Calamity Jane (t') .0. (l);i\ id Butler. IS. 1953) l)orix Day. Howard Keel. .Allyn Ann Mclcrie. Philip (‘ai'ey lein. Indian xcout ('alarnity Jane (l)ay ) ix hard- riding. hoaxtl‘ul and handy with a gun. She hax to he. ll\'lllg ax xhe doex in Deadwood. Dakota. a place where men are men and women are toothxorne. \Vhen Jane lallx in love with a young army lieutenant xhe realixex xlie may hay e to change. hecauxe he really doex not appreciate her more hutch qualitiex. ('laxxic camp w extei‘n muxrcal. Shown ax part ot‘ (ilaxgay' ax a xirig along. the night includex awardx tor the hext drexxed cow girl/hoy. See caption. (i/mgim l'i/In I'ltt'itll't'. (i/iiyr'ini.

The Chorus ( (IA) 0.0 ((‘ht'txtophe Barratier. l’rance/Sw it/erland/( ierinariy. 2004) (ierard Jugnot. lirancoix Berleand. Jean-Baptixte Maunier. 06min. Set in an auxtere hoarding xchool in the poxt»\\ \Vll period. The ('lrorm l'ollowx new teacher (‘leinent Matliieu (Jugnot). who illllltixl immediater recognixex the pupilx‘ dexperation for real enct)ur'agement and rexpect. And once he dixcoy cr‘x that \c\L't';tl til. the lttiyx are gil'ted xltigt‘h. he (lecitlcx llittl muxic could he their xalyation and. in a xtrange way. hix. lleartw arming. old- laxhioned. xentimental (iallic ho\ ollice .xmaxh. ()i/i'un. Iz'r/rn/mrg/i. Consequences of Love ( t5) .0. (l’aolo Sorrentino. ltaly. 200-1) 'l'ony Seryillo. ()liy ia Magnani. Adriano (iiannini. l00rnin. l'llt‘a xL‘ll-coiixciouxly directed. looxely exixtential thriller l'rorn ltalian lilmmaker Sorretitino. 'l‘itta (Sery illo). liy ex anonymouny in a hotel. playing cardx. watching otherx and taking deliyery ol .xuitcaxex containing millionx ot dollarx. Slowly. the my xtery hegirix to unrayel. reyealing hix ixolated e\ixtence. lit'licient hut minor. ('unir'o. Izilrnlnn'g/i.

Control Room ( l3.-\) 0... (Jchane Notijaim. 1S. 3004) 87min. l’rlmed during the laxi Iraq war. thix documentary l‘ollowx Al Ja/eera'x newx coy ei'age. largely l'ocuxrng on itx dillicult relationxhip with the [S army 'x media centre in Qatar. lx it a proimganda channel or a yorce ol truth .’ Noujaim'x lilm crrx towardx the latter perxpectiye. (i/muoii I'll/n "I’lu'uru'. (ilusgori .' I'ilm/iuim'. lirlnrlnug/i.

The Cry (the) (Jaromil Jirex. (‘Iechoxloyakia 1903) 80min. (‘harining dehut exploring the me o) a 'I‘V repairman w hoxe wile ix eypecting their lirxt hahy. 'l‘he complex narratrye inyolyex l‘laxhhackx (and lorwardx) extahlixhing a coriltrxing world where paxt. prexent. the indiy idual and .xociety l'uxe. Sixtiex new way e moy ie praixed l'or itx optimixtic tone. l’art ol' the Jirex xeaxon. l'l/Ill/IUHH’. lit/Illlllll'flll. Cyberworld 3D (l’(i) (Varioux. IS. 2000) Jenna lillnian. Matt l‘rew er. Woody Allen. J-lmin. Jenna lill'rnan ix the cyher hoxt who introducex tix to \arioux unrelated xegmentx ol' cyher animation. The Simme and .vlnix. make .ll) appearancex in a xpectacular dixplay ol' today 'x inoxi irnprexxiye graphic lCL‘llttUlUgy. Ill/ix I'lll’tlll'l’. (i/iiygnn. DEBS ( l5) (Angela Rohinxon. l'S. 2004) Sara l‘oxtcr. Jordana Brew xter. Jill Ritchie. Meagan (iootl. Ulmin. A xexy. pow ert'ul.

