song .\'1 1’1-11-1‘x 1’11111.11_\ \11111111.1.111’11111111.111-1-1“ 5713. \111111.1l1 1'11'111.11111111111111'1111111.111\1111'1' 111;'.1111\1'11111 1111' \1'111\ \111\11'(11111111 1111\ 11311 11'.111111'\ \111111\111111\.11111\1'\\11111\ \\ 1111 (1111111~.11111.1\11( 111111111. \11.1111 \11'\.111;)111.111. \1.11§ \1.11‘.\1.1\11'1..1.1111' \1'111111\1'111.11111\11'\1'|1\1111' 11111111111 (11"Il.’l.'\v \.'( 1.".‘1' /( \.'/111'.'

'111 ( .11/1111.] \1111/11

Dmnwo I Valaam Singers S1 1’.111|\ 1111\1'111111

A o 5.11-11


Tickets: or book online:

www. scotsfiddlefestival

76 THE LIST ' \

0131 473 2000

“\f‘ K "’I‘ jtfrifftitrzv-y ~

Trained in the Suzuki Method and picking up the

violin at the tender age of four, the Chicago-based Andrew Bird is a highly skilled multi-instrumentalist. Specialising in guitar, glockenspiel and whistling he produces a unique, captivating sound fusing folk and indie with everything from rock to zydeco.

(1.11111'111111. \1'.l}_‘.111‘. (..1\l11'11111,111 1\.‘ 1110111 111111 111131 11’11xx1.111111111.1|

I Dundee Fiddlers Rally ( '.11:11 11.111. (‘11) $1111.111'.111 18311-10111 “11111 {1: 1(1111 111 111 1<11111ll\111.111\.11111 1:111'\1 .1111\l\ 1111111 .1111111111 \1'1111.11111111111111111' 111 1111111111'.1111111|111'11111x11.1|1'\1'111


I Lisa Knapp and Maeve MacKinnon (111111-1111 11.111. l1.1\1 1’1111. 11118111113111: _' 11111111. (Ill. (1.11'111’ .11111 1'11;:|1\11 \1111f_‘\ 1111111 11111 1:11'.11 111'111111111'1x


I Chris Stout Quintet 1111111111111. 1.111 \\_111.l_11|".\(1j".1111111x111” 11315111. 1'1111111'1‘x111111111\\111.1118111111\11111\.1\.11111 11m \1111xll1' 111.1}1'1’ 1'1'.1\1'1 1'1111'111. ('.11111111.1 \1.11'K.1} 1111111'}\.1111111.1111.;1111.111\1

\1.111'111111$1111.1111111.1\\1\1 \1'11 11.111.11111.


.li Fiddle Workshop 1111- 1’11-.1\.1111'1- ('.1|1.111'l 11.11.1’11'.1\.1111'1'.(151l3111‘). 1 511111 {5, 111111111) 1’1'111111'x l1'.111\1111\ 111\11 11111111- “11111011111. I’m! 111 1/11 (HI/11113 \1111111 /1\11111/

r2. TMSA Singing Session 1011.11 (1.11. 111111'111.11_\ 811111. 55“ 21171. 1 (111111.1'1'1'1' 1'1.1111111111.1| 81'11111xl1 11111x11~ .11111 11111;: 1111111 1111' 11'.1111111111.1l \1ll\l1'1\ $11113; .\\\111‘1.1111111 111 511111.11111. /’1Hl11/1/11 (111/1111: .\1'1 1:111 /1\11111/

I Chris Stout Quintet (‘1111-1-11'x 11.111. (‘11‘1‘11 5111'1‘1.(1(1.\ 3111‘). 311111. 51‘1" S111 111. :1 Margaret Bennett, Ian Bruce 1111.1 S.1113_'\11'1\ '1'111' 1’11'.1\.1111‘1' (1111.111! 11.11.






Workshops Eskmills Open Stage

Catriona Macdanald and Annly'urg Lien, SWAP, Lau. Charlie McKcrran. Friba, Whistlebinkics

and many mar 1...

