111111111131 11:.:.. I:

.1.11!1 .111 In '1 r. ..:,11 7.::' .1 g1" \1'!.:/1.:‘1 '/ - '1/11 '11! (.11111II '1 11

TORRANCE GALLERY t’1!)11111i.1 \"qcf “'1’11'111 \I11: I- !!.1111 111111. \.:' I'‘ 111.1" 1312:.

Davy Brown I 1.111\.11 1:1..1 I.1111I\1.111.- ;‘.:111111:,‘

TRAVELLING GALLERY I111.:1I.'I.11I1'1!111111111:1.:II‘114i \ “1 111111 1111‘

The Park I 1111! I 11 '1 Inn l11.~ I1.1‘.1'I!111:'(1.1!|.-1:.\ 3.:13-1 1I-111n111'111\II1111111'I1 \I.1'11I1‘\. 11].:211


111111I1‘|\ .1111! 111111 II11' 11.1111 111 11111‘111.1111111.1I.1111xIx ,1.I11- 1111111111\\111111'1I111.111111'11.111!» 111: \11~Il.1n1I\1n\111.1111111.1!11.1!I.I1111.~.'1.n: II11'111'11. (1.111".‘..1\ ('1'11111'111 I"1..!:11.?. I11. (1.1!!1‘11 ‘.*.1III11~\111111\n1-'1~11.:I |1I111I11n:'!1( 1-II1‘1'1' 111 \111I!11:‘ I111; ‘Lnn 1111111.1111!1!11'(11j. \11(1~:.11.~ !1!111I1111:'I11I1111Inn. I‘I.111; 1111111 TRAVERSE THEATRE

(-1111' “.11. !H('.1111I11111:‘1'\111'1'1. ‘\

ALTERego I 1111! \.:I .‘\ Inn I11 111!!.1!1111.1111111 \‘.1!!1 11I11II111'1.111!11'1 ! 1\.: II1'nnn1'..1111'\I11I111111n111 1111111.nI\I11. 11111117: 111'1111!1' 1111111 (111'.111'1 I’1I111n

THE VILLAGE |(1\11111!1!1111\111‘1'1.IN \IH

\I1111 \.11 l!.1n1 I! I‘11111_\nn

I.‘ *1! I! 1‘11111

Cut With A Cake Knife I 1111! \11 * I11! (.11111I1111'I1111k1‘1'\11|1111-\11I111111 1111111111g'1'1I1111n1'l1II11'I111111111.1k111;'

I‘l1‘1'1'\\ lll !!11‘\1‘ \1'111‘\ 11! \‘.111k\


-I !>11111!.1\ \111'1'1. ‘*.\ ‘H I I IH.1111 1111111. .\.11 ||.11n I|1n1 Masters of the Press 1 11111 \.11 .‘I .Inn \ \111I1‘ 1.1111'1‘ 111 \111111111g'. 1111I11.n_\. \.111111‘.1!. 1111111111.111!111‘.1! .1111! 1‘1111113_'11111I111'.1|111111I\11In\ \11I1II111‘, 1111111'11111111' .1111! !.1111I\1.1|11‘\ I11 .1 \1'11'1 111111 111 .1111\I\

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Life, page 99.

\11111 I11

BANK OF SCOTLAND MUSEUM ON THE MOUND Il11'.\!1111111!.5.‘." I,‘,.\.\ \I1111 !11

III.1111 ~1-IRI1111.

Bank of Scotland Museum on the Mound .\!1111 1(1 “111 I‘! .I1111 I1I.1111 I-I‘lnn \ 1!1\11|.1} 111!1.111I1n1;,‘ 1111'111111.1!11|1.1x11.11111n1;1 {111111u11x 1111‘|111I111_1_' 811111141I1.111!1111111‘\. 1.111111n\ 1‘11x111n11‘1x. 1111;:1'111'x .1111! .1 !"1!1 1‘1‘111111\ 111111 km.

MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD AllII1y|18111'1'1.53"“13 \I1111 .\.11 l1I1nn 511111

The Golden Ages of Toys 1 11111 S111 .Inn .\!1.111'1|11*111.1;11'111 .\!1‘1‘1‘.n111. II11111|11 11.1111 \1'1x. 11‘1I1!_\ 1111111'\ .1111! Inc 1111111I1'11nl .111.1\ 111 1m \ II111I 1'111111‘ 111 I111~ I11-111 1'1-11 !.\")11.1111I' I‘HI)


3 ('l111111I11‘1x 811111 211" 13!” \I1111 5.11 |11.1111 5111111'I'111‘ 5111111. 81111 11111111 <|1111 I'I'CC.

