('onxidcrcd quitc a gripping thrillcr ill it.x da). .\lallc‘x lirxt dramatic l'caturc hingcx on a pcrl'cct crimc oi tnurdcr that docx not go according to plan. 'l‘hc cool noir clcmcntx arc \till CilCL‘liVC. lltc .\lilcx l)u\ ix .xcorc .xtill \L‘l\ it dccadcnt tonc. and .\lorcau ix xtill glowing on xcrcctt. Part of Introduction to liuropcan (‘incma I-‘i/m/mtmz l'fili/ilmrqli. Little Children l l5) C... l’llttltl i'iiL'ld. LS. 3006i Kztlc \Vilislcl. Patrick \Vilxon. Jcnnil'cr (’onncll). I2llmin. In thc hig xcrccn adaptation of Tom l’crrotta'x
no\ cl. an unxatixlicd couplc comc togcthcr in ati olhct'worldl} xuhurhan communit}. 'l‘hc unwantcd prcxcncc of a xuxpcctcd .xcx ollcndcr and thc tixc of an untixual third pcrxon narrator add to thc 'lii‘i/ig/Il Zunv lch in thix xupcrh adaptation that ix only lct
tit)“ n by too much c\poxition. (Mm/1 AI 'I‘ln' Quur. (i/mgmi .‘ ()(It'ltlt l'iirl Kimtttml. Ifilinlnu-q/t.
LoudOUlETLoud: A Film About the Pixies l 15) .0. tStc\ cti (‘anlotz .\latthc\\ (ialkin. l'S. Zoom 87min. A look at thc inl'lucntial hand and thcir rcturn to li\ c pcrl'ormancc ai'tcr an t l-)cat‘ quict pcriod. (i/uwmi' I'l/m ]./l('(lll‘(’. (i/uwmr.
Magic Pudding l t' l 0.0 l Karl
7.“ ick}. Attxtralia. Illtll l \‘oiccx oi John ('lcxxc. (icot'l'rc) Rtixh. Sam \cill. '78min. l.i\c|_\' animach \crxion of Norman
l.itidxa) 'x popular childrcu’x hook xccx Alhcrt thc xucct and \il\‘0lll’}'. hut largcl} cantankcroux pudding coming to hlou x \\ itli thc Pudding ’l'himcx. (i/uigmr I’ilm 'I‘limm'. (i/uyumi;
Masjavlart 15).. (Maria Blunt. S“ cdctt. 200-1) Soiic llcltn. Kit‘ixtl l‘it'tht. Ann l’ctrcn. 98min. Scc Alxo Rclcaxcd. pagc 43. l'ilm/muu'. I'ft/t'ii/mrgli.
The Matrix t 15) 0.... t'l‘hc \Vachouxki lirothcrx. l'S/Auxtralia. I‘J‘Nl Kcanu Rcc\ cx. l.aurcncc l‘ixhhurn. ('arric- Annc .\loxx. Homin. Ahxolutcl} gohxmacking xcicncc lictiou thrillcr hoaxting ctittitig cdgc xpccial cl't'cclx. rocking action xcqucnccx. a xmart xtot'} atid an immcnxcl} cntcrtaining cartoon xcnxihilit} llhc lilni \\ ax xtor)hoardcd h} comic artixt (icoil l)arro\x l. in thc i'uturc da) -lo-da} lil‘c ix mcrcl} a xcam. a matri\ camoullagitig rcalit} a poxt-apocal}ptic nightmarc \xorld in \\ hich humankind arc a poucr xourcc lot' dominccring xupcr- cotnptitct'x. ()nl} Rccicx‘ c) hcr hcro. .\'co. and a gang oi hackcr piratcx xtand hcmccn thc c\ it lcclinolog} and thcir racc'x c\tinction. (TIM’H'UI'It! Iz'tlt'Ii/iur'c'li. lit/inlmrg/i.
