Music rock & poo listings
Monday 1 continued
I Willard Grant Conspiracy 'l'nlhlmlll. .lilll “"Hld. 0| 71-“) 37-1000. 7.30pm. £8 (£5.50i. :\lI.cnunIr) mm a rock cdgc l‘rnrn Ilux lnnsc cnllccln c nurnhcring up In 30 IllL'llth‘h.
Tuesday 2
I Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Greenhaus and Mechanical Cabaret llarl’l}. 300 (’l}dc Slrccl. 0870 ()07 000‘). Spin. 9.“). ()nc nl inndcrn pnp'x lirxl lug. lll\lll‘\lilllllill lIHxW Ill lhc lnld Xllx \lhcn 'l.n\c .\li\\l|c H II' I’llch Ihc charlx lnr Iun nunulcx Nu“ llIL‘} .l't' hack and Ihc} \llll llmk IllIIl mund likc a pun} .\lill'll}ll Manwn.
I The Quireboys and Crash Kelly King: 'l‘ul‘x Wall \Vah llul. 373a SI Vinccnl Sllccl. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. U). ()ld \chiml lax Ill lII\l dccadc unilaling Ihc dccadc hclnrc and Ihc dccadc hclnl'c IhaIi ruck cnlnhn I'rnnlcd h} Spikc. llawn‘l Ihc} licard \\ c haw Ihc Darkncxx mm In dn Ihal inh.’
I Grand Buffet NIc‘I"lI‘S|c;i/_\. 43| Sauchichall Slrccl. “3 9M7. ‘lpin. l’lllxhurgh haxcd hip—hop dun lord (irungc and (il';l[k‘~:\ Dun rap almul popular cullurc. In \\lll_\ \I_\lc,
I Deadly Yet Sterile Cabaret 'l‘chai ()xna. ~13 ()Iagn l,anc. ‘57-153-1. Spin. L‘l. .\li\ nl \ingcr/xnngnriIcrx and upcrirncnlal \Illlll(l\.
I John Alexander Bt‘illht‘t‘llt‘. ll) Skil'xlng Slrch. 013 8000. 3pm. l‘rcc. l.;Iillliacl\ lillckgl'ullnll \lllllltl\.
I Phil’s Session l'ixgc llcalha. 333 \Vnndlamk Rnad. 50-1 I506. 0pm. l-rcc. \Vcckl} ialn.
I Johnny Truant, 27, Stoma and Maya 29 Sludin 3-1. 34 3h ('allnn Road. 558 3758. 7.30pm. Mnrc IInhcaI punk. inclal and Au l'rnni /.calnIi\.
I The Black Keys and Sluts of Trust ‘l‘hc Vcnuc. l7 3| ('allnn Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £7.50. ScIi/I} hlucx punk dun \Iraighl nuIIa ()liin. Slippan L‘Ulllt‘\ l'rnln ('hcinikal l'ndcrgrnulul‘x lillt‘xl \ignings a \iniilarl} \u/ch up glam-lullch dun.
Wednesday 3
0 The Rolling Stones and Idlewild Sli('('. l‘innicxlnn Qua}. 0870 040 4000. U50 IIL‘le'lx (ml) lL‘l‘l al Iinlc nl~ going In prc“. Scc Mon l.
I Electric Overdrive, Stone Cold Rumours, Mydas, the Hands and Roulette 'l‘hc (‘alllnuxu l5 l'ninn Slrch. 348 6600. 7.30pm. £4 l£5 on
dnnri. ()xcr- l4x xhnu. Rock and Indlc . Acoustic 'iVllL' l“llI \IIIL‘ (are. 50 60 King Slrccl. 553‘ MIN 9pm ()pcn lnic u 101 Ircc drink Inr pcrlnrlncr»
I Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Greenhaus and Mechanical cabaret 'l‘llc \L‘IIIIL’. lg 31 ('alllln Road. 55" 3073. Hprn. {l0 Scc inc 3 I Chaos Theory Snulhcrn ('l'llxx ('alc. Ma ('nckhurn SIrch. (‘33 0h33 9pm nudnrghl. l‘rcc, Scc “ml 3",
I Matchbox Nenty (lulc .'\llIlllUl'llllll. Sl:(‘('. l‘llllllL'\lHll Qua}. 0870 040 4000. £30. Slullllpng .\()R lni pcnplc \xhn lind (‘nunling ('in\\\ [no challcnging.
