I Huun Huur Tu s Koshka 'l'rainua}. .-\lhcrt l)ri\c. 353 HUM) Spin “4 Hum 'lu\a. hctuccn Sihcria and Mongolia. comc thc mcxmcrixing throat \ingcrx and llhlflllllt'llldllSlS ol lluun lluur 'lu 'l llt'} arc partncrcd h} thc tan} (i)p\\. ch/mcr and RUSSIA” lllll\lc ol (ilasgou. \ \ H'Illtixt) Koxhlta.

VI Shane MacGowan and the Popes l‘lat‘rim land. (iallou. galc. 3.53 SUM). Spin. L2H. 'l hc lainothl} dilapidach lolk/punkxtcr [)L'l'ltll'HIS an clcctric and unprcdictahlc \cl. ’url of (t’lllt ('IIIIIlt't [HUM 31/05

I June Tabor Ro_\al ('oncci't llall: Strathclylc Suitc. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 SUM). Split. L'I-l. .\ grcat intcrprctcr ol traditional mug. with an ;t\l()lll\lllllj_'. dark \ocal tcxtui‘c. 'lahoi pct'lrfl‘llh \\llll hcr llSllttl group on piano. \lt)llll. \Iola. \a\ and clarinct. Sllc\ iomcd h} accordion pla)cr And} ('utting and guitarixt Martin Simpxon. l’url n) ('t'lru ('nnm'i {mm 3005.

I Michael McGoldrick Band meets Dochas 'l'hc .'\I'L'llc\. :\i‘g_\ lt‘ Strcct. 353 SUUU. ‘).3Upm. Ll), (‘apcrcailltc‘x \tar \ihixtlc. llutc and pipcx man plavu lllttcx lrom hix auard- “inning alhutn lion]. and l\ ioincd h} \pccial gucxtx. thc happcning _\oung Scolx all—uotnctt hand. I’d/'1 ul (iv/lit (‘nnmw'rmm 3005.

I Celtic Connections Ceilidh Dance Ro}al ('onccrt llall: l:\hihition llttll. Saucltichall Strcct. 3.53 Sill)“. lllpllt. U). “Ir! 0/ (‘t'Illt' ('ultltt't'll'uln 31)!)5.


I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh Dance x\\\ctnh|} RtNHllS. (icorgc Strcct. 22H 434‘). Spm. L'S. (‘cilidh hand “H mm callcr Kcn (iotlt'la).


I Celtic Colours Ro_\al ('onccrl llall: Strathchdc Suitc. Sauchichall Strcct. 35.3 SUM). lpm. fill). l.c \cnt du .\'ord. l)anicl l.app. Mcagan .\lc('arrc| and 'l'ro} .\lc( iillixra} comc togcthcr to cclchratc thc muxic ol(‘apc llrcton and ('anada. I’url nl' ( 'c'llit' ('unnct'lium 2005.

I The Young Tradition: Comhaltas 'l‘hc Piping ('L‘ltlt‘c. Mcl’hatcr Strch ('oucaddcnx. 353 SUM). 3pm. £7.50. 'l‘hc lri~h lllllSlL‘ ;t\\ocialion. l‘oundcd in l‘)5l to promotc Irish muxic song and dancc traditionx. l’urr ult‘cllit' ('rmm't‘rimix .3005.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage Ro_xal ('onccrt Hall: li\hihition Hall. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 SUM). 5pm. l-‘rcc. (iihh 'l’odd compcrcx an arra} ol' ncu lllllSlL'dl talcnt. I’url u/ (‘t'lm- ('unm’t'lium 3005.

I Musical Ark Ro}al ('onccrt llall. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 SUM). 7.3()pm. L‘l-l (£12.5U). 'l‘hc l’iping ('cntrc, Mcl’hatcr Strcct. ('oucaddcnx Spm. L‘ l 3. 'l‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. 'l'rongatc. Spm. L'IU. Ro_\al ('onccrt Hall: Strathchdc Suitc. Sauchichall StrcctSpm. L'l2.5(). 'l‘hc inuxicianx comc in No h) tno. gcddit'.’ A rcxoh ing linc-up ol‘ muxicianx acrom tour \cnucx in onc night. lloxtcd h} .'\l_\ llain. .-\lc .\lo||cr. l’hil ('unningluim. Brian .\lc.\'cill. liindla} Napicr and Karcn 'l‘u‘ccd. Purl uH‘c/ltt' ('mmct‘limrx 3003‘.

