Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce, Frances Boyson and Carol Main.

Thursday 6


I Johann Strauss Gala t'xher llall. l.othian Road. 233 ll.“ 7.3llpin. UH £24 Walt/ex. polkax and marehex hour the Strauxx lainil) to tranxporl pertorinerx and audienee alike to the \[llelltltttll' ol I‘lth eenttir} Vienna. ineluding the ex er popular lf/iu' Drum/tr lliilli. Directed l'roin the

\ iolin h} ('hrixtopher Warren-(ireen. the orehextra \till he |tlllletl h} the Johann Slrauxx l)aneer\.

St Andrews I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ’ounger Hall. North Street. HUN 4(i2320. 7.30pm. £7.50 £22.50. Ne“ Year's Viennexe ('oneert t'roin the S(’(). l'eaturing x\tl\tl'lttll “alt/ex and pttlktlx trom Strauss. ax \xell ax \xorkx h} Saint- Saenx, Massenet and Bei'lioI. under the direction of Alexander Janie/ek.


THE KNOT GARDEN Theatre Royal, Glasgow, Wed 19, Sat 22, Tue 25, Sat 29 Jan; Thu 3, Sat 5 Feb. Festival Theatre. Edinburgh


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xliei llall. lotluan Road. 33% llSF. " ‘tlpm. l)a\id ('harlex \hell eonduelx a pet'lot'lttaltee ol “alt/ex polkax and inarehtw tioin the Strauw lamil}.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra limit llall. Sandgale. “ll”: (\l Ill: Titlpm. ("5” £335“ See lhii o


I Johann Strauss Gala Ro}al ('oneert Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. ‘53 soon. 3pm and ".Ftlpm. {I~ (35. See 'l'hu o

I St Giles at Six: A Boy Like That! St (ille\ (‘athedraL l<ll}ill Mile. 335‘l4—13.(ipm. l’ree. .\lo/arl. .\lenotti. Britten and Bernxtein mingle \xith Kern and Sondheim. in a \aried \oeal programme pertormed h} \opt‘ano Ann lleaxenx. mel/o— \oprano ('arole ('larke and piania John Wood.

Traditionally, opera has never been shy of dealing with the big themes of life. Showing its ability as an art form that can change with the times, Michael Tippett’s The Knot Garden, dating from 1970, covers bi- sexuality, homosexuality, racism, class differentiation, torture and child molestation. Not exactly the cheeriest list of contemporary issues to start a new year but, particularly as Scottish Opera is staging the piece in celebration of the centenary of Tippett’s birth, it is well worth taking the somewhat rare chance to see the opera done. And, on the plus side, with an hour and a half of music, it’s not overly long.

Singing the role of Mel, the black poet who is the lover of Dov, a musician, is the American baritone Derrick Parker. ‘It is a very difficult piece in just about every way,’ he says. ‘We really have to concentrate the whole time to get over the musical and dramatic intent of the composer.’ The story, such as it is, tells of a psychoanalyst who tries to get to the bottom of the somewhat tangled relationships of two couples. ‘But he finds he isn’t in control,’ explains Parker, ‘and he can’t make anyone’s life better. We have to do things for ourselves.’ In this new production, directed and designed by Antony McDonald, there are some solutions, but other problems remain unresolved.

Musically, Parker, who was born in Atlanta, Georgia, finds the opera fascinating. ‘Tippett had just gone to America so you find that he incorporates blues, spirituals and just about every character has a definite musical motif.’ Dramatically, he feels it will almost be like watching a movie or a TV drama as Tippett, who also wrote the libretto, switches from scene to scene very quickly. ‘lt’s fun to look at, and it all moves so quickly that you definitely won’t be bored. Actually, you probably have to be a bit brave, but we’re trying hard to make sure that people will be well rewarded.’ (Carol Main)

Thursday 13


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()iieen'x llall. ('leik Street. N“ lel‘’

" 1Hpm l-ollouiiig the out~landing leeet‘lliill ill the \l.t\\\ l).t\le\ eoneeil in \memhei. _\oiiiig eoiiduetoi K\\.iiiie l\’_\aii leltllll\ to eonduel the .\'('() in uhal \\ ill hopelull} pro\ e a eonlinued and ti'uittul tollahoiation lhe el.t\\l\’.tl teaxl \xill ei‘llllllellee \\ ith llatdiiK .\\n;;>/:.»i:x \o N“ Iln H. i:. heloie l’aul l e\\i\ li‘lll\ a\ \Ulithl in .\to/.iit\ l’iairu ( um i riu \o 3" ll.‘ I) niiiioi \\ till .i lltlllll‘el ot plL'\llj_‘lHll\ .t\\.tltl\ and maioi \‘Ullll‘ellllitll \\lll\ ahead} under lll\ hell. Paul I e\\l\. uho eitex \ltied liieiidel ax lll\ iiiaioi lllthle‘dl iiitlnenee. 1\ one ot the iixiiig \tdh ot liritixh l‘ldllhlll 'l‘he eoneeit \xill eitllt'ltltle \kltll lleetltin ell‘\ Nun/thorn \ll

I Fanfare 2005 l'xhei llall. lolhiaii Road. 335‘ ll55. to iE~1i_ .\\\aid \xinmng pei‘toiinaneex liom ltdinhiiigh‘x )ttllllg‘ llltl\l\'l.tll\. [‘l.l)lllf.‘ a range ol \t_\|e\ to \llll all laxte»


I RSNO Pops - Men and Supermen l'xher llall. lothian Road. SIS l 155, ".itlpm. HIS” L'Z‘l. (‘ondiietoi ('arl

Max 1\ return\ \tith an exeiiing ol lloll}\\ood glit/ and glamoiii in a tribute to wine ol the heroex til the \ll\el \eieen. including \oiindliaekx to Run/u \ or llll /.u\l girl. (i/iiilitiloi'. ('liiiriolx or I'm; .S'ii/u'rniiui and Ill(' (imltullirr.


