323 Don Paterson Quintet lit-m} \ JaI/ (‘cllar \ \lorrixon \lr‘ccl.~1(\" 52H“ H. Nipm L” \cc 'lhu l i
I Fionna Duncan lit-m} \ .l.i// ('clltil. H \ltillixnii \llt't‘l. U)" 52””
>1 illpm L" chouncd i.’i// \ocalixt Duncan h.ix lrontcd ram xcxxionx .ll (ilaxgtm 'x Ill/I lcxmal \cixalilc .ind llllt‘lllt'tl. xhc picxcnlx a \aricd icpcrioirc \iilh xomcllnn}; lot .ill Ilitlxical l.txlt'x.
I Jazz Showcase Hit ()UL‘L'H Sim-i liar and lx’cxtaurant. Hi) ()uccn \trccl. 22o SHUT. 0pm midning Scc l'l'l _
I Edinburgh Underground Jazz 'lhc l.cll Bank. ‘7 (inlhric Slit-cl. 225 3075, ‘lillpm l'rcc Scc l‘l‘l 2.
I Soundbcne and the Funk Outfit llcnr} 'x .lzt/l ('cllai. h \lorrixon Slrccl. 407 5200 midnight £5. \ pct tlti\\ll hand \tith a dccp xotil l\\l\l lcd h} tromhonixt (‘hrix (ircnc.
Saturday 15
I Jazz®Lunch NH ()uccn Sliccl Bar and chlauianl. .\'l) ()uccn hllL't'l. 22h 5097, 2 5pm. l‘rcc. Scc Sat 3.
I BOQSt House Band Ht) ()uccn Sirccl Hat and chlanranl. Ht) ()ticcn Slrccl. 220 5””? 9pm midnight, l'rcc. SL‘L' Sal Hi
I Funkafize llcnr} ~x .la/x (‘cllgnx X Morrixon Slit-cl. ~10? 52W). midnith U». ('ltixxic. hip. dtinccl'loor llllllx ptmcrcd h} \cu York drummcr l’anl Millx.
I Swing 2005 SI .\l;ti'_\ 'x l’ai'ixli ('htirch. ’l‘hc Sidcgatc. HIX75 34H (Vi-l. 7.30pm. (ll) (LEM. Swinging: Hot ('luh xl} lc _i;i// l'or lhc nc\\ _\c;ir l'rom lhix inxlilnlion in Scottixh |;l//.
I Kenny Paterson Trio Mcrcliunt‘x (IUHIL'I'. l3 .lUllll Sll‘L‘L‘l. 5.52 .iXlll.
5 8pm. l‘rcc. Scc Sun 0.
I Big Blues Jam Studio ()nc. (irox\cnor 'l‘crracc. HI (\5lo. 7. illpm. lircch Scc Sun 0.
I Jazz®Lunch .\'l) ()uccn Sli‘ccl Bar and chltitirunl. Xi) ()uccn Slrccl. 220 5007. 2 5pm. l‘rcc. Scc Sun 0.
I RBLS Big Band llcnr) 'x .la/l ('clltti'. .\' Morrixon Slrccl. ~1h7 52lll). Hfillpm. U». 'l‘hc l.\' piccc RBIS rcttirn lo rcmind ux hon 8“ ing xhould hc donc \\ ith muxic l'rom acroxx thc cnlirc i;t// hi3; hand hook.
I Three in One Human Hcln. 2 X \\'cxt (‘i'tixxc'ttiixc'\\;i}_ (3(12 Rxoll, 0pm. Scc Sim 0.
I Martin Taylor with Sheila Stewart and Phil Cunningham Ro};il ('onccrl llttll: Siruthchdc Stiilc. 2 Snuchichzill Strccl. (lHl 353 Shot). 3pm. U4. Jan lcgcnd Martin ’l'tt}lor. ballad xingcr Shcila Stcuart and
\ irttioxo accordion pill} cr l’hil (‘tinningham comc togcthcr to cclchralc lllt‘ 'l'i'uu‘llcr llt‘l'llugt‘. ’tl/‘I Hf (iv/[It (‘olim't'liom 2005.
I Guest Bands Night \c-ktur. 353 (‘oxxgatu 557 2780. 0pm midnight. l'il'L‘L‘. SL‘L‘ Mon I”.
I Jam Session 8t) Quccn Strcct Bar and Rc‘xtauranl. 8t) Quccn Strccl. 22o 5007. 0pm midnight. l-‘rcc. Scc .\lon Ill.
Tuesday 18
I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet
chlar. 2.53 (‘tmgalu 557 2280. 9pm midnight. Frccfl Scc 'l‘uc l l.
I Delta Croft Revue ( )\}5_-;r. Ha: .\ (itill. 5 5 lnlitmai} \liccl‘ 55— ""“5 ‘lpm midning lrcc \cc luc ll
Wednesday 1 9
I Alison Brown and Band l\'it_\.tl ('onccil ll.il| \ti.illicl_\tlc \mtc.2 ~\auchichall \ticcl. Hill 45‘ \INiH Npm Ll2 5” .|.i// hut-d .icouxtit muxic on llic inc xlimj; bingo play'tl bx llllx llt't‘ldllllt'tl ;ll'll\l (UH/1t i from 21"!"
