I Nazareth 'l he luhungc. *4 (irmc \III'I‘I.-l-14ll~1lll ~pm L I: <ll ()lIl \Lllnul \k‘ilii\h hum} Unix .ul

I The Pearlfishers 8. the Tallpop Sinfonia Hiliiilnn lilk'tlilk'. l_.iIl}\xL-ll \\.i}. \ill\\L'|i‘lllL‘il. N5 211M " lllpin 9.1 | ill I UM MI 'I hIi A

I Mercedes, Fourteenhours, Stick Finlays .ml The Kays Lavelle (gilt-domain Hm Linn kch. NJIiccnxlcri} \III-I-I. 1”!» ~33-1 H. z“pm. Ll |)n\c\ k'\(ll|k' \i.Ill\lllll.Ill\ \lI'iu'Ilcx I'u‘cnll} lt'llll\k'(i h} kmm \hu'ltlx. \kllil lllIilk'/L'lllllf_'k' lm'.i|\ \Ilppul'llllj;

I X-Vextors .mIl The HCD

l7 \IImhI'. Shumlxxit'k I’LKC. 33‘) NH: lllpni inn U) l 95 I. ludinhui'gh Iiht'll [Hlllim IliI' .\ \I'Ilni‘x \wlmmc luntlunK H( "H M I luli lllf.)ill iiit' \Vni'kmx Pun} \kllll l).l\ [0.1)ij IliI'I} (il\\'ll and garage punk linlil Run.


The Firm Brothers nml Minnie Driver lx’u}.il ('IinL'L'I‘I Hull. 2 SauI'hII'hull XIII'I'I. ‘5‘ Nllllll. "pm. M )l .l) ( )l "l. SI'I' Szil lli. I Hiding with Girls, Hollywood Ending and All My Logic King 'l’ul‘x \Vuh \\;ih llIiI. I‘LI SI VinccnI SII'I‘CI. III 537‘), Spin. U». ()wr l-lx \huxy Klt'l’xlll}: llk'“ Hillmclul \"Illllhll. \thc \IuII'Il umlnlinii ix 'In \\ inc and plu} mum; IIL'\\'I gum up. I;ilk ruhhixh. and In cullu'l a line \I\ll;Il In; Hi lli‘ilziiii‘x iiim‘wllnux Iiiulni'u;x}x'. I lnstal Imuuing Vajra, Derek Bailey 8. Ingar Zach, Masayoshi Urabe, Exias-J, Kan Mikami and Steffen Basho-Junghans 'I'hc

,\l\'ilt‘\. .'\l’j_'_\h‘ SII'L‘I‘I. 505 “’33.


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84 THE LIST "~31 Cu".


\cc [‘IIWIUV. lHl Ihc \ighcx' Immml ].Illli‘Hl'L'C ml mpci'nncnml. IL'iI'i-l't'iki lllIl\lLlll;IixCl\ .Ind wnu llldllll‘llidh'h

I Rodney Crowell In.in \lm. Hum Road. ‘5‘ MM“ \pm L In <ll \cIcIIin ml i.llllll}liillH.1l’l1\.\HHl Hamluilhlcn mln .Iii‘llllh ImIl numcinm Run-Anne (Lixh pi'mlutliun gi‘thh In ill\ Immc

I Catfish Keith (hum 'l'hmuc. H}lltli.lll\i SUI-cl. ‘5" “(wk 5pm L'— 5“ lllucx \ingci mngunlcr .mIl .It‘Ulhllt' \IIIiL' f_'llll;ll'l\l \xliu \mx giwn ill\ \I.i:_'c lMlllL' h} .l Inhxlci din-I hc incl \killlt' hung; Ill th' (Iii'ihhmn

I Ewan McFarlane, Jak Cogan .IllIi Starsky Slut-Ii. Kch lllil;lllj_'il \IIL‘L'I. 5"(\51l|.\‘ Spin L11 (il'llll \nI'Ihcm Smml llunInmn \it'i’lll'lllllk' pcrlniim \nln. xuppurlcd h} luml \lllfJL‘l \Illlf._'\\l'llk‘l\,

I Minus the Bear, Baskin .mIl II Casio Immunitas Nut-‘n‘SII-Iu}. Ill Suut‘hichull Slim-I. Hill‘lllll. ‘lpni U». i)l'l\lllf_'. Inclmlu‘ Imhc luck llHlll ~\‘cuIIlc I Seether 3:3. I‘ll) Salicliichull Slim-I. ‘53 3| 1. 5pm. I”. SIiIiIh Mum hi'ml. [.8'i‘il\t'ti unIhI-nilc. Ilflgll‘L'\\l\L‘ l'Ik‘ixCH \xhu ligiw \uppurlul l-.\;mc\u‘ncc on UN”. I Somnus, Insular, Black Robinson, Placer and The Pedestrians 'l’hc (lulmuxc. IS I’nmn Sum-I. 243 mm». “, mm“, [.150 HIIIHIHL‘L'L Ui IIhml’l. ()H‘l‘ I.“ \IlIm. Ruck/pup hill.

I Global Battle of the Bands Hui‘l'l}. 3(iIl (iHh‘ Slit-cl. UV“ 007 “WM, ()HL' nl Ihi‘cc SuiIIixh hmlx 'I'hc linul Inkm pluu' :iI liit' lmnlnn .'\\lUl'l;I :II Ihc L‘llIl Hi NIHL‘IIII‘L'I'.

I Sumofish, 1950 DA and Stuart Blance 'I‘hc IRih Nuic (XIII: SI) (III King: Slim. 55‘ l(i.‘n\'. 0pm. £3. Sec Sal Hi.

