Three albums in and this hirsute power trio are proving " i with newie Infinity Land that heavy music need not all be devil horns, face paint and chugga-chugga riffs. Their willingness to throw listeners with all manner of sonic twists and turns means they’re unlikely to do a ‘Strokes’ quite yet but the three-part harmonies and blissfully warm melodies they shunt into their textured rocking beast means at least one band are keeping things interesting for those of a
rockist persuasion. ' I Bill/()H'lt'llltf. (i/t'lfitjtll'r, luv 75? Out.
atmoxpherie indie roeker»
I Biffy Clyro and The Boxer Rebellion Barron land. 3-1-1 (iallongale. 553 411111. "pm, [I I. ()xer- Hx \hon. See panel l‘or indie noixemongers and unlike!) loeal heroex Hill} ('l}t'o.
I Eastern Lane and The Paddingtons King 'l'ut'x \Vah \Vah lltit. 353a St Vineent Street. 331 53“). 8.311p1n. to. 'l‘eenage roelterx putting llermek-on- 'l‘ueed on the indie roek map tor the lirxt lllllL' L‘\t‘l'.
I The Others and Agent Blue \it'e‘n'SIea/'\. 431 Sauehiehall Street. 353 mun. ‘lpm. to, 1.ondon-1xi\ed urehinx. making a name tor theinxelxex \\ ith their 'guerilla 3135' last tmnute \lto\\\ in une\peeted plaeex. hut al\\a_\\ \\11ll a photographer on hand to document them. 'l'he} 're no loolx.
I lan Parker, Sporting Hero and The Sundancer Stereo. Kelunhaugh Street. 5’0 5018. 8pm. L‘". .>\eou\tie \xith 1.ondoner lan Parker and Irixh \ongnrtter Sporting Hero
I No Longer Deprived, The Hands and Black Widow Bar-1'1}. Ion t‘1_\de Street. 11831) 01)" (NW). 8pm. £5. ()\ er-14\ \litm. llea\.\ roek line-up.
I Roguestar, Serpico and Magdalena The 15th .\'ote (are. 51) on King Street. 553 10%. 0pm. £3. Roek lrom a different planet. the} \a}.
I Rock Idol The ('athouxe. 15 l‘nion Street. 348 (moo. "Stipin. £2. .-\nother eight hands eompete in the ('athotixe'x .laek l)ttlllt‘lx-\pt\ll\t\l'etl mega l“.tltlt‘ til lltt‘ hand\.
I The Kiteflying Club 'l‘ehai ()\ na. 43 (Mayo lane. 35" 4534. 8pm. {1.511. lmprox duetx.
I Jazzfunk Jam Session ’l‘ehai ()\ na. Io" Deanxton 1)ri\ e. (\4‘1 “358. 5pm. £1.51).
I Battle of the Bands Sottndhattx. 4‘ ll}de Park Street. 331 405‘). ".511pm. {-1.
I The Darkest 'l'he|llltl Room. ‘le Victoria Street. 335 35(i4. 7pm. £11). 'l'rihute to the Darknexx. themxehex a popular hair metal trihute act.
I Band Showcase \Vluxtlelnnkiex. 4 1» South Bridge. 557 51 I4. ‘lpm. 1*ree. See Tue 13.
Wednesday 20
I Roy Ayers and Magic Number The Arches. 353 .r\r:_'}|e Street. 5h5 11133. "..‘\(1pin. (IS/Uh. Ja/I lunk \upt'etno and \ ihraphone \1l'ltltixt) responsible lor \ueh groin) elaxxiex as ‘li\et‘_\hod} lows the Sunshine‘ and "We l.i\e in Humid)”
Bah} '.
I Rumours ot Fleetwood Mac Rina] ('oneert Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. 353 Sllllll “Sllplll. [lb/U4. l'ilL'L‘IHtltltl \lttt‘ trihute \\ ho etieotiiptm the Peter (ireen hluex incarnation and the SIM ie \it‘kx/lmdxe} Buckingham \upergroup
I Magic - A Kind of Queen l’a\ ilion ilillL'dll'C. 131 RL‘llllL‘ltl Slt't‘t‘l. .553 ltS-lli. ".311pm. {IF/£11. More tribute pat'aplienalia.
I Oceansize and Jade King 'l‘ut‘x \Vah \Vah lltit. 3"3a St Vincent Street. 331 5.1.“). Spill. U» ()\ t‘l'- l-l\ \lltm. .\lanehexter-haxed \l\_\\t‘1".tplllg rockers “1111 a \prinkling ol pro; mlluenee.
I Mastodon '1‘he('athou\e. 15 l‘mon Sll‘L‘L‘l. 3-15 (\(illh, -31111111. {3.51). ()\L‘l‘-l-l\ \lttm. .-\tlanta-1~awd hett} roek behemoth \\ ho ha\ e ad\erti\ed iuxt ho“ might) the) are \\ith the natne ol‘ their eurrent album. l.¢ l (til/Ill”.
I Man Inc, Mendeed, Djevera and Apathetic Hat-t1}. thti ('1)tle Street. (181101)" (MN. Spm. £5. ()\er- l—lx \hon. .\leta| line-up.
US @ THE QUEENS HALL Autumn 2004
with special guest GERI ALLEN
Storming big band with international talent and cracking soloists
@l \r“t‘t‘ .‘ ‘ “""1'" ‘ l)(){1-‘ I .
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Booking Details The Queens Hall, Edinburgh 0131 668 2019 / www.thequeenshal|.net
' 2', -'- THE LIST 85