Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.
Edinburgh Thursdays
I Agnostic Aggression at ()piuni. Kpiii 3am. I'I‘cc. \Vcckl}. .-\ night ol luck Ilic x} \tcm punk.
I Bloodbeat at Suhwa} ('owgatc. llpm 3am. £l hclorc midnight; £3 illlL'l‘, ll Mar ck l4 .-\pr. l’ortnightl}. Join .\ll\\ Kilt) liaiitaxtico and DJ Darkroom with thcir uphcaI H(l\ charm ol \_\llllI-ptip. clcctro-claxh and intlic clcctro.
I Born to Be Wide at the Strcct. ()piii lam. lircc. .il Mar & l-i Apr. l‘ortiiighll}. .\lll\lL‘ llitlthll'} social cluh IliaI plaiix Io liririg togctlicr muxox. journalists. promotcrs. rccortl \litip woi'kcrx and musicians. With a \aricd soundtrack I‘roiii \arioux industry hotls with .\l_\ Latcxt .\'owl and ‘l'iaxt‘ litltlic Harrison (Miami on thc tlL‘L‘h\ (3| Marl l'ollowctl h} 'l'cciiagc Iiiiicltili and Ilic \ciiuc's Stcwart. Lloyd and Jaq I l4 .-\pri.
I Bounce at I’o Na .\'a. l()piii 3am. £3 £4. chkl}. Student night down l’o .\'a .\'a quitc litci‘all)‘ gctx thc placc ‘llllilplll‘ with Il\ mix ot‘ hip hop. urhaii. R&B and drinks promos.
I Club Simba at thc (‘cllar Bar. lttpiii 3am. lircc hct'orc | lpm; £3 al'tcr. \\'L'L‘kl}. 'l‘hc ('cllar Bar coiitiiiucs its i‘cclaiiiatiori as a qualit} cluhhiiig \ciiuc witli Illl\ mix of Alricaii. ('arihlican and Latin iiil'cctioux licats.
I Dizzy at Iago. lltpni 3am £418». 7 Apr. l’til}\upcr\lttl‘ l’ctc llllll\\\ttl’lli laurichcx lll\ iicw 'l‘hu night \pcctacular with plciit} ol tlrllih\ promm Io tucl Ilic aliiiox.
I Do-It! at Faith. llpm 3am. £3 £4, \Vcckl}. TM 2 Smooth l)J\ la} tltl\\ll \c\_\ and sass} urhan I'li)llllli\ tor a glaiiiiiicd up crowd tcaturiiig Rkli. hip hop. disco and soul.
I Fur Burger at ligo. I lpm 3am. £3.
l4 .-\pr. Ncw night lor gll'l\ who likc girls. dirt} _|okc\. llillllL'lltlU and an c\cr cclcctic Illll\lL‘ polic}. Hop plcaxc rcmcmhcr _\ou ricctl a Icmalc cxcort tor critr}.
I Genetic at ('itrux ('luh. l lpm .‘iani. l'rcc hcl'orc l l..i()piii; £2 al'tci‘. \Vcckl}. Still a might} popular \oircL‘ that
\how caxcs altcriiati\ c. llltllL‘ aiitl lo-Ii. No smoking at tlic har. mind.
I Ghetto Fabulous at (‘aliarct Voltairc. l()..i()pni 3am. £3 (£2). chk'l}. Ncw 'l'hurstla} iiightci' ol RIM! and hip hop taggcd as ‘c\pcn\i\c music for poor lolk'. 'l‘lic Main room‘s hoxtctl h} (iL'Illl\ and his RIYB girls. BL‘\ltlL'\ (Jump) and DJ I’roxpcct. w liilc coming \(Hili Io tlic Back room \Vi‘cckagc pla} \ out a hlciitl ol‘ l'unk through to lircakx.
I The GOuLaG BeAt at ligo. l().3()pni 3am. £4. 3| Mar. I’unk. garagc. iicw w a\ c and good lioiicxt i‘ock'ii'roll li'oiii l'L‘glllill'\ Kaka. ()l}. Mr Moo Moo and Ilic l’rimitii'c l'i'gc l).l\.
I Our House at l‘aitli. I lpm 3am. £3 hcl‘oi'c midnight: £4 altci‘ (£2). chk'l}: lloiiiagc to all things housc l'i‘om tlic carlicxt days to tlic higgcxt L‘ltlh lilix ol~ lotlil_\‘.
I Out There at thc Bongo ('luh. l()piii 3am. £4. 3| Mar. liuntlraixcr l'or Strcctwoi'kx Ilic Runawa} '\ Action
l’rograniiiic with Ilic iiiultiplc lillL‘liI\ ol‘
Alan & Maggic (Joy). I)alc. Brct and (‘lil'lx
I The Snatch Social at Ilic l lama Room Ill .‘wlpm 3am £4 M4: 5H! \Vcckl} l'ilIh_\ caliarct tlixco llhlitll lcaturiiig coiiipcrc Hair} -\ili\\\iil'lll I.-\K.v\ toriiicr l’crrici licxt \cwcomci (ial‘lli ('ruiksliaiik I. who I\ tl_\iiig \olo attcr Ion} (‘artcr\ llll\lll\l:_'k'\l [\lllldllli Italics aritl 'l'rciitl} \Vciitl} iiiioiithl} l‘L‘Htlc‘Illl \Iippl} hip hop and tuiik} llllic\ (‘lic'ck lllL'll \H‘l‘fllc‘
w w \\.\li.tlcll\0cl.ll.ctilil tor morc into
Chart & Party
I Vinyl aI .\la\\a. Rpm 3am l'rcc \Vcckl}. ('oiiiiiicrcial chart .llltl Ilaiicc courtcx} ot l’aul l‘unkxlcr. plus tIl'lIll’x\ promos aplciit} loi' [liti\L‘ who want to \lttl‘i llic' \\ L'L‘kt'lltl la\lllnlial‘l_\ cai'l}.