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to morag.bruce@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce and Norman Chalmers.
Thursday 6
I Out of the Bedroom \\,:\.t-rlt-_\ liar. \t \ltirx'x \ut-t-i. 55h “55
‘lpm imdmclil ()in'n mic xt'xxion lot
'tI/l I’l ( lilflt
I Burt MacDonald Quintet with Harry Beckett llcm\ ‘x .l.l// (‘cllar \ \loiiixon \lrccl. A10“ 522‘!“ \ illpn: Ur l<;i_\mond \l.icl)on.tld .md ( it‘HlL‘t‘ Hurt lionl tlnx titmilcl. on x.i\ophoncx and pull.” icxpcclncl} lliix cwmng'x pciloimancc lc.iltircx .i i.iic \oitli ol tlic hoidci .ippcaiancc l\_\ lcjgcndai} l'llljJt'lHl .md 'lrumpclct Hair} licckclt Scc picncxx
I Chaos Theory \t-ki.ii. 25* (‘o\\j_'.tlc. 55" 258” ‘lpm midnile l'lt't' St‘t' \\ t‘tl l2
Thursday 20
G asgow
I Glasgow Singers Night llit- l'niwrxal. 5" 5‘) Sauchiclmll l .mc. H2 330‘) Xpm. [5. lim ('lcltmd. lx’onmc Rac and Kcn \lallncxon pioudc muxical xupport at tlnx nt-u opt-n mic ll|j_‘lll lot (ilaxgou xmggcrx. ll _\ou .ttc mlcrcxlcd m pcrlorminy contact Hcrck on twp" 5H“
ldml‘urgh l‘.l\\'\l xmgci \t‘ll:'\‘-lllt'l\
I Jimmy Mcl-lugh Memorial Concert \ill\ licll llicalic. ( ii.m\ illc \Iit'cl. ll.\l5 “H z5lll 5pm L.\
\lll\l\ itmx ltom \collantl. licland .md \lllt‘llcd pathci lot .111
cwnmp ol ll.ltlll|till.ll muxic cclcltmlmy llic lilc ol lltc pit-at (il.l\‘_‘ti\\ lrixli liddlct. tomitoxci and lcachct
I The Clachies ll.” l\5. Buchanan llolcl. Buchanan \ticcl. H2 52M 5pm l-icc lx’cggulat Scottixh .llltl liixh lldtllllUILIl muxic xcxxion
Tuesday 1 1
I Tam White I cilli l'ollt ('ltil‘. 'l hc
\ illagc. South l'Ull \liccl. 125 “.\|H
5. illpm. L'.\. .l;i// hlucx liom lct'cndtm l‘,tlllll‘lll'j_‘ll \oc.ilixl.
I Delta Croft Revue \cklal. (‘o\\;_'.tlc_ 55" 255‘). ‘ipm midnight. l'rcc. \\cxlcin Suing. lilticx and l'ollt .l
I Ross Milligan Time Cube
llcnr} ‘x .|;t// (‘c|l;ii'. .\' .\lorrixon Sliccl. 407 52””. 8.30pm. Ur. (itiittirixt l\’tixx Milligan lc;tdx a Incl) quarch lcgtlurmg: Konrad \Vix/nicxxxki on x;i\. Kcnn} lillix on haxx and .-\|) n ('oxkt'i on
drumx. Hill}.
I Freddie King Quartet \L'l’xllll'. 35*
(‘ougalca 557 273“. 0pm lllltlllllell, Wednesday l‘il't‘t‘t SL‘L‘ lllll (i,
I The Dyad ’rht- lct't rim. z“ Glasgow
(illllll‘lt‘ Sll't‘t‘l. 22.5 30‘s. 9.30pm (Noam. Scc ‘l‘hu (i.
I Torchlit Procession (it-trigl- Stitiarc. i5i Mill”. -1. illpm. l-iic calcix.
Dr Jghn They call him the night tripper, the Gris Gris, the man who stands between you and a whole world of voodoo and psychedelic Creole soul. With the exception of John Kennedy Toole’s novel The Confederacy of Dunces, the man formerly (and still occasionally) known as Mac Rebbenack is New Orleans’s greatest export to the world, 0 see him, while you still can, at Celtic Connections 2005.
