\L‘Hl'L'llC\ [llk't L'\ Ill lllllllll \Hulll ll} mulling: Ihc \un'x l'.’I}\ lllI'Hlllel .x llllIlelll}lllf_' glam 7.? '

INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE I i Runllnlph (‘I'cxt‘an 235 5 VIII

\lnn \Vul & l-I‘I ‘)_ Main 5 “Will. 'I hu nnnn 5 lllpln; Sal ‘)_ llluin 3pm

No Man’s Land: The Chattri l'nnl \.‘1l 3 “cl, ScullIxhlmxt-Il phnlnquphL-I. lulw \Vulwu. ulnlulx Inmng III In uni lllI‘llllll'lill lhc ('hullll. uunInt-Inululing Ihc IlMIlilll \llllllk'h uhn lunghl nn lhc \chlcrn l-mnl,


53 \Vul‘I‘L‘llIlL‘I l’nl'lx Rnull. 33‘) :(lqh. Well in llznn 7pm. Sul llluin 5pm. Sun ll;un 5pm

Drawing Show I'nnl Sun In (m. .\ \clu'linn ml ncu Ilrumnpx h} l',lC;IllIIl .'\(l£lll'. .\l.'n‘_\ ’l’I‘nIlllt-n unll llIll l’lIl\\L'l'.


()5 'l‘hc Show. l.cIIh. 55i 5355‘ 'l'uc I‘ll llunI 5pm; Sgil l|;un 4pm.

Figures of Eight Sal 3 Sal -3 ()L'I. lI‘cc. l',i}_‘lll nl lhc gnllcl‘} \ hcxl ligui‘uliw pulnlci‘x Ingclhcr l'nI' Ihc l'u‘xI Innv: Kcll} :\nnc ('un‘nx. Sluphcn Shunklnml. l’gilx} Nita-\I‘lhul'. l);I\iIl \lui'liII. Kll\l_\ \Vlulcn. lun llnmn. llcn l);I\ ch lunkim unll .lnhn Sunlh.


N7 llmughlun Snccl. 55K 871$ \Vul Sul llimll (ilun.

David Kiely 000 Sul 25 Scp Mun 4 ()cl. l‘nrnicrl} un :Ihxlrucl ill‘ll\l. ll‘l\ll puinlcr l)u\ill Kicl} '\ Iu'cnI \wi‘k ulw includm ligurnliw :prcclx \uch il\ pcnplc unll huilllingx :unungxl Ihc \ll\l punclx Ill L‘Illlllll' illltl \llllllc. Yul IIlL' \Cll\L‘ ul' pluu' I'L‘lllllllh un ingriguing lll_\ \Icr} and Ihc lillm Icuw ;II un :umwr. hul ulIiInuIcl) Icuw Ihc \icxwr In unuginc l‘UI' IIlL‘lll\L'l\L‘\. NlVl.’ Si l( )\"I'.


34 Ahercrmnh} l’lucc. 557 ND”.

Mun l‘ri Illunl (lplll'. Sul Illuin 4pm. Archie Dunbar McIntosh Sat 35 Sup \Vcd l3 ()cl. Rcccnl puinlingx h} Archic l)unh;u' Mclnlmh.

Bernard Imin Sul 25 Scp \Vcd l3 ()L‘I. Dixplu} nl‘ccrzunicx h) llcrnzu‘ll lmin.

Donald Provan Sul 25 Scp \Vul l.‘~ ()cl. Rcccnl puinlingx h} Donald l’I'mzin.


3 \I \Icphcn Plate. 235 f»25~ \lun I ll lll.nn 0pm. \II lll.nn hpln. \un

nnun .5 Illpni

Mixed Show l'nIIl \\ul I“ My \Il\k‘ll leIIllP mlnlullun h} mu 5“ gullci} .Illl\l\

Group Exhibition lhn In \t-p \nn I“ ()II. (imup (\llll‘lllllll h} ll.I\ lki Snnlh. (il'dL‘lllL' Shnrp. l.In l llllll .lllkl l2l;nnc ('unnlnghuln

SCOTTISH GALLERY ll» |)unIl;I\ Slim. 55K llllll llluln (\plll; Sal lll.nn ~lpin Alexander Fraser l nIIl um ( m \th [lgllllllllfJ lInIn llll\ \I‘Clllt't'll l‘.l\\'ll

Edinburgh Artist Spaces


"(I I‘.;l\l ('I'uxxgulIu-ud}, (I‘llhll all l".\*) 'l‘hu SIII nlmn "pin.