Le Million ll‘l O... tchc ('lair. l"rancc. l‘til l Annahclla. chc l.cl'c\ rc. Jcan-l.ouix Allihcrt. 80min. 'l‘hingx arc looking had for .\lichcl tl.clc\ rcl. a l’arixian artixt \\ ho ix \xantcd h) crcditorx and hix lianccc t.v\nnahcllai on uhom hc ix chcating. Winning thc Dutch loltcr} ix thc anxucr to hix prohlcmx hut thc lickcl xccmx to ha\ c gonc axlra}. I)clighttull_\ crcak} i‘arcc haxcd on (icorgcx licrr'x popular lhcatrc comcd}. Iz'i/rIt/mrg/i l'i/m (iui/tl. Ift/iit/mrg/i.
Miss Potteril’tii O. [(‘hrlx .\'oonan. l'tx/t'S. Ztllloi Rcucc ZcIlucgcr. limit) \\'atxoii. lixxan .\lc(ircgot'. 02min. Scc rcx iL'\\. pagc 424 (it'ltt'l‘u/ I'(’/('(l.\¢'.
Nanny McPhee l t “i O. tKirk loncx. t'lx'. 2005i limma 'l‘hompxon. ('olin l'irth. Kcll) Macdonald. ('clia lmric. Atigcla l.anxhur_\. 07min. 'l‘hc rcccntl) hcrcm cd (‘cdric liroun t(‘olin l’irthi hax \ia} too man) kitlx and no \\ il‘c. .Al‘tCt' ltix llit’L‘tl hclp rcxignx. hc lindx \ann} .\lcl’hcc t'l‘hompxon l. a \xart-t'iddcn. xinglc -toothcd harridan u ho hax a rcmarkahl} calming allch on hix \\ ild childrcn. hut hix trouhlcx arc iuxt hcginniug hccauxc no“ lic hax to lind a ncxx \\ itc liciorc xnohh} Aunt Adclaidc tl.anxhur) l cutx oll' hix linancial lilclitlc. lltitlgc-potlgc lttlc‘ oi [it‘i\ ilcgcd rc\clr'\. clichc atid antiquatcd moralil} that pla} x likc a \H‘ctchcd pro-childbirth [\\)c‘llt‘tlt‘lic‘ larcc lttlllc. SAC/(THY! I't'lt'tlH'.
* Nashville l is: 0000. l Rohcrt Altman. l’S. l‘)75l Nc'tl licatt}. Karcn Black. Kcith ('arradiuc. lotinin. Altmati'x \xontlcrl'ul tapcxtr} about thc li\cx atid longingx oi 24 protagonixlx ix morc than a cotlntr) mtixic cpic; it ix an c\hilarating c\pcrimcnt in l'rccl’orm lilmmaking. aidcd h} xupcrlatn c pcrl'ormanccx and an undcrralcd xoundtrack. l’art oi ( ionc lint
.\'ol l‘orgottcn .xcaxon. Film/mun: lz’tit'nlmrg/i.
Night at the Museum ll’( it .0. tShaun l.c\'_\'. [8. Zoom Iicn Stillcr. (‘arla (iugitto. Robin Williamx. lllh'min. llroad. imaginatix c and actuall) qttitc l'un adicnturc comcd} about a humbling xccurit} guard (Stillcr plux a /an} xupporting caxtl \\ ho lctx looxc an ancicnt curxc at a Natural llixtot'} .\luxcum. \xhich allmxx thc cxhihitx to comc to lit-c. (it'm'ru/ I'('/(’(I.\(’. Oliver “Mist l Hit .00 l’olanxki. Britaitt/(‘xcch chuhlic/t‘rancc/ltal). letlSi liarnc} ('lark. licn Kingxlc). Jamic liorcman. llarr} lidcn. l.cannc Rowc. lRtlmin. In hix \crxion ol' l)ickcnx' claxxic. l’olanxki cxchc“ x thc grim (iolhic look and tonc of thc l.can liltti and Ctllplltl\i\c\ tllL‘ linhll t'L‘tlliliL‘x oi \Ntit‘king- claxx lil'c iti thc l‘)th ccntur} hig xmokc uhilc c\amining thc unl'orgn ing nattu'c oi a L‘lztxx-tltilllillulcd Victorian xocicl}. ax liltcl'ctl through ()li\cr'x lraxailx. But who carcx‘.’ l)o rcall} nccd an} morc \crxionx ol' thix xtot'}‘.’ (i/uxguu' I’ll/II I'lmtm'. (i/munu. Open Season ll’(il O. (Rogcl' Allcrx. Jill ('ulton. Anthon} Staccht. l’S. llltlhl \‘oicLN oi .\l;tt'lill l.;t\\ I'Cllc‘c. .'\\lllltll Ktitchcr. l)chra .\lcxxittg. Homin. Ulllllh gri/ll} hcar Boog (\oiccd h} l.a\\ rcnccl takcx on a tiaxt) group ol' human prcdatorx during thc opcn litmting xcaxon \\ ith thc hpr of lilliot (Kulchcrl. a laxt-talking mulc dccr. l’rcdictahlc. hland. clichc riddcn and ox ct'xu ccl animation that juxt about paxxcx muxtcr ax a xol't-hraincd tamil} llick. (TIN’H'UI'lt/ l’urk/u'ml. (iluxumi.
