I The 60-60 at (‘oeteati Lounge ltlti\\li\l;llt‘\ at ligoi. llptii 3am. £5 (£-li. l5 Apr. Motitlil}. S\\ itigiiig (illx garage. \Utll. tiiod. \tilll. Rtkli atid \lea/_\ llSlL‘ltlllg. 'l‘he righteous 'l'all l’attl Roliinxon atid Angus .-\ (io-(io retiiaiti rexident. \Vliitigiti' Wilkie ix the northern Stitll \peeialixt lor llilx \e\\ititi.
I Guitar Mania at ()pittiii.
Spin .iatii. l-i‘ee. \Veekl}. 'l‘uo lllgllh ol' the liext iti guitar \UlllltlS t\\ ith lix‘e ilClSl.
I Henry’s Late Nights at llent') ‘\ .la// ('ellar. Midtiiglit .5ttlll. £5. \Veekl}. lop qualit) ia/l atid l),l\ lt'oiii llenr} \ .la/l ('ellat‘. Se\eti-pieee lititik \tilll\lel‘\ lleiira t l .-\pri lollou ed h} the funk}. lit/l}. \xonk) hip hop ol' l.i\ e Seieneex lh’ :\pt‘l.
Madchester at Cabaret Voltaire. It).3t)titii Rani. £7 (£6). S :\pt‘ oiil). Breaking with their Bo\ing l)a_\ tradition it e get ati e\tra speeial Madeliexter that eeleliratex the hagg} era to the Hun \\ ith \peeial guext. the one atid onl_\ Bel (Happy Moiida}\. iii eaxe _\oti‘d \otiiehou l‘ot'gotteni.
I Manga at Honexeomh. .\'e\t date 22 .-\pr. '
I Mocha Rocka! at Berlin Biel'lltllh. .\'e\t date 3‘) .-\pr.
I Nuklear Puppy at ligo.
ltlpiii 3am. £l2. 8 .-\pr. Rexidentx Jaxon (‘ot'te/ atid Phil York keep the hard dance l'lag l'l_\iiig iii the eapital and ha\ e pieked up titilllltitltlmh tor Bext Seottixli (‘ltili 2003 from Hit/nae atid Bext Sinall (‘luli front the Hard- l)anee :\\\ard\. Northern lt'eland'x hard houxe kitig l‘ergie joins l)J Seott l’t'ojeet.
I Obscene at the Venue.
ltl..‘~(lpiii Rani. £3 before I l..‘~()pni; £5 alter. S .-\pr. Monthl). .-\iiother \t‘tllll\lltll'tllittllttll‘;t\\.cttlll \torkout ax the l‘oreex gather from aerosx the L‘Ulltllt'} \xith Morph). DJ llart. .-\leaiie. 'l'ertiiite. (‘alaeo Jaek atid (ion/o all hosted h} M(‘ l’rol‘uee.
I Planet Earth at (‘itrux Club. ltl..‘\llpltlw5ttltt. £5. \Veekl}. .\lll\le t‘rotii W76 through to 108‘) or. iii other \xordx. a health} (lOSC of punk. lie“ \\‘.I\ e. tie“ rotiiantie atid electro pop.
I Pop Fiction at (it): lidinhurgh. l().3()piii 3am. £o. \Veekl). 'I'retid} \Vetid} atid regular guextx tine Bett} l-'ordi la} tlti\\tl the eoolext blend of pop. lunk. \oul. diwo. Refit. hip hop atid houxe \\ ith a real \CllSL‘ ol lun. And pleaxe note. the} Inn e tnox ed to a \pankitig tie\\ \enue _ill\l tip the road from their old haunt. Merit} of tll‘ltlkx l‘l‘tiliitn tilt ol'l‘er till. all.
I React at the Venue. ltHllptn .5ttllt. £(i t£5 nietnlierxi. l5 .'\pr. Monthl}. 'l'he ran teehno night l\ haek \\ ith a
iouriie} through hard-tee \\ ith \peeial
guext Boris S (Skull 'l'tinex/Syiopxixi illtlllgSltlL‘ l'L‘SltlL‘lllS l‘iitltlltt and Ranikannian. l)rutii & liasx tneetx eleetro/teehiio iii the eooler \\ ith the ()lixeetie ere“ atid (it‘aetiie Manhall. I SLOSH at Stilma} (‘ougate
l lpiii 3am. £3 (U i. \\'eekl_\. l’errier :\\\;lt'tl-\\ltltiel‘ llat'r) :\iti\\\orth ltt\ ite\ _\oti to Sl.()Sll e\et'} l‘riday li\peet more of the \atiie IIIIISlC atid luti tliat'x tiiade Snateh \o popular. The \xeeketid \tat'ted _\'e\tet'da} . . . keep on trtiekin'. I Smooth at the Venue.
lt)..‘~()pni 3am. £7 t£5l. l5 .'\pr. .\'e\\ deep and dirt) lioth night l'rotii ('raig Rttlthit)‘ atid Krix l.ind\a_\.
I Solescience at (‘aharet Voltaire. Nev date 2‘) .i\pt'.
I Solid Steel at the Bongo (‘ltih .\'e\t date l3 Ma}.
I STET at the Bongo (’luh.
l Ipni 3am. £5. S .-\pr. We'll be litilte\l. it'\ a hard one to Hill] tip \o well ll;t\ e to let llietii do the talking. ‘\\'ith a purpoxel'ull) erratie aint. a night at Stet \etlltll‘ex oliieetnel} through \otiie lield\ ol \urging haw. l'ot‘extx ol' tiiiero- \atiipled eliekx and \\liil't'\. e\ en drixitig through the ltttlt‘Sltltllttl ot' exki- duh atid grinie.’
