As well as customising vintage garments and making pieces from scratch. Lisa Carr. pictured below, stocks clothes and accessories by local and international designers

Something old, something new

Anne McMeekin visits Raw Vintage in Glasgow where the owners specialise in reinventing the past

hrouing otit old elothes ean

he an emotional task and

parting \\ith that ripped pair ol' jeans )titi \xore e\er_\ da_\ \xhen )ou \\ ere l‘l ean he hard. htit \\ ith a little imagination and some ereatn e \titehing. rips. tears and pinehing \xaixtlinex need no longer spell the end l‘lll‘ _\our l'a\ourite L'ltillle\.

.-\t Ran Vintage. (ilaxgou '\ premiere loeation tor \ intage shopping \tltllll ol‘ the (lule. \intage L'lollte\ are tailor made to _\ou. keeping their unique eharm \\ ithout heing long in the \lee\ e.

'lt all started when l \\;t\ at unif \Ll}\ l.i\a (Kiri; tounder ol~ Ree} ele

and Wear elothing and o\\lter ot‘

Ra“ Vintage. ‘.\l} triendx notieed that I designed and made m_\ o\\n elothes and \xould ask me to pla} around \\ith some oil their elothex too.‘

So \he got the idea ol‘ hringing some \ intage st) le to the southxide: "l'here “as just nothing here helore. l’eople \\ ere led up tt'ooping o\ er to the \Vext lind and \traight aua} etrstomerx started eoming in to hum se. Initiall} the} new eurioux

94 THE LIST 5v:

\Uttlll\ltlL‘t'\ passing h_\ htit tio\\ people are \ ixiting lrom all o\er.'

It‘s not just the elothes that are I'L‘t'}L'lL‘tl llL‘l‘L‘ L‘llllL‘l' lllL‘ \lltill interior “as kitted otit h_\ l.i\a\ hushand and dad. \xho eonstrueted its main liame lrotn old \eall‘olding hoards reelaimed l'rom \al\age }tll'tl\. \\hi|e items are displa}ed on antique l'urnittire.

lhe \tore \toekx \inlage gear \otireed l't'om all ox er the world inelttding suppliers l‘rom Mal} and .-\meriea. hut the shopping e\perienee in no \\;t_\ ends there.


"\Ve \\ant to eneourage people to look at \\ hat the_\'\e got and re\amp it] e\plain\ (’arr. ‘htit \\ e tll\ti alter items in store We all knotx ho\\ hard it ean he \otnetinies to tit into \intage dresses so \xe‘re here to help otit there too. lzxen it the pieee doe\ lll. \otliellltie\ )titt \xant it in a shorter length or \xith a tlll-liL'l'L‘lll \lL‘t'\ e. ll.\ l‘L‘L'll ti l‘ettll} popular \er\iee and it‘s heen great to see euxtomers i‘eall_\ thinking ahotit what the} want and eoming tip \\ ith their o\\ n ideasf

.4\long\ide this. eustomerx eati also request items made lrom \erateh. perhaps lolloxting the dexign til tt drew in store litlt \kllll dillerent lahrie. eoxting ainxxliere hemeen {"5 and {Still uhile etl\ltillll\ll a garment starts troni as little as Elli.

'l‘he \ltil'e tthi \ltiL‘k\ elothes eolleetionx ll’tilll loeal (il;t\go\\ designers. as xx ell as prints. lrames. retro eoasters and ex en hagx tnade l'rom Sllx tea towels. 'Supporting loeal talent is reall_\ important to us.‘ \a_\\ (‘artz '\\hen I returned l'i'om \xorktng in .\lanehe\ter l

totiltln't helie\e ho\\ iinieh the em \‘.tt\lll!!\1tlf_‘ \\ the tonipanx grov.» \\ e hope to \onite .tntl \ttl‘i‘t‘tt more new tl\'\l}'llt‘l\ liom aionntl ( iltisgoxx'

lint \intage elothine l\ ( .tit\ [‘.t\\lt'll antl \he\ keeti to help tnxtoineix n.t\i_:'.ite their \‘..'._\ through \that tan he a nnnetieltl or ill liltin}: tliesses and tteln |lill|l\‘!\

‘\ intage t lollies ean he ll.ll\l to \‘.eai.' \he sin '\\e \i..tnt people to leel tonitoitahle in their elolliex .sntl hopelull_\ through the alteration .tll\l etl\lt‘llll\.tlltill \et\tee that's \‘ \\\'.lt‘\llllllt'.

llll\ ethos eaitiex lllltillt‘ll to the stores more intimate e\ent\ \tith as Ill \loie t‘lollie\ [‘.tlllt‘\ (luxtoinetx are allou ed their lllll ol the \hop antl \\llll a glass ot \\ine Ill hantl. tan iii on elothex .tntl ieeene \l_\le athite ltotii the l\’.t\\ \ intage e\peit\

‘l’eople .ue \t‘t'lll}‘ \iiit.t;'e stile elothes on the eatualk and oti eelehriiiex and the} want to \\t'.tl something similar." (art e\pl.nns 'llnl l tlitiik ultiinatel} people are ttl\o ted tip hu_\ing thexe elotlies lroni hiin street \lott'\ then \L't‘lllt' teti other people \xeaiing the same item. I he_\ \xanl to hti_\ one oils and thatk something _\on ean't get on the high \tieel.'

\ nntnhei ol

lt't't'lll t‘ttl\\ .tlk

\houx ha\e heen lll\[lllt'tl h_\