Saturday 30


I George McGowan and his Orchestra .\1crchant\ ('orncr. 18 John Strcct. 553 3801. 2 311 5 30pm l'rcc Scc Sat 3 3

I Sally McGreevy lirc-l. W 43 .'\\llltill Lanc. 342 4960 3pm l'rcc l;a~} llxlclllllg \llioolll \tandard\ troin \ocitlhl .\lc(ircc\} hackcd h} hcr o“ n quartct

I Cafe Source Supper Band (kitc- Sourcc. St .v\ndrc\u in thc Squarc. St .-\ndrc\u Sqttarc.ol1 Salttnarkcl. 548 (i020 8.30pm £15.95. no cnlr) chargc to \ltlL‘ bar Scc Sal 33


I Toto’s Jazz Quartet llttl'l‘} \ Bar. Randolph l’lacc. 53‘) 8100. 3. 30 opin. 1"rcc. Scc Sal 33.

I Songs of the Night Brunton 'l'hcalrc. l.ad_\ \\ CH Wu}. \lttxxclhurgh. 005 3240 7.30pm. £12 1L9). Scc liri 3‘).

I Bill Kyle’s Backbeat Band (‘aharct Vollairc. 3o 38 Blair Strcct. 220 (11%. 7.30 10.30pm. l'Il't‘L'. SL‘C Sal 33.


I Blues Sunday l,;tlll'lL'\ Bar. .34 King Strccl. 552 7123. 2 4pm. l'rcc. Scc Sun 24. I Campbell Considine and Stuart Harrison Win) ()'('onnor\. 44 \cht (icorgc Strcct. 3.54 SIS-«l. 4 (rpm. l'il'L'L'. SL‘L‘ Sun 24.


I Jazz Afternoon ()lormo. .U ('axllc Strcct. 447 8722. 1 4pm. l‘rcc. Scc Sun 24. I Toto’s Jazz Trio ’l‘hc (ioll 'l‘uxcrn. I)UL\C Strccl. l.L‘tllt. 3.311 4.30pm. l‘rcc. SCC Sun 24.


I 4 Jazz (iann'x Mill. 3 (ignin'x Mill Road. .\1i1nga\ iv. ‘56 2355. 8pm. 1"rcc. Scc Molt 3.5.

Wednesday 3


I Chaos Theory Southcrn (‘roxc ('al'c'. (13a (‘ockhurn Slrcct. (133 0(122. 9pm midnight. l‘rcc. Scc Wed 37.

I Fleamarket Funk ('aharct Voltairc. 3o 38 Blair Strccl. 220 (1176. 1 1pm .3am. lircc. Scc Thu 21.


I Jim McQuat Quartet Bar 185. Buchanan llotcl. 185 Buchanan Strcct. 3.33 7284. 7 int. lircc. Scc Thu 21.

I Lynne Q’Neill THO .'\tl lib. I l l llopc Strcct. 248 0045. 8pm. £2. Scc Thu 21.


I Clyde Rhythm Jazz Quartet

New Douglas Park. ('ad/ou .-\\cnuc. 01608 386103. 8 1 1pm. lircc. Scc Thu


The lants became. gree ier and reedier and more an more disconnected With the people on the . dancefloor, until one da , the peo Ie revolted an stoppe gong to the Superclubs and sta ed in to watch Big Bro her Instead.

Stef MacBeth on the rise of the underground, see Clubs,

page 102

Folk &.W9fld

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.


I Duncan McCrone and Helen Reeves l.l\L‘ .ii lltc Star. 8i .v\liillL'\\ \ in thc Squarc. o11 Saltinarkct. 8t

.-\lldl'L‘\\ \ Sll‘CL‘l. .548 011211, 8pm. Ur (£41. (ilaxgou singcr/xonguritcrx \\lll1 an cclcctic takc on 111ll\lL‘. lioni \ingalong loll. lo ia/l \landardx.


I Singer/Songwriter Showcase Baxcincnt Bar. 1<o_\al ()ak. lnlii'inai'} Strcct. 557 2926. 8.30pm. ’l‘hc tin) douthlairx bar 1\ a \uttahl} intiinatc \cnuc lor licarl-on-thc-\lcc\c \ongxxriting.


I Whistlebinkies St Andrc-xx \ and St (icorgc'x (‘hurclL (icorgc Slrcct. 335 3847. 7.30pm. £8 l£(il. PUlhliL‘tl Scottixh lolk music l'roni thc long-laxting Scoh hand. ch h} pipcx. harp and liddlc.


I Michael Marra 'l‘olhooih. Jail “Mid, ()1786 334000. 1.30pm. £ 111 (£0501. l)undcc'\ poct laurcalc ol’ song. and limit} loo. l’rohahl} thc lincxt \ongm‘itcr in Scotland.

I Runrig Slil‘ling ('axtlc. ()ld limit. ()870 905 .3444. 7.3l1pm. {l4 £33.51). Dinoxaurx ol' Scottixh roots/rock. \till \\1[liil1t))£ll following.


I Chris Smither and Jeffrey Foucault 'l‘roii ’l’hcatrc. 'l‘rongatc. 552 4207. 8pm. £9. Brilliant guitai‘ixt. \upcrh \ongx. and a lil'ctiinc ot' mpcricncc l'roni this urhanc. laconic l‘S trouhador. Bonnic Raitl callx him 'in} liric ('laplon‘.


I Delta Croft Revue 'l‘hc- ('anonc' (iait. ('anongatc. 556 4481. 10.30pm. £5. l‘iiuxual. cllcctiw amalgam or traditional Scots music and hlllcx. from the lidinhurgh-haxcd duo.

