Music folk & world listings

Thu 1 5, Glasgow

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage Royal (‘onccrt Hall. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 80(X). 5pm. Prcc. Winncrs from 2003's Danny Awards - including Paul .-\ndcr.son. Harrict Barlctt. Bcncchc. ('antata. lain l‘orbcs and Thc Miraclc \\'oi'kci‘s. Part of (iv/[Ii (.(IIIIH'CHUIIS.

I Talks and Debates 'l'hc Piping ('cntrc. Mchatcr Strcct. (‘oyy'caddcns. 387 55l 1. 6pm. l‘rcc. Mark Shcridan hosts a discussion with somc of thc musicians commissioncd to \y'rilc for this y'car's lcstiyal including [)ick (iaughan. Donald Shaw. Wendy \Vcathcrby' and Jim Suthcrland. I’ur! oft'i’llii‘ ('unnm‘lions.

I Joan Baez with Josh Ritter Royal (‘onccn Hall. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £35. Polk icon and troubadour. this is a rarc chancc to scc thc woman whosc \‘oicc has toucbcd thousands and .spanncd dccadcs sincc it first brokc onto thc sccnc at thc l‘)5‘) Newport Polk licstiy'al. I’ur! of('cllic ('mtni'i‘limts.

I Back 0’ the North Wind 'l‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. 'l‘rongatc. 35.3 8000. 8pm. £8. Brian .\lc.\'cill‘s liy'c SUlllItl-illl(l-\'l\llill prcscntation of thc Scot’s diaspora. Part of (T/lii‘ ('mtm'i‘liuns.

I James Grant ’I‘hc Archcs. Argylc Street. 353 8000. 8pm. £13.50. 'I‘hc cs- I.o\‘c and Moncy irontman dcliycrs morc of his country and acoustic solo matcrial. Support from Thc Miraclc Workcrs. yy'inncrs of a Danny ayyard last y'car. I’rll'l (Mir/Irv ('(mlti’i'linns.

I The Murdo Macfarlane Songbook 'l‘hc Piping (‘cntrc. McPhatcr Strcct. ('oyy‘caddcns. 353 8000. 8pm. £8. Icyyis vocalists lshbcl Macaskill. Anna Murray and Fiona Mackcn/ic prcscnt a programmc of traditional (iaclic song. l'caturing thc \york oi tbc latc Murdo .‘ylacl‘arlanc. thc Mclbost Bard. I’ur! of (I’ltit‘ ('(mltt'i‘liims.

I Nollaig Casey and Arty McGlynn with Maire Ni Chathasaigh and Chris Newman Strathcly'dc Stiitc. Royal (‘onccrt Hall. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 8pm. £13.50. Tyy‘o Virtuoso ll‘ish duos (and mo sistcrs) tcam up for a liddlc. harp and guitar quartct. Part of l’urr o/‘(i'llic ('(nziii'i'limts. Scc prcy'icyy;

I Festival Club with Gibb Todd Thc Quality (‘cntral Hotcl. (iordon Strcct. 33l 9680. l0.30pm. £3.50. Latc night music. food and drink. I’UI‘I urn/m- ('unnt’i‘liuns.

I Live at the Star. St Andrcys's in thc Squarc. ol'l‘ Saltmarkct. St Andrcyyk Strcct. 548 6020. 8pm. to (£5l. Act to bc confirmcd.




I Iain Anderson in Conversation 'I‘hc Piping (.L‘llll'L‘. McPhatcr SII'L‘L‘I. (‘oyycaddcns. 387 551 l. lpm. L'l. Scc 'I'hu I5.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage Royal (‘onccrt Hall. Sauchichall Slrcct. 353 8000. 5pm. l-i‘cc. Scc 'l‘hu I5.

I Talks and Debates 'l‘hc Piping ('cntrc. Mcl’ltalcl‘ Strcct. ('oyy caddcns. 387 55] l. (ipm. l'lrcc. lllustralcd talk with inusical historian John Purscr. l’url o/ (‘i'lm' (‘u/irim‘limis.

