Around Town


Nationwide, Thu 27 Jan

Sometimes it can be hard to get your head around the scale of an event. How, for example, can we come to terms with the fact that more than 150,000 people have died as a result of the tsunami in the Indian Ocean? The numbers are so great, we can only call it cataclysmic.

But compare that death toll - the result of an act of God - to the body count of the Holocaust, an entirely man-made occurrence. Six million people, mainly Jews, but also homosexuals, Roma and disabled people, perished as a result of the murderous Nazi pogrom. It’s a total exceeded in grimness only by Stalin's record in the Soviet Union.

Given that we’re so well versed on the tsunami, we can rest assured that we’re up to speed on the Holocaust, right? Wrong. Last month, a BBC survey claimed nearly half of us had never heard of Auschwitz, the Polish death camp where the Nazis killed over a million Jews, 75,000 Poles, 21,000 Roma and 15,000 Soviet prisoners of war between January 1942 and

January 1945.

Sixty years after the liberation of Auschwitz, it seems we’re due a brush up on our 20th century history. Up to 60% of women and the under 355 said they had never heard of Auschwitz, a statistic that will lend a special urgency to Holocaust Memorial Day on Thursday 27 January.

The theme of this year's event is Survivors and Liberation. In Glasgow, Professor Richard Overy of King’s College, London will present Scotland’s Fifth Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture at the University of Glasgow on

Wednesday 26 January. (Mark Fisher)

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Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to sport® for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce and Rachael Street.



Art Bites .\Ic| .t'IIilll (inllcrtcs 370 Suiicliicliull Sti‘cct. 505 -I|00. Ipin. 'l'lii' Hum/x h} (iliisgon ho}s Ii IIorncI illltI (i IIcni'} is thc stihicct ol' this qiiickic tirt talk John Hare: Across the Sahara chlicltl St Stcphcn’s ('hiii'cli (‘cntrtz 300 IitlIIl Strcct. 332 2830 2.15pm. John IIill'L‘ gix cs this Royil Scottish (icogruphicul Silt‘lt‘l} IIItlsll'uIL'tI IttIk Ill “IllL‘II IIL' ilisciisscs his 300i cpic I500 inilc cuntcl ritIc iilong onc ol' thc inost iincicnt hiin\\;i_\s in thc \wi'ItI. hctnccn I.;ikc ('hgitI ilIItI 'I'ripoli.

Art:Speak! ('( '.-\. 350 Siiiichicliull Strch 353 4000. "'pni .\ scrics ol talks locusing on thc \xork ol' ill'll\l\ \\ Iio II\ c and pructicc in Scotland. .v\nthon_\ Sching tIiscusscs Iiis \xork \ihich icliitcs to thc ‘prcscnt coiitintioiis' tcnsc. .is llll illlt‘lllpl to l‘L‘tlL‘Ii ll phcnoincntilogiciil ruthcr than IIIIL'IIL‘L'ItlilI


Behind the Scenes - The Glasgow Collection .\Iitchcl| I.ihr;ii"\. 20| North Strccl. 287 300‘). 3.30pm. ()pportunit} to imcstigntc thc rich ini\ ol‘ IlltlIL‘l’IilI\ hcld in thc liiinotis (ilgisgon ('ollcction including Ilt\Itil’|CtlI ncnspupcrs. inups illltI photographic lllltlg‘t‘s

Hip Hop Dance Classes ('(‘.v\. 350 Suucliichgill Sti‘cct. 353 4000. 7 8pm. £5 (Hi. .-\pp;ircnt|_\ it‘s )otir cii ic tliit} to slinkc _\our hoot} in thc nunic ol' Icurning .i tun tltincc lorin. Bring kncc pgids il~ _\oti h.i\ c thcin.


Holiday and Travel Show Slit‘f. I-‘innicston Qua}. 08‘0 (L40 .1000. Lo i£4i; tigiinil} tickcl [30 H} ol'l~ to thc sun or hcgitl for thc hills \\ ith .ith icc ITtllll tr;i\c| industr} c\pci1s.

Activities <3 Events Flower of the West Discussion

28 THE LIST .k‘ Jan 3 i nz‘ Q,“

'I‘ruiimgi}. 35 .-\Ihcrt I)i'i\c. 0345 330 3501. -1piii. I'icc. .-\ pgincl ol .ii'tists (Itscttss lhc Ullgtittlg‘ I'lmii'l' u/ I/Ii' IIMI c\Iiihition.


Holiday and Travel Show Sli( '( '. I'illIIlIL'NltlIl ()lltt}, 0870 (HI) JINX), U) tL-I ll Iillllli} tickct L20. Scc I'ri II.