I Terrafolk Spicgcltcnt. (icoi'gc Squarc (iardcnx. 662 8740. 10pm. £10 113M. SL‘C Thu 31.


I The Edinburgh and Lothians TMSA Branch Regular Session 'l‘hc ()\lord Bar. Young Strcct. 53‘) '71 1‘). 8pm. l-‘rcc. Monthl} traditional lllll\iL‘ lliilllil) \ongx. but lli\ll’lllliL‘lll\ \\ clcotnc loo.

I Me Suena Tu Cara ’l'hc Doric- Tm crn. Markct Strccl. 33.5 “)84. 8.30pm. Free. Afro/Spam\h/Bra/ilian rcxidcnt hand.

I Delta Croft Revue 'l'hc (‘unonx‘ (iait. (‘anongatu 556 4481. 10.30pm. £5. Sec Sun 34.

Tuesday 26


I Pipe Bands 8. Highland Dancing Stirling ('axtlc lixplaiiadc. 01786 450000. 7.15pm. Free. Sumincr Scottish music for tourists and locals.

I The Cauld Blast Orchestra


" 3l1pm 1Il1 lLf‘ 5th Scc Sun 3-1

Wednesday 27


I Ceilidhs at Club Ego l-go. l’tcatd) l’lacc. 4'8 "4 34 8pm midnight £0 :\ \ciuaic danccs too. inuxic lioni tlic Iliundctdog (t'llltlli Band


I Crackin' Ceilidhs lollmoili. .l.lll \\}r)tl. lilaho 214111111 '5 31mm itannl) tickcl £151 l.i\c inuxic. dancing. pipch and \ingch

Thursday 28


I Sara Grey with Kieron Means |.i\c .it thc Stat. St Audit-u \ in thc Squarc. oll Saltntarlxcl. St :\ndic\\ \ Sli'cct. 548 (1020. 8pm. £0 i£~li 'l‘raditional \ong\ and halladx ol \oi'tli :\111L‘l'1\‘illl'tilll 1‘1\L"\ll'lll:_' banio llailct. (irc). and \ingcr/guitar p1.i)c'i .\1can\


I Singer/Songwriter Showcase \Vcc loll. ('lult. Ro}al ()ak. llilll'llldl’} Strccl. 55‘ 2020 8. 30pm. Scc ill 23.

Saturday 30


I Ceilidhs at the Caley ('tllL‘tlonliln BI'LWH‘I'). Slalclottl Road. 338 5(i88. '7pin lain. £(i i£5i. Scc Sat



I Live Flamenco l-.l Barrio. \Vchport. 22*) 8805. 1 1pm 3am. l'icc. Scc Sun 34.


I Me Suena Tu Cara The Mom ‘l‘awi'n. Markcl Strcct. 225 1084. 8.30pm. l‘i'cc. Scc Mon 25.

Wednesday 3


OBruce Cockburn ()uc-c-n'x llall. ('lcrk Strccl. (m8 301‘). 8pm. £15. (irccn. lihcraI-Icl'l. prolilic \upchlar \ingcr/xonguritcr l'roin ('anada. a \ctcian \\ ho lith rccordcd inorc than a :lo/L‘Il alhuinx}c1 ix \lill dcnicd xiinilar allcnlion llil\ \ltlL‘ o1 ihc- Atlantic.

lolbootli. Jail \\_\nd. 1113\0 “401m

tb'k 8 oricl list:r‘cis Music



Bruce Cockburn "‘2-

it'trliliiftrd kut'klfifii" ‘w'Yll"

iso'iti‘xntw i. :’ .'.r:.';ii':r w t“ - Litllftst,l< or. . ..:l. as. w ().ie."i,”";i.‘lii', {1.}"‘.’/.,'.}", SUI) Hibiki Strings of Japan

\‘Joikslr. l .ll.)l:t'.l1“):t‘.l l and l)‘.

:iiiit‘k sit "l)1"T./"..:1 . .lttiizttwta: (.ifl'llehilL N1“. ' .2

this '.lt§|lll‘tl (r'I‘St f"1l}lt' lli.u‘.'.i'.i' tlr‘i :)l Nol‘, .l y )1'1l11'1t1il :" ‘.1". tlrai‘igi imatr. "11.5w it"ll'l<1"“‘ /'.'i/77‘.‘.. (ii’.i.‘.‘_<;;;.'., 1"... i

Van Morrison loc- i<:t..r.:: it {il'llh t;:;a:lo' take, to the: l/tl'tlfl l()."{£(;()llt.‘(:.'"i minimum.” '11?‘ «- Not :siiit: lYl()l11lll?3l11l‘3‘.‘.’l:(:k. but T'l‘:""‘r'

3111a? 13.3; flacutir t'w

points; of soul. skitllc anti llé§l3 Will (ll! Llllll()ill)l(:’1l, twin: £1l)l)(:ill{1ll(;(3ll‘i tliirgtiri/xlrrl polgi'izitli't; sot. .‘Ji'wrlirit; (gist/r:

24 A. it}.


Thursday 4


I Steve Kritzer |.l\t'.1l lllt' Siai. \i

.«\ndrc\\ \ in lhc Squaic. ()11 Saltinaikct. 8i :\lltll'c‘\\ \ Sim-i. 548 01131) 8pm to

l£4i, 'lalcnlcd l'S llllllll in\liuincnt.i|i\l

lpiano. 1iddlc.gtnlat. liaiiio. inandoltni

and \ingcr.

Michael Marra plays the Tolbooth, Stirling, Sat 23 Aug

' .2 2 : rue LIST 97