I Hex and Masque 'lhc I 3th \nlc (1a.: 50 00 King: \Irch. 553 l03\ 0pm L3

l’an l'HL l\.L‘l\ (i l’lan l.il\c up lL‘\lIlt'llc} aI Ihc \‘nic lni Ihc nc\l innnIh. ltlllllell lcalurin: Iun gucxl hand\ and llic launch nl a (i Plan 'I \lllIl

I Jo Mango llrcl. .\\hlnn l.anc. 343 4000 3pm L3 \uninplixhcd lncal \injgci/wnfgv.riIcI \kllll an aucxxihlc. Inclndic \I}lc


I Junior Murvin illk' l.lIllllIl RHHlll. 0c \‘itlni'ia \Irccl. 335 3504 "pm {l3 50 (‘laxxic lL'fJfJiIk' arIN \xhn\ \Ini'kcd \inh Icc ‘Scralch' l’crI} and hccn cnxcrcd h} Ihc llhI'\ nl Ihc ('laxh. hackcd h} llIc llaidxxa} RnnIx Duh ('Icn.

I Best of the 805 UK Tour l’l;i}l1iill\c. l3 33 (iIL'L'IhlIlI' l’lacc. llH-7ll (illh 3434.

7 30pm L|05ll £33.50. l‘t‘illlll’lllj.‘ \ick “guard. ln}ah. .-\|IcI'cd Imang. (‘urimin KIllI'Il lllc (ill.

I The 3rd Man and Earthwalk \VhIxIIclnnlxch. 4 0 Snth llridgc. 55"

51 l4. 0pm. l'i’cc. ()riginal Indic guIIaI


Thursday 21


I The Zutons and The Futureheads llarrmxland. 344 (iallnugalc. 553 400]. 7pm. S( )l .l) ()l "l. ()xcr- l-l\ \ll(i\\. Quirk} incrpudlian cninhn. hiking: Ihc \hamc nuI nl Ihc \a\0plinnc ax a rock lll\ll‘lllllclll. .-\ lc\\ Illni‘c \nngx “(lllltl hc nicc. SIIIIIL‘ apphcx In [\an punksinllucnccd (icnrdicx lllL‘ i'illilll't'llt'illk \Kllll\L‘ L‘UH‘I‘ (ll. Kilik‘ liIIxII'x ’llnundx nl l.n\ L“ In“ Cl'\ ahm c Ihcii (mu InaIcrial.

I Grand National, Blue States and Swimmer One King: 'l'uI‘x \Vah Wall llul. 373a SI VinccnI SII'ch. 33| 5370.

3. 30pm. £0. (irand Nalinnal arc a |.nndnn- haxcd dun nl'l'cI'Ing Ihcir rm n Iakc nn SIniIlix/Ncu ()I‘dcr inclanchnlia nn lhcu' dchuI alhum Kicking I/li’ Minimal [Iii/iii. I Wishbone Ash and Chain 'l'hc I’crr}. 43 ('l_\dc l’lacc. 01008 305 5l 1. 3pm. H350. llnar} lullx rnck \cIcI‘;Iii.\ cnmc I'nund again.

I Azzuri, Fans of Kate, The Delta and The Kicks 'l'hc .-\I‘clic\. 353 Arg) lc Su'ch. 505 1033. 8pm. {0. Rock and pup \hmxcaxc. hcadlincd h} lhc harmonic \plcndnur nl .-\//IiI‘i. I‘anx nl' Kalc hail Irnm London.

I Nacoya and Chief Nicc'ii’Slc‘;i/}. 43l Sauchichall Sli'ccl. 333 0000. 0pm. £3. Nacn) a arc a lunk} cnxcmhlc.

