Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Ae Fond Kiss 1 l5) .0 thn I.oach. l'K/Belgiuni/(iermaii}/ltal}/Spain. 200-1)AltaYaquih. Iixa Birtliixle. Shamxhad Akhtar. (ihi/ala A\ an. Shahana Bakhxh. I0-liniri. (‘axini iYaquihi ix a nice

(ilaxw egiaii lad from an Axian l'arnil}. llix upcoming ‘arranged rriarriage' nuptialx ha\ e got him dixturhed but not too worried. but then he goex and rneetx hlond haired hliie c_\cd RUI\III tliit‘thixlet. llix \lxlct'\ tllttxlc teacher. and llix world lx turned ttpxidc down. In time he realixex that he will haxe to chooxe between tearing liix xlightl}

h} xterical l'ariiil} apart and hix M e for Roixin. 'It‘lllUUS. patronixing. hadl) acted. pxeudo liheral. xmug anti-laitli dilectic lt‘otll a filmmaker who reall} xhould know better. (ill/semi I'll/n Theatre. (i/uiumi:

Alien Adventure 30 (ti 0...

ilien Straxxen. Japan. 200l ) Voice of John Biwle. Bouli l.annerx. 37min. An alien race Iookirig tor a planet to coloriixe lind earth and unl'or‘tiinatel) enter a lherne park where the} cauxe rrruch arriiixiiig ma}heni. l.\l.v\.\’ 'I'lrmm'. (i/iiieoii.

A Lot Like Love I 12A) 0. (Nigel ('ole. l'S. 2005i Amanda l’eet. Axhton Kutcher. 'I‘ar'ui Manning. I0(imiri. See review and prolile. page 47. (ii'nem/ I'(’/(’(l\('.

Andrew and Jeremy Get Married (IS I... tl)ott Boyl. l'K. DIM-ll 75min. See re\ iew. page 45. Part ol' l.exhian and (la) l‘ilni I‘exti\al on Tour. See (ia) xection. page ()4. (Human I'rlnr 'I'lieulri'. (i/uwim'; l'ilm/roriie. lat/inliru‘elr.

The Assassination of Richard Nixon 115).... (Niclx Mueller.

l'S/Slexico. 200-1i Sean I’ean. Naomi \Vattx.

l)on ('headle. 95min. lixcellerit xlow- building drama haxed on the true xtot'} ol Sam I3)ck who. in I'ehruar} W74. dt‘o\ e to Baltimoi'e-\Vaxhington International Airport and atterripted to hijack a plane. lle intended to craxh into the White Home in the hope ol~ killing I’rexiderit .\'i\on. Penn in the lead ix e\traordinai"\. Well worth checking otit. (ii/nun Iii/inburglr.

Batman Begins r 12M .00 t('hrixtopher .\'olari. l'S. 2005i ('hrixtian Bale. .\Iichae| (‘aine. l.iam .\'eexon. \Iorgan I‘reeman. (iar) ()ldnian. Katie llolmex. l.i‘hnin. 'I‘he liat ix hack in thix deepl)

llaw ed hut xatixl) ingl} dark and realixtic adaptation of both lioh Kane'x original xtr'ipx and l‘rank .\Iillei"x li’utnrun: )l'HI' ()m'. l)a\ id Blade (in) er’x xcript ix prett} aw lul hut thix ix alxo a lairl) xuhxtandard piece of work from .\'olan ax well. li’ulnrun Ifeeirri doex. how e\ er. need to he applauded lot‘ partl} r‘e\ italixing an ailing l‘ranchixe. (It'ltt'rll/ I'l’lt'uu’.

Battle of Algiers t 18) 000.0 ((itln I’onlccor‘u). Algeria/Ital}. l‘)(i5l llr‘ahim llaggiag. Jean .\lartin. 135mm. A documentar) -xt_\ le reconxtriiction ol Algeria'x xtruggle l'or‘ lihct'aliort. Brilliantl)

Falkirk Town Hall

Thurs 23 June

Shall We Dance (12a) CUPPA at 7 7

for 7 7:30am

7:30pm & 7:30pm

Thurs 30 June Hotel Rwanda (12a) 730;)”;

Tues 79 ju/y

Downfall (15) 7:30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

50 THE LIST 2 i .J.” 1' .Ja' 2% r‘,

reviewed next issue. E (30/30/(1/ ro/oaso (from In I Jrr’i.

