The lowdown on Scotland's Women's top scorer who lives the Bend it Like Beckham dream. intermew' Maureen Ellis
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Age: 22 Born: Ayrshire
Career history: Followed in footsteps; of footbalier dad to pay for Atr United for eight seasons, 800mg 300 goals Turned professional on signing for San Diego Spirit in 2002. Received first cap for Scotland at age 1:3.
Career high? Turning prolesSional Women plat football as a hobbt, in Scotland. but to actually have the opponunity to train even day and play professionailt is aina/ing. Most memorable game? Scotland beating Lithuania ‘~ /‘ —0. Mt, first game il‘ San Diego in front of our home supporters was also very special
What‘s the biggest difference between women‘s football in the US and UK? the level is obvr0usly higher, The best piayers in the wond plai, in America Ont, four internationals are allowed per team and it's a real eyeopener. I'm playing ‘.‘.'Il.'l girls trot“. China. Canada. Bfalli and there's Artiericans. It was a real challenge for the going out
there into an entirely different league.
How does playing for your club differ from playing for your country? Now that I'm profesaonal a lot of the hype is Similar and the preparation which goes into eten. game is similar. But pulling on a Scotland terse; is a special iiill‘f) and l'rn always ten,
prOud to play fOr my country
How do you rate Scotland’s chances of qualifying for Euro 2005 in England? We’re very confident. The Czech Republic game [19 Oct] is going to be huge for us. So preparation games at Livingston are very important
What is your ultimate goal? For Scotland to make a rnaJOr championship. whether it be Euro or World Cup. l definiter want to make it to one before I finish playing. But I
know I‘ve got a long while yet.
I Scot/and v Nether/ands, A/rnondva/e, Liwngston, Wed l Oct. 7 .30pm. 5‘3 rf‘ Ir.
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication. Sports listings are subject to change, so please check in advance. Listings are compiled by Maureen Ellis.
Thursday 18
I Fitness: Jumpstart with Nike The Arches, 253 Argyle Street. 565 lll23. Free. but register in advance. Nike- sponsored training evenings designed to encourage women to take up art exercise regime. Participants can exercise to top Dis and speak to fitness professionals on the night. See Shopping and register at
Outside the cities
I Horse racing: Ayr Races .-\_\'r Racecourse, 2 Whitletts Road. A} r. (H302 264179. 2.l5pm. £lti-ill8. National Hunt racing for the Western Meeting.
Outside the cities
I Horse racing: Ayr Races Ayr Racecourse, 2 Whitletts Road. 01293 264179. 2.10pm. {iii—£20. See Thu 18.
96 THE LIST 18 880—2 Oct 2003
Saturday 20
I Football: Celtic v Motherwell ('eltic Park, Kerr) dale Street, Parkhead. SSI 8653. 3pm. £21 £241“: £14l. The steel men prm ed a stumbling block for Martin ()‘Neill's men last season. htit \sithout James McFadden. Mother“ ell may itot he tip to the task.
I Football: Partick Thistle v Dundee United i'il'iilii. th i-‘irhill Road. 57‘) 1971. 3pm. Jtist a few points separates these ttso sides in the SP1. tahle. A home advantage that he the most telling factor.
Outsrde the cities
I Motor racing: Mount Stuart Motorsport Classic Mount Stuart House and (iardens. Rothesa}. isle of Rule, 0870 7300619. lilttttt 4.30pm. £10 l£6; under 5s freer. Tuo-da} automotit e C\lt’tt\‘ttgttllltt featuring high speed rallies. Vintage ear rallies and the finest collection of championship cars in Scotland. See tut\
I Horse racing: Ayr Races .-\_tr Racecourse. 3 Whitletts Road. A} r. (H.393 264179. 1.55pm. {lit £20. See Thu IS.
I Football: Dunferrnline Athletic V Hibernian liast iind Park, Halbeath Road. Dunfermline. 01383 736863. 3pm. Bohh) Williamson still be hoping the Pars
don‘t suddenl} decide to iinprmc their form as he takes his men north
I Cycling: Muscular Dystrophy Charity Cycle Event s'l t‘t'. i'llilllL'\lltliQlltly “132-1 RUN.“ \ chaiils c}cle lr‘oin (ilasgots to | och |4ornond
I Athletics: Capital City Challenge 2003 10k Race (in centre. 52" "‘H ‘l ~15pm \ lllkm race around the cit} centre ot idinhtiigli linishing at .\leado\thank Sports (‘entre
I Football: Hearts v Rangers linecaslle Stadium. (iorgie Road. 3”“ "lel 3pm The lieeh's cameras and lilttllsttlltis til \ltpptll'ls head t'.t\l lit st't' \lc\ .\1cl.eish‘s men take on the team looking most like!) to challenge the UM him
I Ice hockey: Edinburgh Capitals v Bracknell Bees slur-rastit-ltl let- Rink. Rnersdale (it-scent. 33" (N33 (‘l‘m {Ill (UH. itllilli} ticket L26 l-indus ('up ice hockc) match.
