Discover Ibiza's other side PAGE 96
Bella believe it
An Italian restaurant like you get in Italy? You've got to be kidding
BELLA MBRIANA 7-11 East London Street, 0131 558 9581
Open Tue-Sun. lunch and dinner
Average price foritwo courses S218
birthday to River C ity
Tips to help ou reinvent he fashion
here are. prml‘alilv tmm in.in_\ lI.tll.tlt It‘\l.ttll.tlll~~
at'mtlntl. l)mn‘t lalxe llll\ llte \\.imii;' \\a_\ ll.tll.tll
euisine antl. perhaps inmie llllptlll.tllll_\. the Italian altilutle lm lmmtl. Imus tm nm mne mn earth \el a Inmnth hartll} passes \\lIllHllI the appeaianee ml .inmlhei neu Italian in (iI;t\f_‘H\\ antl l'tlllll‘lllfjll. I’Ienm .niixe \\Illl L‘llllllhlthlll. a lexx \xith pimrnm‘. hut \\hat tmm in.ni_\ entl up mllerinj: is pretlietahle .llltl petlesti ian
Ilere\ a test. It _\mn‘\e been lm Ital}. ainl eaten \wll there titis hartl nmt tm emine l‘ilkl\ llhllllt'tl lll \mrne \\.l_‘. i. \\h} is II that _\mtn lirxt meal haek lll an ll.tll.lll lt‘\|l.tlll here is \m tlixappmintine"
'I‘here are ltmnmtlraltle e\ee|\limn\, \mine \ lll( .ille. ('enlmtt'e. /;ilt/t‘t‘m ha\ e a \l_\ll\ll. \l‘I‘llI\II\.IIK'tl. lltll'lllL‘l'll lltlllttll \t‘l\t'. ,\ IL‘\‘» HI lllk' HIil \t‘ltinil .llt‘ \tantlartl hearers ml a nmhler eta.
Hut llm\\ tlt)\\ll at the lmmt ml Ilimnehtmn \tieet lll litlinhnrgh. \xhere the Suntlial Ianntleiette and the lleelingl) iemnie l.m\t Smek l)inei mnee hung' mnt. there's anmther neu Italian restaurant. It I\ mne tm nmtiee.
'I‘he name Bella \lliriana is a \eapmlitan phrase meaning: \mtll ml
lllL‘ hmuse'. \iee \entiinent. il a hit ml a struggle lm prmnmnnee. It aetuall} ltltll\\ quite Italian. nmt \xith A (‘hianti hmttlex and pictures ' ml the .v\//nrri hut lan\ \tmne \xalls. \t_\|i\h ll:_'lll\ll;ltlL‘\ and parish leather seating in the haxenienl har. 'l'he linglish \piiken It} inneh ml the \\.tlllllj.‘ stall l\ mn a par \xith the l'.l]f__‘ll\ll \pmken l\_\ \xaitine stall Ill M'lll a\erag_'e restaurant in Naples.
'l‘he menu is \l‘imrt. 'lhis l\ a gmmtl stun. .\nmthei emmtl sign I\ what it thlL‘\ll.l emntain: Clltllt'\\ \.tll;tl|ttll\ ml [ti/m. pasta Llllkl lmniatm \auee. Ihe tll\llk'\ are a tlail_\ \eleetimn \xith their mun integritx antl itlentit}. .\\ a starter. L‘lilllh antl lllll\\L‘l\ are emmketl \Kllll mlixe mil. garlic. ehilIi. \xhite \xine. parsle} and a lev. their} IHltlttIHL'\. It the elainx antl lllll\\t'l\ aren't llL'\Il ainl lull ml lla\mnr. the kll\ll inst \xmultln't \xmrk. .\ inain \Hlll leinmn \mle C(ltlhk'tl in mli\e mil with a tli1\ll ml (irappa. \L‘H L‘tl \\illt :Jl'lllL‘tl lennel alttl I'H;t\letl lillle lmlttalmex \\III ha\e _\mn nanny lmr hreatl tm nimp up the Il.t\t)tll\. l.lI\L' _\mtl tlm in Ital}.
'l‘he ithpit'alimt lmt‘ ehel I{m\at‘lm Hat‘lmt'e. [il'L'\ltlll\I} prmprietmr at La l’artenmpe mn l)alr_\ Rmatl. l\ the rustle. regimnal emmlxing ml \HlllllL‘l'll Ital}. but IteK nmt hehmltlen mnl} tm his hminelantl. Ile say that the dishes are lighter here than at I.a l’artenmpe. prineipall} lWeeathe the qualit} and lreshness ml what's mailahle Imeall} l\ \m niueh imprmxetl reeentl). He then e\lmI\ the \ it‘ttte\ nmt ml \Hlllc three-neek hung Aberdeen Angus. hut the inith Ul‘thtlllL' \alatl lea\e\ lrmni l’hantasxie in Izaxl I.mthian. 'Ihat's prmper Italian attitntle.