Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.
Thursday 2
G asgow
I Jim McQuat Quartet liar l6. liiithanan Ill‘lk'l. l\5 liutharian \irci'l. 1‘3 53-1 “pm lin- l)l‘-'Cl\’\' |.i// \ik.ill\i lt'.lll\ ll|\ quark-i v. ilh an .t\\l‘lllli'\'lll ol |a// \\\lllj..' liiiiiw
I Lorna McLeod Quartet Hm (arc. ('aiiillciijgys. 55.? ‘l\l5 ‘lpin inninighl liu' loina \ltl coil .lllil llk‘l iniailci lila} a llll‘\ oi \ltlllll.ll\l\ .illil lllk'll ov. n t'iilllptHHIHIH
I Lynne O’Neill Trio \.l l rh. l l I liopi' Slim-i. .‘.~1.\hh-l5 MW] :3 l_\nnc ().\t'lll lcaiix llll\ iiio \ili_L'll1_L' lira/ilian lllll\'\ and |.i// \l.lli\l.ll\l\
I Colin Steele Quintet llt-mik la/l (‘vllar .\ \loiiimn Slim-l. lo" 53”“ liiiinpcici ('ohn Sin-lt- h'aih lhc cut-lien! quinli'l lcaiuini on ll|\ nu“ (J). [In Ion/mi l/onn \\lill Julian .\igiicl|c\ on \a\. l).i\\' \liiligan on piano. .\l\l;lli (l'l)onncll on ha“. .loliii Rac oli ihiiinx
I The Fusion Experience 'l’hc liquid l,oung_'c.‘)‘1\\‘c\i chcnl Slit-cl. *5 i 0‘“. 5 Spin. i'i‘cu \t-u (ilaxgim hawil thru- pict'c acid ia/x lunk hanii lt'aliii'ing R;i_\nioiiil ilai'iix on lldlillllillltl organ. Slcll \ld‘lihkc} on haxx and Jannc (‘iii'iic on iii'iiinx.
.\ illiiin 1”
Edinburgh I Carlos Pena and Hot Charanga Sauce llt'ni} '\ Ja// (‘cllaL h \loiiiwn
Mimi-1h 52H“ inninighi :5 \t-nc/uclan \.il\L'li'. l’cna. iiiiilh lllh poucriul hanii ilial wwi \illll‘a. riiniha. son anti mix:
I Damon Brown Quartet lit-rink .la/l ('cllai. \ \lillllwll Mimi-1h~ 53H”
\ lllpin :5 (liiginal i‘ictcx. lll a hop anti gioow own. both iiuinpclcr liroun and a it‘iiounui Icarn oi lilllhll l.i//\it'l\
I Keith Edwards Boptimism Quartet \il ()llt'k'll \llt't‘l Hal tillil l{L'\l.illi.illl. \ll ()iii'cn \lict'i. 2:05th ‘lpin inninighi licc Rugulai la/l night lcaluiinj; an cwi tliaiigin; \t'lt'tlli‘ll oi lop \tiiiihll |.i// groiipx \\llll i tiuaiiix' iouiwinc hit‘hlllf.‘ oil ihc piot'cctiings
I George McGowan and his Orchestra \lcithanl‘x (‘ornti l.\ John \iicr'l. 55: ;Nil 2 ill 5 Winn l'icc l)lllllllllk‘l \lt~(io\\an lk'.l\l\ lll\ hi; hand \\llll gut-xi \iit'.ill\i\
I The George Penman’s Vintage Five (‘alc Houiu'. St .'\litllk‘\\\ in ihc Siiuaic. Si .\ll\llk'\\\ Squaw. oil Sailinaikcl. 5-l.\ (illzll .\ illpm L l(\ ()5 il-icc gnu} lo har and mic loungt'i, \n cwnin; oi \llll.l}_'t' \t'u ()rlcanx ran \\ iih a ionianin~ lllk'lllt’ lioin (icoigc and (o ax pail ol ihc (‘aic Soiiit'c Siippci (‘hih
I The Michael Deans Quartet lilat‘ltli‘iaix. Vi llcll Sli’ccl. 55.‘ 593-1
‘) illpin l'icc \lodci‘n |.i// quarici lui h} lcnoi' \.i\lll.ill l)can\.
I Rumba Caliente llr'ni} '\ Ja// (char. 3 \ioiiixon Slit-cl. in“ 5le” inninighi to. SI\ l‘lt't't' hand lui h} Saha ('cllit‘a ii'iiiiipcici' 'l'oh} Shippc}. him niing: lllL' llliL'\l in hot. iaiint'h} l.aiiii \Ulllltl\
I Toto’s Jazz Quartet ll;il'l'_\ ‘\ liar. Randolph Place. 53‘) Mill), 3.31) (rpm. l'i'cc. .'\llf._‘lt‘ Kin): lilllh llll\ lunk} quarlci lo pi'm iiic ihc \ocalx.