I“ 1, pf..-

Inllucnccd h} L"~L'l’.\llllllf_‘ lI‘nIn llcndrn In hinhnp

I Yap llic l 301 \nlc (alc. 50 00 King \IIch. 553 103.5 0pm L3 \nl a llllhlc night .i\ \uch. huI a \[‘Hl\cll \xnid L‘\L'lllll_'_' hcadcd h} Ihc lnrmci lrnnunan nl ll‘xlxc'h ()nc \linuic \Ilcncc \Kllil.\lk'.1ll}. aluap had a pnclr} clcmcnI In Ihcu llllhlc'

I Azriel, By My Hands, The Fightback and Allergo llarll} Iupxlauw. 300 (‘l}dc Sum. 0570 00" 0000 .\l|crg_'n arc a Iccn dcth mcIal nuIliI lrnIn l’cI'Ih

I The Gain, Smytherjones, The Rodents, The Neumatics and Mummy Shortarms lur} \lurr} \. 00 .\la\\\cll SII'ch. 33l 05l| .\ 30pm 14. including cnII} In pnxl cluh 'l'hc l-ui) \ King nl llandx cnmpcuunn cninmcnccx

I Yellow Bentines, De-bass, Rutabega and Sound Development Agency Ran. ()nccn \largarcl l'ninn. 33 l'nncrxil} (iardcnx. 330 07x4. "30pm. {3. including; cnu‘} In pmigig cluh \\ccld} \lin\\ca\c nl )nung lncal hand\.

I Hugh Reed Experience Siudin ()nc. (irnncnnr llnlcl. (ii'n\\ciini' 'l'crracc Inll ll}i‘c\ Rnadi. 34l (\5l0. 0pm. l'I'cc. l.ncal lcgcnd Hugh Rccd. liil'lllt‘l‘l} nl Ihc \clch l'ndcrpanix. \\ ilh lll\ currcnl nuIlil.

I Christina Carter and Fursaxa 'l'chai ()\na. 43 ()Iagn l.anc. 357 4534. 3pm. L3 ['8 \iiigcr/xniiguriIcI'x \xhn iinprm ixc \ncall} and nn quIaI'.

I Red Sun 'l‘lic llalI liar. I00 \Vnndlandx Rnad. 353 0000. 0pm. l'rcc.

I Colin McEwan 'lindcrhm. IHO llw'cx Rnad. 330 3105'. 0pm. I'I'cc. .'\cnu\IIc \cI,


I Roy Ayers 'l‘hc liquid Rnnm. 0c \'icInI'ia SII‘ch. 335 3504. 7pm. U350 Jan lunk \ ihi'aphnnc lcgcnd hchind llic cIcrnaI ‘li\ci‘_\hnd) [.mcx Ihc Sunshinc‘ and uhn'x hccn \amplcd h} ncarl} cwr} hip hop ill'll\l nul Ith'c.

I Eastern Lane, The Paddingtons and Ordinaryson 'l'hc Bongo ('luh. Mora} llUll\L‘. 37 llnl_\rnnd Road. 558 7004. 8pm. £0. llci‘uickvnn-l'uccd [0(le Nu. I‘call}. iI dncx. (‘hcck nuI liaxlcrn l,anc il' _\nu dnn'I hclicx c ll\. inincd h} lippcd l.nndnn nullil Ihc l’addiglnnx.


I Streetmusic Arabe 'l'nlhimih. Jail \\'}iid. 01780 374000. 7.30pm. {l3 (L'lx'l. l‘nrnicd in Ihc 00\ .\'a\\ lil (ihinanc Innk Ihc \nundx nl dancchall and hip hop and mcrgcd Ithn \inh Ihcir nun Mnrnccan \nundx and inllucnccx.

This quartet, who hail from glamorous Southampton, have

come over all Duran Duran for their new single ‘Lost in a Melody’ But as the Killers will happily testify, a bit of old school electro pop never did anyone any harm, least of all them. Their debut album Faded Seaside Glamour was a fun, if slight adventure and as they head over to the US as Franz Ferdinand’s tour support they may find their new squelchy stylings appealing to the FF crowd.

I?1_i:;im'Rnnm. Edinburgh. Fri 75 Oct.

86 THE LIST 7 .‘c'.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to jules.graham@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.


I John Burgess Quartet lit-m} \ .la// (char. 5 \lnrrixnn Sum. 407 5300 S. 30pm. £5. 'l'cnni \a\nphnnI\I Burgcv lrnnh llll\ Innnxauxc lnuiwmc. drau mg; nn inllucnccw ax di\cI'\c ax ('nhain. Radinhcad and l)} Ian

I Freddie King Quartet The (‘anIcn liar. 33 (‘nmincrcial Succl. Iciih. 554 0000. ‘lpin lllltllllgjlll. l'I'cc. \cu rcxidcnc} lnr Ihc nll-Ihc \xall 'King; nl Scal‘ and hix cnInuragc.