realixtrc quite hr'utall} xo in the

contrm erxial torture xequenccx thix ix a te\thook e\arriple ol' political cinema at itx riioxt per‘xuaxne. (ii/Irmre/rrl/(i/J. (i/uxemi. Bear Club (Cacharro) r txi t.\llgtlcl Alhaladeio. Spain. 2004) Joxe l.irrx (iarcia I’er‘eI. I)a\ id ('axtillo. Diana (‘ere/o. ‘Nmm. \Vhen \‘ioleta jetx oil to Indra with no lltllltctllttlcl) planx to return. her ga} brother. l’edi'o. ix lelt to care for her xon. BL‘I'IIIII'tlU. l’cdr'o'x wot'lll Ul xttcccxx tttltl xtahilit} ix thrown into a xtatc ol tiller corillrxion. I’art ot l.exhran and (la) l‘ilrn I‘exlixal on I'our. See (ia) xectrori. page (i-l. l'iIm/ruuu'. [Li/I'Ir/Hr/g/r.

Before Sunrise r tfii 000 (Richard|ater. l'S. I‘NSI Julie I)elp_\. Iithan llaw ke. Andrea licker't. l0l min. American Inter-Rarler llaw kc and I'rench xtudent Help} are the xtrangcr'x on a train who xtrrke up a chance com cr'xation and xpend a night wandering around Vienna. lhe actol‘x gi\e career hext perl'oi‘mancex while director|ater \eerx into lir'ic Rohnier IL‘l‘l‘lIUl'} with a lunn}. xw ect and l’iindairiciitall) w ixe tiio\ie. (iluiemi Ill/n lllt’lllll’. (i/mgmi. Before Sunset r IS» 00000 iRic-tiai-it|ater. l‘S. 200-1i Inthan Ilawke. Julie l)e|p_\. 30min. Nine )ear‘x alter lie/ore Sun/1w arid chxe illaw kei ix in l’ar'ix on the linal leg ol a hook tour promoting hix dehut rim el. I‘he hook'x plot concernx that night in Vienna hanging out with ('elinc tJnlie Help) i and the attendant prexx corpx axkx what lanon director Richard l.iriklater'x I‘NS lilrn ha\e wanted to know [or High on a decade, Did the couple rneet xi\ irronlhx later ax ar'r‘anged'.’ Did the} copulate under the xtar‘x .’ And w hat e\ er did happen to lllcxc Iwii'.’

Belle de Jour t rm oooo ll.lll\ liirr‘iiiel. France/Ital}. l‘)(i7i (‘atheririe l)etieu\e. JL'ilIl Sorel. Michel I’lcciill. l00min. 'I‘he heatitil'ul hut hored wile ol a xui'geori xpendx her al'tei'rioorix working in a brothel where xhe riieetx an odd axxoi'triienl ol character'x. liiir‘iirel‘x treatment ol the liorrigeorxre ix t_\pica|l} cool and

unl'orgh irig. and hix hlurring ol the line between l'antax} and realit) xo xnccexxl'ul that It} the end. w e wonder whether the whole Illtn ie could ha\e heen dreamt up h} the protagonixt. \Vonderl'ull} amoral corned) ol iriaririer‘x. l'i/nrliouie. lz'i/rnlnuic/r. Berlin is in Germany t lSr (llaniiex Slohi'. (icl'lllttll). 300! i lidita .\lalo\ cic. IUlll Jalin. Valentin l’lalar'eariu. 93min. A man ix releaxed l'roni prixon alter xer\ ing an I l—}ear' xeritence. hut lindx the former (il)R gr'eatl} changed. Part of the (ierrriai‘. I‘ilrn I‘exti\al. (i/mgmi l-i/m 'I'lri'iitn'. (i/uwmi. Between Midnight and the Booster’s Crow it'i t.\'adja l)t'oxl. ('anada. 2005i (ioniin. A xad. touching docunientai') about the plight of licuadorian lar'mei'x whoxe land ix heing contaminated h} a huge ('anadian oil pipeline. ()il giant lincana xoiiglit to increaxe itx pr'ol'rtx and leap l’or'ward in the race for black gold. neglecting the care til the people “lioxc

Ii\ ex it would allect. Part of 'l‘werit} -to One: l’lllllS lot' a (ireener I‘uture. (i/uwmi I'i/In 'I'lrr'ulrc. (iluwun .' l‘l/HI/IUHH'. Iii/rn/itu'g/r.