E DIN U RC3 l-l ‘3. N £3.58." LIVE MUSICVENUE mil—moat

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I John Alexander Iiml \qumt Sunday. Ihe (iImI. l_‘\" \I;_\ 1: \iilei. 2;- ~ z“: \l‘lll iik'k‘ \\'\‘. {illilt'ii \‘Ill .itnump cwmng

I Phil's Sunday Session I ngc l’whlm. 3‘3 \\I¥\‘\i|.liiti\ Rmul. 5f»; 1*‘Ni hpm llcc Hun; MINI mun lli\illllllk'lli


I Tim Lomas, Dave Dudgeon .mIl Oatbeanie \\liI\I1cl\Inl\Ic\. -1 h \nth Bridge. 55“ 5| l~l hpm lice (‘hllchl HUI (max lmm H13; Hand lmnlnmn l um.» «in .il hpm.

I Vonda Shepard ()umik ll.IlI. (‘lI-Ik gnu-1, mm lulu " Ilipm LJIHLIM 'chinux I‘lmnlcuxc “limpiilk 11pm III \II li’m'l In \IiIIIiIlII.u‘l\ Ihc hunmc‘x ciiiuIimml Ilium!» (inml glicl

I Think Floyd l‘mnml lhmlic. 1z I" \luilvill Sll‘k‘cl. 5:" (illllll " L' l-lSIl IL" I 2.5m lilhuIc .igI pcrlni'mm}; l’lnk I'luMlK git-.IIINI il|l\

Monday 18


I Alias and Marcia Blaine School for Girls King 'liiI‘x \Vuh \Vdil llIiI. flu SI \IIIm‘HI Slit-cl. Ill 53"” Shillpiii t'". \Vgii‘m. [Xhltll‘lIi clcclmnim \Illlllti\L';ll\‘\ giml pi'ngl'cxxiw hip hop hcqu II‘IHII (\llllk'llll RL'CUHi\ in)“ IIII.I\ Suppni‘lml h} Ihc luml CIL't‘ll'Ullltkl Hlllill \\ iIh Ihc um] name.

I Think Floyd Rii};1l ('unccrl Hull. 3 Sgiuchu'hull SII‘L'cI. 353 Xllllll. ". “lplll, {USU/£11.50. Sec Sun IN

I Exias and Kite Flying Club Monorail. \lunn. Klngx (hurl. H. illpm. l'I‘cI‘. Hot «in the licclx ul Ihcir |I1\I.'i| gippcurum‘c Ilicir lll'\l cwr lzui'npcun pci‘lui'iiiuiicc Monorail\wlcumcx

il lpm



15-21 Calton Road. Tel : 0131 557 3073

Tickets avallable at Ripping Records Tel: 0131 226 7010

\1,:\.:.\;;'.\: laximmg: .zIIIl w to! .2 Inch: n'. ‘Yt‘lti..:\.i!‘.1:LJIIECEilll‘l\‘\f\zil\‘11 \IEE‘W‘I‘TI u‘mcx IIuitI .: .mu.‘ \‘\Ict IIIII‘ZIWIM'H I Captain Everything, Howard‘s Alias, No Comply .md Vanilla Pod HIIII'A. :NI I'l‘nlc \Izch. “V” "I" WM” \pm 1‘ H‘u‘l Eh {HIM l‘IIIIR lul'.

I Invisible Jim \Icicw. l\cl\xle:,m;~lx \Iiccl. ‘7‘ *I'H \g‘zn 1“

I Acoustic Jam \IH-'It'\iu,::\, 3.3. \Jilxiik'ildiv‘, \Iich. 1:: “W N‘ \l‘lll lzcc \Mx'klx \hwuhm' IuI i\‘\.1l\x‘llfj\\lli\‘l\ [X'Iluzmmg wilgiml :II.1IcIa.:l lulxzyhl \x'it‘i‘lJllll‘,‘ ll\ \Ih lthIlIIx


I Oceansize llII‘ \cmlc. I .‘l I .llli‘l‘. Rmni. ‘V 0‘ ‘Hpm 1le [pk pm: [Ink lli‘lll \lmthcxII-I Inc pm," ( lumzixixu Icgcmnf: plmlllh Imm \ \l/ Illlki

Al I’H‘le'

I One Night of Queen I‘lnhnuuz

l\ I: (iiccnmlc I'LIII'. I'\ 'H Iillh 1 L“.

illpm Ll 1 ;H \:,.-m n: Nu m In I \HllllCY (Lu) \illlik'll hmle Ihc IIIhIiIc In I II-Illllc \ik'lxlll} cI .11

I Open Mic \\ ill\ii\'i‘liii\lk'\ 1 Ii \I‘llll‘. limlpc. *‘i' *l H "pm lIcI' \I'I' \lwn ll

Tuesday 19


I Sarah McLaughlin .mIl Butterfly Boucher Rle (Rum-II ILIII. .‘ SJuI‘IiII-lmll \IiI-I-I. W 1 .\llllll " Imp”.

SI )l I) I )l l llmI} (fliniulmn \HII'.‘\III‘\\. uhn lniinIlI-Il Ihc I IIIIli l .m ik'\i|\.ll lHI lHHl\_\ lenile lllIl\l\‘.I| cwicxxlnn, liul \xhn wumlx lllI‘lI' like the \Ullil \lllI‘llill l)|Ii|‘ \inh t'\L'l_\ lllt‘lL‘.l\lllj.'i} miimunux wham- I Hope of the States lilk' I ngyc. I‘m Snut‘liiclmll XIII'I'I. “.7 HS“ "pm I“ ()\k'l llx \hmx \cc PHWII'V- lHl IhI-w


All shows 8pm

All shows at Oran Mot top 01 Bytes Rd Glasgow 612

0141 353 8000