Best in Show l‘nIIl Sun 3!» Sup lhc liInhuxx} \ Incinlwn‘ \lllm tunnw unllcl \i\ cult-gui'lcx lllt'llllllllf: 'llull lll'cmlx‘. ‘l’cnx unll lant'lmui'cx‘ .llltl '\\Iml.\ lluntlhng', I/IST 'irll'xl,‘ ,E ' xEE

\lnn lII


I .-\ (in) llclll SIIL'L'I lunc. (FUJI (\5‘1513. Stuckists Punk Victorian Lite If You Can’t Be Bothered to Go to Liverpool I'nnl Sn! :5 Sq».

noon 5pm. St‘lcclml ;u‘ll\l\ llUlll lhc l'nI'Ihuuning \lllm ul Ihc \Vullm (lilllt‘l'}. |.i\crpnul including ('hul'lm 'l'hmnwn. lullu (iuru. l’clcl' \lc.-\I‘Illc. Smlnn Ming. l’uul llniM'}. l’hilip .’\hwlnn. l'.l\;I l);I\. l);In llcllnn. .lnc \luclnnc illltl .\llllt' l'lH'lC. (Hill In Inukc II \ Ic“ ing uppninnncnl Ulll\ltIL' nl npcnlng lllllll'\


43 Viclnl'iu SII‘CL‘I. 477 33.5.5. Mun Sul l3..‘~ll 5.30pm; Sun nnnn 5pm.

Art in a Suitcase l'nnl ’l‘hu 3n Scp. ('clchruling iIx lll'\l unniwrxgu‘}. Rk‘tl Hour (inllcr) pit-\cnlx ilx \unnncl' \hmx. l‘culuring puinlingx h) .'\(Iil|ll SiInpwn. ink til'il“ ingx h} 'l‘I'inc Kl'l\lCll\L‘ll. \culplurcx h} Scull lmcric :unl nil puinlingx h} .\l;u‘ic \Vi'ighlwn. l/«Sl CHANCE l() SE l.

TOTAL KUNST @ FOREST 3 llI‘ixln l’lucc. III) 4538. nnnn lllpln. New Exhibition l'nlil Mon 37 Scp.

\\'\\ '~‘-\‘li\ l‘} \II\Il\IL.i I\I‘\'lllt‘l .lllxi (nut-Inc lx’ugcl Ic.IIuIIn;; l‘l‘llllllh ml (iculgc. ( Nuns. .lllki \nlllunl In Ihc 'llllnnc (Lalnt' Illnx} ('ll.nn~ \k'llk'5 ,Inll lllk' '( lhlIxInn \llll- III \xlllth tnnplw \.ll‘. Iln- Ingclln'l II t,:I.Itl}\III \Illkt'x '

WASPS STUDIOS \llunn lill\lllt‘\\ ( 't'nln‘. (ml “lull

WASPS Open Doors \II 3 I\ \m I ()II \ _L‘l'\'.ll nppuIIunII} In Inch .Illl\l\ .ll .Ill \I.I;_'c\ ml Ithl txncclx \lll\l \k'k' Ihc Lingc ml \xuik lll.ll gum Mn .11 \\ \\l’\ \[llklll‘\ .u lII\\ \tnllunll llI‘lll p.IIIIIIIl;\ .nnl [IIInIIIlelng In \I.nnul gluxx .nul tcmnntx _\«Iu tun hu} \\\\ll\\ tlnt-t'll} llHllI lilk' .Illl\l\ \lm iunnlng,‘ .il \\.I\II\ \lllkllll\ lll lLIll} ls: \\\‘\l l’dllx l’lJt L'. lull} lx’u.ul. il l .‘lN-lnunll l’.IlIInIh,Ill I-l.\ llunnllun I’Lux'. \llu'klunlgc. 33.5 I25”)

Outside the Cities

DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS I52 \thchqu Ill :53 nnnnnn luc \\cll. Sul & Sun Ill illuln 5 illpni. lhu I\ ll! Illa illnln 5pm,

Nahum Tevet I'nnl ~\‘un Hm 'I hc lile l'lx' \hmxlng ml milk h} \.IhIIIII 'lcwl. uhmc “Mk \\.I\ Int'lullcll Ill Ihc \t'nlt‘c lllcnnulc luxI )ml. lqulIng .l IIII'ggc \t'ulc lll\l;lll.lllllll \xhlgh I'clt'lcnt't'x lllc lll l\lilt'l. Su' I'mn'xx \‘cc Illlll\l.

‘\ \ll‘lI‘ll I\)l‘.l\i.

“a. :E , UH Ergin Cavusoglu l‘nnl Sun Hm \Illcu lll\l;lll;lllllll\ pmlung Ihc huunllul'n'x ul puhln~ .lllll pmnlc \put‘c Sec I‘m Icu‘ «503' I "SIN ,? ' I til I WASPS STUDIOS \lcaullmnnll Slulhm. \Vt'xl llcnllci'wn \\'_\ ml. lll 382 23 | Xhll

WASPS Open Doors Sat 2 x Sun I

()L'I. Scc \Vuxpx SlInlIm. lilllnhul‘gh.

MOUNT STUART GALLERY Mount Small ll|7llll NBS-7". \lIIIl. \VL‘II x l'l'l Sun llluln 5pm,

Langlands and Bell l'nnl Sun in Sup. .'\n lll\l;lll;lllllll h} I,;lll:_'lilllll\ uml llcll. I‘clci'l'ncing Ihc Iin} lunnl} chupcl IlCIlIL‘ulCIl ll) Sl .lllllll llk‘ l".\;Ill:_'L‘ll\l ;IIIIl Ilmignul in l373 h} lhc Iu'chilucl \Villiunl llurgm :II \lnunl SquI‘I. l/«Sl (Ell/\NCI l() Sll

40 Licks by Ronnie Wood, at the Dome, Edinburgh

Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to kids®list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.

Al‘lmllns tillti l IIII

Saturday Art Club \u 3* \‘cp I\ \.II .‘ ()tI. IIMIII lpIn Ilk't‘ (i.Illt'I§ ml \lmlcln \ll. (‘luccn \llk‘t‘l. 33‘) l‘l‘lh lIIn .nI .II In lllt‘\ ll‘l thllllIcn .Iggcll i lll It'lJlIn}: In .ul nn til\[‘i.l_\ \\llll IlI.i\\|n;f. tulluyc. \kllipllllt' lll.Ii\lll_L' .lllll puncx [\III‘nlx tun gt'l \Iln‘k lll hm

CCA Kids Club: Model Landscapes Sun .‘h Sup. nmui :[Hll t5 (‘(' \. i5“ Hunt'hn'hull \lIt'I‘l. i5? l‘lllll (‘Itnilt‘ IIIIII mun pt'lll‘t‘l i l) llllllik'l \Illlnl‘lk‘ III! .Ipr ‘l l: SIT phlth

Traditional Games Sun in \‘t-p.

l 5pm Lil 5“ ll.lll\‘\ ll.Ill. 35 (il.I\\lHlIl ~\llL‘k‘l. 55: jllx l’.llllllll 3;.unm .lll\l t'lnllllcn‘x \xulkxhulx \\ IIlI Ihc \t'nllhh \I.l\i\ .lllll l’uppcl lhmllc \\k'.ll [MlllllllL‘ t'lnlhm .l\ llnngx t'nulll ggcl lllt‘\\}

Bob Bower’s Binocular Bonanza lhu ill Sch. anl {l (il.I\L'n\\ St'lcnu' ('t'nlIc. 5” l’.It'IlIt' (Jun). ~12“ 5Illlll. Hung; 3mm |l\\ll lunnt‘nlgux In \\llllt'\\ Ill'cp \k_\ nluu'h \ut'h .l\ gnlnum .Ilul t'lll\lt'l\ lll.llll\\ III lllL' pluncLu'IuIn'x /t'l\\ \Ignlmll.

The Sauchiehall Ball In I ,\ 8;” 3 (M. lluIn ~llllll l'Iu', \lt‘l cllnn (iullcin'x. 35H Suut'hlchull Sllccl. 505 .lllllll Rail-alt .I hugc 3|)/ ll) Suut‘hlchnll SI lll lhc pullcmw. mllllng: )nln H\\ll l‘lllltllllfl\. mix. huxcx gInIl pcnplc. l’;n'l ul Ihc lilg’ Hum.

Palms, Coconuts and Cacti Snl :(k‘l. l5” 5pm. l’l’L‘t'. I’L‘Ulllk'.\ l’uluu' «k \VInIL'I (iuI'IIcnx. (illhglfik (ilccn. Fl 395 l. \lulu' gIInII Iliuu Ingx nl lhc unlit plunlx Ih;II grim Ill (ilnxgmx \ I'.;l\l Izml llL'lp t‘I'L'IIlL‘ ll llllgc [flu [Mm lug” \\ llll )Ilul' hull} on Ihc (iI'ccn ul 2.30pm Skylines from the School Sun I “Cl. 2 JPN]. l'l'L'L‘. St‘llllllllll Sll'L'L'l St'hnnl Muwuin. \luwuln nl lxluculmn. 235 Smiluml Sim-I. 3x" ll5llll l-m- llll\ lilllllk'll cwnl. Ilk'iltl up In lllt' Inp llmu nl St‘lllldllll SllL‘Cl Sk'illllll l0 till!“ ;I hulltlingg uml hclp Iu'rmlc IIlL' (ll) \l.}liIlL'. l’uI‘l HI Illk' [flu “mu,

Let the kids‘ imaginations run wild at the CCA in these creative workshops based on the exhibition programme, introducing children (and accompanying adults) to the work of local, national and international contemporary artists. What better excuse than art for getting covered in paint and generally having a crafty time of things?

' K/ds C/ul). CCA. G/asgow, noon. Sun 26 Sep.

/-,':-'::v "13' 27,"- THE LIST 97