Name Kevrrt lvlacdonaid
Born 28 October 196/, Glasgow. Scotland.
Background Cellulotd runs ltke hl00d through Macdonaat's vertis. He's the grandson of legendary ‘.'-/t’tterftltrector tinterrc Presshuruet and yout‘grer or rther‘ of li'a/rtspottrr 2;; producer At t( tree. tvtacdortaid. After a stlr‘t worktng for Faber tn theu' ltllt‘: departrttertt. he wrote a hook about his grandfather and. \txtth Marc Cousins. he helped her: the othle on (l()()lll‘lE}ltlZ:tl“,’ tittrtrnakrng catied Irrragrrrr/to flea/rte. t lts ttrtttresstve array of credrts as a (l()(;rttt‘.(}lttét!") flirttmaKet' includes félrtts; or: Presshuroer. Chaplin George Rickey. Ho‘s/21rd l lav." s {:7‘.(l Donald Cétt“ttt(?ll_ then czttrre the excellent titre Day it: Serrte'rrrge' about the 19/? Mta‘rtll‘. Olgnantc hostage srtuattot‘. and annual wtttrttrttr tt‘rourttaztteerttto docut'lrantz‘: lectsrturd l/te [rt/*1). What’s he up to now? l lama estahltshed himself along stde Ntck Broomttetd at the apex cl Brrttsh (loottnteu‘an, itlnrutaktrtd, Macdonald has shot-tn he can (ll) test as gooo a tot) at lt‘tt‘rlx’tt‘tt; fictional features, adaptor; (Lies; Foden‘s the l as.‘ Kurt; cf f)‘:.‘r>:/:r';.zt' for the htg screen. Starrtvtgt l'erc-st Whttaker and \Jarttes Mc/‘Woy, the ttlnt uses a r’tcttonat Scot rsh doctor to recount the t'rorst excesses and the charismatic allure of the :ttfantous Ugandan (ltclator ldt Anttn.
What he says about adapting the book to screen 'Wlten thes sat'r rt. l was yen, nervous because there were only two or three scenes that '.'./(:'."t’? the same as the hookfl lte character of Garrtgart {Me/\voy} tn the hook ts very passtve and \.'.'e dtu’n". feel we could rttatntain audtence rttterest tn that type of character: We also wanted to do hack :n tune to show the l’OEllll‘y of Artttn's us 3 to power. the Bt'tttsh support of hurt and that he ‘.".’€ti~1 tncredthle popular. Vt’lrer‘. Grles cartte out of the ttlrn he same "the narratwe rs very different but you Kent all of the themes and tn a way tt ts We a great lltt;_)r()\/l£;all()ll on my t)oo't<".' Interesting Fact tvtacdortatd ttrst read The Last King; of Scotland tn rnartuscrtot ‘ov'rt't whtlst worktrtg at Faber.
I The Last Krng of Scotland is on genera/ release front Fri 12 Jan. See feature and rel/tow.
50 THE LIST -'-
Polar Express 30 It :00 tltulwert /ettreel\r\.l S. .Tllll-l Vote-ex. lorrt llarrkx. l.e~|:c /ettteel.r\. ‘l‘lrrtrtr ("hrrxttttasg tale hawtl on (‘Itrtx ltrrrrIm/r \att \llxhere'x rather more t lt.tllltlllf_‘ ‘3 page ehtltltett'x hook. artd tendered ertltrel} trt \llllllllllf.‘ h:_-_'h leeh atttrttattort lllll\ tttrte t'neu tlte il) lteatrrterttt tltat reserrrhlex a It’trt/ru lllllr \ emet‘ ettea l‘lhs. hut tt‘x a teellr torture rtde, /,\/.l.\' [I’lllrl/l,(II/lll\1"('ll.
* A Prairie Home Companion tl’t it C... IRohert \Ittrtart. l8. Itlllttr \Vood} ll;lll't‘l\ltll. lttltilll} l \‘t' .lIrlltN. Sll't‘t‘l‘. (tattlle Ketllor'. lll5ntut. See pre\ tt‘\\. p;r§_'e -l| and re\ tett. page J ‘. .\. It I r. 1/ I'('/( rm, Psycho I ISI 0.... t _v\llred lltteheoek.
l \. I‘lttllt .\ltlltttlt_\ l’k‘llxllh. .lanet§_'h. \era \lllt'\. .lolttt ( t.r\ tn. \lat'trn ltalxarrt. .lolttt \lelrtttre. lll‘ltttut. llrteh'x tttrxoetnrxtre lt‘t.l\l\‘l'ltlt‘\\‘ ha\ a tonne \eet'etat} lake oll to htt kw tlle \\ ttlt a haylul ol lter hm§ rt.otte_\ l trlotlrtttateh lor her. \he ehooxw to put up at the Itatm' \lt.te|. lllll h_\ tltal tttee \uttrtau ltd} lhe rtortre dtaloeue ‘.\lol|ret'\ not aurte hersell toda} ' I make it a to) to
part h an}. trrtre around \\e lrked It. didn‘t
tte ttrolher trtother ’ l’at't ol llttrrelm
(lt‘ltlt‘ll \t .:\Itlt lr.’rt;lttur\t, ltlr/r/rrn e/r.
