Stick It i l’(il .. tJCxxlx‘a Bcndingcr. (it‘t‘lllttlI}/l 'S. Zillltii .lct'l' llridgcx. .\Iixx_x l’crcgrx in. Vancxxa l.cngicx. lllhnin. liormulaic g) innaxticx drama xx hcrc dixgi‘accd gxmnaxt llailcx il’crcgi‘iini ix xcnt hack into training ax an altcrnatixc to rcl'orm xcliool. l‘rom lhc lad} xx ho gax c tix Kirxtcn l)unxt -xtarring xportx coincd) li’rinu I! (M. thix ix xoincthing ol a dixappointincnt dcxpitc xonic good dialogue and laii'lx xolid acting. \iu' I‘fr/i'Ii/mruli ()u'un. lat/iii/mrg/i. Stranger Than Fiction l l:.v\l O... t.\l;ll'x‘ I'IUINIL'I'. l-S. Illllhi “ill l't‘l‘t‘Cll. Maggie (ix Ilcnhaal. l)uxtin llol't‘inan.

I 12min. 'l’axinan Iloxxard ('rick ll‘L‘l‘l'L‘lll hcarx thc xoicc ot' an author i'l'hompxoni narrating hix huindruin lil'c. 'l‘hrough hix niixl'ortunc. llarold tallx in lox c xxith a baker «(ix llcnhaal i. cinharking on a xcntuncntal. unhclicxahlc romance. l’rox ing to hc inorc than a xinglc gimmick. thc poxt-modcrn plot proinptx a xoxagc ol' xcllldixcox ci'_x that‘x packcd xx ilh laughx and brilliant [Wiltit’ttltmx‘cx (iiltr'iiril'ld Rr'II/I'r’ii .Vll‘r't’l. (i/tlwun ; (lili’itfll‘lt/ Int/inlzui'g/i. Ifr/iii/iuru/i. Sympathy for Lady Vengeance I Is. .... tl’at'k (ilian \xook. South Korea. 3005i Young ac. ('hoi .\lin~xik. (io Su- hcc. I lh’min. :\Itcr I3 Manx (icum ia Young-act coincx ol' prixon altcr conlcxxing to thc abduction and inurdcr oI' a xi\--}x‘;ii'—tiltl ho). xx ith an agcnda that ix xx ritlcn in blood. 'l'hc Iinal part ol l’ark (’han-xxook’x ‘chcngc 'l'i‘iltigx‘ thni/iutlix [or III. \i'iigt'rmi't' and (Hr/Inn I ix a xxork til c\qtiixitcl} lilcalx got'c. l’ai'k ix hack and xo ix hix numhcr onc lad}. l’ai't ol lilfl'xl World ('incina .-\xxard xcaxon. l'l/IH/IUHH’. lit/iii/iui'g/i.

21 Grams l 15i 0.... i.v\lcjandro (iaon/alc/ lnarritu. l‘S.v\. 2003i Scan l’cnii. (‘harlotlc (iainxhourg. llcnicio l)cl ‘l‘oro. .\'aoini \Vattx lllmin. .\ car accidcnt changcx thc lixcx ol' thrcc total xtraiigcrx: cx- conx ict-turncd)outh xxorkcr and lamilx man lack Jordan il)cl 'l'oroi. \uhurhan xx ilc and mother (‘rixtina I’cck i\\'auxi and collcgc l‘t‘olcxxor I’atil Rixct‘x ilicxt actor ()xcat‘—

xx inncr I’cnni. xxho'x tcrininallx ill and axxaiting an organ tranxplant. l‘olloxxing lhc accidcnt. Jack. ('rixtina and Paul arc throxxn togctlicr on a iournc} toxxardx rctrihution. Brilliant. tragic drama xx ith a complcx plot li'oin thc lilininakcrx hchind :IHIHI‘r'x [it-rim. lllL‘ llllx‘ I'L‘IVL‘IN lo Illx‘ \\ Clg’lll xx L‘ tlll ltixx' “IIL'II xx c dic. .'\ inaior mox ic. a claxxic. uninixxahlc. (iumur. l'x/UI/HH‘Q/I.

