WE LOVE these pictures. Specially created for the exhibition Parallel Lives in a collaboration between the National Galleries of Scotland and the Social Inclusion Partnership. youth groups were invited to produce photographs

reconstructing historical paintings in the NGS’s collection. Their results, using digital and manual cameras with Photoshop. are on show until 4 Jan 2004 and they're very fine. This one is Interpretation of James Drummond's The Porteous Mob, 1855 (0 North Edinburgh Arts Centre and Janie Nicoll, GOP and NGS. 2003. I I’lvi’l- I . ’, I" ' '. 1' 'II

, (flit/1‘, (ll: , '4 I,

I'Iee \\'.ileixlone\. l.‘.\ I’ilneex \Iieel. 33h .‘(INI 'I he l'.ll ('onliollel lloin Ilimmn l/lr‘ IIIIIA IIIL'IHI le.1il\ \olln' HI [he Itexl Ill\t‘t| I/Irumn I/n IIIIIA lug/m

Julia Donaldson \Vetl .‘-l \‘ep. .lpm Borders Books. l‘nil 3o. I'Hll KlllllJlltl Rel.nl Park. (5“ Ill-1| .llllld l)lill.llti\llll. Ihe hexl \ellnij: .Inlhol ol lln- (lull/lilo. lemlx llom IIeI I.Ilt'\l hook, I/lr \nru/ am] [In H llrl/r'


Oliver’s Army 'l hn I.\ \ep & ii Sep. l|;nn_ noon. 3pm t\' *pin (3 ((3 to 35) Iztlinhul‘ggh (lixlle. Ro).i| \Ille. 33< 03.10 .loin Ihe \Illtllt'l\ Ihul LmI \lt'fJI' Io Itihnhui'uh (lixlle unilei ( )|i\er ( ‘Ionm ell lll IIII\ hung: lll\lHI_\ piexenlalion

Hero, Prince or Charlatan In II) I\' I'll 3h Rep. th’ It3 th 3% Ixilinhinjgh (.;I\IIL‘. RU).I| \Ilh'. 33R ‘).\'»I(\ \It‘t‘l Bonnie Prince (‘an'lie lll hl\ l\\l|lj_'|ll )t'dl'x .l\ he ielleels on Ill\ place in Ilhlltl}

Life of a 15th Century Knight In I‘I & l’l'l 3h Sell. llani. noon. 3 illpln t\' ipln, [R 1‘33 to 3% [it'lllhlll'fJII (lixlle. Royil \Iile. 33598-16 :\ IIII|_\ .il'lnonr'eil knighl .inil loolxolther ol Ihe lime Iell~ .ihoul lile Ill Ihe eaxlle .llltl e\pl.nn\ .‘lhttlll Ihe \xeuponl) .iml Ihe eIoIhin):

Mary Queen of Scots Sun 3| «k Sun 3.\' Sep. Il.nn. noon. 3pm & ipin [X if: [035i litlinhlnggh (IixIIe. Rinul Mile. 335 08.10 Seollunil'x 111ml Iillllltlh queen I'L‘Illl'lh Io Iell her on n I.ile ol named). lI't‘.I\Uil. Iin'inoil and iii.ii'l}i\loili in lhl\ hung; lll\lltl} presenlalion

For St Andrew and St George Mon 33 Sep. llillll. noon. 3pm & ipni {N It'3 35L lithnhinuh (lisIle. Royil \Iile. 33505110 _\leel KIN}: Janiex \'l ol Seolluntl and he.” .ihonl Ins thllleull childhood. Ill\ relulionxhip \\ ilh Ill\ inolhei‘. \l.n"\ ()ueen ol Seolx. .ind hl\ .llllhlllitlh lol' .I l‘niletl Kingdom.

Outside the Cities

Activities And Fun

Children’s Craft Classes 8.” In .\- Sal 37 Sep. 3 4pm U per \t‘\\ll\ll Pil|\lt"\ .'\l'l\ ('t‘llll't‘. \c‘“ Sll't't‘l. I’Jhlt'). HS" IIHII \Vc‘t‘kl} emll c‘|.l\\t‘\ IHI' (\ ll )mrohh e\ploi'ing_' than mg. panning. elu} modelling; and 1e“ ellei'} making. Booking: exxenlml

Drawings, Communicating, Model Making Sal 3‘ Sep.

Ill i(lain i45pin £5. Dundee ('olilellipor';ii'} :\I'I\. |53 Nelhei'gale. Dundee. III :33 WNW)“ x\)_'c‘\ '3‘ Dinning; and model making: \xorkxhop Liking lll\PlI'.lllltli trom I'mnk (iehr) '\ .\l.ig_'g_'1e('enlre. See leulure page I3.