The Pursuit of Happyness r l.‘ \t
C. It iahttele \lueertto‘l S. Illtlttt \\ lll \ntttlt. lltattdte .\e\\tott. .ladett Srtttth. llwllllil, See te\ re\\. page -l_‘.. (it m m/
It it It‘\(.
* Regular Lovers (Les Amants Reguliers) I 15"... Il’htltppe
(tallt'l l'l.lll\'t‘. :llllSl l \‘lll\ (l.lllCl. (‘llllllklk'
ll\‘\lt‘tt‘. lulterr lueax. litre lx’ulltat. l.\-ltrtttt. \lrrt lt aeelatttterl ltut oxerloolxed In the l‘l\'.
(latte! duet tx ltl\ sort. | our\. tn e‘xper tent are the etttoltortal uphea\.t|\ ol
l\'\IlltlllItlt.tl_‘. l'rarree and lallrnf.) tn |o\e \hot trt tee. detttrtlton tttottothrortte. .t \ertex el e\eharr;'e\. \ l\ll.ll atrd oeeaworrall) \ethal. \.l|‘llll\‘ tlte etttotrottal Iteelall ol the era ttt .. dentarrdtue preee ol \totk that r\ ‘t‘.r‘llll \t‘t'l’xlllg' Illll lh’nWfirHt /l/HI l/It It't'lr.
(I-It. \ .‘I rt;
BBC 4 World Cinema Award
The Rocket Postt l.‘.‘\l O.
IStephetr \Vhtttaker. l‘K. 2”th l‘lrreh l'hotttxen. Shauna .\lael)otta|d. (tar) l.e\\ l\. Kex ttt .\lel\'tdd. ll.\'rtrtrt, Baxed on a true \tor'} trt \xhreh art rtttrteutn; (iertrtart \t‘lt'ltlhl htrehtertx up the terrtote llehr‘rdearr l\l.llt\l ol \ear'p h} H} are to extahhxh a roeket lurxldl
\} stern. \\llll ttrr\ed l't’JL'llth lrotrt the Ioealx I’la} my more ltke a Srtrtda} e\ettttt;_' ‘l'\‘ drama. the lahortred tdeoloe} leadx to a ll\ll\l} merhlottn endure, (’tr/rrur. [Jr/[Ill’ll/“J/l. The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause I l l O I.\ltehael l.etrrheel\. [8". Snow ltlll .'\llt‘ll. .\larttn Short. lilt/aheth .\lttehell. ‘llrrtrrt. ()nee rrrore rttto the hr‘eaeh xtepx Santa lx\llt'lll lltlx rtttte hatthrte \\ rllr art o\el‘llo\\ tn}: lanttl_\ attd .laek l‘roxl IShor't l. l)o ehrldr'en hottextl} like thrx lr'arrehtxed \hrxh .’ (it Ht'l'tl/ It]! UH.
Santa vs The Snowman 30 d’( it I\'arrou\. l'S. .‘lltllt L‘rttrrr. l,\l;\.\ hr}; \ereetr pr'exerrlatrort telling the \lor} ol a lItltCl} \rtottntan \tho'x \uept ;r\\;r} h} tlte rrraereal \Htlttlt‘h ol Sarrla'x \ rllaee. Ill.l.\ l/Ir (ll/t. (;/(l\'\‘(lll.
School of the Holy Beastt lst I_\'or'tlutrtt Srr/trkr. .lapan. l‘)"-l t Yurtrr 'l'alaeaua. ltrtttko \atrtarttehr, ‘Hntttr l‘l"l .lapattew lllllt haxed rrt a eometrt artd
lll\Ill\ ltth r'epr'exxed \e\ual dexrtex. .\ _\otrrt_:_' \\ontan etrtet'x a eoment to tnxextrgate tlte rrt_\ \lel'lottx death ol her rrtother‘. old} to dtxem er a \tltItl';;l\l\ttltl ol' \ tee. l)e\er'thed ax \ rxuall} heautrlttl. lhrs llllll l\ tr'ttl_\ e\ee\\t\ e. l’art ot \Vrld .lapatt: ()ut|a\\ .\l.t\lel'\ ol .lap;tlte\e l'llltt \L‘;t\olt. (i/rlxg'u‘a Ill/ll //1( MIN. (ll/(Hewitt
The Sentinel | 12.x... t(‘lark .lohtrxort.l S. llltlttt .\ltehael Douglax. Ktelet Sutherland. l:\a l.ott3_'ot'ra. Kurt ltaxrneer‘ lllhtttttt. l)ul| artd rather aelrottlexx lltek \tat'trrte \ltehael l)ott_‘_'l;t\ ax a ['8 Seetet Sert tee agent \\ lllt a herote paxl. \\ ho no“ head\ the lust lad} \ delarl. (ir'aduaH) lte r\ dragged rttto a \erre~ ol stranger and \lratteer eorhprr'aetex \tu lat/rn/rru'e/r
()t ( trrt. [tr/rIr/rrrr'e/r.