energetic lilm charting lotir attractiye l‘ernale recruitx who are attending DEBS. a mid hoot camp which aimx to prepare the ladiex lot” their liy ex ax xplex. 'l‘ypically. there ix the hrainlexx. pretty girl; the l‘er'ocioux. competitiy e girl; the w annahe actrexx and the xexy girl who ix. ineyitahly. l’rench. l’art ol l.exhian and (lay l’ilrn l’extiyal on Tour. See (iay‘ xcctiori. page ()4. l-ilmlrinm'. Izilrnlmrgli. Dead of Night (PU) ”m(Rohert llamer. Baxil l)earden. ('harlex (‘richtorr Alherto ('ayalcarili. l'K. I‘MS) Mci\,\li Johnx. Michael Redgraye. l‘rcderick Valk. (ioogie Witherx. Sally Ann llowex. l02min. (‘laxxic lirling ghoxt moyie. relating the dill‘erent xtoriex that take place within the houndariex ol a party. Ax the night lengthcnx and xtoriex untold xo neryex hegin to l'ray. (i/nygmi I‘i/ni I/lt’tlll't’. (i/nwnu. The Descent t l8) (Neil Mai-xhall. t‘K. 2005) .\'ora>Jane .\'oone. Ale\ Reid. Shauna Macdoriald. 00min. Special prey iew (it new horror lilm l'rom the director ol~ I)an .Srililil'ly. RL'\lL'\\ Ctl llL'\l l\\llt‘. I'l/IIt/trttlyi'. lii/llt/HH'Q/l.

73': Dig! ( l5) 0... (()ndi 'l‘imoner. IS. 2004) llllttlltl. See rey iew. page 48. ('mm'u. lz’ilrn/nu'gli.

Downfall ( IS) 00. (( )Iiy er llirxchhiegel. (iermany/ltaly. 200-1) Bruno (iaril. Aleyandra Maria l.ara. (‘orinna llar'l‘ouch. l5(imin. l)t'atti;tlixaliori ol the linal dayx ol' Hitler'x ‘l'hird Reich. lt'x a xoher and xohering and (largely ) accurate hixtorical account ol the laxt ll thtyx ol' the Reich. holed up with their leader inxide the hunker ax the Ruxxianx xtorm Berlin. (ian/ giy ex a career hext perlormance ax the Reich‘x leader. managing to capture hoth the phyxical. emotional and mental wreck that wax Hitler in hix linal dayx ax well ax xuggexting the awe and hlind loyalty the (‘hancellor commanded ol hix t'ollowerx, hoth xoldicr'x and ciy ilianx. Axxixting (law with the latter ix a xolid xiipporting caxt. including Juliane Kohlcr ax liya Braun. the \apid glamour puxx who rexixted reality witli llitler until they e\ccuted their xiiicide pact. (i/uwrm' I'll/In 'I/it'illrt'. (i/iiwmi. Drag Kings on Tour ( I5) (Sonia Slutxky. ('anada/l‘S. 300-1) 82min. An energetic and \ ixionary documentary

l'ollow ing the tour ol xix gorgeoux drag kirigx and charting the politicx (gender and .-\merican) inyoly ed. l’crxonal relationxhipx and prohlenix are reprexcnted hy the arrryal ol' the parerilx to their xotix' xhow x. l’art ol l.exhian and (iay l'ilm l’extiyal on Tour. See (iay xection. page ()4. li/ni/runu'. lat/in/mrg/i.

Evil ( l5) 0.. (Mikael llal'xtront. Sweden. 2003) Andreax \Vilxon. llenrrk luridxtrorii. (itixtal Skarxgard. ll~1min. See rey iew. page 45 and intery iew. page ts ('(i(' (‘rm'nrux Izili'n/nug/r. lat/in/nue/i. Freaky Friday (l’(i) 00 (Mark S Waterx. l’S. 2003) Jamie ('tri'tix. l.indxay l.oliari. .Mark llarmon. llarold (iotild. (‘had Michael Murray. 07min. (‘ontrol lreak mum l)r 'l‘exx ('olernan ((‘urtix) and her 15 year old daughter Anna (l.ohari) are not getting along. They don't xee ey e-to-ey e on clotliex. hair. muxic. and certainly not in each other'x taxte in men.