Friday 8


I The Fusion Experience 'l'hc llull (‘|uh. 143 llth lanc. 34.\' I7". Hpm. l-rcc hclni‘c “0.30pm 195 alIcI‘I, \Vcckl} _|a//_\ lnungc \cI in Ihc lnucr har.


I Brian Kellock Trio llcui’} \ .la// (‘cllar. h’ .\iI)l'l'l\Ull SII‘ch. 407 5300. H.30pm. L'h'. 'l‘uncx lrnm Ihc Brian Kcllnck 'l’rin. l'rnnlcd h} inIcI'naIinnall} I'c\pcclcd pianixl Kcllnck. \xilh .lnhn Rac nn druinx and Kcnu} lillix nn haxx.

I Marty Waugh Quartet 80 ()uccn Sircci Bar and chiauranl. 30 ()uccn SII‘ch. 330 5007. 0pm midnight. .|a// quarIcI lcd h} Ihc \upcr \mnnIh mcalx nl Marl} Waugh.

Saturday 9


I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Bar lx5. Buchanan llnIcl. |N5 Buchanan SII'ch. 333 7384. 5.30pm. l5rcc. chular

m inging ja/l \cxxinn.

I The Alan Gilbert Trio llrcl. 30 43 Athnn l.auc. 343 4000. 8pm. l'rcc. ('nmcnlinnal ia/l linm llIc gilch guilarixl plux hand.


I Bill Wyman’s Rhythm Kings l’lii}llUlI\L‘. lb .33 (il‘L‘L‘lhlIlc l’lIIL‘L‘. “37” 0003434. 7.30pm. £33.50. l’nrmcr Rolling SInncx havixI makcx a rciurn In hix llill\lL';ll rnnIx \inh Ihc Rli_\IhIn Kiugx pla) ing llic kind filial/l and lilllcx IhaI lirxl inspircd him all Ihnxc )carx ago.

I Subie Coleman 1 4 All llcnr} '\ .la/l (char. 8 Mnrrixnn Sli‘ccl. 407 5300. 8.30pm. £0. Ncu York and l’hiladclphia iuxpircd \nul. l'unk and hlucx li'nin \ncalixl ('nlcman and hcr quarIcI.

I 80QSt House Band 80 ()uccn Sim-I liar and chIauI'anI. 80 ()uccu Slrccl. 330 5007. 0pm midnighl. l'rcc. \lndcrn _ia// claxxicx linm Ihix d}namic liw-piccc.

I Funkafize llcnr} '\ Jan (‘cllaiz H MIII‘I‘ixnn 5'0ch 407 530“. Iiiidliiglil. U). (‘laxxicz hig. danccllour l'unk p()\\L‘rL‘tl h} chx York drummcr l’aul .\li|l\.


I Kenny Paterson Mcrchani'x (‘Iirnciz IX Jnhn SII‘ch. 553 380]. 5 Hpm. l’rcc. .-\ ncxx lalcnl nn llic ScnIIixh ja/I \ccnc l’aIcrmn prm idcx \mnnih wul and \u ing \ncalx.


I Robert Pettigrew Trio 80 ()uccn Sirch Bar and Restaurant. «‘40 ()uccn SIrch. 330 5007. 3 5pm. 'l‘hc Ruhcn PcIIingu 'l‘rin add In IhaI la/y Sunda) feel.

I The Courtyard Jazz Quartet 'l‘hc (‘nuflyrrd Rexlaurani. BnnningInn Rnad Lanc. 3.30 0pm. Sophisticach _ia// \ihc\ from [his \ariahlc line-up quarIcI.