Bruce Cockburn Sli';llllt'l)llt‘ Slnlc. Rll}ill (‘nnccll Hall. 3 Sauchlchall Sll‘ccl. 3.5} 3000. lell. U550. ('anadlan \lngcr/xnngnrllcr \llill'lllgl a l'L'\[lUll\llllk' unrldnmy I Oceansize and Amplifier King; 'l'lll‘x Wall \Vah llllI. 373a SI \‘inccnl Slrccl. 33| 53'“) 3.10pm. L5 Ill}; alnhillnux wnndlng: lndlc nullil uhn haxc l'nrgcd lllll\\ \\ llh kindrcd \pll'lh Ihc (‘nnpcr 'I‘clnplc (‘lauxc I Silvertone, Catapult, Neon Underground, Solution and Smokescreen ‘I‘hI- ('alhnuxc. IS l'ninn SIrch. 3.18 (ihllh. 7.30pm. L1 0.5 on dnnrl. ()xcrr l4x \Ium. Rock and pup hill.
I The Fists, Aris and Bipolar Nicc'n‘Slca/y-13l Sauchichall Slrccl. 333 0M7. ‘lpln. £3. local Indic rock.
I Breshnev llll‘ l5lh \lilc ('alc‘.
50 (ll) King: Slrccl. 553 1033. 0pm. L5. l’nnk hand l'rnni dimn wulh. nnl In hc cnnl'uxcd \\ llll Ihc lncal hand nl Ihc \IIIIIL‘
I Kain and the Owsley Sunshine l.nadcd. liquid lunngc. ‘)-1 \chl chcnl Sll'l‘cl. lllplli. £5 iii—1 Ull Illml'l. \VL‘L'H} \himcaxc nl‘ local Ill'li\l\. l'caIuring rnck'n’rnllcrx Kain and Ihc inclndic \llllllll\ nl‘ Ihc ()\\ \lc} Sunxhlnc.
I Canvist Sludin ()nc. (irmwnnr llnlcl. (irmxcnnr 'l'cri'acc lull ll}rc\ Rnadl. .‘\-1l (i5lh. 0pm. l-rcc.
I The Vagabonds 'l'hc Sculia.
l l3 “4 Slik‘luu‘ll Sll'L'Cl. 5.5.3 NONI. ‘lpln. l‘rcc. Popular cm crx.
I Battle of the Bands Mac-8mm». 43 Jamaica Slrccl. 34X 85M. 8pm. l‘rcc. I Jam Session Sanllicl I)ml\_
()7 7| .\'ilh\dalc Road. 433 0107. 8.30pm. l'rcc. llmlcd h} lndcpcndcncc.
I Local Bands Night The \cnuc. 17 3| ('allnn Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. Linc up \Iill In hc cnnlirincd.
Gillian Welch plays the Ferry, Glasgow, Wed 27 & Thu 28 Aug; Queen’s
96 THE LIST 21 Aug 4 Sit-n BIT-“3
Hall, Edinburgh, Fri 29 Aug
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.