Take the Lead l 13A: .0 ll.l/ l‘i'icdlandcr. l‘S. Illiltii Antonio Bandcrax. Rol‘ lIl’tixx ti. :\lIl'L‘ \Vtiiitltit'xl. I);ItllL‘ IquL'U. Ra) l.iotta. I l"niin. Ihiiigr'mux .lli'm/x mcctx .llml Hui Ballroom in thix Iikcahlc hut totall_x prcdictahlc ballroom dance ct‘a/c caxh-in romanccr. Still. thix ix at lcaxt a million timcx lk‘llt‘l‘ than X/ItI/l lli' lhllti‘i‘." (.IIIL‘\\UI'ltl l’arkhcad. (ilaxgoxx,

Taxi Driven Ixi 0.... l Martin Scorxcxc. 1'5. lg-‘(H Rolict‘l l)x‘ Nit'o. (Elilll th‘phcrd. Jodic I’oxtcr. 1 14min. .v\n alicnatcd taxi drixcr in chx York ix xo rcpcllcd h} thc xtitialor and the moral dccax around him that hc ix drum] to tx‘l't'ililx‘ \ iolcncc. ()nc HI llic kt‘) lillllx UI IIIL' xL‘\ Clillx‘x xx Illl IllL' SL‘UI‘ch- l)c .\'iro pai'tncrxhip at itx pcak. l’art ol~ l)ouglax (iordon xcaxon. lli'xlriii link. lirliii/uu'g/i.

Team America I 1M .00. i‘l‘rcx I’tlt'kt‘l'. l8. Jill-1i \iilL‘L‘x til 'I‘I'C) l’ul'lxt‘t'. .\Iatt Stonc. Krixtcn .\Ii|lcr. .\Iauricc l,a.\larchc. |)aran .\'orrix. 08min. l'ar l'roin being an lntcrnational chcucvxtx Ic pcacckccping lorcc. tlic .\Iount Rtixhinorc l\;|\L'tI gatlgCI-Itlxlic‘ liL'l'tix‘x UI 'Ii'rml .Ile'I'lt (I arc a xx c-don't-do-hodx countx inxui'gcncx xtiuad that apcx thc current [‘8 adiiiinixtration'x haxx kiin t'orcign policicx. .v\n_x Republican xx ith a xcnxc of humour xxould hatc thix; thoxc xx ithout might xxcll lox c it. (icniux. (.tlHIt’U. lir/iii/nu'uli. Theorem 1 ISI Il’ici‘ l’aulo l’axolini. Ital}. I‘ltiHi 'I‘crcncc Stamp. Silxana \langano. .\Iaxxiino ( iirotti. .-\nnc \Via/cinxkx. ()Xniin. I’axolini'x txx in ohxcxxionx. ('hi'ixlianitx and .\Iai‘\ixm. arc lirought xcaringlx to lllt‘ in thix intcnxc lahlc. I'caturing our 'I‘cl ax a

lit} xtcrioux (‘hrixt ligui'c. xx ho crcatcx xpiritual. xcxual and cinolional uphcaxalx

\\ ithin a xx caltlix laimlx xxhcn lic xtax x tor a xhort timc in thcir homc. Iinigmatic and poxxcrl'ul. l’art ol~ l)ouglax (iot‘xloli xcaxon. l'i/Hi/iriuxr'. lil/lll/Hll'q/l.

Thunderbirds l I’( i) O (Johnathan I"i‘;ikcx. l'S/l'K. ZOO-Ii Brad} ('orhct. Bcn Kingxlc}. llill l’axton. Sophia .\I_xlcx. Ron (‘ook. 02min. lntci‘national chcuc ix in nccd oI‘ rcxcuc. Not lrom xoinc tcrroi‘ixt ccll xx ith acccxx to the Saudi inixxilc xurplux. hut l'rom mcdiocrc .'\IIIL‘I'Ix‘;llI pt‘oducct'x. Rcallx ruhhixh Iixc action xcrxion ol' the hcloxcd puppct adxcnturc xcricx. .\'o xxondcr ( icrrx .-\ndci'xon xx antx nothing to do xx ith it. (irrixi'c'nm; (i/(lxgrixx;

Titanic (1943) tl’(ii illcrhcrt Sclpin. \Vcrncr Klinglcr. (icrinan). 1943i 8} hillc SchmitL Ilanx Xit'lxcii. Kirxtcn Ilcihci'g. 85min. 'I‘hc tragic 'l‘itanic xtorx that capturcd thc imaginationx ot' man} tilinmakcrx, thix time crcatcd ax anti Britiin propaganda tor Nan uxc. Sclpin xx ax imprixoncd hcl'orc thix could lix‘ achicx cd. I'i/m/iouxt'. lit/riilnu'g/i. Vertigo tl’( i) .0... i .-\|l'rcd Ilitchcock. [8. I958) Jatiicx Stcxx art. Kim .\'oxak. Barbara licl (icddcx. 123mm. l)ctcctix c Stcxxart. a man alraid oI~ hcightx. Iallx in on c xx ith a \xoinan xx ho appai‘cntlx coininitx xtiicidc. \thn he incctx lici‘ dotihlc. hc hccomcx ohxcxxcd xx ith thc poxxihilitx that xhc ix xtill alix c. lixtraordinarx plotting in thix undcrxalucd Ilitchcock xtudx ol' romantic mania. xx ith Stcxxart mcmoi'ahlx L‘axl :tgttillxl [Hit ax lllc xllxllnx‘tl} on-tlic- cdgc cop. 'l’hc Bernard llcrrniann xcorc ix ximultancouxlx liixh and dixturhing. Part of l)ouglax (iordon xcaxon. lli'xlrin Link. Iz'r/iIi/m/‘g/i,