Drawing Your Thoughts and Ideas Sun 33 Rep. III “Lilli l.‘ lipni t3 Dundee ('onlempoi.n_\ \ll\. l‘.‘ \elhely-lle. lhlliilee. Ill “3 ‘lll‘l‘lllli .'\_L‘t‘\ I l I!» \ \xolkxllop looking: .i (IlHt'lt‘llI .ippio.ielie\ Io (ll.l\\ in}: Likiin lll\|\ll.llll\ll lioni I'mnk (ieln_\ '\ ile\i_~.'n prime“ See leaIIIie [Ln'e l.‘

Theatre & Dance

The Ragged Child a Musical Play I'll I‘) x.” 3” Rep. I‘ll “Illlll. Sal 3 VIP!” t\' " illpiii (X *llitf‘ iiii \IneRoheII. I'nixelxils ol SIIIIIan. Slii'linu. Ill “No .Iriririrm chkin Kiilx 'l'heall'e (human) pelloiinx lIll\ \Ioi} \el In ninl I‘llh eenlni} I onilon \Iieelx “IIII no leuel than Rll Sln'ling' sonngxlel’x I.lklll“_.‘ part In Ihe Illll\lt'.ll e\ll‘.'i\.|§.'.in/.I

The Magic of the Mummy \Ln 3H Sep. 1pm. («I It'.‘ *lli I).ll\|t"\ \II\ (‘enll‘tz \eu Slieel. Rude}. Nb" llllll .-\§_'e\ i N. ('lstlelmill l’uppel 'I healie ll\t‘ loll illltl \thIU“ [Illppt'lx Io Iell Ihe \Ior} ol Ihe ln'xl iniininn. ()\lll\

Big Country \Ion 33 Sep. 3' “llllll

t ‘5” \IrieRoherl. l'nnelxil) ol Stirling. Slirlinjg. (II “No ~1(\(\()()(\

1,} eeinn Yonlh 'l'healre [llc'\t'lll\ Ilnx Illa} looking .iI lile III .I \llhlll Io\\n Ihr‘onyh Illt' t‘) t‘\ HI .‘l p'l'lilllt HI Scullhll Ic‘c‘lldgjc‘l‘x

The Purple Potting Shed Mon 3.? Sep. (min. l; ‘5“ .\I.ieRoheiI. l’nixeixil} ol Sln'hnu. Stirling. “I "so .Irirmori l:\p|ol'e Ihe lll.lj..‘l\'.ll “Ulltl ol Ihe 3:.nilen

Ihi'ough Ihe mun} \.Il'lt‘tl lll\t‘c'l\ Ih.iI |i\e

(IU\\II h} Ihe [\lllllllj.‘ \llk'tl.

Life Boat - A True Story ‘lue It St‘p. III 20 Rep. 'I‘Ile " illpni. I‘ll

Ill, Wain t\' I,1lllilli,£§.<ll \I.ieRoheII. l'ni\eI\il} ol Slli‘hnp. Slii'linu. Ill "XII .1(\(i (\(ih See l'llllli‘tllfgil

The International Purves Puppets BlijJJl I’Iippel 'I healie. lii‘oliphlon Road. “13”” 331%” L" (Hi. l.nnil_\ llt'lu‘h {3 * .\' t W Book in .ulmnee .l\ Innex .ne \nhieel Io change Reilllelionx lor ]‘.II'IIC\ ol llx e or mole Shims on ollei o\er Ihe ne\I Iuo \xeelu

Pips and Panda Meet the Tooth-Fairy Sal 3“ Sep. 3pm \uex

i ". I’lpx .ind PJIIILI earl") on IheiI .iil\enlnre\ In 'loolh l'.nr_\ lunil \kllll \onj:\. mime .intl Ill.lf_‘lc‘

Nessie the Loch Ness Monster Sal 3" Sep. 3pm Huphie .\Ie|)hin meets ;I jJII'l eulletl .\I.iiii (ilenngI‘) xx ho l\ l'lllllllllf.‘ .t\\.|_\ lroin hei' melted nnele. \.lf_‘f_‘lk‘ .\Ie(‘I'.i_-_'g;ie ,\lon;_' Ihe \\.I_\ the} gel e.iIi§_'hI up in the \xorltl ol Spike Ihe hedgehog. \\ here .lllllll.ll\ I.ilk .ind \lll): .llltl \L‘\\lc‘ lilc‘ [huh I (\c‘h \c‘xx \1HII\IL‘I roams uhoul



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The STonu or: A KiNG

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The Standard Life Edinburgh Series


Sunday 5th October 2003 3.00pm

Usher Hall Edinburgh Box Office -3


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