Millennium Clock \ 1-I1.1111‘1~ 111 \11'\\ Rnwmn 1111‘1‘I1.11111‘.1| \1'11ll11111 !'1!n.111! B1-1'\111I\!1_\\ nnll1'11111111111'I111'I11. .1I11111‘111‘\1‘nlpnn1'. 1111‘11x1111113; 111111‘ 1111‘11'1‘x 1113;!1

Mao: Arts for the Masses 111111 .\!1111 ! .\I.11 31111-1 “10 111111111111111111 ('1111111111111xl(11111.11\!111111;!111111111' I|1111n§_'!1111111\.111'1‘11II1'1‘111111111 111.1x11‘1’1111'1'1‘x 111.1111' I111“ 1'1‘11

“’51! I‘I‘h. .11'1111111‘1! 1!111n13_' .1111!

Louise Runciman’s Gran forms part of her degree show. on show at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art

11111111-1I11111-I1 .1111'1 1I11- ("1111111.1I !\’1'\11l11111111


!.11I} 81.111'x !!11n\1‘. | .11!_\ \11111'\(‘l11\1'. KNIVI‘IIII \I1111 \.11 |1!.1n1 *11111

In the Heart of the Wilderness [1111! .\.11 31181-11 \111~\|11|11111111 1-\]1!111111§:1111'I111'11111l\\111!1111.l11l111 .\!nn.1|11*!1'111'1 \11111'1.11111'1_\1111}I1‘Il1'1 .1111I\1'11'1111\1.1111II1111I1\.111|11-111lln1'111'1~ 111 \11111'1x Il!\1‘ l111111\.1111! \11 \\.1|I1'1 81‘11111111I11x \1111I1


l 111\1'1\1I) 111 !)nn1!1'1'. I‘I’1‘11!1 |\'11.11!. H! {\7 ‘1‘ 1 ;11 \.11 I !1\ \1111 I* .Inn 2 {1111111. \I1111 !11

‘I 111.1111 .\ z1111111.\.11.‘| ,Inn

" 111.1111 311111

0 Dundee Degree Show 2003 .\.11 I! \.11.‘.l .Inn I 111.1! )1'.11 1I1*_-.,'11'1' \I111\\\11111n1111111'II11111.T1111\1111!1~111\ 1111111II11'\1‘I11111Ix11111111-1111.1I1'\1;:n. 11'I1'\1\11111.1111! 1111.1;111; .1111! 11I\'!!!!L'\'!l!!x' . "

" i11.1111


153 \1-1111-1;'.111-.111 z9111111111111

Inc \\1'1!..\.111\ \1111

I1! “1.1111 * i“11111. II1n1\ III

III 411.1111 Nun

Christopher Wool I 11111 \1111 .\ .Inn I|11'111\1 111.11111 ! K \11I11 \111111 1111 1!11' n11ln1'111111! \1111’111'.1n .1111\1. ('I111\11111I11‘1 \\1111!.!11n11\\111111 I11\ I111I1! .1111! 11111111 11111111 !.1_\1'11'1! 114111111173 \\!111‘!1 1‘11111!11111‘ \1'11'1‘111111111111;' .1111!

\111.11 11.11111\111l111.111111'1|1 I1111\!1\1.111!1 |411111 111('|111.1;_111111 W“ .1111! 111111 I1.1\1‘1!111\1‘\\ \111!\.11I1111111'1.1|1|11 |1.1\ p!.1_\1'1!.1111111111111.n1111.111 111 In\ \‘.11|I\ .1111! 1!11‘1'\!11|11111111 I1'.111n1'\ 1\1.11:'1111111\ 111 11I111I11;,'1.111!1\ 1'.11I111111\1-1 IINI 1111.1;_'1'\ .1\ \\1'|I .1\ !.11_1_'1' \1.1|1‘ 11.11111111pw


.‘5 _‘(1 \111! \\1111!. \!11! \\_\111I I111!11\111.1| I \I.111'. U! 13.‘ 73““)

Inc 8111111111111 <11111

They Had Four Years I 11 (1 \1111 .‘.‘ .|1n1 !1\1'|)1n11'.111111.I1111!.111\111111~ 1'1111ln1111w111111131111.‘ 1'\!11!111 111'11 \\1\II\ 11111‘ 11‘.11 .1111'1 ;'1.11In.11111_~_' " '



\‘11..- \H 1. ‘1\‘ '_1‘.1\; \1‘..-\ British Art :1 \ |»- \ “1,311.... .y‘.._.._\\‘.. \- L I. \ ~*\' .\;»a The Beatles in Dundee

\I.' ‘1'!”