I lshbel MacAskill and Elspeth Cowie (ilasgou (‘athcdraL ('astlc Strcct. 353 SUM). 7.45pm. 1.12.50. (iaclic and Scotx \ong togcthcr tor an atmoxphcric conccrt h_\ candlclight. l’tll'l (HIT/Ill (‘Ultltt't‘llttlls 300.5.

I Flook meets Le Vent Du Nord 'l‘hc Arches. :\rg_\ lc Strcct. 353 SUM). Spin. L'l-l. liiidlcxxl} imcntixc music from the linglixh/lrixh all-instrumcnta| outfit t‘caturing hodhraa. guitar. accordion and llutc. Tao} arc joincd h} 200-) Juno auard \\ inacrx 1c \cnt Du Nord. l’ur! all‘e'lltt‘ (hunct‘litntx .3005. I Johnny Kalsi 8 the Dhol Foundation 'l‘ramua). Alhcrt Drixc. 353 SUM). Spin. Lil. (ilasgoxx '\ cultural dix'crsit}. l‘caturing l‘orincr Afro (‘clt

82 THE LIST ti—Qt) Jan .‘Cx‘S


We don’t actually think Aberfeldy did any wrong last year,

considering we seemed to award their every utterance with five big ones. They also produce delightfully bestiary album covers and they’re so bewildered with their genius, you could knock the lot of them down with a feather. Quite honestly.

I /~'t/'<,‘l)o:;. Glasgow: ll/txl 75) Jan.

Sound \_\'\th1) mcmhcr lohnn} Kalxi. thc l)hol l’oundation. p|u\ folk lllllxlt'lttllx 'l‘om Ricltardxon. \iia} Kangutkar and Sapna .lohanpulra. I’url u] ('t'llit' (.UIIIIt't'HrI/H 21””.

I Mercedes Peon ()l‘dll .\lor. (ircal \chtcrn Road. 353 SUM). Spin. £|2.5U. SL'L' lllll l3. I’ll/’1 0/. ( it'lllt‘ (.(lllllft'll-UIM 3003.

I Celtic Connections Ceilidh Dance Ro}a| ('onccrt llall: li\hihition llitll. Sauchicliall Strcct. 3.53 Sllllll. lllpnt. U). Scc l'il'l l4.


I lshbel MacAskill’s Taste of the Fest 'l‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. 'l‘rongatc. 353 SUM). 4pm. £7.50. 'l‘hc lll'xl ot' thrcc Sunda} \ltoucaw\. hmtcd h} thc [cu l\ (iaclic \ingcr. and l‘caturing glith ll‘Ulll thc ('c/rit~ (‘nnm't'rimn 2005 programmc.

I Alasdair Fraser 8. Natalie Haas 'l'ron 'l hcatrc. 'l‘rongatc. 35.3 SUM). Spin. L'll). liiddlcr .-\la\dair l‘raxcr and ccllixt Natalic llaax pcrl‘orin \\ ith ('anada'x l)anicl l.app 'l‘rio. ’ul'! 0/ ("c/lit~ ('unm'i'lium .3005.

I Eddie McGuire 8. the Whistlebinkies 'l‘ramu a}. .v\lhcrt l)ri\c. 353 SUM). Spm. {1-1. \Vinncr ol' thc ZUU-l ('rcatn c Scotland :\\\ard. ‘Binkic'x compoxci‘ liddic .\lc(iuirc prcxcntx a cornhination ol (‘hincxc mu\ic tllltl SCUlllSll lullx. I’ll/'1 Hf (iv/[Ir (‘unncclium .3005.

