Tron Theatre. Glasgow, Thu 5 Jun; MacRobert. Stirling, Fri 6 & Sat 7 Jun ooooo
Loneliness is something that children shouldn‘t have to deal with, but nothing will prevent the occasional pang: so and so won't play with me; you're not my friend any more; you‘re not in our gang. The wounds are hopefully fleeting, but will have been felt nonetheless. Carson McCullers wrote in Ballad of the Sad Cafe: ‘The hearts of small children are delicate organs. A cruel beginning in this world can twist them into curious shapes. The heart of a hurt child can shrink so that forever afterward it is hard and pitted as the seed of a peach. Or again, the heart of such a child
A child in minu-
may fester and swell until it is a misery to carry within the body.‘
The little gentleman in this play is lonely. He has no friends, lives on his own with his little bed and little routine. One day he realises he‘s not happy and that having a friend might make him feel better. Luckily his heart has neither dried out completely nor swollen to bursting, but has just enough hope left to put up some signs: ‘The Little Gentleman Needs a Friend'. Jay Manley, who plays the lonely wee guy, captures each shifting emotion with great subtlety. and is supported on stage by two musicians - a cellist and an accordion player - whose music echoes and interacts with his moods.
There is barely any dialogue and action is communicated almost through mime in many parts with physical tricks providing hooks for the audience. And just before you start pulling out the hankies, yes, after some disappointments he does find a friend: in the shape of a dog. OK, so it‘s a companion, but dog- lovers may insist that it’s true friendship, and in this play it certainly is.
The simple story, adapted from the book by Swedish writer Barbo Lindgren and adapted for stage by Lars Erik Brossner and Tomas von Bromssen, has been pared down and worked to perfection: not a movement, a sound, a look or a voice is out of place and it evolves as a truly charming piece of theatre.
(Ruth Hedges)
Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.
Activities and Fun
Pottery Workshops Sat 7 .k I4 Jun. iiooii (ipiii. £5. l'ii'enoi'kx Studio. 35a llalhouxie Street. 333 333S. (‘hildren'x \Hll'kSllttpS tor agex lplux. l’aint pot\ or ha\e a go on the potter\ “heel.
Summer Sundays at CCA Sun .S‘ Jun. noon 3pm. £3. (‘(':\. 35H Sauchiehall Street. 353 49W). .v\ge\ 3 l3. .kdxancc booking recoiiinietided. (ilim painting \\ttl‘k\llttp.
Father’s Day Sun l5 Jun. Illain (iplll. [0.5” t £4.5tli. (ilaxgon Science ('entr‘e. 50 Pacific Qua}. 43H 5(ltltl. l)addie\ go tree on their \pt‘c‘ltll da_\ \\ hen accompanied b} their little one»
Make Your Own Book/Storytelling Stiii I5 Jun. ll.3tlarn 3pm. l-"ree. ()\tain Bookxhop. 330 liy‘ex Road. 33S (ilS5, Storfielhng. lHllSll'dllUll and book making uorkxhopx Suitable tor all ages.
Tattoo You! Stiii l5 Jun. ll.3(lani 4pm. £4.50 (£3.35 i; one child tree \kllll e\ei') pa} itig adult. additional children £3.59 The Tall Ship at (ilaxgon Harbour. Hill Sltllk‘tUSS Road. 333 3513. l)e\ign _\our own tattom the \ttlltll'-\\;t} the Ship\ o\\n henna artixt \\ ill be on hand to tianStorni )our dexign itito a teinporar} tattoo to place “here _\Ull ClltltlSL‘.
Music Children’s Songs from the Streets of Glasgow with Alistair
96 I" '53 .ltil‘a‘ ."§ 03
Hulett Sat l-l Jun. l|.3llarn. £3 tLl l. l’artiek l.ibrat'_\. 305 l)iinibarton Road. 334 5533. :\ge\ 3vplux. Something tor all g't‘llL'l'illltlllS \\llll pla)gi'ound \oiigx lt’Ulll da)S ol' old “llll lolk hero :\ll\l;lll‘ llulett.
