I Madeline MacDonald Trio chr}\1aH('cllar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. midnight. £5. Sn‘cct jal/ Rt“; vocalx li‘om .\iacl)onald and l‘caturing Paul Ton ndrou on \a\.


I George McGowan and his Orchestra .\icrchant\ (‘orncr. l8 John Strcct. 552 380]. 2.30 5.30pm. l‘rcc. Scc Sat 10.

I Eddie Toal and Quintet ()‘Ncill'x. 7|. .-\lhion St. 5520822.

‘) H.45an I‘rcc. Vocalist Iiddic \lllg‘x hix \x‘a} through \lztltdttt‘dx from the (ircat Amcrican \onghook.


I Enzo Rocco and Tom Bancroft chry'x .lal/ ('cllar. 8 .\lorri\on Strcct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £6. \Vack} ltalian gttilttt‘ixl mcctx oil-thc-u all drunnncr in L‘c‘lc‘hl'ation ol' l‘olk tttclodicx. old llhllltlllc‘tl pop tuncx. comic \(Hth\ and iinprm ixation.

I Rumba Caliente chr} \ .la/l ('cllar. 8 \lttl'l'lxttlt Strcct. 467 5200. midnight. L5. Six-piccc hand lcad h} Salxa (‘cltica trumpctcr 'i‘oh) Shippc). prm iding thc hunt in hot raunch} Latin \otindx.

Sunday 18

Glasgow I Paul Towndrow and Friends Bccr ('alc. ('andlcriggx. 552 0815. 2pm.

l‘rcc. Scc Sun I 1.


I The Standard Bearers chr} ‘s Jan (‘cllaiz S Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. .Ia// \ltttttlitt‘tl\ lcad h_\' drummcr I’at Quinn plttx (‘olin Stcclc on trumpct. Nick (iould on \a\. Rogcr (’ull on piano. Alistair Burnctt on haxx and Jcan .\lundcll on \ocalx.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet ()\}gc‘ii Bar & (irill. 3 5 lnlirmar} Strcct. 557 9007. l lpm 2am. l'il‘c‘c‘. SOC Slltt l l.

Tuesday 20


I Millar-Spencer-Travis chr_\ ‘\ Ja/l ('cllar. X Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. Scc 'l‘uc 13.

Wednesday 21


I Ronnie Findlay Trio with Madeleine Pritchard Bar 185. Buchanan Hotcl. |85 Buchanan Strcct. 332 7284. 7.30pm. l‘i'cc. Scc \Vcd 14.


I Moishe’s Bagel chr} \ .la/I ('L‘llitl'. H .\lot't‘i\on Sll‘c‘c‘l. 4(i7 5200. 8.30pm. £5. Jan inllcctcd klc/mcr and halkan dancc lttllxlc‘ lcaturing (ircg

Law \on on liddlc from Mr Mcl‘all'x ()rchcxtra. l’ctc (iarnct on accordion. l’hil :\lc\andcr on piano and Mario (‘arihc on haxx.

I Fleamarket Funk ('ahat'ct \‘oliairc. 36 33 Blair Strcct. 220 6| 76.

l 1pm 3am. £2. Scc \Vcd l4.


I The Michael Deans Quartet HCL‘I' ('ttl‘c‘. ('tltttllc‘t‘lggx. 552 ()8 l .5.

9 l l.45pttt. l'lL‘L‘. SL‘L‘ llllt 3.


I TriangleHead and Rob Hall and Chick Lyall chr}\1aH ('cllar. X Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. \’.3l)pttt. 9.5. .\'c\\ trio l'caturing Martin Kcrxhau on sax. Paul Harrixon on piano/ch and Stuart Ritchic on drums cxpcrimcnting

\\ ith ja/I tradition and ncxx rh}thm\. 'l'hc} arc ioincd h} thc l}rical \ax/piano dtto of Hall and Mali.

foll<& world listings Music

Folk & world

a solo acoustic evening with


Edinburgh The Usher Hall

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at ruth@list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.

Sat 14th Febru box office: 0131 2281155

Thursday 8


I Live at the Star St :\tltlt'c‘\\'\ in thc Square. ol'l' Saltmarkct. St .-\ndrc\\ '\ Strcct. 548 6020. 8pm. £6 (£5). :\ct thc. I The Zulu Open Mic Night ()'.\'c‘ill.,\. Sttttc‘lttc‘ltttll Slt'L‘L‘l. 35.3 .39l5. ‘)pm midnight. i'i‘c‘c‘. ()pcn-mic night for tttttxic‘ittttx and cntcrtaincrx.

