Art listings

Edinburgh Public Galleries ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN

lmerlerllr llouxe. 553 "Iql l)arl_\

lllalrr 5 Urprrl

Robert Therrien oooo l‘nul Strrr il (ltl l‘tcc lmerlertlr llouxc reopcrh alch maror relurbrxlrrrrcrrt “ith the HM l'|'\' llllht‘lllll \lrou. b} l.o\ .\ngclcx bawd .rt‘llxl Robert 'I lrerrrerr. \xlrme \wrk recallx lllt'llltHltN ol the home and chrldhood. Earth from the Air l’nlrl Sun 26 Sep. l0am 7pm l‘ree Scoltnlr premier ol plrotograplh b} l'rcnclr photographer Yann \rtlrux Bertrand capturing the

t llal.rclt'tl\llc\ .md patternx ol the natural world hour a unique aerral perxpectne. prox rdmg a breathtaking pictorial record ol our planet toda}. with? SH


2 (‘lramberx Street. 347 DIV/4423. .\lon & Wed Sat |0am 5pm. 'ltrc l0am Spm‘. Sun noon 5pm. l‘r'ee,

Around Designers l'nul Strrr 3| ()ct ('orrterrrporar) Italian prodtrct dexlgn b} the Milan ba\ed duo (irulio lacclrettr and .\latteo Ragni \klltrxg' gurdrrrg plrrloxoplr} l\ to rrrake lunctional obrectx which produce an errrotrorral Ik‘\llllll\k'.

Treasures from Tuscany l’ntrl Strrr il ()cl [4 rUr. .-\n irrxrglrt into the l'.lI'tI\catr\. an ancient cr\ llt\;llltrll ol Irrglrl} \oplrhltcalcd people who \\ ere t'ttlllt'llllltllill'lL'S ol the arrcrerrt (ireckx. Ieaturmg rrearl} 500 olrlectx l'r'om the collectiorrx ru 'l’uxcan}.


'llre .\lotmd. 0| .il :35 667l. .\lon Sal |0arrr 5pm; Strn noon 5pm.

The Age of Titian: Venetian Renaissance Art from Scottish Collections oooo l‘nnl Strrr 5 Dec. L7 tL'5r; tree to under llx. ('elebratirrg

the completion ol the final \tage ol the Ma} lair l’rorect. I'ln' size u/ lirmn brmgx together uorkx ulnch ha\ e entered Scottrxh collccltoth alongxrde \Mrl‘k\ b} hrx ctrntemporarrex 'l‘rntoretto. licllrnr. l_otto. \croncxc artd llaxxano. (‘all 0| 5| 634 6200 tor rnlormatron. Academicians and the Demarco Archive l'ntrl Srrn 36 Sep. .-\ look at the carecrx ol a number or Ro}a| Scotttxh Academicranx and their collaboration \xrth chhar'd Demarco (net the laxt 40 )L‘tth

Darkspace in I Still to Oct. (it';ttltl;tlt‘\ til lllL' St‘trllhlt :\t'l Sellooh \lto\\c;t\t‘ .\'e\\ .\ledra \Vorkx in the lirxt exhibrtron at the RSA to e\p|ore tlrrx rrredrtrrrr. NLW 8r t()“.".’.

TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'ni\er\it_\ ol ladinburgh. South llrrdge. 650 22“). Tue Sat l0am 5pm. Cyclorama Coo l'ntrl Sat 25 Scp. .\ recreation ol Ne“ York artrxt Sand) \Vtrr‘rrrlt'ltl'x '('_\c|orama'. a 360 degree panorama parnting ol an abxtract colour lield rainbou. cornplerrrerrted b} a hixtorical e\hibition e\plorirrg llre orrgmx ol‘ the panorama. LASI Cl tANCt; 10 SH


National (Ballet) ol Scotland. The .\lound. 634 6560.

Giorgio Morandi: Italian Master of the Still Life .\lon 27 Sep.

l3.45 l..‘~0pm. I’ree. Lunchtime talk b} Alice Strang. \errior curator at the (ialler_\ of Modern .-\rt.

Behind the Scenes: In the Picture 'l‘ue ZS Sep. L145 |.30pm. I'il't'L'. .\ltL‘ltttcl (itllltlgllt‘t'. kt‘t‘pt‘l' Ul- conxenation at the National (iallcriex. gi\c\ a lurrchtirrre talk.

Tuscan Art in the National Gallery of Scotland:

c 1300-1750 'l‘ue ZS Scp.

7.30 8.30pm. l’rce. Director general ol‘

An exhibition by the


Number Ten The Gallery IO Royal Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5AB Tel: Ol3l 556 6939 l6th - 30th September 2004 IOam - 4pm (except Sundays)

96 THE LIST .‘3 Set 5‘ Oct

.U- V.“ .r a? t .' i _ A "fut. u'l .' " r' ,5 i I‘- _ l . r.— u '5’ ‘8? :3": 'I‘.v "é' \ . w '\ la - r. - - yr '~ .~ . a. L. "f. .éhno“m§*~t‘h¢u4‘.¢?fi#\. 1’ .

Stray Dog

the National (iallcrrex Sir 'l‘rmoth} ('Iillord gi\e\ a lecture on 'l'uxcarr art. Picturing Poverty in Renaissance Venice Thu 30 .\‘t-p. 7 Spin. l-ree. 'l'om .\Jiclrolx from Aberdeen l'nixerxit} prexentx tlrrx e\ening talk.