I Bill Kyle’s Backbeat Band (‘ahai‘i'l \iillilll’k‘. Jr» 33 lilaii' Sii'ccl. 33“ MW. ".30 |ll.3llpni. l'iu'. .-\ nioiici'n \clct‘iion li‘oin llll\ clccii'ic |a// qiiai‘ici in! h} tll'llllllilt‘l' K) it.
I Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra llL'lll'} \ Ja/l (‘cllarz .\'
This saxophonist is the latest name in Assembly Direct’s ongoing programme of introducing the most exciting young talents on the New York scene to Scottish audiences. His calling card is an impressive album, How Sweet It Is on Nagel-Hayer which features a set of his own compositions with his New York- based band. He plays alto exclusively on the album,
o.’ .u '
C’ ~40, AA ~ A.
and has already won high praise from far and wide. The label is primarily known for more mainstream directions, and while Stillman has a clear grip on ‘the tradition’, he is definitely at the more adventurous end of that spectrum. He shares his first night at Henry‘s with our own Aidan
O‘Donnell. (Kenny Mathieson). I l are" S: {>532}; He”. Is Jax.‘ Ce!
‘ {y-w’r‘!‘ I',’II‘ [.r H
oar. ire." T"ea."e. (:iasgca. 8a," is OC
\liil'llnili \llL'L‘i. 5“ Sa\ophoni\i loinni} \niilh lk'dtl‘ hi~ I“ )iiiiiig; phflcgw ihrough a [‘Clli‘illlJlitL' oi inu~ig h} \laiia \hncnicr. (.k'tltll “alton. l'llingion. (ill i \an\. li.t\lt‘ and \lllljflh I 80QSt House Band xii ()uccn Slice! liar and chiauiani. Ml ()uccn Slim. INNN' ‘lpiii iiiiiiiiighi licc \lotici'n ia/l \‘l.i\\l\\ iioiii llll\ thriainit' inc pit-tr hand
I Jazz Brunch (‘aic Sonia: 5i '\ll\llk'\\\ in the Square Si \iltll\‘\\\ Square oil Sallniaikcl. 5-3-5 Nil” ll‘lll L“ ‘)5 Il'icc cnlr) io hai .llltl \ltlk' loungt'i Bohh} \\ l\ll.ill and lllt'll\l\ pia} a |.i// hrunt'h tor a t'hilicti L'lltl to lllt' \it'ckcntl l’iiu- int'liiticx icii‘cxhinciiix hui no t'liaigc ior hai and mic loungi-
I Paul Towndrow and Friends “CC! (‘aitz (‘andlcrrggx 55: ‘l\i5 Spin l'icc \loticin |a// \l.lli\l.lltl\ and Ullf.‘\ lioin lllt' pcn oi 2-1 )cai Ultl alio \a\ophoni\l lo“ Ilillu“
I Blues Sunday l..lllllk'\ liar. M King Slim-i. 55: "i3; 2 Jinn l-icc Regular ncu hlucx \k‘\\li‘ll lcaiiiiing: Rm Hm .llitl lhc (‘oiigicgauon
I Perdido liiiiiiia. Hla Si \int‘cni Sili‘i‘i. 34.“ Ill: -l “pm. l'lt'k' .\l.iin\li‘cain l.alin ran and \ot'alx.
I Campbell Considine and Stuart Harrison Wax} i)‘(‘onnoi\. .l-1\\L'~l (icoipc Slii'cl. ;5-1 5151 .l opin, l'icc. Vocalist and [Hallhl (‘ainphcli (‘onmhnc pci‘loi‘inx Ill/l \laniiaitix \\ iih l‘;i\\l\l Sliiai‘l llill‘l'lvili.
I Ryan Quigley Quintet lion 'l'hcali'c. (ii 'l‘i‘ongair'. 55: ~13)“ Spin. to iHi. l'p tllltl-Uilllllll.‘ St'ollhh quinici ironlui h} ii'unipclcr (jingle).
I Hermie Longalong lilgit‘lxll‘luh. Ni Bcll Sll't't‘l. 553 592.1. ‘).3(lpin. l'i‘cc. ’l‘cnoi'. alto and \opl'alio \;l\. lliilc and
\\ ind x} iilli play‘r. originall} li'oin lhc Philippines. lUl'lllCl'l} resident in (ilaxgou. and no“ hast-ii in l..r\.
I Jazz Afternoon ()lill'i\\il. 55 (';i\llt‘ Sli'ci‘l. ll" 8‘32, I 4pm. l'l'L'k'. .\lll\L' Rogt'i'x. Siixan iianning and Hand l’ali'ick on piano pllh gucslx in llll\ llt'“ \wckl} l'L‘HilL‘llL‘).
I Toto’s Jazz Trio 'l'hc (ioil 'l'axcrn. l)ui~c Slim-l. |.cilh. 3,30 4.30pm. l'iu' lhix lllllL‘ il’x Jiiiiiii} (iilnioi'c loininf: 'l‘olo lor' \ocal lllL'lUtl}.