1’11‘.1\.1111 ‘1'. “<11 - \111111\11\1111;'1111111'11 /’1.1,' 31:1 (..111. \.'l (I'll: ll \.'./-14II

11" \11111 {\137111 \


I Sheena Wellington and Ewan Sutherland \1111111; ('1111111_\ R1191“ (11111. (l.111\1'\\.1'\111'.111 1(11.111. \1‘111. U1 \111.111\1 \\1'1|111::111111'.11111'\11111111' 1.111111} 11.1111111111 \11111111'1 11.111.111\.11111 x1111;_'\. .111’1111111.11111'11 11} 31111.11

Tuesday 13


I 1111‘ 1.111. (il.1\\111.11k1‘1. 335 DIV") 511111 ((1 \111x11 1111111 .11‘1'11111111111\1 \111111.111\1.11'1\.1} \1'1' 1111' (1

Wednesday 14


I Peter Rowan, James Yorkston .11111Blueflint1i1.11111()11'11111}. 1’.11\11'_\ 1111.111 11111. 13051011 a 11111111 L13 \1'1} 11111111|.11(11.1111111} .1\1..111l\1111111111'111111';'1.1\\ .111111'11111111'} .1111xl

I Michael Simons 1111.11 (1111.1. 1)1'.111\11111 1)11\1'.(1-1‘l “355 \[1111 13 \1'1' “1‘11 q


I Fribo 1'.1111111111§_'11 11111('11111.('.111.111'1 11.11‘. 1111' I’l1'.1\.1111'1'.11303-1.“ \11111 L" 1(111 51111111 \111111'131411 .111111x111 11111 \11111111'.111111111\111‘.11\.11111111'.;'1111.11.11111 1111'111111\111111|11111111'

I SMG Ceilidh Dance Class 11111111\111'1111’11111.11} \1'1111111. \111111111'111'1. 111'11111\111'111. 11" 51-13 "1:11 SL‘L‘ “1'11 -‘

Thursday 15 . Glasgow I Jez Lowe 8. The Bad Pennies \1

\11111’1'11'x 1111111'\'1111.111'. \1 \111111".1\ 81111.111'. *5‘15‘1113 \11111 :1” 101

‘111111 L

1-1111-1'1.1111111;_'111111x111111-11111111111'111111111-.1\1 1111:11g1.11111.\\11111111'.1|\.;1111.11.11111111: 111'11111.1111\.111111111111111' 11.1“


I Falkirk Folk Club Session 1.111.111. 111111 (11111. '1 111' 1’1111\11 (11111. \111111\111'1'1. 111 13-1 (11 110‘ \ 1011111 L: 1\11.11 1111111111.11111:111111 11111x11'.11111\11111_'

Glenrotnes I The Alexander Brothers 11111111~x 11.111» K111;.111111(‘1'111112111‘WI1111ll'l

‘1111111 :1. 1.11- \11~.;.1:.11\ 11.11.11!


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days betore publication to suzanne®list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black and Carol Main.

Thursday 1


I Florian Kitt and Rita Medjimorcc11l.:\1.~11x1 l 1111;11111 ('1111..'11 11.112 \\.':1.11' 111’ 1"".‘ 1'1 .111. 111'1' 1111'11'11: 111.1111x1111.'\1':11111"‘11\\\ \ \ 1'.. ()\1‘1'1111'-\/\.1"'.. /1.'..1 1111111'11K .1/ 1].. I Scottish Opera: ll Barbiere di Siviglia 111.1.1111- 111-1.11 ‘N‘ 111111.- \11.-.~1 11\ ‘1111111111111 ' ' 3‘11111 111 g\\ \11.:11.1111-.'11.".1. 1111111111111111111/1r1 H.111. 1 \. ., . 11111'111'1111\ \11 11111111.1\ \11.'11.11111\\1111.1 1.1\1111.111111111111'\ \111111xl11111'.',/111\.111'11 ('.11;.'1|1.111111111111111.111111111' 11111111.1\ (1111'111.111\1111111'1111.'11111'. \11111.1\11;'.1111\11'1'1'1111.11\.111.1 1.11 \1 1.11111111111' .11111;'1'111'1.1|1\ 1111:1111 1'11111\.11111'

I RSAMD Symphony Orchestra and Chorus 1\’\ \\111. 11111 l<.-1111.-11. \111'1'1. 11.1 *‘l‘ '11111111 911119111 ('11111111111'1111\ ( 1111\11111111'1 \111'1. 11.1111 11.1\1'1(111111111111111111'11.1\\111111.1111\ [11111'1.11111111'\\1111111111111'l).'1111\\\\ \111111/111x.\\1'111'1\l1'..'11.1.11; ( .11,-..1'.1;1 I .11111 11.11111111\ ( 111:1. 17.1 1.1/ ()1. 1:. \‘/..