The Page Turner (La Tourneuse de Pages) t l5» 0... ll)L'lti.\ l)crcourl. l‘rancc. Zoom (‘atlict'ittc l‘rot. l)cliot'zili l-‘rancoix. l’axcal (ircgor). 84min. A thrillcr wt in lllC l‘;ll'L‘licd \\ot'ltl oi L‘ltlxxicul tlllhic‘. Al‘tcr .\lclanic'x ll'ltlllc‘oixl c‘lliltlltootl audition ix tlmartcd h} lamoux pianixt Arianc tl‘rot l. xhc xcckx pa} hack in thix clc\'crl_\ undcrxtatcd rc\ cngc drama lrom lircnch \\ ritcr-dircctor l)crcourt. \thu lhc
\ iolcncc comcx. it'x all thc tnorc mcmorahlc tor thc lack ol' hloodxhcd. (imu'u. Int/inlmruli.
Pan’s Labyrinth l Hi 00..
t( itiillcrmo l)cl 'loro. .\lc\ico/Spain/t '8. Zoom l\atia liaqttcro. l)oug Joncx. Scrgi l.opc/. llUmin. ln thc cloxing xtagcx ol~ Spain‘x ('iVil War )otuig ()t‘clia dixco\ crx a xuhlcrrancan uorld populatcd h} lair}ta|c crcaturcx. Ax xhc na\ igatcx taxkx ltt thc l.u/i\'riItI/1-likc uorld thc rcal dangcrx lic ahm c ground thc dixxonancc hctxxccu thc tuo proVing that thc rcal uorld ix morc horril} ing than an) imagincd onc. Srlt't‘lt'tl I'(’/(’(l\(’.
Pépé Le Moko tl’(ii O... lJulicn l)u\ i\ icr. l‘rancc. 103m Jcan (iahin. .\lircillc lialin. l.inc .\'oro. 03min. A l’arixian gangxtcr hidcx out in thc Algcrian caxhah. hut lo\ c tcmptx him out oi hix ltidcawa} \xith ttltitnatcl} tragic rcxultx. (iot‘gcotix. romantic mclodrama. \\ itli a t_\pica|l) doom} l‘rcnch rcmakiug ol' a lloll} “ood gcnrc. atid (iahin at thc pcak ol' llix pt)“ Ct‘\. (iluuym I'i/m ]./I(’(HI'('. (i/tlxumr.
* Perfume: The Story of a Murderer t 15) 0... (Tom '1‘) kucr. (icrman) /l-'rancc/Spain. Zoom licn \‘v'hixhau. l)uxtin lloll'man. Alan Rickman. l-l7min. Jcan-liaptixtc (ircnouillc (upcoming Brit \Vhixha“ l ix lcd to thc galloxx x in l77(i al‘tcr pcrpctrating a xcricx ol~ murdcrx tr) ing to rccrcalc thc xmcll oi hix lit‘xt lttc‘citlctltttll kill. 'l‘xukcr tlocx llix licxl to rcplicatc thc olt'actor} xcintillation of Patrick Stixkind'x xourcc no\ cl l’t'rttum' through \oiccovcr and \ ixual trickx hut ix out} partiall) xucccxxiul. lloxxcxcr. \Vliixhau ‘x cxccllcnt murdcroux amhixalcncc and a killcr cnding managc to pull lliiugx hack, (iuu'm/ H'lt'tlH'.
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