Around Town




* An Evening with Henry Rollins The punk legend. Black Flag member, tattooed. thick necked. roaring monster comes to speak rather than shout about the world according to Henry (pictured). in a part spoken word part stand up evening, gathering tales of his life and tne world he finds himself in. Carling Academy, Glasgow, Tue 25 Jan.

* Burns Night at the Fruitmarket Say a big ‘well done that man' to Rabbie with a celebration at the Fruitmarket in association with the Scottish Storytelling Centre. Haggis, neeps. tatties and a wee dram to wet your whistle for poetry readings by Valerie Gillies and stOryteIIing by John Fee. Fruitmarket Gallery. Edinburgh, Tue 25 Jan.

* Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture Acclaimed historian and Third Reich specialist Richard Overy gives the fifth Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture. entitled Making a Killing: The Economics of the Holocaust. Bute Hall, University of Glasgow, Wed 26 Jan.

* Norwich Union International Europe‘s great athletes battle it out in a variety of events. including Olympic hero supremo double medal winner Kelly Holmes in the 1500m. Get your runners on! Kelvinha/I International Sports Arena, Glasgow, Sat 29 Jan.


Wht sin


Freebies aren’t just for freeloading hacks. Morag Bruce tries out a DADA, an online service that opens up the blagging to all.

K. xo there I \\ax. xtanding in the hat \xith no

name t_\ou knon. like l’rineel in the \Vexl lind

ol' lidinhurgh holding a Tree drink. \\ ith a token l‘or another l'ree drink in m} poeket. xurrounded h_\ lotx ol‘ other people alxo holding lree drinkx and tokenx. ‘\\'hat a xurprixef _\ou think. ‘Blooth journalixtx. alua} x ligging.’ But ah-ha. no? 'l‘hix launeh ol lx'ronenhourg Blane \xax an entirel) puhlie e\ent. ‘lloxt eome I \xaxn't imited their." _\ou axk. \\'ell that'x prohahl} heeauxe )otl‘re liot one ol. the Mill)” people in (ilaxgou and lidinhurgh \\ ho ha\ e joined l).-\l).-\ in the laxt _\ear.

()lniouxl} I‘m not talking ahout the art moxement ot

the earl} Illth eentur}. ’l‘hat \xould he rather unlikel}. ’l'hix ix a (ilaxgoxt-haxed eompam \xhieh promixex to imite _\ou to a “hole xpanking range ol e\entx that _\ou‘|l he into. 'l‘heatre tripx. dixeount xhopping e\eningx in x\\ank_\ xhopx. har openingx. lilm premierex. health and litnexx e\entx; )ou'll xoon ha\ e a xoeial dair} l.i//.\leg/l'ara hlootl} l’l would he proud oil.

The deal ix that _\ou go to the \xehxite and till in _\our detailx. tiek ho\ex ahout _\our age. uhat t}pe ol' e\entx )ou \xould he interexted in. \xhat xide ol' the hed _\ou .xleep on tonl} t\\o ol‘ thexe are truet etc. and then the} email )ou in\itex aeeordingl}. \xhieh _\ou ean either aeeept or deeline.

('ome on non. ()li \orman. l).’\l);\ l'ounder. _\ou don't e\peet tix to helie\e he'll get tree drinkx. part} imitex. dixeountx and tieketx \tithout a eateh. do _\ou'.’ \Ve're no dalt alter all. ‘lhereK no eatehf he xa_\ x. '.>\ll \ie axk ix that it a memher goex along to xomething. and the) Inn e a great time. that the} tell their triendx

and go haek. hut again that-x tolall_\ tip to that indhidual.‘

'lalking ol' memherx. thoxe at the har with no name llor goodnexx xake. ix there a x_\nihol \te eould tixe‘.’t were a )oung. good looking huneh. htit tnemherx~ agex range lrom IN NS. xtudentx to partnerx in la\\ lirmx and what ()li dexerihex ax minor eelehx. llo\\ intriguing.

Your detailx are kept xlrietl} eonlidential. xo _\ou don‘t ha\ e to \xorr} ahout reeei\ing a deluge ol marketing erap lrom other eompaniex. \xhieh ix good ax there are old} xo man} ol'l'erx ol‘ penix e\tenxionx a girl \\;tlllx to reeei\ e in one da_\.

Seeing ax xhe‘x tar lexx da//led h} the promixe ol a le\\ xherriex. lello\\ [ix/er. Raehael Street. donned her eultural eap and headed to the l'xher Hall to enio} the l{o_\al Seottixh National ()rehextra perl'orming '//ie \lllt'l'rlr/xt'l‘ Ultll'lex} til~ a l):\l):\ lll\ ite. She-(l tlelinitel} go again.

That. aeeording to (Hi. ix oh} the eoneept ix xueh a xueeexx. ‘\\'hether _\ou‘re a theatre or a har. the thing _\ou lime in eommon ix that _\ou need people to eome and xee \\ hat _\ou‘re doing. and it‘x reall_\ hard to eomert new people. But take the RS.\'() e\ent tor e\ample. xomething like Hll’i ill people hadn't e\et' heen to an e\ent like that helore. and \then the} tilled in the alter e\ent quextionnaire. \thieli the} nearl} all do. the} all xaid the} \Hlllltl go haek.‘

\Vith partiex. deeent dixeountx and tree tieketx people xhould he tairl} eax} to eon\ert to l).'\l);\ixm.