Food & Drink

Farmers Market .\I;iiist'ic|tl Park. otl‘ I)iiinh;irton RtliltI. 34! 08-14. IIItllll 2pm. :\ chgincc to hti} It'csIt prodticc tIircct Il‘tllll tlic Iill'lllL‘l's.


Celtic v Motherwell (‘cliic l’urk. Kcrrylulc Strccl. I’nrincutI. 55I 8053. 3pm. SI’I. IootImII mulch.


Scotfairs Antique Fair Kch in Hull Intcrnutionul Sports .'\I'L‘ll;I. l4-I5 .-\rg} Ic Sti'cct, 0I7h4 (i54555. Illillll 4.30pm. LI Iii'oxxsc st;iIIs lutlcn \\ ith icucllcr). coins. Iiiicn. IllL‘tI;II\ and tlllllqtlt‘s.

Holiday and Travel Show Sli( ‘(‘. I‘innicston (Jun). 0870 040 4000, Lo iHi; Itiinil) tichct L30. Scc I‘ii'i 3|.


Scottish Rocks v London Towers Ilruchciitl .-\rcn;i. Kings Inch RtliltI. 5(il ll40. 5pm. £8 £l5 (£5 L'h’i; liiinil} tickct L32. 'I'hc BIil. ('hgiinpionship cunipziign continucs til'tcr thcir ('UP I‘intil tIillL‘ iiguinst thc Iiczii‘s.


Robert Burns - Pious Poet or Religious Rebel? St .\Iiingo .\Itisciini ol Rcligioiis I.ilc and .’\t't. 3 ('tistlc Sti'ccl. 553 3557. 3pm. I-‘rcc. 'I‘hc spctikcrs discuss thc niun hchind thc \xortls illILI lhc c\lcnt to “Inch littith IL‘UIllI'L‘tI in his Iil'c.


Monday 24

Food & Drink

Stravaigin Burns Supper Stimuigin. 2\‘ (iihson Strcct. 334 2065. 7.30pm. £29.05. (‘clchrutc Burns Night \xith .i l'otIr-coursc ntcul. ;i \\ cc drum. :i pipcr piping thc huggis in. :in uddrcss to thc

IIgiggts and it cciIitlh. BURNS NIGHT!


European Movement: Is Europe Good for Business? ('iti/cns' Theatre. I I‘) (itirhuls SII‘L‘CL (35‘) ($404. qpttl. I'TL‘L'. Your chgincc to hm c _\our s;i_\ on Ihc

Iziiropcnn l'nion rctitiit‘ctl. I)oiig|;is IIci‘hison illltI Hill .\IiI|cr loin thc discussion. I’liiccs intist hc t'L‘st‘H L'tI lll tttIHtltcc.

IIH pl'ttit' I\ttti\\ IL‘tIL‘t'


Burns Room Tours Mitchcll |.ihr.ir_\. 20] North 50ch 287 200‘). 3.31 lpni. I)isco\ ci' lhc tIcIights ol' IItc \xoi'lil's Itirgcst Rohci‘t Iltii'ns coIIcction. Booking csscntiul. BURNS NIGHT!

Beginners Capoeira Workshop ('iirnixzil Arts. 3nd Iiloor, 3-1 Albion SII‘L‘L‘I. 5.53 3037. () 7.30pm. Lt) tic-I l. I.c;irn this gruccl'ul Bra/than Illitl'llilI :ii't.

Tuesday 25

Activities & Events

Peer Critique Sessions 'l'i'uiimgi}. 25 Alhci't I)ri\c, 08-15 330 350i. (i .‘s’piii. I'il'L'L'. lIillt' Ilt'sl HI. it st‘t'tt‘s HI \L‘\\ltlll\ :illtm ing artists to gct l‘cctlhtick on thcii' uork I'roiii thcir pccrs. In hook it l'i'cc I’IRIL‘C cull Stcwn Antlcrson on 0845 330 350].

:i: An Evening with Henry Rollins ('iirIing .-\c;itIcin_\ (ilusgou. III Iiglington Strcct. 0870 77] 2000. 7.30pm. L'lh. Scll-ciinl'cssionul conictl} illltI spokcn uord Ironi this iron»ptiinping Icgcntl ol' Black I‘lug Innic. Scc IIIIIIsI.

Food & Drink

The Ubiquitous Chip Burns Supper'l‘hc l'hiqiiitoiis (hip. I2 .-\sItltiti I,;inc. 334 5007. 7pm. £37.50. .-\|I thc traditional \\;i_\s to cclchrzitc Ruhhic. \\ ith it Burns sttppcr. illl :itldrcss to thc huggis. :i pipcr unit it ccilidh. BURNS NIGHT!