. : Wednesdays. 2 cinema tickets for the price of 1. Any film. any time. every Wednesday at cinemas nationwide. Orange customers text ‘ir n' to . t.

~,r,' ’: ° C! s, .r:,:,,

Then an old ('hinexe lady cauxex a little

my xtic mayhem. and they are both forced to xperid a couple ol‘ dayx in each otherx‘ hotlicx. So xo y'ct‘xioti ol the much loyed Jodie l‘oxter l)ixney Vehicle lt’oltt l‘)7(). Mildly diyerting. and ax uxual (‘urtix giy ex it her all. (irmr‘r'nm: (i/riygoii‘.

Fresh Fruit (Boys’ Shorts) ( l8) (Varioux) 78min. A collection of xhort talex of young gay loy e: lirxt gay eyperiencex. gender conl‘uxiori. lamily relationxhipx and the prexxuiex and hai'dxhipx ol' heing gay. lltl\ \L'l ()l‘ \lttii'h L‘\|)l()t't'\ L‘yct‘y thpt‘c‘l ()l the continuation of male xe\ua|ity and gender conl'uxion. l’art ol' l.exhiari and (iay l‘rlm l'extiyal on 'l'our. See (iay xection. page (rl. l'ilniliiniw. Izili'n/nn'g/i.

Funny Girls (Girls’ Shorts) ( IS) (\';ir'iotix) 75min. A collection ol' xhort talex ol' loy e. l’art ol l.exhian and (iay l‘ilm l't'\ll\;tl on 'l‘our. See (iay xection. page ()4. I'rlni/inim'. Iii/inlmrgli.

Gacaca ( l5) (Anne Aghion. l‘rance/l'S. 2003) 55min. l‘ollowing the deyaxtatiiig genocide in Rwanda in I‘M-1. the (iacaca courtx attempted a remarkahle eyercixe in reconciliation. 'l‘hix lilm documentx

intery iewx with the xury iyot‘x and the accuxed. (i8 Summit tie in. I'i/m/ioiiu'. [mini/Hugh.

Gambling, Gods and LSD (thc) .... (l’eter Mettlei'. (‘tiltttdtL 2002) lh’llmin. li\pei'imental three-hour documentary that took ten yearx to complete. l’ai't trayelogue and part photographic exxay. it takex the \ iew er on a

journey ()l (lixcoy cry to dill'erent ptit‘lx Ul. the

glohe. ohxer'y ing the dil'l'erent w ayx in which people xeek tranxcendence. l’art ol' the l’red l'it‘lllt xetixtiti. (til. (i/uwmi;

The Godfather ( IX) 0000. ( l‘rancix l‘ord ('oppola. l'S. l‘)7l ) Marlon Brando. Al Pacino. Jamex ('aan. l75min. Malia epic that lolloyy x the collapxe ol' the ('orleone empire under the old l)on (Brando) and the xtruggle lor pow er thix cauxex hetw een riyal laiiiiliex and hix own xonx. Al Pacino ix magnilicent ax the good wit who hax to turn had in order to regain lamily honour. lltl\ litiger cnioyahle. \iolent moyie ix a landmark in American lilmmaking.

Si uhmun Si'n'uiine Rmmi. Iii/inlmrg/i. Good News (Le Buone Notizie) ( (S) O... (lilio l’eti‘i. ltaly. l‘)7‘)) (iiancarlo (iiannini. Angela Molina. l07min. Yet another xty liin and eerie film from acclaimed director l’etri. A man w hoxe ioh it ix to watch \ iolent teleyixion programmcx xullcrx a xey ere identity crixix and com incex a recently reactiuainted l'riend to commit hrmxcll lt' a mental hoxpital. 'l‘he lriend ix murdered and goingx on hecornc oddcr and otlder. Beware ol xtihliminal mexxagex and

Save Money

see page 119 for details

\ n i ,


xtrange thingx happening in the cornerx ol the xct‘eeti. Part of l’etri xeaxon. (i/iiygim' I'ilm 'I'lir'iim'. (i/mgmi.‘ l’i/m/ioim’. Iii/inlmrgli.