I Canto Vivo Morningxide l'nited (‘hurelL llol) (‘orneii 'l'ielxetx: at the door. l’urther into: t)|.\’75 .Utll 32. 7.3llpin. ES (UH. .\lalte\e \opl'ano ('laire l)ehono and Seottixh guitarixt Simon 'l'haeker [‘l'L‘\t‘llt a breathtaking \eleelion ol \ong\ and \olm lrom around the \Hll'ltl. ineluding Bra/il. Spain. l-‘ranee and Seotland.

I The Path to Lieder St (‘eeilia'x llttll. ('mxgate. 'l‘ieketxz ()(iN :lll‘). 7.45pm. £12 it‘l/ESL 'l'he (ieorgiaii ('oneert Soeiel) prexentx a iourne} troin l7th eentur} lingland to lch eeiitur} (ierman) \\ ith l’eter llai'xe}. haritone. .\latthe\\ \Vadxtxorth on lute and guitar and (lair) ('ooper p|a_\ ing \ irginalx and tortepiano.


I RSNO Pops - Men and Supermen Ro}al (‘oneet‘t Hall. 2 Sauehiehall Street. 353 Sill)“. T--‘()Piii. See l’ri l-l.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra QueenK llall. (.lel‘lx Street. (tux zill‘). 2.30pm. £7.50 L'l-l. l’aul l.e\\i\ l'eltllll\ the S( '0 Wind linxemhle tor an ttltel'lltitilt perl‘ormanee ot Beethoten'x tier} lent/rm! .Sontilti. .\to/art\ Quintet in l; lltll llll' l’iiino (Ult/ Wind. and Reieha‘x Qiiinlt'l III I: llill.

I St Giles at Six: Consort of Voices St (iilex Cathedral. Ro}al .\lile. 3359-143. (ipm. l’ree. Renaixxanee lllthlL‘ trom Victoria. l.a\\u\ and l’ale~trina troin the \i\teen \ingerx ot' the ('onxort ol \oieex. directed l3} Jame\ \Vtttel‘x.

Tuesday 18


I Essential Scottish Opera Dundee Rep. 'l‘a} Square. ()1 332 227530. 7.30pm. Ell) iE5 £3 i. 'I‘einpting operatie ot'leringx perl‘ormed h} memberx ot Seottixh ()pera on their lS-xtop Seottidt tour. The treat\ in \tore include ariax. duetx and en~emhle~ tron) 'Iltt .Uurriuut' ill I'IL'HI'H. Lu t‘lt'nit'riiu (ll lilo. [.41 [in/turn and 'Illt' I’uirl l'ixlit'rx. \Vith soprano (‘laire Wild. ine//o \oprano Sandra Blind}. tenor Mark ('haund}. and baritone ('hriaopher l)i\on.


RSNO Pops: Men and Supermen Some mid—winter tun With conductor Carl DaVis (pictured), the BAFTA Speitial Lifetime Achievement Winner for his contribution to the worlds of TV and film. the man to be in Charge. Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Fri 74 Jan; Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow, Sun 76 Jan.

Scottish Opera: The Knot Garden See preview. Theatre Royal, Glasgow, Wed 79 Jan.

Tippett Centenary Celebration: The Cramb Symposium Leading musicologists and opera buffs. including Richard Armstrong, air their thoughts on the great British composer's music. Glasgow University Concert Hall, Thu 20 Jan.

Scottish Chamber Orchestra A typically well- balanced SCO programme With Zagreb‘s Radovan Vlatkovic, one of the leading horn players of his generation. also appearing as soloist in Mozart's Horn Concerto No 3. Usher Ha//. Edinburgh. Thu 20 Jan.

Wednesday 19


I Scottish Opera: The Knot Garden 'l‘lteatt’e Ro}al. 333 Hope Street.,l32‘ltltlll.".15pm. £3.50 E55. See [it'e\ ie\\.

Thursday 20


I Tippett Centenary Celebration: The Cramb Symposium (ilthgou l'iti\ei\it} ('oneert llall. l'nnerxit} .-\\enue. Kit) 4003. () 3.30pm. l-ree. Scholarl} dixeourxe on one ol the grealext muxieal lllllttl\ ot the 30th eeiitur}. 'l he \}lll[)t)\ltlltl \till he ehaired h} l’rotexxor John Butt l(iardiner ('hair and Head ot .\tu\ie at the l'nnerxit} ot (ilthgim i. with Sir Riehard .-\rm\trong l.\lll\le Director. Setltthll ()perai attending. 'l'o rexeiw e thl\L't\ eoiitaet mime“l glaaeuk.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra l'xher llall. l.olhian Road. 238 ll55. 7.30pm. £7.50 £33. John Storgardx eondueh a celebration ot Nolan and Britten. ineluding Mir/art'x .Stmplimii .Vu 9,55 l/(lllllt'l' itlltl III/I'll (.llllt (‘I'IH Nu ,l [III I; tlul uith \oloixt Radoxan Vlatkot ie. 'l'enor John Mark Allth joinx t'or Britten‘x haunting Skirt/mule [or 'I‘mm: Horn and Sir/nus.