I Jim McQuat Quartet ll.” l\<. Buchanan llnlcl. l\5 Buchanan \Iiccl. l‘3 ~3N1 _[‘lll licc lhxclxc |.I// \ucahxl lcadx lll\ liliallcl xx iIh .lll .I\\i‘llllll'lll «ll ran \\\Ill:._' [01ch
I Lynne O’Neill Trio \II I m. Ill llnpc Slrccl. 3-1.\ 0015 \l‘lll L3 l}nnc ()'\cll| Icadx llll\ Iiin \infgln; llla/lllali Iuncx and ran \lanllaidx
I Roost Sliltlll‘ (ill‘\\\'l‘.|ll lli‘lt'l. ll}lc\ Road. l»1l h5lh ‘lpln llcc lllucx} lilt'lx
I Clyde Rhythm Jazz Quartet \I-v. l)lll|f—'l;l\ l’ark. (Lid/rm \wnuc. lllh‘lh 3.\hl0‘ .\ llpni l'lcc llIc llannllnn _|a// ('lnh'x \xcckl} \l'\\lilll Illal \icluvmc\ gucxl
I The Fusion Experience 'I llk' liquid l nungc. \\c\l lx’cggcnl Sllccl. 5 M‘lll l‘ll'c \L'“ (ilaxgim hawd IlIlcc [\lccc acid |a// lunk hand lcalunnf: Raynnnd ll.llll\ nn llalnninnd organ. Slcll \lc(‘|u\l\c} nu ha“ and Jainic ('uiric nn drurnx
I George McGowan and his Orchestra \lcl'clIalll\ ('nrncl. lh .lnhn Sllccl. 553 Will 3 ‘0 5 illpni l'lcc lhununcl .\lc(in\\an lcad\ lll\ his hand \Hlll gllml \ncalI\I\
I Organomoaly Bil-I. W 41 \\lIlUlI l.anc.3~13-1‘Hi(\. ‘~pni l'lcc l‘unk) _‘_‘llul\t'\ undcl‘pln hard mingln; hcalx \\llll llIal clItht' organ mund.
0 Button Up featuring Justin Currie 33. 474 Saucluchall Slrccl. 353 5| l l. “.45pm. L" 50. (ilaxgim ran and lunk hand. Icallll’lng \pcclal gucxl .lll\llll ('urric ll)cl .'\llllll'l l.
I Cafe Source Supper Band (XIII- Snurcc. SI .-\ndrc\\\ in Ihc Sqllarc. SI :\lltll‘L‘\\\ Squarc. nil Sallmarkcl. 54x h030. Killian. L'l5.‘)5; nn cnIl') chargc In xidc har. Rclaung.‘ |a// cwnrng cnlcrlainincnl ll‘dllll'lllj.‘ l.cana nn \ncals.
I Moving Through (‘aharcl \iillall‘c. 3h .18 lilair Slrccl. 3300170
Midnighl 3am. £5 hclnrc nudnighl IUn, .~\ l'rcc llimrn' lain Ihal pllx Ihc \\ll\ nl druni It haxx |a// lunkcrx l)}ad agaith Ihc lllrnlahihxni anlicx nI llcadxpln nuI-inhx. Ihc Rcwnancc. 'l‘hc chnnancc haidl} nccd an} mlrnduclrnn round Ihcw hcrc parlx. l)};lll ha\ c \mrkcd ax Ihc hacklmnc nl Kulu‘x Ja// Jninl \\ iIh Ihc Jahha ('nllccln c. .r\l\n highl} unnhcd in rcwarch and mpcruncnlal \Iudlcx nl groin c hawd lIllhlL‘ and Ihc \l\llilll\;Ill0ll nI wund l’arl nI Ihc [flu /\\m’\ llllh lIII'lhda} cclchl‘allnnx.
I Toto’s Jazz Quartet llarr) '\ liar. Randolph l’lacc. 5.“) HI00. V30 (\pln.
l'rcc .-\n:_'lc King lillll\ llll\ Iunk} quarth In prm idc Ihc \ncalx.