1'11.-.1_11~1 1‘ [11 |1H.‘\,11

1:1 !111'11i.‘.' Created in the Company of

Fnend511~1\u- ‘Lw \q 1’\!1'“1'11~1‘ .1: ‘11. .1 1‘Y1'I1'\\!1‘l1.1 .1111\1\ I';.- \v'1111 I '.‘.!111§!'1"I11"‘1!.'II\ m!'\.11\\'1!'


Keith Brockie: Rural Portraits I1111I \1111 I‘ Inn \\II1I!II1‘ .11'1\1 I\ '1'!' III111 I n1".1. 111-11 1\ .1 I11111I .111'I1- 111-1111 \.11131\I1'1.»11‘..'I~' H" 111 1.11111 .1111111.:!\

Watercolour Painting A Personal insight \11 11111 111111.111! 111.1I.1111\'. I).1'.1.\11n \I11111‘1 ‘~.‘..111'111~!111n1I1'1n11n\:'.11111n Meet the AUTI‘IOI“ \1' I1 I111: ‘11" !’~-!I\ I’nII.:1 .1111! 1.111111111' 111.11'1'1\ ~‘1'.1'\ .; 1'1111I1'1! '11':1 1-11I11'1“1.!11!11111-n1-1!\1'11!1I!1111I11'\~ 1!!n\11.11111n\:1~1I11-111.21. 1111111 Experience with Stained Glass \\1'1! l\ Inn ‘11111 \1.1|!1 I1\I\'111I1 \\.1|k1'1 1-11!11‘1 .‘x 1.1.11I1 \1 11:1~





I‘ 1.11\111‘1~1l.1n1'.'II§\ \I11n \.1I I1I.1n1 ‘11111

O Re.Shaped \11 I1 Inn \\1‘1! I'1 I11! ()11'1 111.1111\1\ 1111111" II“.'1'I!!\'I 11-1 1!11\ 1'\In!111111n111\\.111I.!\\11.1\I\1111I1-111\


.1111! \I\Illll'.' .1111\1\ ‘11.|111.1111'n1!1‘1! 1I11' !)n111.111111 I1111!.n1\111111‘ 1 11.111111 \ 1!1‘11.1111111'11II11'1\1.1'1'n W"! ‘11111 I)n1'11~ I!11'11'\11n11n11'1111!11~l 1111.1'1x11\,1!11\ _\1*.11 111.11k\1|11' !.1\1 1 1'1.111111\1I1‘1'11‘1' \Il11\‘. .1! !!l1‘ 11'!!1".'1' "

Outside the Cities

lfaln (11 P111111

MOUNT STUART GALLERY \!1111111\In.111,1|| WNIVHSH \I1111. \\1‘1|1\ I11 \nn I11.nn *11111

0 Christine Borland - An Hospital I11 (1 Inn \1111 ‘I \111' 11.111k I11 1!11' \\1\|1111' I111111.1111\1 ('InIx11n1' |i111I.1111I\\!111\1.1\ \!11111!1\11-1I 11111|11' I111111'1I’11/1'111 I‘N‘ l11xl1111'1! I1_\ 1|11'.1111\1'\11'\1'.111!1.11 \I1111111 \111.111. I|11'1'\!11|1111111111’11111'\11nII11'I11\1111\111 1|11' |11111\1' .1\ .1 n11|11.11\ I111\1111.1| 1I1111111' \\111|1! \\.11 I. I|11' I1111.11111.1I 1||n\11.1111111\ 111 I|11' .111I11\1'\ .1111! 1I11'111111 1111111


111!I1'1 1111:) .1111! 111II1‘1 111111\

Artist Talk with Christine Borland !111' I" Inn 1111111 \111\1 (‘I111x11111'I1111|.1111I1.1|!1\.1I111111I11'1 111-'11. \1111!1 1111111111).1111\I111v.

First Annual

Macmillan cancer LCIILff

Edinburgh Art Show

Summer 2003 Over 140 Art1sts 1n Scotland WII! be helpmg people affected by cancer. 200 03111111198 011 (11591113131111 for sale Items of textIIe. Jewellery 8 SCnlpture Immature watercolours by Ken Lochead Cafe

Lyon 8; 'l‘urnhull I111111gI111111I’!.1112!1!111!1111;!1

- \.111111!.1§. 33111! I11111‘.“111l

\I11111I.1j~. I111I1

11111'111i.11Ij~. I 1.1111 - 1 I11x1'\ \.111111!.1j. .11 I 111111111

For more Intonnutlon 1;;1IIO131 346 5330

11 ‘11 11111