I Moishe‘s Bagel llcnI‘\ \ .Lw I‘cllai. .\ \lnI'I'Imn .\'Irch. 40' 5300 .\ 30pm :5 .la// Inllccicd klc/Inci and Balkan dancc Inimc lcaluiing (ircg l a\\\nn lInIu \lI \lcl-all'x ( )lcllt'\ll.l nn liddlc. l’clc IiaincI nn .iccnrdinn. l’hil \lc\.uidci nn piann and Mann (aiil‘c nn ha“

I Paul Kirby Trio I)\_\g_'cn liar .\ (illll. 3 5 lnlirniai} .\'IIch. 55" 000‘ 0pm midnight l‘Icc lwurn; \t‘\\lHll lcd h} [‘ldllhl l‘aul l\'uh_\. IcaIuring

Kc\ in (ilaxgnu nn liaxx and Hill l\\lc nII druinx -


I Robert & May Miller \liIclII-ll 'l'hcaII'c. 0 (irain Illc SIIch. 0845 330 35lll 0pm \ lllgllll nl \nngjx and gnnd lllllc\ \inh RHl‘L'll and Ma} \lillci


I Tom Bancroft’s Orchestra Interrupt (Jim-ilk Hall. (‘lcik Sim-I. 003 3lll0. Spin Ll l IL'l3I Iliuinnici 'l‘nm Bancinll'x c\n\'.III\c and lughl) Ill‘llellill Scnllhh |a// cnxcmhlc inuch l\_\ acclaimcd .'\lllL‘l'l\'.lll Pl.llll\l (icii \llcn I Tom Bancroft’s Orchestro lnterrupto ()uccii‘x Hall. (‘lI-ik Sliccl. 003 3010. Rpm. {l5 .4\cclauncd .v\Incrican [H.Illhl (icI'I .-\llan |Hlll\ Ihc nIl Ihc \\;Ill drununci ax lic [k‘llill'llh alnngrxidc an unprcxxnc InIcI'naIinnal l‘l“.‘ hand linc up.

I Jam Session 30 ()uccn Sun-i llai and chiauranl. 00 ()uccn Sum. 330 5007. 0pm llllIllllfilll. l-rcc. ()pcn \\‘\\lHll \inh Ihc l)a\id l’au‘ick 'l’rin cnmc and pla} nI‘ cninc In hcar a \\ hnlc lnad nl ncu Ialcnl.

Isle of Mull

I Moishe’s Bagel lnnicinnrc l.nd;_'c. (’arxaig. 8.30pm. 930 mcmhcix L'H. Scc Sun l0.

Tuesday 1 2


I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet ()\}gcn Bar & (irill. 3 5 lnlirmar} SII‘ch. 557 0007.

0pm midnighI. l’rcc. |)I'umincr Bill K}|c\ lachl grouping. lcaIuring I)nII§_‘ 'l‘iplad} (\a\c\i. l’aul Kii'h} Ipianni and Kmin (ilaxgim (liihxl.

Isle of Mull

I Moishe’s Bagel .-\n 'l‘nhar. .'\l'f._'_\ ll 'l‘crracc. 'l'nhcrinnr}. lllfiHH 3033i l. H.30pin. £0 mcmhcrx LN. Scc Sun l0.

Wednesday 13


>11 Gilad Atzmon Orient House Ensemble llcni'} \ Ja/l (‘cllaL H Morrison SIi'ccl. 407 5300. H. 30pm. L'lll. lsracli \aviphnnixi .-\I/mnn mcrggcw his MiIlIllL‘ l‘.;I\lL‘I‘li I’Iml\ \\ illi liclmp \l}lc\.

Thursday 14


‘1' Gilad Atzmon Orient House Ensemble 'l‘hc Archcx. 353 Arg} lc SIrch. 505 l033. 3pm. H0 IL'I4I. Scc \Vcd I3.

I Glasgow Singers Night liliu‘l'xal Bar. Sauchcihall |.anc. 3pm. £5. Jim (‘lcland Runnic Rac and Kcn \lalliicmn prmidc musical \uppurl aI llIi\ ncu npcn IIIiL‘ Iliglil li)I’(il1i\gii\\ \ingcrx. ll )00 MC inlcrcxlcd in pcrl'nrming call Duck on 07077 507 113.


I Steve Kettley’s Odd Times chr} \ Ja// ('cllar. 3 Mormon SIrch. 407 5300. 8.30pm. £5. ill/l-hii\c'Il pcrl'nrmancc u iIh \lrnng \mrld and nricnlal inllucnccd Iuncs h} Ihis \awphIinisl/llauiisI/ciimpmcr ((‘auld Blaxi ()rchcxIra. Salsa ('clIicai and liix hand.

I Freddie King Quartet 'l'hc ('zuncn Bar. 33 ('ninmcrcial SIrch. l.cilh. 554 0000. 0pm midnight. lircc. Scc Thu 7.