I?‘ ' ’f‘
xtzc-c'. g‘ciloimcrx .md thc Illt‘ll\lc‘l xotmd or ll‘..:\\c‘\l pm: l‘antlx com: logclhci to
\x’lCi‘lJlC lilt' \i.lli \‘i ( ( ,‘jt ( "'.":I\,’.1"..\
I Paracas - Rhapsody of the Gael lx'oyii (‘oiiccit ll.lli_ \auc hicliall \liccl. 151mm“ 5 Winn L l 5 l’cilormcd l‘_\ l‘ll‘c'l\. lttltlicrx .mtl xmfjt'tx .‘.\ \tcll ax lit; \otuxh ( ll‘t‘l.t ( lichcxtia and a lull (iaclic thou
l tliiiliti'titt
I Michael Marra l tlml‘uiyh lolk ('Iul‘, (firlmict liar. lhc l’lc.ix.tncc. (\5“ 2 i1" \r‘m Iltmtlcc'K ;'tc.tl
xoii:'\\rilci intmixl \ post lll liluc xtictlc
I Amy Geddes and Sandy Wright litmlctmlmc lolk l'lulx llitxllc l.i\cin. Haltliitlz‘cl‘utn. HI W; '2‘Ni'i \pm 15 tt-lt ('l.ixx§ liddlc ,md imcmnc ;'tiit.ii
Thursday 13
(ilasgov. I Private Peaceful with Michael Morpurgo, Coope, Boyes 8- Simpson lion lllt‘Jllt‘. lltillg'dlt'. ‘5‘ MM) (ipm ill! I Lit ("liiltlicn‘c l.ll|l\‘,llt' \liclmcl \loipuitro tc.imx up \xilh l'ii;'lixli harmoin lolk xmg'cix lot .i mi\ttnc ol ic.idm;.'x liom \loipmg'o‘x hook l’iiiu'rt I? m ( lll/ .md xtillj.‘\ lll lhc lllj2l|\ll lolk ll.ltlllltill lot or ( i hit (iv/rm i [turn 2titl5
Dr John lx’o}.il (loncctl ll.lll. Sauchichall Sliccl. *51Millti " Hipm L IX 5” it I 5 i. \t-\\ ()rlcanx‘ gncal piano iii.i;_'ici.m .ind \onpmnci. tll.l\\lllj.' liom \liic.tn..\mciic.in Indian and ('rcolc lnlltlt'lict'x, I‘ll/[1"(‘f/lll (Vl'H’ll't IIHIM full» I Frances Black Rota! (‘onccit ll.ill: Sliallichdc Suitc. ~\'.tuchich.tll ~\liccl. ‘5‘ MN)” Rpm (I l llci dchul .ilhtim xpcnl tuo monlhx .it thc top ol llic liixh ch.tilx .tnd ll;l\ hccn \otcd liclttnd‘x llcxl l'cmalc .'\l'll\l ,il llic lrixh lx’ccord lndttxlr} .-\\\.ndx. 111/ n/ ('t'llit (tr/int ( [In/ix 2III/i' I Mercedes Peon meets John McCusker’l'ht' \ichcx. \I_L'_\lt' Slit-cl. z.5i Milli), Rpm. L'I-l. l’con ix onc ol llic lcadmy _\Hlll]}‘ (iilllt'ldll traditional muxicigmx .llltl a p.txxion.‘ilc xmygci Shc'x lcamcd \xnh lhc c\ lialllclicld mtilli mxliumcntalixt m .i ccllic ltixion. I’m! u/ (i hit (‘uirmu Hum 2/I/I5. I Aly Bain and Henning Sommero ( il.tx):o\\ (';tlllcdl'.tl. (Itxllc Slit-cl. i5i Kill)” ‘lpm. L' l 5. Slic'lltind’x \ irttiow liddlc ix iomcd h} lhc \Hl'\\L‘j._'lilll compoch to prcmicrc Sommcio'x nt-u \xoilt l'I’U/ll (1 [MIA I’lll't t . .l t'dlltllt'lll L'Hllt't'l'l. ’1!!! HI (t'lllt (ii/mm IlHIM 21/115. I Open-Mic Night Rncixidc (‘ltih. l'o\ Sliccl. 213 il-H 5pm \n_\thm§_'
Glasgow I Cherish the Ladies Rt)_\;ll ('onccrl ll.tll. Sauclnchall Slrccl. ‘5‘ Ktititi " Ktipm l,‘ l x «L‘Ioi 'l’hc all» \xoman ['8 combo lronlcd h} lltilc pl.i_\cr .loantc \laddcn ix accompanch h} Scollixh ()pcra ()rchcxlra lot a pcrlormtmcc. \\llll \thixtlc, }_‘Ull.'ll and hanio. hodhrgm. accordion and \oiccx. ’tu'l u/ (ti/ll (ii/mm Hum 2111/5. I Wendy Wetherby - Sunset Song (ilgtxgov. (Killlctlltil. (thllc Sllccl. ‘5‘ NH)“. 7.45pm. U5, Vocal and lll\ll'lllllL‘lll;ll xtiilc inxpircd h) l.L‘\\I\ (iraxxic (iihhon‘x claxxic noxcl and pcrlormcd in thc almoxphcric xcllmg ol (iltl\:_'(i\\ ix culltllt‘lll L‘dlllc‘tll'ul. l’ul'l It] (t/Irt ("u/mu Hum 211/15 I The Gathering ’l ion 1 hcatrc. 'l'rongatc. 35“ Hoot). 8pm. till. l)chh_\ \lc(‘lalch}. 'lom Stiuhcr. .-\licc (icrrard tk Brad [church hoxl an chning oi \ppalachian Mountain mnxic l'rom lhc goldcn agc ol Amcricana. l’urr u/ ('t /Iri ( ‘uIi/It't [rum 201/5.
-'. THE LIST 81