Edinburgh Fridays
I Above & Beyond at \Vcc Rctl Hat. Ill..‘~l)piii 3am. £5. 8 .\pi'. \cw ci‘cw attcmptuig \omctliiiig thl'lcrciit. In lact. thc} arc II'_\ ing to launch a iicw gciirc mixing lircnch liartl-tcc with (ltt\\lt' tracks l'rom Ilic past including classical. ia/I. \\\lll:_‘ aiitl iiiorc iiiotlcrii lllilc‘\ liroiii thc likcx ol Jiiiimi llcntlrn or (ioi‘illal. 5w p/‘i'iicu.
I Access at thc llUilL‘} coiiih,
llpm 3am. £ll) (£3 iiiciiilicrxi. 8 .-\pr. 'l‘cchiio. clcctro aiitl houxc l'roiii Ilic Dropout l)J\ tllotl} I'Imk. Rchali. lluxtlcr. BlL‘lltl aiitl litisl who arc llllllL‘tl li) oric til IliL‘ kllig‘x til c‘lc‘c'll'ti lllL‘ llackcr on his lx’t'i-m .lli'i unit/um alhum tour.
I Bio-Rhythm aI Ilic lloiic} comli.
l lpiii .‘saiii. £9 (£7 \lllthlll\ antl lllL‘llilk‘l‘H. l5 .v\pr. .\Ioiithl_\. (‘oiitiiiuiiig Ilicir rcwrciicc I‘m all things Ilancc
w haIc\ cr thc gciirc w c lia\ c a gucxt \pttl l‘roiii Ki‘alit} Kuts. l)J Hclicxc aiitl Silx'cr Storic prm itlc hack-up w hilc thc .\lci'r} l’raiikxtcrx arc in cliargc ol' Ilic hrokcii hcatx iii Ilic liack' room. .-\l\o
pic-chili Switch l p \L‘\\l\‘ll at (lugcii tioiii .\piii laiii
I Blaze at l-go llpiii 1am Ll: \\cckl} Ill .l.llltL‘\ I oiigwoith igmtcx tlic ga} wcckciitl with a chart and Iuiik_\ liouw \l‘lllldll‘kh
I Diggin’ Deeper at llit‘ Bongo ('luli lllpiii zam £"1L‘i 15 \pi llic lligllccp \llxlaix lock Ilic palt} \\llll Ilicii cclcctic liicw oi Itiiik. hip hop. I'L‘g'g'ac‘. I‘L‘ah. IIIH\ IL‘\ and wow
I Dogma at Studio 2-1
Ill :lll‘lll iam £lIli£.\' iiiciiilicixl l .-\pi llaitl a\ II.Ili\ and as Iiiitlcigiouiitl ax molcx. tcchiio ot tlic highth I‘ltlL‘l Ilic lliitixh \ltiitlci Iliwsi \K \ lx’cgh .llltl Suigcoiii loi a thicc lioui ~cI ol llltlll\lll.ll \Iicngth iiia_\liciii ax llic‘} pioiiiotc Ilicii [ix/lit I [on x I \ .Ill‘tllll .ht't' [’I¢'\ li'H
I Evol at Ilic l ltlllltl Room
Illillpm iaiii £5 \M-ckl} litliiiliui‘gli'x loiigcxt running llltllt' night. With tlic usual Illl\ ot thc licxt currciit and \‘l.t\\l\' .ilIciiiaInc. \‘I'ii\\ti\t‘l' lIlllL‘\. iI\ aii lll\lllllllttll ali'catl} and with Ihc i'ccciit .ltltllllt‘ll ot Ilic hack iooiii Iiiow iiiaiinctl h} Ilic \ciicialilc (‘liow .llltl lloii/oiital oii tlc\ and laptop\ with an 'aii)thiiig hut iiitlic' iciiiiti. tlic lutuic lookx likc .i hapr placc loi all llilllj..‘\ vaol
I Finsternis at Ilic l’lcamncc (Lilian-I Bar. \L'\I Ilalt‘ 3.: .\|‘l
I Fool Fat at lllL' Bongo ( 'luh
llpm iam. U. l .'\Pl ()ric oll \piil liool'x Illil\li up as I).ll<ctlti .llltl ll Hm): liltci' out tlic licxt Ill hip hop. \otll. lunk. tll\(tl. (ilk. licatx aritl hi'cak\ loi _\our lixtcniiig plcaxurc
I Fridays in Session at ('aharci Voltaii'c. llldllpiii iam. £ll) l L“ Slit l5 .-\pr. \Ionthl}. 'l’lic Icani hchiiitl tlic c\ccllciiI l’l'tthl'L‘\\lHli start up llll\ iiioic iiiIiiiiaIc night with tlic iicw look (uh. hut \till attracting \omc ol Ilic licxt namcx in Ilic litixincxx. This month it's .ltlillL‘\ /.ahiclla.
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38 THE LIST 3‘. Mar—1.1 Am 3005