While he‘s a national institution in his US homeland. comic \ ; Dave Chappelle is a relative unknown on this side of the ~ pond. He is a comic genius, but like most geniuses. he's erratic and, just months after walking out on his award- winning comedy show he decided, on a whim, to organise a block party - an old fashioned free shindig on the streets of , Harlem - welcoming a raft of his fine hip hop buddies to . ( ‘ perform. The film of the day features some truly raw and . _ raucous performances from the likes of Kanye West, Mos , Def, Erykah Badu (pictured) and a freshly reformed Fugees 3 topped off by plenty of gags from the man of the hour. ,- Su/eaed [(3/(k'lSt‘, fmm. Fm 30 Jun.
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