Saturday 1 0


I Jimmy McHugh Memorial Concert Mitchcll 'I'hcatrc. S (iram'illc Strcct.2\’7 5005. 7.30pm. Ulk‘. SL‘L‘ l'illlh lltl l.i\l littt' tlc‘lilll\ (ll. thix \hou cclchrating thc lil‘c and work ol thix c'clcht'atcd Irish liddlcr.

I The Zulu Open Mic Night Brunswick ('cllarx. Sauchichall Strcct. 331 1820. 4 7pm. I‘rcc. Scc Thu 8.


. Wee Folk Club 'l'hc Roytl ()ak. lniirmar} Strch 557 2076. 8.30pm. £3. irixh hanjo pla} cr iiamonn (’oync \\ ith Kt'l\ l)rc\cr. ()rknc} gltllttt‘txl and xingcr.

Tuesday 1 3 .


I Folk ‘N’ Friends (’anon‘x (iait. High Strcct. ()pm. lircc. i-'i‘iciidl_\ \\cckl_\' l'olk club.

Wednesday 1 4


I Torchlit Procession (icorgc Squarc. 353 8000. 4.30 6pm. l’rcc. ('cltic (‘onncction’x ncu opcnittg cxcnt ix thc torchlit proccxxion lcd h} thc \(ttllttl\ oi pipc hands. It mo\ cx oil l'rom (icorgc Squarc.

I St Andrew’s in the Square Ceilidh Dance St .’\lltll‘c‘\\"\ in thc Squarc. oil Saltmarkct. St Andrcu '\ Strcct. 548 6020. 7.30 l0.30pnt. £5. All \xclcomc. and tuition gi\cn. QDonald Shaw’s Harvest Ro}al ('onccrt Hall. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 8pm. £12.50. i‘oundcr ol' (’apcrcaillic. Shau llll\'L‘H\ ltix ncu piccc l'or \corcx ol' _\oung lllll\lL‘itlll\ hctuccn l2 and 18 _\car\ old. drau ing on thc top tttttxic‘lttttx and traditional mttxic lt'om Brittan}. (ialicia. :\\llll’ltl\ and lrcland for thc opening conccrt ol' thix _\car\ ('cltic ('onncctionx.

I Singing Session ('al'c Sourcc. do“ t1\l1lit'\ in St :\tttlt'c‘\\'\ in thc Sqttarc. St Andrcu’x Squarc. ol'l‘ Saltmarkct. 548 6020. 8.30pm. l‘rcc. Singcrx and lixlc‘tlc‘t‘x \\ L‘lL‘tttltL‘.


I Tom Fairnie lidinhurgh iiolk ('ltih. ('aharct Bar. 'l‘hcl’lcaxancc. 650 234‘). 3pm. £5. 'l‘hc \\ inncr ol' this )car\ \\'c\t l.othian Songuritcr'x 'I'roph} lttllltc‘ltc‘x hix ncw album.


I lain Anderson in Conversation 'l‘hc Piping ('cntrc. Mcl’hatcr Stt'cct. (‘ou caddcnx. 2X7

551 l. lpm. U. Lunchtimc chat “ith trio ol‘ gucxtx and “11th from thix )car\ ('cltic (‘onncctionx

Glasgow The Royal Concert Hall

15th Februa bOX office: 0141 353 8000

tour hotline: 0870 903 3444

dy Newman

The Songbook Tour

Edinburgh Queens Hall 23 Feburary box office: 0131 668 2019 tour hotline: 0870 903 3444

3 The Randy Newman ' Songbook Vol.1 available now


Edinburgh Usher Hall 23 March 2% box office: 0131 223 1155 tour hotline: 0870 903 31.1.1.


Edinburgh Playhouse 07 May 2004 box office: 0870 606 3424 tour hotline: 0870 903 3444

TICKETS: www.mkotwebmmk www.mgula " or phone: 0870 90 33 444 or from Ticket Scotland: Argyle stow. Rose St Edlnburgh & Ripping Records. '- -> " - ‘7

, regular

mu: .”.7.‘-1 THE LIST 51