A Good Woman (PG) .00 (Mike Barker. Spain/ltaly/l'K/l‘S. 2005) Helen Hunt. Scarlett Johanxxon. Mark l'nherx. Stephen (‘arnphell Moore. 93min. A reworking of ()xcar Wilde'x l.ll(/\ ll’imli'rnu're'y I‘llll. which tranxpoxex the action l'rom late 10th century London to the .Alittilli ('oaxt in l‘l‘ll, lloward llimmelxtein'x liheral xcreen adaptation allow x many ol \\'i|tlc"x characterx to now hecome Italian and American. It all work yet) w ell: llimmelxtein horrowx l'reel} lrom Wilde'x other play x to highlight \Vilde'x original anthropological inclination to detail the doomed day x of the arixtocracy. (iood. xolid. uninyeritiye entertainment. Dominion. [film/Hugh.

Goodbye Lenin! ( 15) 0..

(Wolfgang Becker. (iermany. 2003) Daniel Bruhl. Katrin Saxx. Maria Simon. lllmin. ('harming comedy drama which won the Blue Angel Award at Berlin. Set initially during the dixxolttllon ol(il)R iii I‘JS‘) when .'\le\‘x mother xlipx into a coma alter an alrnoxt latal heart attack. She awakex in 1990 and liaxt Berlin hax already changed conxiderahly. Ale\ ix determined to protect her front any kind ol xhock. (ii/nrure/ii/Ki/B. (iluygmi:

The Goonies (PG) 00 (Richard Donner. l’S. IUXS) Sean Axtin. Joxh Brolin. Jel'l‘ (‘ohen l IZrnin. Rather dire teenllick. in which xey en kidx go in xearch oi huried treaxure and are l‘ollow ed hotly hy \ icioux \ illainx \ying lor the loot. A joy ride w hich ix xlow to xtart and doexn‘t ey er depart l'rom well charted highwayx. (i/uwou' l‘i/m UH’rHI't'. (i/uygmr.

:1: Guerrilla: The Taking of Patty Hearst ( IZA) 00.. (Robert Stone. l'S. 200-1) 108mm. See reyiew; page 45. and pi‘olllc‘ it) lixlingx. (il'i'li (i/uygmi. Hearts and Minds ( Ix) “0.0(l’eter l)a\ix. l'S. l‘)7-l) l 12min. l)a\ix' hard- hitting. maxterlul anti-war documentary xttttglil It) L‘\pl()t‘c lllL' \‘ietnamexe pcuplt‘\ \ iew ol' the war l'ought oy er their country. ltx anal_\\ix of American attitudex and propoganda ix arguahly xtill pertinent today. l’art ol' l’eace Seaxon. (i/uwmi [Vi/In 'I‘lit'um'. (i/iiigmi; l'i'llii/mnyi'. Iz'ilrn/nirg/i. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (l’(i) 0.. ((iarth Jenningx. l'S/l'K. 2005) Martin l‘reemaii. Mox l)el'. Sam Rockwell. [ooey l)excharic|. Bill .\'ighy. ll0min. l‘irxt time l'eature director Jenningx hax moulded Adam'x xcreenplay (written xhortly hel‘ore hix premature death in 200l ) into an incredihly good looking lilm. Arthur l)ent ll'l'L'L‘lllttll) excapex laarth‘x demolition with hix alien l'riend l‘ord l’rel'ect (l)el') hy hitching a ride with the Vogonx. orin to he rexcued hy joy riding (ialactic l’rexident Xapltod Beehlehro\ (Rockwell) on dream xhip the Heart ol' (iold. 'l‘hey head for mythical planet Magrathea. Minor nigglex axide (moxtly ahout characterixationx and new characterx) don't detract l'rorn the fact that thix lilm ix well worth the w all. Sr’lt't'lt'rl I'¢'/('ii\¢'.

'Jtil 200:" THE LIST 51