Theatre and Dance
The Story of the Little Gentleman Thu 5 Jun. 3pm. £3. Tron 'lyllt'illl‘L‘. (i3 'l-l'tillgttlt‘. 553 4367. :\gt'\
4 S. Award-u inning theatre conipan} (‘ttlltt‘t‘ttlt‘ \Vllt‘t'lS pl'L‘SL‘lIIS lllL‘ titltipltilltilt til ti S“ L‘tlISll L'lllltll'L‘ll.S hook telling lllL‘ tale ot a dexpei'atel} lonel} little gentleman. He longx tor a lrieiid. btit (ltlk‘Sll‘l kilo“ him to lind one. Then one da} a dog appear\ in hix lite and llllllg‘x Start to change. l‘eattiring tour perl’orrnerx. cello. accordion and original Score. llllS IS an e\citing lil'lllSll premiere. See re\ re“. 50 Degrees Thu 5 Sat 3 Jun. Thu 3’piii tk 9pm; l-ri 3pm. 7pm & 9pm; Sat 3pm. 4pm. 7pm & 9pm. £91935). Trauma). 35 Albert l)ri\ e. 0845 33” 35M. Silo 'l‘heater' create a theatrical ‘xenxe-o-i'aiiia' Suitable tor all ages L‘Ulllpl'lSIIIg a lull} rotating \tage. .i \i\-channel Sound x} \lL‘lll. .-\ iiiexniei‘ixiug e\pei'ience \\ hich tlllllS to challenge preconceptroux ol theatre.
Pigs Can Fly Sat l-l Jun. ll).|5ani. L3 tLI l. l’ai‘tick librar}. 3(l5 Hurnbarton Road. 33-1 5533. .-\ge\ 4 9. KL'IISPL‘CHC PUPPL‘IS prexentx another great tale Toniin} hax the be~t birthda} e\ er. Oliver! .\lon It» Sat 3| Jun. 3.30pm; \Ved tk Sat 3.30pm ck 3.30pm. LS £14. King‘x Theatre. 393 Bath Street. 3-10
I l l l. The .'\PUHU l’ltt)t‘l'\ t‘L'cl'L‘alt‘ Lionel Bart'x grim Stilll’L‘ of greed. po\ er‘t} and corrupted innocence. With a coinpan} ol oxer (it) adultx, ltltl children and a lull [\l'tllt‘SSlUlltll ot'chCSIra. ()Im-r' IS packed \xith “ell known hitx like ‘l‘ood. (ilt‘l'ltlUS l-‘ood. 'l'd l)o .v\n_\thing‘ and than} more
The Flying Babies tire 1‘ Jun.
1H Wain .\ 1 3“pin :4. \l\ tor t3” Tron Theatre. (‘3 liongate. 553 J3b3 \ge\ 3 l‘lux lheatie l)atk trorn the (‘zech Republic preSenh the mural and lunn_\ lalt‘ t‘l llllt't' l‘al‘tt‘S \\lli‘ lt‘SL' lllt'll balloon and turn their pratii into a llHllg‘ lll.tclllllt' to get it back lll\L'llll\L'. groundbreaking puppet theatre
Jonathan Meres Hon 9 Jun. to toam {3 (iiliiioiehill(i13.9 l iii\ei\it} \xenue. Wt 5533 The “MIC! .iiid peiloiiiier lliHlS a ltllt packed Sewion baxed on lll\ anirnal picture book Iii: Ii'ie Hurt Raniozu
Julie Bertagna Tue to Jun. 1 ttrpm t3 (iilrrioiehill(il3. 9T nixemt} \xenuc. 33“ 5533 Set in 3t|99 “hen the “illltl l\ .llllltt\l \ubineiged in \\.tlt'l. liei'tagna lt'.itl\ llittlt her book I twilin \\ltlc‘ll lt‘HS lllt‘ lalL‘ ot \lara uho xet~ \ail looking tor a tie“ hoine
Julia Donaldson l'ue lit .lun. ltl 3tlalll L3 (iiliiioiehill(il3. 9 l'tii\cr\it_\ \xenue. 3.39 5533 l he (mi/lulu “lllt‘l' [‘lt'llllt‘lt'S her neu picture book. [In Utter. I'itilriiriiixli
Theresa Breslin \M-a ll Jim. to toam (.3 (iilnioieliill(il3. ‘ll iii\ei\it} \\ciiiie. 33“ 5533 lil'L'Sllll readx tioiii llmini
llmh I (i/itt/iiiror. baxed on ('t \kltil hax the abilit} to control ltl\ dieainx I’m! oi i/u ll“! I'Jlt/ It \Iiitti'