I Dougie Maclean Royal ('onccrt Hall. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. U3 U5. l-‘rom Silly \Vi/ard to hits likc '(‘alcdonia'. Maclcan rcmains Scotland's lay'otii'itc' singcr/songyy rilcr. I’UI'I MIT/lit (‘Ulllu’flillllk

I Hans Theesink and lnsingzi 'I‘hc Archcs. .-\rgy lc Strccl. 353 80l )0. 8pm. L‘ l 3.50. 'l‘hc cclcbratcd Dutch blucs guitar star and singcr is joincd by singcr and Danny \yinncr. lain liorbcs. /’url of ('t'llii' ('onm'i'liom.

I Karen Need’s May Monday Royal ('onccrt Hall. Sauchichall Strch 353 8000. 8pm. £13.50. Poo/ic accordionist Karcn 'liyyccd tcams up u ith acclaimcd l’innish pianist 'l‘imo .'\lakolila plus olhcl‘s on dotlblc bass. ccllo. llugclhorn and guitar tor a brilliant lrish/British/Scandiiiay ian sy nthcsis. I’ur/ (l/-(.('/II'(‘ (‘Ullllt’t‘lillllk SL‘L‘ prcy it“.

I Master and Apprentice The Piping (‘cntrc. McPhatcr Strcct.

(‘oyy caddcns, 353 8000. 8pm. £8. 'l‘hc Mastcr and .'\pprcnticc scrics continucs \yith Shclland liddlcrs .'\|y Haiti. yy ith young star Kcy in chdcrson: plus accordionists Phil ('unningham and rising star Kathlccn Boy lL‘. I’ill'l (if (iv/[Ii ('onm'i'lions.

I Michael Marra and Liz Lochhead 'I‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. 'l‘rongalc. 353 8000. 8pm. £10. Longslattdmg Scots collaborators yy cay c togcthcr song. music. poctry and storylclling in an c\ploration of thc big thcmcs of lo\ c. art. morality. scx and l'ootball. I’url u/ ('t'llii' ('onm'i'liony.

I Didier Squiban (ilasgoyy (‘athcdraL (‘astlc Strcct. 353 8000. 8.l5pni. U350. Brcton piano inacstro combining traditional. jam and classical inllucnccs in an atmosphcric conccrt by candlclight. Support from thc youthl'ul pianist Jamcs Ross' 'lit‘io. I’ur/ of (NIH ('unma’lrmiy.

I Shane MacGowan and the Popes Barron land. (ialloysgatc. 353 8000. 8.30pm. “0.50. Polk punk poct and anti-hcro pcrl'orms a l‘urious sct. Part (1/ (‘i'llii~ (‘o/im'i‘limis.

The man of many words and few teeth even has a band named after him - Shane McGowan's Teeth. For a quarter of a century he's been writing music with a hangover, from his Nipple Erectors, to the Pogues to the Popes. God knows what the man will be up to in Glasgow, and he

probably won't remember either . . . I Barrow/and. Glasgow Fr/ 16 Jan.

52 THE LIST 8——2? Jan 200-".

I Celtic Connections Ceilidh Royal ('onccrt Hall. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 10pm. to Join tbc Scott llarycy (‘cilidh Band \y ith an all-ncyy dancc floor and drinks promos. Part of (i'lll'i' (.(IIIII('('Il(lII\.

I Festival Club with Gibb Todd 'l‘hc Quality ('cntral Hotcl. (iortlon Strcct. 33l ‘)(i80. l0.30pm. £3.50. Scc Thu l5.


I Cristina Pato Royal (’onccrt Hall. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. lpm. £8. 'l'yscnty -thrcc ycar old (ialician gaita lbagpipcl playcr cxplorcs lhc conncctions bctyyccn (ialicia and Portugal togcthcr

yy ith liddlcr ('harlic McKcrron ol ('apcrcaillic and mcmbcrs ol‘ thc Portugucsc band Madrcchs. I’url u/ (‘r/m (‘unncrlionx

I The Young Tradition: Ensemble 'l'hc Piping (critic. McPhatcr Strcct. ('oyy caddcns. 353 8000. 3pm. to. Slioyycasc ol~ thc linc talcnt cmcrging on lhc sccnc today lcaturing Martin ()‘Ncill lbodhran l. John

Somcry illc (accordion l. Jamcs Ross (piano). .v\nna Massic iguitar. mandolin. liddlc l. liray a 'l'hoinscn lharpl and Jcnna Rcid lllddlcl. I’url n] ('t'llii' (‘oiI/u'i'lions. I The Zulu Open Mic Night Hrtlnsyy ick ('cllars. Sauchichall Strcct. .5.” PS3”. 4 7pm. l‘rcc. SL‘L‘ Thu 3.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage Royal ('onccrt Hall. Sauchichall Slrccl. 353 8000. 5pm. l’rcc. Scc Thu 15.