The Seventh Seal Il’( it Ilngnrar lier'grrtarr. Sneden. WSW .\la\ \‘on S)do\\. (iunrtar' ltror‘rtxtt'and. Btht .r\nder\\on ‘lllrrttrr. Ktrrght \‘on Syltm t'etut'th lr'orrt the (’r'uxadex to the hrrrtal lrol't'orx ol trtedre\al Sueden. arid pla} \ the“ \\ ttlt l)eath ax the plague rages around htrrt. l’o\\erlul rttoralrt} tale. \\llll a prolouttd \t‘lht‘ ol hrxtor'real eruelt}. \\lll\'ll \\;l\ orte ol the dtreetot '\ lttegaext earl} \ueeexxex. l’ar't ol lntrodtrelrort to litrr‘opean (inertia. lr/rrr/rurru'. lat/IIr/tru‘e/r.
The Shaggy Dog Ht .0 tltrtart Rohhtrtx. l'S. lellttr llllt .-\l|ert. KtNrrt l)a\r\. l)arttt_\ (ilot er. Roher't Donne} .lr. ‘lbrrrrrt. l).v\ l)a\e Douglax I.-\llertl eelx htttert h} one ol era/t l)t Ko/ak'x Il)o\\rte} .ll'l lah does. ortl} to llll'lt rttto a \heepdog hrnrxell. \\ r‘rtten h} the ltt;tl’lelt;lll_\ talented hu~hartd arid \\ rle duo \larrantte atrd (’ortrtae \VrhherlQ I.\'m'rurru/ lr't'mm't . / X/tt t llll\ l\ drxettutg: )et lor'trrulate and unr‘entarkahle lartttl} late \tn lt/lll/WHL’I] ()t 1 (III. ltt/r/r/trt/ e/r
Shoot First I l5t l. \at roux _‘.llt lot '75nrtrt. lithrthrtreh‘x tttottthl} \hort lrlrtt \lot atrrted at urteatthrne next talent eelehratex rlx ltrxl lttt’lhda). l'.lll;lll \lttttrtltt'\t(~'t lrlrtthttuxeettretttatrtttt lot trtot'e rrrlorrttatron. II/III/Irtrru‘. /.r/ur/rm'e/r. Shortbus l lh‘t O... I.lohn ('artrerott \lttehell. [8. Zoom Raphael Barker. l,llltl\k"\ Bearrtrxh. .ltl\lllt Bond. llllnttrt, \ low letter to \L'“ York. lltl\ \tItt'} Ul llllL'L' l't‘lgtltrtlhltlpx tone ltt‘gllh. one lrrttshex attd orte rx r'etrettedt l\ ht'oueht to ltle h_\ the eporr} lltrtlh .VrtnI/rrrx a salon ol \ |\ td. \enxual e\plot'attott attd totem. lteelor'tn L'\[‘\‘l'llllt'lllullttll. l'eature\ e\plrert. lllhllltlllalt'tl \e\, (i/rrteutt Ir/nr l/Ir um. (r/tnerrtt,
Smokin’ Aces t IM 0. I.loe ('arrrahatr. l'K'l-rarteed S. _‘ll(t(tt ,ler'ent} l’r\en. Bert .v\llleel\. .l.’l\trlt Haterrtarr. lth llllllt See re\ re“. page -l i. (it [It ml n It rm [mm It! l.‘ .Illll.
Yeah we know awards are like piles and everyone gets one eventually, but some awards are worth welcoming if only because they give you a second chance to see the finest films released last year. The six films shortlisted for the 2006 World Cinema Award will receive one off showings before the winner is announced live on BBC4 on Thu 25 January. The films are Volver, Hidden, The Death of Mr Lazarescu, The Beat That My Heart Skipped, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance and The Child. Six of the best indeed. I i ammo, [rr'r'lt.‘).,'r.": fur/rt / /'r 5) Wed /(l\/(1/t.