Between Walls and Favelas tl’(i) (Sirxanne I)/eik/Kirxteri Wagenxchein. Bra/iI/( iernian}. 2004i 56min. A dark. depr'exxirig and tragic documentar} locuxing on lile in Ilia/rlrari l'axelax. In 2003 alone. the police killed I I‘M lax eladoi'x who w ere rexideritx ol thexe xhanl}towrix. 'I‘liix lilni xliowx how, when |i\ing in xirch pmer't)

w rtli xo little education and xanitation. there ix nowhere to go but down. unlexx )ou turn to a lile ol cririie. I’ait ol' the lloinelexx \Voi‘ld (‘irp xeaxon. I-i/m/iuuw. lat/rit/uu'c/r. Bombon el Perro r IS) .0.

il'ai'lox Sor'r'in. Argentina. 2004) Juan \‘illegax. \Valter‘ Doriudo. 08min. In the rough land ol' Patagonia. a 53»}ear old mechanic. Juan Villegax. liitx hard Illtlc‘x when he loxex hix joh. llix l'oi‘tunex turn when he r‘epaii’x a car and i'eceii'ex pa} merit in the xhape of a hound named Bombon. l-‘or Juan. thix ix the lir'xt xtep towai'dx a career ax a dig e\hihiloi'. ('harrriing road

,3 We weren’t able to see Steven Spielberg’s new version of HG Wells’ evergreen ' classic starring Tom Cruise, so here’s a nice picture of it instead. The film will be

movie from the director of Ilismrim .I/lllintux. ('(}(' Rr'ltfi't’ii SUIT]. (i/(lxgriii; (i/uxgon'.‘ (ii/lieu. Iii/[Iihurg/r.

Brief Encounters: Best of British (I5) MK. 3005) I03min. A xrnall collection ol‘ hriel' encounter'x that have charmed audiericex aci'oxx the countt'}. A glorioux. hand picked xelection of Britiin homegrown talent. Short film collection. Film/rouse. Iz'i/r'ir/iru'g/r,

Brief Encounters: In the Company of Men t 15> lV'arioux. 2005) 78min. A collection of xhortx highlighting the male .xpeciex. arial}xing middle-aged men. .xocial l‘reakx and dreamer'x. Includex the acclairiied xhort Live From Sliii'ii's Dance Floor. lllt‘cclc‘d l3) Richard|ater. I'll-Int/muu'. I'.'ilr'rrl)rii‘gli.

' Brotherhood (Taegukgi) (15) O... tJe-g}u Kang. South Korea. 2004i Dong-Kurt Jang. Bin Won. lilin-ju I-lSmiri. See re\ iew. page 45. l'(i(‘. Keir/rut SI. (i/irigmi um! ('(i(‘. I'frlr'Ir/nireli. Brothers ( 15) .0. (Siixanne Bier. Denmark. 2004) ('orinie .\'iel.xen. l‘lrich ‘l‘homxen. Nikolai Kaax. Bent Mejdirig. ll0rriiri. Michael t'l‘honixeni has it all: a xuccexxl‘ul militar) career. a beautiful wile Sarah tNieIxeni and two IUVCI} )0tlng daughter'x. llix )oiinger hrother Jannik tKaaxi ix a driller and drinker who hax recently been t'c‘lc‘thctl l't’nttt prixon. When Michael ix hilleted on a rexcue rriixxion to Al'ghanixtan. hix plane ix xhot down and Jannik xtartx hai ing l'eelingx for Sarah. 'I'hix xolid old-laxhioried w eep} ix pla} ed out on two xlagex: that ol' the home and that ol‘ war ax it gentl) enihi'acex and r'umiriatex on xiich themex ax px} chological change. guilt. xihling rixalr) and the ignomin) ol' inilitar} death. Worth a look. (timer). lzilrIi/itu‘g/r. Bunty (Aur Babli) (Pm (Shaad Ali. India. 2005) Aniitahh Bachchan. Ahhixhek Bachchan. Rani Mukher‘jee. l7lnriri. ('harming road mm ie ad\enture about twi) xmall town drearriei'x Iiunt) and Bahi who hit the road and meet man) inter'exting people. It 'I I'fr/I‘IrlmIe/i. I‘.iltlt/’lllg’/I.