I Talks and Debates 'l‘hc Piping (I‘llll'c‘. McPhatcr Slrcct. (‘tm cadtlclts. 387 55l l. (rpm. l'lL'C. SCL‘ llhllll IS.

I Musical Ark Royal ('onccrt llktll. Sauchichall Strccl. 353 8000. 7.30pm.

L' l 3.50 i£l0.50l. ’l’hc l’csliyal‘s annual rotating linc up of musical duos including .v\ly Bain. Phil ('unningham. ls'arcn ‘l‘yyccd illltl lil'iitlt \lL'NL‘ill. l’ill'l HI (iv/Iii ('mtlli’i'liuns.

I Musical Ark lllc Piping ('cntrc. McPhatcr Slrcct. ('oyycaddcns. 38-7 55l 1. 8pm. £8. Scc aboy c.

I Musical Ark lron 'l‘hcatrc. 'I‘rongatc. 553 43(i7. 8pm. L’l0. Scc aboy c.

I Carnyx and Co (ilasgoyy (Killicdral. (‘astlc Slrcct. 353 8000, 8.l5pm. U350. ('omposcr and trombonc \ irtuoso Jolm Kcnny. ys ith Sarah l.conard and Joby Hurgcss pcrl‘orin Iii/rum. a ncyy suitc l‘caturing thc carny \. lhc ancicnt (‘cltic boar—hcadcd \yar-horn. 'l‘hc piccc incorporatcs Hrcton bagpipcs. bombardc. rccordcr. \\ histlc. pcrcussion and soprano \oicc. I’url of (I’ll/i ('muu'i'liuns.

I Alan Stivell’s 60th Birthday Concert Barron land. (ialloyygatc. 353 8000. 8.30pm. £14. Hrclon harpcr. singcr and multi-instrumcntalist Sliycll‘s has madc a milsical iourncy l'roin lhc "'0s through thc l'olk-rock rccordings ol‘ thc 80s. Ialcr collalmrations \y ith Youssou .\"l)our. and into his morc rcccnt mi\ of samplcs and scratching. Scots harp in support l'rom 'l'hc Phamic (ioyy Hand. l’url of ('i'llit' ('oiim'i'lium.

I Celtic Connections Ceilidh Dance Royal ('onccrt llall. Sauchichall Sll'L‘L'l. 55.5 Kill)”. lllplll. U). SL‘C l'll'i Hi. I Festival Club with Gibb Todd 'l'hc ()llttlily ('L'llll‘al llotcl. (ittt'tlolt Sll'L‘L‘l. 33! 0080. l0.30pm. £3.50. Scc 'l‘hu l5.

Sunday 18


I New Voices: Maggie Maclnnes Royal ('onccrl llall. Sauchichall Slrccl. 353 8000. lpm. co. Daughtcr ol' l‘lora \ltlc‘xclll. harpcr and (iaclic \ocalisl Maclnncs is inspircd by lhc rolc ol‘ \yomcn in sustaining thc (iaclic tradition. /’url of ('i'llii' (Minn/inns.

I The Young Tradition: Pipes lltL‘ Piping ('cntrc. McPhatcr Strccl. (‘oyscaddcns. 353 8000. 3pm. co. Highland. l.oyy land and Smallpipcs in a piping slto\\casc of thc linc lalcnt cmcrging on thc sccnc today. l'caturing l-in Moorc. Kcy in ()'\t'i||. (‘arol .l\nnc Mackay and Maircad (irccn. l’ur/ of (him


I Live Irish Session \Vasy ()'(’onnor's. \Vcst (icorgc Strcct. 354 5l5-l. 4 7pm. l’rcc. Scc Sun 1 l.

I Ishbel MacAskill’s Taste of the Fest 'l‘ron 'l'hcatrc. 'l'rongatc. 353 8000. 4pm. co. 'l‘hc lirst ol' thrcc Sunday

\l10\\ cascs. lcaturing gucsl\ l'rom thc licstiyal programmc. I’uri arm/m- (‘mmci‘limis

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage Royal (‘onccrt Hall. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 5pm. l‘rcc. Scc Thu 15.