Rembrandt to Vermeer: Dutch Paintings of the Golden Age Sat 2 Oct. 3 7.30pm. {l5 (UH). ('ollaboratixe seminar organixed b} the National (ialleriex of Scotland and the Ro}al ('ollection. l'ocuxing on the line e\ample\ or Dutch art currentl} on dixpla} in Scotland.

Landscapes By the Nasmyth Family Tue 5 ()ct. l2.45 l.30pm. l'ree. Matthew Wellard givex a lunchtirrre talk.

Poetry Writing and Digital Media Workshop Tue 5 Oct.

6.30 ()pm. £2.50. 'l'akmg ln\pil‘;tllolt l'rom paintirrgx in the galler). create a poerrr and uxe digital media to illuxtrate it.


l.ad_\ Stair'x llouxc. l.ad_\ Slair‘\ (lose. 53‘) 4‘)0l. .\lon Sat 10am 5pm. l-‘ree. Dame Muriel Spark: Scottish By Formation l'ntil Sat 30 ()ct. An exhibition celebrating the lite and career of l)ame .\luricl Spark. author ol the \mrld—lamotrx The Prime u/ .rrm .leun Brut/iv.

Edinburgh Private Galleries


7S Moltlroxe 'l'cl'l'ttcc. .-\lrlte_\ltill. (r6l

l l()7.

Vanessa Maurice-Williams Hi 34 Sep Thu 4 .\'o\. l0am 6pm. .\bxtract \wr'k baxed on lttlltlxt'ttpt‘ image\ b} up and coming tll’lixl Vanexxa .\laur'ice- \Villltttttx. NEW SHOW.


l5‘) (ireat Junction Street. 0773‘) 304588.

Robin Scott and Alberta Whittle Fri 24 ~\\'ed 2‘) Sep. noon 5pm. Joint .\hou b} recent li(‘z\ masterx graduate Robin Scott and Barbadox-born artixt Alberta Whittle. Scott ll\e\ typical ollice lllttlt‘l‘lttlx to explore the langtrage or corporate buxiness. \thile llttgx and heraldr} form a major part ol~ \Vlrittle'x uork’ on cultural and national identrt). The opening night (7 -l lpm only) l‘eattrr'ex li\e muxic and performance. Visit within opening hour\ or call 0772‘) 804588.


47 Timber Bush. 476 8040.

Ships and Scapes Thu 23 Sep Thu 7 ()ct. l0am 4pm. Free. Work b} Robert Ward. Shaeron Axerbuch and Bruce l’earxon on nautical and natural themes. Ring doorbell for attention. NEW SHOW.

by David Kiely, at Merz, Edinburgh

DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE i|)oune lerrace. 325 “IS” .\lon in Want 5pm; Sat llam ipm

0 Dancing with Bulls l'ntrl hi I ()ct. :\n S metre tall grralle arrrxex tn lzdmlrurgh ax the landrrrark ol an e\hrbrtron b} |)am\|r artrxt drro. l rxe .-\arup and Bernhard l.rp\oc. \\lltt create tantaxtrcal \\otld\ \pamnng the humoroux and romantic \pectre. l.rp\oe\ arnrnal \ctrlpttrrc\ marr_\ \xcll \xrlh :\artrp'\ \xor'k locu\rng the le\ltne ol e\clrange m relationxlrrp\ and other meetrngx. lAFil (Ll l/-\N( l l' “st l lltllltii


lb’a l)lllltl;t\ Street. 557 5337. .\lon Sat |0am 5.30pm.

Judith Bridgland l'ntrl \\'t-a ()(lt'l .\'e\\ paintingx trrrder the xerrex l/re (.H/UHI‘ H/ I/lt' .\iul'l/l.


ll (ia}lield Square. 55S 7| I0. \Ved l‘rr llam 6pm; Sat noon 5pm.

Lucy Skaer - The Opaque

oooo l'ntil Sat 25 Sep. l‘axt gathering an international reputation. (ilaxgou baxed tll'll\l l.uc} Skaer. \xlro'x bext knoun lor inxect lll\ltlll;tllitll\. prexerrtx neu \xorkx on paper. (irant \crollx \pan the \\;lll\ ol' the galler} \irtlr lllL‘llL'lllthl} draun and painted imager} taken lrom patterrrx ol \nakex and \prderx. l/‘xfjl



6a l)lllltl;t\ Street. 55S 036 i.

Nicola Slattery l'nlrl .\lon 27 Sep. l'iguratne pamtingx and pl‘llll\ lr'ollr thrx .\'or'loIk-ba\ed artixt.

Scott & Scott In I Sat U ()et. ()rl pttlllllllgx ol’ natural \ubiectx including “atcr and l'louerx by Valerie Scott and John Setrll. Nil/J SHUV/


l4 (ieorge Street. 624 H634.

Ronnie Wood l'ntil Sat 25 Sep.

noon 9pm. l-ree. Ronnie Wood. l'orrner guitar pla)er “ith the Rolling Stonex. \lttr\\\ hix itl'llxllt‘ \ide u ith a \L‘rte\ ol \ketchex portraying memberx ol the band as “C” ttx John Lennon. Jinn Hendrix and comedian l’eter ('ook.


22a l)unda\ Street. 556 lel. .\lon l'ri llam 6pm: Sat 10.30ame4pm. Panas Menko and Andriy Yalanskyi l‘ntil Sat 9 ()ct. 'l‘uo painters from the l'k’raine combining landscape and liguratn e “ork'x in the Ru~~ian poxt-imprexxionixt \tyle.


6 (‘arlton Terrace. 556 444 I. 'l'ue Sat l0am--5pm.

Roger Ackling Thu 23 Sep Sat 30 ()ct. A \olo \lltm' for Roger Ackling it ho