I Sugarbeat at ('aliat'et Voltaire. lt)..‘~t)pni Bani. £7. 1 .-\pr. Monthl}.
Check out the
on page 13
Access continue their love of leftfield techno and
electro as they welcome the Hacker for a guest set. Perhaps best known for his work with Miss Kittin and being a survivor of the electro-clash scene, he blends in an 805 aesthetic with his crunching beats, here promoting his Réves Mécaniques long player.
PLUS/VF. /.lt,'{ft’,‘§.‘i J.’ .'""H1\”". " -'.
‘l'lie l.eed\ lit‘eakx tiiglit etllllllltlt‘S at thix new era at the ('ah \\ ith eleetro aeid llUUSL‘ Ill;t\tel' |.ee ('oonilix and Deadl) .-\\etiger ioiiiing tint and .le/ tl‘tali Saitilxi hit another all L‘llL‘UlllPttSSlltg llltISlL' ltl;t\ll tip.
I Super Saturday at the Venue. lll.5(lplll 3am. £5 lielot'e tiiidiiiglit; £5 alter. S .-\pr. 'l'uo lloorx ol' lll;l\llL'tl tip \tltllltlS l't‘otii ltitik) llUtISt‘ \ia Rtkll to lull-on lt'atiee atid teehno \\ ith a ltl;l\\t\ e [)1 roster iii the \hape ol: Km \Vt'tglit. \Vreekage. Bean}. ()li atid l'l‘thl} .l.
I Tokyo Blu at the Venue.
Illfitlptii 3am. £5 lielore tiiidtitght; £7 altert£5t 1 .'\pr. Motithl}. the toe lltithe SL‘\\ititi\ ettttlititte a\ [lie 'lokyi Blu l).l\ ieturti with their eight pieee hand l'or \ttlllL' llltllx}. tilSett. latin. ('liieago atid eleetro tttiged littlISL'
. UTI til llle Venue. \e\t date :3 .\[it'_
Chart & Party
I Friday Funk at Mama. ltlptn £5 (£4). \Veekl}. .\'e\\ tiiglit doun Maxxa pla_\itig pop. tllSL'H. Rtkl‘l. ltitik atid liouxe \\ ith regular \peeial j_'tlL'\l\.
Edinburgh Saturdays
I Ascension Goth Club at 'lex tot Rou l'tiion. ltl._‘~tlpiii .5;tllt, £5. 9 .\pr. In awoeiation \\llll lltlllll‘tll‘g'll l'tii\er\it_\ \ (ioth atid Roek Soetet} eotne\ thix eheer} ltll\ ol up~toedate darknew leaturitig all the latext goth. roek atid itiduxtrial gt‘eatx.
I Breakitdown at Hone} eotiili. Next date 23 .-\pt‘.
I Burly Too at (‘otiitiiplex
l()..‘~tlpiii 3am. £the. to Apr. The rubber. leather. unilorni atid \portxixear-olixexxed ga} night tiiake\ a trip tip the MS tor ati ladinbut‘gh date iti
aid ol \\'.i\etle_\ ('ate.
I Defected in the House at (Kilnit‘et \oltaite llptii iatii £H lielote tiiidniglit. £ltl altet. 3 .-\pt. Motitlil} llllS laliel that redefined the ltitik} llHttSt‘ eoiiipilation throughout the ‘Hlx are liaek \Hlll then He“ iiiotitlil} tiiglit at the (ali. llttgg}. l);ttlll} ’l’etinatit and KippS are the i’e\idetil\ ol eliotee atid the} ‘t‘e ioitied h} (‘opiriglit t;\l\'.v\ Satii Holt and (i;t\ iii Millxi lor theit laditilitirgli deliut ol \Htlllttl daneellooi tiiitided lltHlSL'.
I DEFinition meets Rogue State at the Venue. It). 5UP!“ iatii. £3 lielore llptii; £5 altet. 2 :\pr. Motithl). Reimigoratitig the Ioeal hip hop \eetie l)l-.l-itiitioti iti\ite \peeial gllt'Sl l).l Kextt‘al ((iiatid (‘etittali to ioiti re\ideiit\ l’ St}l/ atid l<e\al. Nov. teattittig tip it itli dt'tttii tk littSSL'h lilag l and l’ieaxt ax Rogue State \xttli \peetal gtte\t l),l Stealth.
I Diggity at the l'.\l;tlill\lllllelll.
ltlptii .iaiii. £q1£5l. \Veekl). l).l l‘alittlttl. llat't'} ll). Rieo and .\l(' l'ltm get tlti\\ll with their had \elxex. pla}itig \iildxt}le Rtkll. hip hop atid \tt'eet Still].
I The Egg at “Le Red Hat.
llptii 3am. £45” 4 £ i.5l)i, Weekly Still the hext tllt\ ol indie. (illx garage. tioi'therti \Hlll. \ka. 7th ptttik and next \\a\ e )ou‘t'e likel} to \tagger iterth A \xell lo\ed lthllllllltllt that t'elti\e\ to eliatige.
I Eye Candy at the Liquid Rootn. lll.5ll[)lll 3am. £IU. U Apr. 'l’lie l'.}e ('atid} 'lutnx return with thix huge lilth liit'thda} part}. l‘llll-Htl glatii houxe \iith lixe l’.'\\ lrotii Kath} Brouti t'Stritigu ol l.ile' l and pereuxxiotiixt Slitnel 1M l’etiplet. a Setilttsli exeluxixe lrotii the l.o\elreek/ plux |.ueid. l,ti\el;tlltl\. Neiat Barton atid ol eourse the lit HIS thenixehex.
‘ ’.' :' '~'- I/ THE LIST 39