Stravaigin Burns Supper Sii'muigin. 3‘ (iihsiitt Slt'ccl. 33—1 2605. 7.30pm. £20.05. Scc Mon 24. BURNS NIGHT!


Burns Room Tours Mitchcll l.ihr;ir}. le| North Strcct. 287 209‘). 2.30pm. SL‘L‘ .\Itlll 3—1. BURNS NIGHT!

Wednesday 26


Burns Celebration .\Iiichcl| I.thr;it‘_\. ltll Nonh Sti‘ccl. 287 399‘). (3pm. Burns cxpcrts including author of thc lh'rinilii'c I/luslmlt'il (’mnpuniun In Nit/HT! BHI'IM. I’L'IL'r \Vcslutmtl. \NIII Ik‘ on hand to tinsncr till )our Burns rclzitctI qucstions ill this cwning cclchrution ol thc hard including poclr} :ind Ii\cI_\ tlchutc. BURNS NIGHT!

* Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture Butc IIuII. l'ni\crsit_\ ol (ilusgou. l'nixcrsit} .r\\ cnuc. 330 4092.

Still from Alain Resnais. Night and Fog. See DVD panel page 49

(ipni, I'lt‘t'. no tickcls icqtiiictl Npmkci thIlttl'tI I )\t't_\. I’ltilt‘ssiit HI \IiitIt‘lll Iztii‘opcgin IIistoi} .it King's ( ‘ollcgc. Ii;is puhlishcd in.in_\ cllllt';lII_\ .iccl.iiinctl hooks on tlic 'I’hiitI Ix’cicli. coxci iiig pcriotIs Iiclorc and dining lItc \\oi ItI \V.” II. and \\;l\ .murdcd tIic S.iiiiii.i| Itliot Morison I’ri/c h} tItc ~\ocict) loi \Iilit.ii_\ IIistor} lot :i Iilctiinc's contiihtition to iiiilit;ii'} Illsliit'}. Scc Plt‘\lt'\\ .intl IIIIItsI


Burns Room Tours .\liicht-It l.ihi;ii'_\_ leI North Sti‘cct. 287 300‘). 2. 30pm. Scc Mon 2-1. BURNS NIGHT!

Beginners Capoeira Workshop (';ii'ni\;il :\l'ls. 3nd I-loor. 3-1;\|hioii Sircci. 552 so? 7. 3llptti. itlti. Scc Mon 24.

Burns Celebration .\liichc|| I.lI\l;ll_\. leI North Strcct. 337 300‘). (ipni. I'l't‘t'. .-\n cxcning ol poctn illltI tIL'I‘AIlt' about

our llitllttllilI Iitit‘tl. BURNS NIGHT!

Activities & Events

Tours of the Mitchell Library Mitclicll I,lI3l'ill'}. llll North Sti'cct. 337 309‘). (ipni. Ilchintl thc sccncs .it

(ilzisgtm 's laiinoiis \Iitchcll I.ihi';ir_\. \Iccl ttl Rt‘t‘t‘pltiitl Hll KL'III RtliltI


Aft Bites \IL'I .c'IItill (itiIIL'l'lt’s. 27” Sgiiichichtill Sli'cct. 505 4100. Iplll. I-i‘cc, l’nrlmit (If li’u/u'rl li’m'm h} ;\ N;isiii_\th is lIlL' \llIttL'cl 0| [Ills qtltL'let' ttl'l I;tII\.


Burns Room Tours Mitchcll I.ihi';ir}. I‘ll North Strcct. 337 390‘). 3. 30pm. Scc Mon 3-1. BURNS NIGHT!

Hip Hop Dance Classes ('( ‘.I\. 350 Sutichichiill Strcct. 353 4900. 7 Spin. L5 tLJi. Scc 'I'Iiurs 20

Friday 28


Pollock House Antiques Fair Pollock IIiitisc. 3000 I)tlII(K.‘I\\Ii.'t\\\ Riitiil. No (All). lluin 5pm. £3. Paintings. ccriiniics. lurnitui'c. iIII making this ii lirni linoiiritc v. ith tIL‘itIL‘H and thc hlI}L'l‘s ilIIIkL‘.

Saturday 29


30/20 Craft 8 Design Fair Rt)}£tI (‘onccrt Hull. 3 Sauchichzill Strcct. 353 3000. ltluin 5pm. I‘rcc. ('ontcniimrzir) crzil't. tIcsign and artworks dirch troni thc mukcrs thcinsclxcs.