I Trudy Kerr llcnr} \ Jal/ (‘cllaiz h .\loi'i'i\on Sli'ccl. MC 52””. 8.30pm. L'o. 5a“). sparkling Inc \liou ll‘iilli l.oniion haxml .-\ii\li‘alian \ingci' hit-ruling; standards \\llll conicniporar} \ongx.
I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet ()\'\:_'L'll Bar. 3 5 inliiinai'} Sli'ccl. 55" WW". ‘lpin. i'i'cc. l)l'llllilllL‘l' Bill K}lc\ grouping: tannin (iUHlUll .\lc.\'cil l\;l\t‘\l. Stuart (ioi'inan ilelllill'l and ha“ \cnxauon Km in (ilaxgou.
Monday 6
Glasgow I Dennis Rollins 'l‘ron 'l‘hcairc Ho\ (Mint. ()3 ’i'i'ongalc. 553 4267. Spin. L‘s iHi. 'l‘roinhonixi i)cnni\ Rtillllh pci'ioi'inx lll\ ncxx piccc ‘( il‘liih t'( iai‘agc a inuxical lil\liil'_\ oi ihc .'\ll'lL‘;lll Diaspora’. I Poetry, Beats and Bones Mitchell l.ihi';ii'_\. Ii) .\'oi'lh Sii'ccl. 237' 309‘). 3pm. :\ ii'oinhonc \xoi'kxhop lL'tl h_\ jail lillhlL'lilll i)cnni\ RUlllll\. i’ari oi Black lll\[Ul'_\ Month, I 4 Jazz (imin‘x Mill. 3 (iaun'x Mill Road. Milngauc. U50 3355. 8pm. l'rcc. ()uai‘lcl proiiiicnig \\\ urging ia/l xiandartix icaiuring giiiiarixi lioh Sloan and \ocalixi ('ainphcll (‘onmhnu
I Jam Session xii ()iiccn Sim-i Bar and Restaurant. Ml ()iiccn Sircci. 336500“. 9pm midnight. lircc. ()pcn \L'\\lilll “llll Ihc i)a\ ltl Patrick Trio conic and pla} or conic io hcar a uhoic load oi nc“ ialcni
534M \ lllpm th
as.“ llSlil‘gS Music
Dennis Rollins lrornbonist Rollins is still best nown as the long-time sparring partner for C:)ur‘tri<:-‘, l’ine in nar'rous; bands. but he has been focusing on his own work as a leader at late, llrs return to Glasgow features his; new 'Grrots t'Garage' or’oiect. tracing the llillSlCéil histon. of the black diaspora. Nothing like a hit of ambition. iron lhr’x’iire. Glasgow Mon (5 ()ct.
Julian Arguelles Saxophonist Julian Ar'guelles celebrates his recent deCision to relocate to [Edinburgh wrth a ilVO’ night stint of slio\.'.'ca:;e concerts at lrlenry's. which will also feature a range of local stars. including Cathie Rae. l'rro AAB. Brian Kellock and Celtic lieet. l-lenri/s Ja// Cel/ar‘. Edinburgh, iii/ed l:'>~Si/ri IQ Oct.
Curtis Stigers Stigers was a big MGR star in the 903, but his first love is JEi//. Cynics scoffed when he made his first Jazz album for Concerd a couple of years ago. but he's turned out to he a more than decent iazx Singer. Coir/er Theatre. Glasgow. Thu 9 Oct.
Tuesday 7
I Millar-Spencer-Travis llL'lll') '\ Ja/I (film. 5 \lol‘l'holl Sii'cci. Jo" 53W)
5 illpni. £5. Samphonixl .\lillar. Mihoarii pl.i_\cr' Spcngcr' and drummer Jim I\ play |a// \ianiiar‘iix in illl\ \icckl} i'cxnlcnt‘}
Wednesday 8
Glasgow I Lynne O’Neill Trio .'\ll lih. Ill llopc Sli'ccl. 34H («#5. Spin L3 Sci- J liii
I Aidan O’Donnell Quartet lit-m) \ Ja/l (‘cllaix h Morrison Shut-167 53‘)“ 8.10pm. £5. 'l'hc liloxi exciting haxx plan-i lo cnicrgc on (he SL'Hllhll scene in a loiij.v illllC. .'\ltl;ill hax alrcaxi}. inadc lilx rnark plainly \iiih 'l'oinin} Sniiih. (‘ohn Slccic. ihc SNJU. and more 'l‘hc (ilaxiicgian hil\\l\l lC;lll\ lll\ oxiri hand in goiiccrl lor ihc lirxl lllliL‘. icaiiiring l’hil liancroll ixawsi. Simc ilarnilion ipianoi and John lilcasc itlrllllh I.
I Fleamarket Funk (‘aharci \Miarrc. 36 33 Blair Sirccl. 33‘) M76. llpin Jain, lircc. Local Hllllll planing ihcir oxin kind oi hig hand iiink in llih iicxx iii-chi} rumich “llll a sinrilicring oi l)J \ilpporlx and oihcr inc acix. 'l‘hc phcnoincnal wicn-piccc i-‘unkaiccrx gliC‘l «15 (M l.
L/ " ’,d'.'/ THE LIST 57