\I .11111

‘1‘“ 111.1


1111111 1'\\11111\ .1\.:11.1111.'1

1.1111111111\ \1111‘1112'. 2'11'.11


I Recital by the Danish Cultural Institute \1(11111\'('.11l111111.11 11111.1: \1111'. 03111111”; *11111 111-1' \11'111.1|11\ 1111' I).1111\11 1111111111\1\1111:'111 |1'11x ('1111\11.111\\.111111.11'11111, 11'~1111'1 111111. 11111111111111-x111111\1 1111111' 11.1111\11 \.1111111.11 \1111111111111 (111111‘\11.1. .11111 1.11.1111 11111'111/1'11.111;'.1111\1.111111.1111111.11111.' (11111111111 111111111'11. (‘11111'111111'1'11 1111' 1111111111 [11'11111111\1.111l.\11\'.11 111/1'1. (1.1111' .11111(11211111.1111

I Grieg 100: Borrowed and Blue ()111'1'11\ 11.111. Y' .\‘l ( '11'111. \111'1'1 l1!1\ 3111‘1 311111 117111111 \11\111.111\ (‘11.1111111'1.11111 11111111.:\ \1111111'11111'11111111 11'11111'11(1111'_L'11.1;'1111'111\.11111 1111111'11111111.11§ 1.1//.111111'111\1111.1x1'111'x 1111111111'11\ 1111111111'111111.11111:'1111' 11'1111'll.11}1|11111‘111'.1111111111‘..1111(11|1‘t' I Hans Ga’l Anniversary Concert \1111'111111111L'1'1’.111\11( 11111111. \.1\1' ( 11111111' \111-1~1.11.‘111.‘..‘. 2.1.‘111111‘1 1111' 111\1111;'111\111'11 \11'11111'x1' 1111111111x1'1. \1.1111111'1.11111'.1111111\111111/1'11.11111 11'111111'11.11 1111111111151111 1111.1'1x11j..1\ 11'11'111.111'11 :11}t'.11\.1111'1 111‘~ 11121111 1111' 111x1'1111111' 11.111\ ( 1.11. 1111111‘ll\1111' 111 111.11111.11.111111'1.11111 '.111|111, 111'11111111111 \111111.111111gx1111'1111'11'xl11 \11111111.11111.11111 K11.1111.111111.111

Pmsu, I Lunchtime Recitals 12111111 \11111--. .\11111'} 1’1.111'. \h‘l "(1‘1 1: 511111 111-1' 1.1\11'11111111-11111111.11111'\111111'111\.111111' 1<\ \\11).'.1.111111111\11 1111111111111'11'111 111'111111111'1x 111-1111.1} 1111111 \1111'1'1\ .1111i 1111' 1111.1x11111.11 111x12111111'111.111\l \1'1' \k1'1M111‘ 1111 11111 111'1.111\


I Brodsky Quartet Rx \\111 11111 1(1'11111'11. \111'1'1. 1*: ‘15“ 111111 2." 1:51 1111' 11111111..111\1' \11111: 1111.1111'1 111'11111111» 11111x11 11}. \.1111111'1 11.11111'1.11111\1.1111111' 1<.1‘-1'1



3:3 The Da Vinci Piano Trio 111111111111 '1111'.1111'.1..111}'11.1'11\\.1:..\111w1'111111311. “(1.; 2:111 11111111 L111L111'1111' 111111.111}. .1111.11111_'11 '.111l111.11'1l11.11111 111.11111111111‘1'11111111111111.111} \111/.:1' 1<.:‘. .11111 \1111111'11

I Soundings 07/081<.11.1( .~1: