Beats, Danger Mouse and Prince Po Suh ('luh. 33 Jamaica Strcct. 348 4(0). llpm. £13..-\nc\citing hip hop hill including litilidsotttc Boy .\lodclling School graduatc l’rincc Paul and mantch man of thc momcnt Dangcr Mouse \\ ho has crcatcd 'I‘lti' (rl'('_\‘ .rt/lmm h) illcgall) sampling and splicing lhc Bcatlcx' ll'lu'n' Album and Jay-7.3x Blur-k ."l/llllll. I’urr of 'Ii'iplri‘lt.

OT Model Ford and Uncle John 8: Whitelock King 'l‘ut’x \\'ali \Vah Hut. 373;! $1 \‘inccnt Sll'L‘L‘l. 33' 537‘). 8.30pm. U050. Intriguing old l)c|ta hlucsman 'l' Modcl l‘ord lilll8l hc hitting 80. but i‘cckom that hc onl) t'ccot'dcd his lirxt alhum uhcn lic “as 7r». prm ing that il'\ liC\ L‘l‘ too lttlL‘ to hL‘L‘Umc :l hlllL‘\ \‘ctcran. llc ixjoincd h} \\\;llllp_\ local comho l'nclc John & Whilclock‘. Plus 11) lsicl T“ itch. l’url of ‘Irl/in'i‘li.

I Lifeblind, Genetik Blueprint, Pig Scum and Modo Barl'l). loo (‘l}dc Street. 0870 007 000‘). 8pm. £4. ()\'L‘l'- l4x \hon. li\trcmc mctal linc-up. I Calvin, Q Without U, Lipstick and The Electroluvs 'l‘hc l3lli Nolc ('atc. 50 ()0 King Strcct. 553 lo38. 0pm. Varioux \hadc\ ol' alt.pop and clcctronica. I Spooner ('(‘.v\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 4000. Uhc. Spooncr launch thcir tic“ iii).

I All My Logic, The Accused, The Devotions and Locosea Ra“. Quccn Margarct l'nion. 33 l'ni\cr\it} (lat-dens, 33‘) 0784. 7.30pm. £3. \Vcckl} shimcasc of local hands. llca\} rock linc- tip.

I The Haze, The Wheels, Stark Raving Normal attd Fagan l’ur} .\lurr_\1\. ‘lh .\la\\\c|| Strcct. 33l (i5l 1. 8.30pm. £4. including cntr} to post-gig cluh. liur) '\ l'nxigncd hattlc ot‘ lhc hands 3004.

I Kilo 'l’hc Bunkcr. l‘)3 IW Bath Strcct. 33‘) I437. l0pni. l-‘rcc.

I The Impossible Flower, Frogpocket and The Stare ‘l‘chai ()Vna. 43 ()lago l.anc. 357 4534. 8pm. £3. lilcctromca and lrccst} lc knitting.

I Sticky Fingers Studio ()nc. (iroanor llotcl. (it‘o\\ctiot' 'l‘ct't'acc loll B}rc\ Road). 34| h5 lo. ‘lpm. l’rcc. Rolling Stoncx trihulc.

I The Score .\l;icSoi'|c)\. 43 Jamaica Strcct. 348 858l. ‘lpm. l‘rcc.

I Jam Session Samucl Dim ‘x. (a? Tl Nithsdalc Road. 43.3 0l07. 8.30pm. l-‘rcc. llostcd h} llttlL‘pclithltcL‘.

I Live Music .\lc(‘liuill\. 40 High SIFCCI. 3l55. 9.30pm. l'il'L'L'. NC“ hands night.


0 Franz Ferdinand, Sons and Daughters and The Fiery Furnaces 'l‘hc Liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Strccl. 335 35(34. 7pm. £8. :\rt- popstcrs thc l‘ran/ richl} dcxciw c thcir \ttcccss. So pcr\a\i\c i\ lhcii' \ottnd. that it is alrcad} \trangc to think that lliix ix rcally onl_\ carl) day l‘or this trailhlaling hand. Bin/girl action from hoth \tipportx. thc'n'.\'anc_\'i\li Sonx «k Daughtcrx and garagc \ihlingx thc liicr} l’urnaccx. Rl'lurning m purl of 'Iri/il_\'i'li.

I The Sunshine Delay ()uccn‘x llall. ('lcrk Slrcct. (ms 301‘). 7pm. £8. l’ou'cr pop \xith a roots). .-\mcricana inllucncc.

Trans Am 'l’hc \cnuc. IT 31 ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £8. Scc \Vcd 38. I Peter Michael Rowan ('al‘c Royil Bistro Bar. l7 \cht chixlcr Strcct. 557 4793. 9pm. lircc. Scc 'l‘hu l5.

I Sphere, Porncops, Phoenix and Vertigo 101 \VllifllchltlkiL‘x. 4 (i South Bridgc. 557 5l l4. 0pm. lircc. Bumpcr hill ol Scollixh itidic and rock.

QAmp Fiddler le‘ Bongo (illlh. Mora} llouxc. 37 l|o|_\rood Road. 558 7604. l lpm 3am. U3. Scc \Vcd 38. /’url of 'I‘I'i/ilrl‘li.


I Shrinking Violet, Sonus: Uprise, Roguestar and The Fallen (‘ottnol|_\',\. 3.3 Nicholxon Stl'ccl. (ll-175 888 973. ‘lpm. l'rcc. Rock night.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.


I The Michael Deans Quartet ltct-r ('at'c. ('andlcriggx. 553 9815. ‘) ||.45pm. l-‘rcc. Modcrn ia// quartct lcd h_\ lcnot' \a\man l)can\.


I The Scottish Jazz All Stars llcnr} \ Ja// ('cllar. 8 .\lorri\on Strcct. 40.“ 5300. 8.30pm. 9;". :\n all»\tar caxt l'or thix ilchltl [Ulll‘ l'c\ ixiting lllL' c‘l;l\\ic ltlthic Ul- thc (‘bdc Vallc} Slotiipcrx. thc (‘lanxmcn illlkl :\lC\ \Vt‘lxll.


I The Fusion Experience The Bull. I43 Bath l.anc. 348 1"". 0pm. l‘rcc hcl'orc l0.30pm: £5 al‘lcr. chidcnc} lrom thix Iia/x lunk trio \\ lio'\ c hccn dcwrihcd ax 8t (icrmain mcctx .4\ir mcctx l)a\ c Bruhcck mcctx .liitim} .\lc(irilt.


6 Petter Wettre Trio llcnr} '\ .la/l (’cllar. 8 .\lorri\on Strcct. 40" 5300. 8.30pm. L'h. li\hilarating and in\cnli\c _ia// l'rom tcnor \a\opliotti\t \Vcttrc. lt‘dllll'llig‘ l’cr [antixxi on ha“ and .v\ndrc\ .\lorgcn\cn on drumx.

I Jack Casey’s Jazz Collective 80 ()uccn Slrcct Bar and chtaurant. 80 ()uccn Strch 330 50‘)". llpm midnight. l'iiiCL'. Bchop mcctx tlt‘tlltliliihtl“ lL‘tl h) (ilaxgou haxcd ha“ playcr. l'caturing (icrr) Rom on piano and Ric ('handlcr on drumx.

I Funkafize llcnr} \ .la// (‘cllaiz 8 .\lot't'i\on Strcct. 4o~ 5300. Midnight. £5. ('Iaxxic. hig. danccl'loor lunk po\\ci'cd h} NC“ York drummcr l’aul .\lill\.


I George McGowan and his Orchestra .\lcrchant\ (‘orncix l8 .lohn Strcct. 553 380l. 3.30 5.30pm. l’rcc. Brummcr .\lc(io\\an lcadx his hig hand “ith gtlc\l \lic‘ttll\l\.

I Lynne O’Neill Quartet Bicl. 3t) 43 ;\\hton l.anc. 343 40M». 3 (rpm. lircc. (ila\go\\ -ha\cd \ocali\l l'ronlx lhix inno\ati\c l'ourxomc \\ ith \ongx nc\\ and old.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Bar I85. Buchanan llotcl. I85 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7384. 5.30pm. lircc. chular \\\llij_‘lllf.: ia// \L‘\\tolt.

I Eddie Toal and Quintet ()‘.\'ci|l\. 7| .'\lhion Strccl. 553 0833. ‘) ll.-l5pm. l‘i'cc. \‘ocalixt liddic \ingx lllx na} through :\mcrican \Ultghook \landardx.


0 Petter Wettre Trio llcnr} \ .la// (’cllar. 8 .\lorri\on Sti'cct. 40" 5300, 8.30pm. to. Scc l-‘ri lb.

I BOQSt House Band so ()uccn Sll‘L‘L‘l Hut and chlatlt'anl. hi) ()llk‘t‘ll Sll't‘t'l. 33b 50‘)". ‘lpm midnight. l~rcc. .\lodcrn gia/x claxxicx l'i'om thix d}namic li\c-piccc. I Groove Diggaz llcnr} \ .la/I ('cllai‘. 8 \llit‘l‘ixirn Sir-u~i_.1(r" 5300. Midnight. U). .\ doxc ol tlic lunk lrom ladmhurgh’x prcmicrc hcaxpxcrght \ou! outlit. l'caturing \ocalixl loll} King and lhc talcntx ol .\lartin Kcrxhau on \;l\.

Sunday 18

Glasgow I Paul Towndrow and Friends Bccr ('alc. ('andlcriggx. 553 ‘l8l5. 3pm.

lircc. .\lodcrn iaI/ standards and originalx l'rom alto~\a\ophoni\t lo“ ndrou.

I Sophie Bancroft Quintet Iron 'l‘hcalrc. o3 'l'rongatc. 553 43h". “I‘m. (8 lUil. \‘ocali\t Bancrolt \uhtl} ucawx lolk and tan inl‘lucnccx into a mi\ of \ldlitltll‘th and contcmporar) numhcrx.

I Suzanne Bonnar 'l‘ron 'l‘licairc. (r3 ‘l'rongatc. 553 4367. 8pm. £8 lUil. Scolthh iaI/ di\a acclaiiticd l‘ot‘ hcr narm intcrprctationx ol' NH and hlucx \ong\.


I Jazz Brunch ()\}:_'t‘ll Bar k (il'lll. 3 5 lnlirmar} Strcct. 55" 00‘)". 3 5pm. lircc. ‘l‘hc Rohcrt l’cttigrcu ‘l‘rio pla) in a ncu \xcckl} ia/I hrunch hltl\ \tclcomc. I Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra llcnr} \ .la// ('cllar. 8 .\lol'l'i\on Strcct. 4o" 5300. 8.30pm. Ur. 8a\ophoni\t 'l‘omm} Smith Icadx hi\ I" )iitiiig protcgcx through a pcrlormancc ol muxic h} thc likcx ol .\laria Schncidcr. (‘cdar \Vallon. lillington. (lil l‘.\;lll\. Baxic and Mingux.

Monday 1 9


I 4 Jazz Burnhrac. .\lilnga\ ic. 943 505 l. 8pm. l‘rcc. ()uartct producing winging iaH xtandardx lcaturing guitarixt Boh Sloan illltl :\lltl_\ Sharkc} Ull tllttlhlc lid“.


I Jam Session Ml ()llt‘t‘ll Strccl lltll' and chtaurant. 80 ()uccn Strccl. 33b 50‘)". 8.30 l |.30pm. l’rcc. ()pcn \L‘\\iolt \\illi thc l)a\ id l’atrick 'l‘rio comc and pla} or conic to hcar a “holc load ol tic“ talciil.

Tuesday 20


I The Rat Pack l‘cxtnal ‘l'hcatrc.

l3 3‘) \lctllvtll Strcct. 53‘) (i000. 8pm. {I350 £34.50 it‘li50 L'l‘l.5lh. l’opular rcconxtruction ol thc lamoux llolltxxood \‘cgax conncction. \\ ith good impcrxonationx ot l‘rank. Saturn} and Dean churning out tlic claxxicx.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet ()\}gc'ti Bar & (irill. 3 5 lnlirmar} Strcct. 557 WW)". ‘lpm midnight. l‘rcc. l)rummcr Bill K}|c\ latcxt grouping. lcaturing Doug 'l'iplad) l\;t\c\l. l’aul Kirh} lpianol and mm 30~_\car-old haxx \cnxation Km ill (ilthglm.

I Future Sounds ()uccn'x llall. ('lcrk Strcct. (\(r8 30h). ".30pm. L'l0 iL‘8i. li\citing onc-oll touring proicct lcaturing a contrasting group ol cutting cdgc ia/I arttxtx. including auard \\ inning \a\man Soucto Kinch. .lilxttll Yardc. .\lalthc\\ Bournc. chhc chuc. l)a\ id ()kumu and Jadc l‘o\. l).l Bi/ni//. /.cna lidnardx and thc \'.l\ ol Ycaxt l'ilmx.

Wednesday 21


I George Thorogood and the Destroyers Rina] (‘onccri Hall. 3 Sauchichall Slrcct. 353 8000 ".30pm. £30. l.cgcndat"\ hlucx g'lllltll'hl and \ingcr Icadx lll\ httltd.


I The Rat Pack l-'c\ti\al 'l‘hcatrc.

l3 3‘) \icolxon Slrccl. 53‘) (r000. 8pm. H350 £34.50 iUi.50 [l‘l50r Scc ’l‘uc 30.

I Fraser Fifield Trio llcnr) \ .la/x ('L‘llttl'. N \liil'l'lutli Sll't‘t‘l. Hi” 53”“. 8.30pm. t5. \\orld claw pipct'. \oprano \a\ophom\t. and lo“ \\lll\llt‘ p|a_\cr ol Salsa (‘cltica hackcd h_\ clcclric guitar ia/l gl'oo\c\ lrom (iracmc 8tcphcn.

I Fleamarket Funk (‘ahai‘cl \‘oltairc. 3h 38 Blair Slrccl. 330 MW. llpm 3am. £3. local otillit pla)ing tlicir out] kind ol' hig hand lunk in llll\ llL‘\\ \xcckI} l't‘\ltlc‘llc‘} \\ illi a \mattcring ol l).l \upportx and otlicr |i\c aclx.


I The Sandy Taylor Trio l’atdc) .-\l‘l\ ('cnlrc. Ncu Strcct. 88" Hill). ".30pm. £5 lL'3i. Suinging ia/x \oc‘alN Stcphcn Hull}

jazz listings Music

" .51: / Petter Wettre Trio The Norwegian saxophonist reverts to the format in which we first heard him in Scotland. following a couple of projects with a Nordic Scottish sextet here. Wettre's explosive saxophone playing will be learnt lll tandem with two more players from the Norwegian scene. bassist Per Zanussi and drummer Andres Morgensen. l-lenry's Ja/z Cellar. Edinburgh, Fri lo‘ 64 Sat l7 Apr.

Matthew Herbert Big Band & Bugge Wesseltoft

Herbert (pictured; experiments with fusing live ()lGCerlllCél and the jazz big band haven't been wholly convrncing. but they are lascine-iting. \IVesseltott is one of the pioneers of the highly regarded Norwegian nu iax/ mo\./ement. Usher Hall. Edinburgh, Thu 22 Apr; the Arches. Glasgow. Sir/.125 Apr.

Dick Lee Sextet Saxr.)pi'ionist. clarineltist and composer Dick Lee is a man ot many parts when it comes to music. and has worked successfully Ill jil//. classical and folk settings. The sextet he led in the late 80s was one of his most successful groups. and arguably did not fulfil its full potential first time round. so it's good to see him have another go now. Henry's Ja// Cellar: [T-(ll/lIDlll'§]/l, Sun (’25) Apr.

|Ulll\ lhc acclaimcd trio ch h} l‘|;tlll\l Sand} lit)lor.

Thursday 22


I The Michael Deans Quartet lit‘t'l (are.tumult-rep. 5530.815 0 ll 15pm l‘rcc. Scc lhti l5.


I The Rat Pack lc\ti\.il l'licanc.

l5 3" \lcillMtIl Silk‘k‘l. 3:" (\llllll 3lll‘lll tk 8pm U350 [34 50 “ch 50 Ll" 50' SCC 'l‘llk' 3H.

0 Matthew Herbert Big Band with Bugge Wesseltoft l \lit-r ll.lll. | Road. 338 ll55 5 15pm

[l3 Lil. l)ancc lllll\|\' pioncci \Ii.rkc\ up lhc traditional htg hand \ound and min togcthcr a 30 piccc Ul'cllt‘8ll.t \\ itli \ocalx and Inc \amplmg. \orxxcgian nu ia/x plilllhl Buggc \\'c\\c|toll and ltl\ hand lillll\ tlicm on thc hill.

'- THE LIST 65