Theresa Breslin \\ed ll .ltiii. l 3tlpin £3. (iiliiiorehill(il3. 9 l’nnerxit} .\\enue. Ht) 5533 The (‘arnegie ~\ledal-mnning author teadx lroin li’t'nit'ni/mmt t . her epic tale ot touth in World War I
Megan McDonald Thu l2 Jun. lll.3llain {3 (iilnioreliill(il3. 9 l'nixerxit} .v\\enue. 3“) 5533 The bext Selling American author introducex Jud} Mood}. \\ ho ha\ a mood lot e\er_\ occaxion. Murderous Maths with Kjartan Poskitt l’l'l l3 .lun. 3piii £3 it'l5lli ll)lltll;llltl l’riiiiar) School. l‘ortioxe Street. 3345533 .\lath\ ’ l'un ’ ()h _\e\ it can be. uith Kiai'tan l’oxkitt. l.oad\ ol tun. participation. li\e lllllSlt' and l't‘llt'SlllllL‘lllS ;\ge\ S adult. \\\\\\.k|.ll‘l;lll.c'it.llk
Julie Bertagna Wed 1S Jun. l.,illptti l'i'ee. Hillhead labrat'}. likl't'S Road. 33‘) 3333. See (iilinorehill(il3. abo\e
Vivian French \Ved IS Jun. ttr.,=ti.mi. £3. (iilniorehill(i|3. 9 l'iiixemt} Axenue. 33” 5533. A gentle \litl'HCHlllfJ \t‘SSIUll as the inuch-Im ed author readx ll’Ulll a \Clt‘L‘llttll ot hei‘ lamurrte talex
Watership Down il’th Sat I4 Jun. lll.3(lani. .-\|| llL‘kL‘lS £3.35. (ilaxgoxi l-‘ilin Thealrt‘. l3 Roxe Slt't'cl. 5‘3 Sl3b' See l‘iliii Index.
Pippi Longstocking it'i Sun IS Jun. I3.l5piii & Time Machine tl’(ii Stiii l5 Jun. 3pm. £3 lL3l. ('(‘.-\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4900. See l‘lllll Index Everest it'i; Into The Deep it‘i. Space Station tl’(il. T-Rex 30 it'i. lllllL‘S \ar). check l'iliii Iixtingx tor \homng lllllL‘S. £5 tL55lll. l.\l:\.\ 'l‘heatre. (ilaSEJou Science (’entre. 5i) l’acrlic Qua}. 430 5000.
RSHO Scottish Power Kids Prom - Bamboozled Sat I4 Jun. 3pm. or iH {7L l'xher Hall. l.othian Road. 333 ll55. Agex 3 l3. Speciall) coriceixed Kid'x l’roni “ith l’aul Rl\\lll;lllll and the Roxal SCUHISll National Orchestra \iith pop tunes .iiid \urreal lair}tale\ including one about a gruinp) prince \\ ho tell in lt)\L‘
\i rth three orange\ and a dance h} Handel that made It into the top ol the charts.
Theatre and Dance
Cats Thu 5 Sat 3 Jun. 3 .‘llplll‘. Wed tk Sat 3.30pm ck 3.39pm. £950 £335”. l’l;i}htill\c. l3 3.3. (ireenSide Place. “53” (aim-134, The \iorld'x longext running tllllStt'tll lL‘;l\L‘\ HS \VCSl lilltl home In grace US \xtlll IlS lcllllL‘ ltmlxlep»
Moontel Six Tue lll Jun. 3.30pm. {Ill Ittbc'i. Ro}al l._\ceuni Theatre. (ifllltlld) Slt‘L‘Cl. 3—13 43-18. MacRobert Youth
Theatre prc~ent a conteiiipoiau kind or Hta\ e \e\\ \\otid \\ here a group oi genetrcallx altered teenx ha\ e been puixued into hiding ii} the iexidentx oi \loonxtead l'Stalex in .l \chll hunt
The Happy Gang‘s Big Adventure Thu 13 Sat l4 .lun. lhii lit l5ain. ill
I” l5ani t\ 3 3tlpin. Sat llain t\ 3 3“put {3 ichildren under 13 lltUllHlS t‘3i. l.tlllll\ ticket L33 kitig‘x lheaiie 3 I cum Street. 53" NM“ The (iang are at it again \Hllt irioie \JlL h} ltlllt‘\ and lopeiat to e talex aS lllL'_\ llt'.t\l it” til lllt' l i‘Sl \\\‘ll\l lll \t'.ll\ll ol long torgotten \ l\ ilr~atioti~ and ancient
Consider Rather the River lue