I Le Vent du Nord ()ran .\lor. (ircat \chtcrn Road. 353 SUM). Spm. ).'|2.5U. ll‘llL‘ \L‘L‘Ulltl (‘t'lllu (‘Ullllt‘t'lltUH 2U“)- pcrl'ormancc trom thix quintcxxcntial Quchccoix llillltl. Pill”! (ll (iv/Ht ('(tllllt't'llrtlts 300.5.

I Martin Simpson The Piping ('cntrc. Mcl’liatcr Strcct. ('oucaddcm. 353 SUM). Spin. U2. Blucx-haxcd \ irtuoxo guitar \xork from BBC Radio 2 Folk .\lu\ician ol' the Ycar. I’urt (If ( 'c/rit' (.Ullllt’t‘llrilh 20m“.

I The Clachies Bar lS5. Buchanan llotcl. Buchanan Strcct. 333 73S»). 5pm. l'rcc. Scc Sun 9.


I Kepa Junkera l{t)};tl (‘onccrt llall. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 SUM). 7.3Upm. £15t£l3.5l)).(i|a\go\\\liaxouritc llaxquc inuxician. accordionixt Junkcra lL‘;ttl\lll\ liw—piccc hand. I’d/'1 ml (if/Ht ('riltitt't'llmtx SUNS.

I Martin Taylor with Sheila Stewart and Phil Cunningham Ro}al ('onccrt Hall: Strathclxdc Suitc. Sanchichall Strcct. 353 SUM). Spin. U4. Ja// guitar lcgcnd 'l‘a} lor ix ioincd h} traditional tra\cl|cr \ingcr and \tor}tcllcr Stcuart and Scotland\ accordion \tar. l’tl/‘l 0/ (it'll/it” (.rlllllt’t'lllllh Jill/.5.

Tuesday 18


I Runrig Roin ('onccrt llall. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 SUM). 7.3Upm. {BU tlle). (‘clchraling 3U _\car\ ax a hand in 2M)3. thc} ‘rc (iacldoni\ laxouritc rock hand. \Vith \pccial gucxt. compmcr and Lc}hoard guru ol Scotx/Bra/ilian ‘Nahoo‘ lamc. l’aul Mounxc}. l’url 0/ (Hill ('unnt't‘lmm 3003'.

I Eliza Carthy with Sharon Shannon Ro_\al ('onccrl Hall: Strathclylc Suitc. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 SUM). Spm. L'lo, Drawing on hcr lamil} hcritagc in linglixh l‘olk. liddlcr and \ingcr ('arth} joinx thc grcat lrixh itc‘L‘Ut'tlittlllSl. ’(Il'l 0/ (-('/Ht ('HItllt't'll'me 3003'.


I Dick Gaughan l.cith l-olk ('luh. ‘l‘hc Villagc. South liort Strcct.-17S 7S“). “.3Upm. L'S. Socialixm and \ong t'rom thc grcat Scoh guitarixt. 'l'in} \cnuc. (ict thcrc carl}.

I Delta Croft Revue \cldaI. (‘mxgatd 55‘ I‘M) "pm midnight

lrcc Scc luc ll

Wednesday 1 9


I The International Unusual Suspects R.»_\.il t‘onccit llall. Sauclucliall Sticct. 353 MN)” 3Upin

1 l5 :1 1: 5H) ()\ct llllll) inuxiciaih lioni all m ct in\ hiding Scotland. (Linada and chtnark tonic togctlici unch tlic lllll\l\.ll \lllt'tllt‘ll ol

liaipixt \ingci (‘oitina llcuat and [‘ldlllSl l).i\c \lllllL‘dll I’m: ( «.1.»