Video Killed the Painting Start lsi t\'arioux. l'lx'. ltltltii 00min. 'I‘hc xcricx xhoxxcaxing Ii'cc xcrccningx ol xxork hx xtudcntx I'rom thc (ilaxgoxx School of Art on thc .\Iaxtcrx oI I‘inc :\rt courxc continucx. alongxidc xxork h_x artixtx troin thc l'Ix' and [8. (‘( ll. (ilrlxgriii.

Volveri l5i .... tl’cdt'o :\liiioxlo\ at. Spain. Ziltltii l’cnclopc (tux. ('armcn Maura. l.ola l)ucnax. l‘llanca l’ortillo. Yohana (‘oho. II I min. Almodoxar rcturnx xx ith hix ('anncx hit and 10th Iilm. xx hich xccx a carccr hiin I'roni (‘i'ti/ in a x ix id and intricatc talc ol' xxomcn I'rom thrcc gx‘llt‘l'uliotix oI' onc Itutlll}; l’at't HI~ BIK‘J World ('incina .-\\xat'd xcaxon. I-ilmlinuxr’. lat/iii/iuruli.

White Noise l lfii 0.0 iticoi't'rcx Sax. ('anada/l'K/l 'S, 2(X)5i Michacl Kcaton. ('handra \cht. l)cliorah Kara l'ngcr. Ian .\Ic.\'cicc. 97min. 'l‘\' dii'cctor (icollrcx lip/ting I/It' li’lH‘! Sax'x hig xci‘ccn dchut ix a paranormal tlirillci' about Jonathan tlx'caton i. a man xx hoxc xx il‘c Anna (\chti contach him from hcymd thc grax c through l-ZVI’ ililcctronic Voice l’hcnomcnai. Scar} hcanx. lfni/im' (IV/(I’rlIIk. ('lx'rlr'lmnk. White Noise 2: The Lighti Hi

0. (Patrick l.uxxici'. l'S/( ~anada. Ztltltii Nathan I’illion. Katcc Sackhol'l'. lid .-\ndcrx. ‘Nmin. Scc :\lxti Rclcaxcd. pagc 43. inc l-[dinburg/z ()nmi. Ifrli/i/uu'i'li.

The Wizard of O: «H 0.000 1 Victor l‘lcming. l‘S. l‘lWi Jud} (iarland. l‘i'ank Morgan. Ra} Bolgcr. Ilci't l.ahr. Jack llalcx. \Iargarct llamilton. Into. Itilmiii. \Iixcrahlc l)oroth_x rtinx axxa) from homc hut ix xoon xxhixkcd up into a magical land xx hcrc hcr adxcnturcx tcach hcr that happincxx ix to hc Iound in hcr oxx'n hack )ut'tl. ('Iaxxlx‘ xlllll lanL‘L‘xl. .ilixt chockl'til til grcat xongx. charactcrixation and mcmorahlx garixh dcxign. l’crhapx marginallx lcxx cnioxahlc l'or thc curmudgconlx clcincnt rooting Iot’ thc \Vickcd \Vilx‘ll UI. Illx‘ \Vx‘xl though. l‘l/Hl/lflllu'. lat/iii/iiu'g/i.

Zoom mm o it’cicr lIL‘\\lll. l'S. Zoom 'l‘iin Allcn. (‘ourtcncx ('ox. Rxan Nexxman. 88min. l‘our kidx xx ith xupcrpoxxci‘x juxt xxant to hc normal. cuc doxx n-~on--|iix-|uck (‘aptain /.oom (Allcni to tcach thcin hoxx to harncxx thcir poxx crx to xaxc thc xxorld. Laugh—licc. la/} and dccplx dirc Ithltill oI' .S'Ax Hie/i and The Iiir‘n'r/ililr'x. .v\xoid at all coxtx. ('rlu'iirir/r/ lx’r'nfrr'ii .S'II'H’I. (flux unit _' ()(lr'rill I'HI‘I A'llllltltl’rl. Iz'r/i'Ii/iuruli.

Check out the

on “page 13

By Arthur Miller

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Free tickets are available On the night and cannot be booked in advance Queue starts at approximately 5.30pm. Free tickets are given out from 6.30pm (max of 2 per person).

Performance starts at 7.45pm.


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