I3 Sun 33 Jun. Spin 13 5H l H» llieatie \\oik\hop. 34 Hamilton l’lacc. 33h 5~135 \n itiiioxatiw piete ot pioriienade theatre along the “her ol l eith inteixxeauiig the magic and llt_\\lt‘l_\ oi ii\ei lll}lll\ and legend\ lioni around the \toilil
The Hobbit The |3 Sat 3| .lun. ltie .\ ill 3 3llpiii. \\ed .\ lllll .‘pin .\ ‘ 3Ilpiri. Sat 3 3llpiri .\ 3 itlpin LS Ll" l’la}liotiu'. IS 33 (iieenxide l’late. “S W titlh3l3-l (il_\ It Robbiiix' adaptation ot .IRR Tolkciii'x l.|lll.l\ll\.ll tale lolloniiig the ad\entuie\ ol (iandall the Sorteier and Iiilbo Hagginx
Crater Makers l‘niil lue to Sep
L: (ill i [I S5i I{n_\.|| ()l\\e'i\.i[ii|} \ l\ll|\l (‘entitx lilackloid Hill. (itiS .S-lltl l'llltl out the ttiitli about eoiiietx. \\ llllt'\\ the biitli ol .i coriiet and handle ieal lllt'lt‘itlllt'\ in otii (‘r'atei \laketx e\hibitioii
The Golden Ages of Toys l’niii Sat 3 Jun, l-iee .\lu\euin ol ('liildhood. ~13 High Street. 539 -ll~l3 Share the magic ol Meccaiio. Hoinb} trainxetx. tedth llt'JlS .iiid the \\tilltlt'lllll aria) ot (on that taine to lite l‘t'l\\t't‘ll LS9“ and I9 3“
Outside the Cities
Theatre and Dance
The Happy Gang’s Big Adventure l'l'l (i 8c Sat 3 Jun. l-r‘i lll. 3llain. Sat
3. 3llpin, £0.59; lainil_\ ticket (33 (’ar‘riegie Hall. l'..i\t l’ott. I)tinteiinlrne.
ill 3S3 3|~ltltltl See ladiiibuigh
The Queen of Colours l'll t» Jun. l.3llpiii. U; \l\ tor L3H .\lacl<obeit. l'nnei'xrt} ol Stirling. Stirling. lll3Sti -l(\(l()(i(i Agex -l .S Sliatlim puppetry ll\e piano and li\e paiiitriig combine in (ieriiian L'Hlllpdll) 'l'heatei \Vaitlxpeieliei\ tale ol a little queen uho ll\t‘\ all alone Ill ltt‘t‘ caSllL'.
The Story of the Little Gentleman l'l'l (i & Sat 3 Jun. l'l'l 7pm. Sat llani S 3pm £3. MaeRobei't. lTlHCl'Sll) ol Stirling. Stirling. ll|7hfi 4(i(i(i(i(i, .rkgex l S. See (ilaxgou and
The Happy Prince Sat 3 Jim. I 3llpiii {-1 (933.5”). llmult'n l’al'k (.t'llllt'. llimdt‘ll. l.l\lllg\liitl. lll5llh433ti34 .-\ge\ 3 (i hittt‘Rtihet'l llk'illl‘t' pl't‘xt'lil llll\ adaptation ol'llxcar \Vilde'x beautilul \tot) about a bron/e Statue prince u ho hetiiendx a [MSSlllg S\\.’llltl\\ alter \[lllllllg‘ lll\ \ad lt‘illS on the little bird.
The Princess and the Pea Sat " Jun. 3pm. £3.50 i£3.5lli; lour tor Llll Adam Smith Theatre. liennocli'x Road. Kii‘kcald). 01593 4 | 3939 The delicate princexx \\ ho cannot hear the tllSL'HllllHl'l ol a \lllg'lt' pea in her bed l\ old llt'\k\ Modern pllllL‘L'SSL‘S are much tougher. ax Tutti l'TllHl productionx \hou. in their latest production.
The Singing Kettle: Medieval Madness Sat 3 Sun S Jun. Sat llaiii (S 3pm; Sun noon & 3pm. £9 tUi; lainil} ticket £35. Mothenwll (‘onecrt Hall. (‘i\ic (‘entre. \\'iiitliiiillliill Street. Molhenwll. tl|(i9x 303999 Agex 3-plux, A hoSl ol lie“ \ongx arid cral} L‘tlpch ax it e ruin the Kettlerx in b) gone lllllL‘S. The Singing Kettle: Medieval Madness Tliti l3 Stiti l5 Jun. Thu A; liri Illaiii & lpiii; Sat tk Sun noon (g 3pm L9 tt'3i; tainil} ticket L35. ('unibernauld Theatre. Kildruiii. (‘uinbcrnaultl lll33fi 333333. .v\ge\ i-plUS. Sec Mollie-mull (‘ottcei't Hall.