I Talks and Debates 'l‘lic Piping (’L'llll‘t‘. McPhatcr SII‘L‘L‘I. (‘tm L‘tltltlclts. 387 55l 1. (rpm. l’rcc. Scc Thu 15.

I Karen Need and Kathryn Tickell with Catriona MacDonald and Annbjorn Lien - a Girl’s Night In 'l'hc Archcs. .-\rgy lc Strcct. 5(35 I033. 8pm. U350. lingland. lrcland. Shctland and \iii‘ysziy combinc tbcir accordion. .\'orthumbrian pipcs and liddlc talcnts. I’url (If (T/Il't' (III/Ilti'i‘liiilly. I Master and Apprentice 'l‘hc Piping ('cntrc. McPhatcr Strcct. (‘oyscaddcns_ 353 8000. 8pm. £8. Harpist Phaniic (ioyy Icarus lt'otti .-\lan Stiycll and pianist .laincs Ross picks up sonic tcchniqucs l'rom l)idicr Squiban I’m! at ('t'llit' ('onncrlimts.

I Ricardo Tesi and Session A9 - 3 Boys Night In

Royal ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 8pm. 9; l 3.50. 'l‘csi is a lamous young \ irtuoso ol’ thc Italian diatonic accordion. or organctto."l tricd to bccomc morc and morc a musician. and lcss

an accordion play cr" say s Riccardo 'I'csi \\ ho. \\ ith his band Banditaliana has rc- brandcd lhc humblc diatonic instrumcnt lmclodconi in Italian music - \sinning acclaim lrom ia/lcrs. rockcrs and l‘olkics alikc. l‘orgct that justimccornctto crap? A rakc ol‘ thc top Scots Highland liddlcrs arc in Scssion .'\‘). l’url o/ ('i'llit’ ('mim't'limiy. I Festival Club with Gibb Todd 'l‘hc Quality ('cntral Hotcl. (iordon Strccl. 331 ‘)(i80. l0.30pm. £3.50. Scc'l'hu 15.


I Wee Folk Club 'l‘hc Royal ()ak. lnlirmary Strcct. 557 3070. 8.30pm. £3. liddic \Valkcr l'amously play s blucs. rockabilly and ragtimc.

Monday 1 9


I lain Anderson in Conversation 'l‘hc Piping (‘cntrc. Mcl’liatcr Strcct. (‘oyycaddcns 353 8000. lpm. L'l. Scc 'l‘hu I5.

I BBC Radio Scotland Celtic Connections l-isliibiiion llall. Royal (’onccrt Hall. Sauchichall Strccl. 353 8000. 3pm. l-"rcc. Mary .-\nn Kcnttcdy hosts a li\ c shoyy l'caturing thc bcst oi contcmporary (‘cltic and World Music. l’url u/ ('i'llii‘ (Minn/inns.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage Royal (’onccrl llall. Sauchichall Slrcct. 353 8000. 5pm. l-‘rcc. Scc lllll I5.

I Talks and Debates lllc Piping ('cntrc. McPhatcr Strcct. ('oyycaddcns. 353 8000. 0pm. l‘rcc. Jim Malcolm prcscnts a Burns Song Mastcrclass. l’m'l n/ ('t'llii' ('unma‘liuny.

I ChCl‘iSl‘l the Ladies Royal ('onccrt llilll. Sauchichall Sll't‘L‘l. .555 Slllll). 7.30pm. [14.50 i l.‘|3.50i. th anoihcr \ isit by tlic a||~\soman Irish—.-\mcrican combo l'rontcd by .loalllc Maddcn and accompanicd by stcp--tl;iiicci's. l’ur/ u/ ('c/ln' ('mim'i'liuny.

I Lloyd Cole - Music is a Foreign Language Royal (‘oncci'i Hall. Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 8pm. L' l 5. l’rom carly day s as a studcnt

songyy ritcr in (ilasgoyy. (‘olc cmcrgcd in thc company ol‘ Morrisscy and madc inusic in thc samc \cin bcl'orc moy ing to Ncyy York. llc's back \y ith his currcnt parcd—dou n acoustic sound. l’ur! of (“r/m- (‘muu't'liuny

I Master and Apprentice The Piping ('cntrc. Mcl’liatcr Strcct. (‘oyscaddcns_ 353 8000. 8pm. £8. Martin ()'.\'cill lcarns lrom l-‘Iook? bodhran