Check out the great
I Blues Sunday I aunt-x Hal. V: King Sllccl. 553 “13“ 3 4pm l lcc chnlal nc\\ hluc~ ~c~~inn Icalullng Ru l)uc and Ihc ('nnglcgallnn
I Campbell Considine and Stuart Harrison \Mxi H'l‘unnnik. v1-1\\c~I (icnlgc \IIch. ‘54 5 l 54 4 (‘l‘lll l rcc \l‘xtlll51Illl\ll‘l.liil\l(itlllll‘l‘k'll (Rinxidlnc l‘I‘lli‘lllh i.I// \Iandarilx \\ llll l‘.l\\l\l \lnarl llalriwn
I Jazz Afternoon (lli‘li‘\i‘. 1? (pull,- SHIN. 11" \"33 l ~il‘lll llcc \llkc lx’ncclx. \IhaII llannin: and I).i\ ill l’aIllck on piano plln }'ll\‘\l\ lll llll\ llcu \‘ok'khhl'\ lk'5lilk'll\_\
I Toto’s Jazz Trio lliI- (iill' l,l\l‘lll, |)nl\c \Iiccl. l crlh. 3 ‘0 -1 ;0pm llcc Ille Illnc ll.\ ,lnnlln (illniulc lnlninz' lulu lnl \mal Inclde
I Delta Croft Revue Ihc (anunx' (iail. .3 ‘3 (Lilinllfgallx 55h 11M l0 illl‘nl :5 lllncx and lull nilcilialx and Imcrx lluln llll\ l dinhluph haxcd hand
I Salsa Celtica lliI- I .unum Mncycllcnl. l’llllccx \l.ill lx’nullwl‘ l’la/a, I’llnlcx \llch. 3.30 0000 lll‘lll L l .‘ lLllln \ llcalh nn\ ml l.l//. \llltJll. lalin and ('cIIII ilnllum plainly lnalciial linin Ihcll l.lll'\l .ilhnln / I l'.".‘li.' ..". :1.-
\lljli Stirling
OVan Morrison \mlmpl .i\llc_ l Ila limll. n.\“li nlthj-l "pm i in \H cxcninf.‘ nI |.l//. Nucx and will
Monday 25
I 4 Jazz (iaxan \lill. Hiann'x \lill lx’nad, .\llllI;:a\ lc. “50 3355 5pm Ilcc ()uailcl producing; \\‘.lll_‘_‘lll_‘.,' |.l// \l.Ill\l.llll\ ll'.llllllllj_‘ lelll.lll\l Huh \lnan and \ncalixl (".ilnphcll (‘nnxulinc
I Delta Croft Revue Ihc ("alith~ (iall. 3 ‘3 ('annnyalc. 55h »1-1\l I0 llll‘lll t5 Scc Sun 34
Tuesday 26
I Liquid Jazz Ral'clmd liar \nd chlauranl. I35 .\lcrr_\lcc Road. (‘3‘) [000 ‘lpln. l'rcc. (‘nnl ncu |.l// nullil [1l;l_\lllf_' \Iandaldx and clil\\l\' |.l// mnyx
Wednesday 27
I Chaos Theory Snulhcln ('imx (‘alc. 03a ('nckhlll‘n \IIccl. (‘33 0033 ‘lpin inldnlghl l'lcc ()l'lfflllal clllllpnxlllnnx ll‘iiln llll\ Ilcv. quallcl. lll\lllj._‘ ia/I. lnnk and rock. Icalurln: Dung: 'l'lplcd} nn \a\c\. l’aul Kllli} on kc}hnard~. ch in (il.i\j_'n\\ nn haxx and ('hrh \\al|acc «in Illlllll\
Thursday 28
Glasgow I Jim McQuat Quartet Hal 155. Buchanan llnlcl. I35 Buchanan \llccl. 333 “384 "pm l'rcc, Scc 'l hn 3l
I Lynne O’Neill Trio \a l.ll‘. l l I llnpc SIl‘ch. 343 (i045 len £3
3 I
\cc lhu
I The Fusion Experience 'I llk' Liquid l.nunj_'c. \\c\I chcnl Slrccl.
5 Spin. l'rcc, Scc l‘l'l 33
I Songs of the Night Brunlnn 'lihcaIrc. Lad} \\ cll \Va}. \llixxclhulch. (305 3340. 7 30pm. £13 IUD Popular \ncalN \lark Rama} and lu\ nrchc~lia pcrlnrrn Ihc hi;v llllllllk’h nl Ihc \xcxl cnd