(hum. liuIix I'll"

I Aberfeldy, Unkle Bob and Iain Morrison (of Poor Old Ben) lllt' \ltllk'\. \igSIc \ttcct. 353 NH)“ \pin Lil) \ocal ltartnon}. an atouxttc hawd wand and grcat tontcinpoiai} \ongxxiiting lioni llnx tlucc hand linc lip Iii/l ml ( it fin (ii/mt t .llwlfx .‘l’ll‘

I Alison Brown and Band l\'o}.tl (‘onccit llall \tiatltclylc \uitc. Sautliicliall Sttcct. 353 SUM) Spin

l; l I 5U ,|.i// hucd atouxtic and counti_\ ll)l|\lc lcd h} tlic ll).tt'\lli) ol tlic li\c \tiing hanio I’ll)! 0/ t } [Ill (Mi/n t Hum 30m

I Show 01 Hands llic l’iping (critic. \lk'l’lldlt‘l hilt't'l. ( 3““ \dtltlt‘llS. 553 SUM). Spin Ll}. \\|llllt'l\ ol llk‘xl l in‘ .\\'l ill lllt' .‘llll-l ill“ lx’JtlIi) .3 l‘Hllx .'\\\dltl\. lingland‘x Slum ol llandx .itc a litigcl) poptilai inulti lll\llllll)t'lll.ll tolk dtto pcilotnung original \ongx \\llll \ocal harinon} l’tul ul (kl/n

(‘llllllt'l [IN/H 31”“


I Magna Carta l)unlciinlinc l'Hllx (‘lulx llll\llL' l;l\L'lll. llaldiidgchuin. (ll 333 520(33 Spin (01(5) éllx lolk/pop liom tlic \ctctan hand

Thursday 20

G asgovv

I Blazin’ Fiddles, Justin Currie, Colin Maclntyre and Eddi Reader Royil (‘onccrt llall. Sauclncliall Sticct. 353 SUM). 7. 3Uptn. {l5 till5U). llic lornndahlc linc up ol c\pcit lltltllt‘lS l\ ioincd h_\ l)cl .\nntii\ .lll\llll (‘uiiita \lull llixtorical Socict} \ ( 'olm .\laclitl_\rc and Scottixli \ocaIN l'.ddi Rcadcr. ’ri/‘I u/ ('t'llit ("u/um (rum 31)!)5.

I Tony McManus (ilaxgtm (attic-dial. ('axtlc Sim-i. 3.53 SUM) 7.45pm. L' l 2.5l). 'lon} \chlanux l\ onc ol Scotland'x mmt dt‘L‘IHllpllSllt'tl lingcrpicking f.‘llll;lll\l\. hcrc lt)lllL'tl h} a \trmg quartct tor a \pccial conccrt. I’m! 0/ (.l‘llll ('illlllt'r [In/H Jill/5

I Country Music Showcase 'I run ’l'hcatrc. l rongatc. 353 SUM) Spin Lll). .lamic ()‘Ncal. (ii'amm) \klllllL‘l .lon Randall and .lcmc ,\|c\andci hring (ilthgou a laxlc ol \axln tllc, I’ll/I 0/ (l'l/lt (VII/HIM [Ill/I\ 31””.

I Emily Smith Band ()ian Moi. (ircat \chtcrn Road. 353 SUM). Spin L'll). |.cading )oung accordionixt. [littllhl and \ingctl lulu/(r01)

(.Iilllll't IIUH\ 30/”.

I The Frames and I Am Kloot 'l ltc :\rcltc\. :\rg} lc Strcct. 353 SUM) Spin £13.5U. .langling. licai’t—xtopping tuncx lrom main \onguritcr (ilcn llanxaid. \xlio appcarcd in .-\lan l’arkci‘x lln' ('uimnilnn'nh. ’url 0/ (TIM

(in/inn Hum Bill/.5.

I The Piping Soloist Concert Ro}al (‘onccrt llall: Strathclylc Suitc. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 SUM). Spm.

i l 3.5“. .-\ \L'lcclltm Hl Sunlamlx lcading pipcrx. including \Villic .\lac('allum. Stuart l.tddcll. (iordon Duncan. (iordon Walkcr and Rodd} .\lacl.cod. I’d/‘1 0/ ('(‘lm (‘u/i/tm [mm 3003'.

I Sheena Wellington 'l'hc Piping (‘cntrc. Mcl’hatcr Strcct. ('oucaddcnx. 353 SUM). Spin. U3. ’l‘hc l‘ilc \ingcr laiiioux tor licr '.\lan\ a Man‘ at thc opcning ol thc SCUIIISl) l’arliamcnt. l’urr (If (Iv/[It ('mntt't [tum 301/5.