Outsrde the Cities
I Motor racing: Mount Stuart Motorsport Classic Mount Stuart House and (ittt‘dctts. Rttlllesa}. Isle itl little. llX’tl "Ill litil‘). Illam -l. 3llpm. till i to. tllltit‘l' 5\ Heel SL‘C Sal Ill,
Wednesday 24
I Football: Hearts v HK Zeljeznicar '|‘_\necast|e Stadium. (ioi'gie Road. Jill) "Jill. ".JSpm. Hearts pla} their first game ol the l'lii~.-\ ('up against Bosnian opposition.
I Rugby: Glasgow Rugby v Connacht Hughenden. 33 iltighenden Road. 35.3 3-168. 7.35pm. Llll {N
US Fl. Both (ilasgott arid ('onnact began their ('eltic League campaigns \\ ttlt a \\ in. Will the home adtantage holster the Warriors to \ retor} .’
I Football: Rangers v Dundee lhro\ Stadium. litillltsltlli l)rite. (ism non 1093. 3pm. If the (ier ha\ e their minds on their midtteek trip to (ireect. then Dundee could cause this season's first upset
I Football: Hibernian v Celtic liaster Road. I: Albion Place. 66l L375. 3pm. ('eltic. too. hate midtseek iiuropean cotnpetition to contend \s ith. so full points from this telet tsed match are far front guaranteed.
Outside the crties
I Football: Motherwell v Hearts i‘ir i’ark. Manse Road. Motherssell. 01608 333333. 3pm. The Jamhos‘ support \sill e\pect to pick tip all three points, but Mother“ ell hat e pr'ot ed themseltes dillicult opposition in the past.
I Football: Dunfermline Athletic v Partick Thistle [Zilsl iind Park. ilalheath Road. Dllliit‘l'lliilllc‘. lll3h’3 726863. 3pm. Sl’l. loothall match.
Sunday 28
I Ice hockey: Edinburgh Capitals v Kilmarnock Avalanche Murraflield lce Rink. Risersdale (Tc‘sc‘t‘ltl. 3.37 (1033, (iptll. Ur rut. SNI. ice hocke) rnatclt in the Autumn (up.
Outside the cities I Motor racing: British Stock Car Saloons Knockhill Racing
The lines between sport and entertainment are blurring evermore, but never quite so conspicuously as at this year's Dunhill Links Championship. Samuel L Jackson (yes. he of Pulp Fiction/Shack infamy) and Tico Torres of Bon Jovi will lead a celebrity field which includes Gary Lineker. lan Botham, Sir Bobby Charlton. Kenny Dalglish and Nigel Mansell. The four-day tournament, which aims to celebrate links courses, will also feature ‘serious' competitors in the form of Nick Faldo, Jose Maria Olazabal. Eduardo Romero. Ernie Els and PGA winner Shaun Micheel. With around £3 million in prize money up for grabs, the pace will be anything but leisurely.
I St Alld/OM’S. Kl'ltjiii) irrrs tr". 1 Carnot/sire golf courses. in. 2213*‘Stlll98 80;). 9am firm: Tickets are free Hm Slit. 3‘ .‘t '~“ on Sun from ()t‘a‘r't) (ll/l UH. ’7
('ircuit. Knockhill. Hunterrnlrnc. lll 3“ “3333". 1pm. Llll tLM \ .\ monster single sealer stock car‘s race on the demanding tri tt\.ti circuit
I Horse racing: Musselburgh Races Musselhurgh Racecourse. [inklield Road. \ltisselhiiigh. Hi 3| (tog 385‘). 3. lllpni thl Ll‘ 1L5. tinder Ills lr‘eei. i'lat racing
Monday 29
Outside the cities
I Horse racing: The September Weekend Festival Finale Hamilton l’ark Racecourse, liothts ell Road. Hamilton. llllt‘L‘s‘ 2.\ 3M") I .Tllprii Llll Ll.i llllltit‘l Hrs Item iiilllllilttll Park's richest da_\ ol racing \Hlil ti\ er thltlll lll pit/c moire} .ind lt'.tlllllll_‘,' the line Huttonhook Stakes and the competitite 'l'tso Year Old i'ltlal
Tuesday 30
I Football: Celtic v Olympique Lyonnaise t‘eliic l’ai-k. ls'erittlalt- Street. l’ar'kliead. 55! 365 3. " ~15piii L3” L33 (L33 LIN No“ that tile ('cllit laithltil hase had another taste ol litir‘opean glor} the} 'II he c\pecting i‘l‘.‘ things lr'om .\i.tlilll ()‘Neill‘s side (all ("eltic ptit in a coinincing [k‘l'itllllldllct' in front of the horiie support ’
Wednesday 1
Outside the cities
I Football: Scotland v Netherlands .’\illltlllti\.tiL' Stadium. Almondxale Stadium Road. i.l\lll_‘_’\ltlll. lllSlthlWltltl. 7 30pm. L31Ll i international friend!) for Scotland's \tomen’s team. See prolile ol leading goalscorer Julie l'lecting.