Boston Marriage Sal " Jun

" 15pm to I95» Raptuic 'lht'atrt- pit-with thc Scotlixh pit-uncu- ol Hand \lainct'x \titt) pla} about tuo \xllL'llllllg' \Ullllk'll. wt at thc turn ol lhc laxl u'ntui'},

The Singing Kettle: Medieval Madness lhu II Sun |5 Jun Scc Kltl\ ll\llll_‘_'\



la} Squaw. ill ‘33 33 *5 ill. ll’. ll. “(I \\,\l

Bread and Butter \Vt-tl I 1 Jun ". 15pm tSat that 2. ilipnii m so Ll Mott-15o Ufioi. St-c litlllll‘llllel. 'lrawt'w ‘l'hcatrc. Boston Marriage 'l‘hu Ii) Sal 21 Jun. 7.15pm; Sal 3.30pm & 5.45pm, 1.5.5” £ll).5ll (£4.50 £8.50). SL'L‘ ('utnlwrnaultl.

Sal H



lam l’ol'l. HUM Htooo. |l’. ll. \\'('. \\'.'\l

The Happy Gang’s Big Adventure in & Sat 7 Jun. Scc Kltl\ humps.

Dance Bank - When Mary Popped In Sun 3 Jun. Noon. 3pm «k 7pm, H5“ from (ll 383 873048, Students lioin Hancc Bank pit-wilt thcn' \k‘l'\lllll ol Mar} l’ttppllh Much Ill\L'\ hallcl. tap and |;t//.

Showtime 2003 “ml l.\‘ .lun. 7pm. £7 it'll. .'\ \hoxwaxc ol tlanu' ll’ttlll Shanon .\la\\w|l'\ Stai‘lct l);lll(L‘l'\.

East Kilbride

EAST KILBRIDE ARTS CENTRE ()Itl ('oat‘h Road. “I 355 Ihlllllll. Il’. ll. \\'( ‘. \\'.-\|

The Cage Birds and I’ll Show you the Man l'll'l h & Sat 7 Jun. 8pm. £01131). .\ tlt‘altialu‘ tlouhlc hill ol Studio "x one act play.

Falkirk FALKIRK TOWN HALL \Vt‘sl lll'ltlgc Sll'L‘L‘l. (ll 53—1 500350. ll). m ‘_ \mi How Hovis Won the War 'l‘hu l‘) .lun. 2.30pm. £5.50 L‘o.5(l. Sing along; \\llll l‘iona lllll'l'lMtII ma

lllll\l(ill trip (l1l\\ll lllClllUl‘} lanc. lcaluring the soup ol thc I‘Mtlx.

Glenrothes ROTHES HALLS Kingdom ('cntt'c. (H593 M l llll. ll’. H.

m ‘. \x'.-\|

How Hovis Won the War Sat 1-:

Jun. 7

.Rllpm, {l3 ttlll [I ll. Scc l‘alku‘k.

Fame - The Musical \Vctl Ix Sui

ll Jun. "

til) L

30pm (Sat inal Ipnii. £8 i. Starlight ‘l‘hcalrc ('onipan}

prcwnlx lhc popular lllll\l\‘;ll about a group ol )oung \llltlk'llh min): to makc ll

Ill thc pct'loru


ting: arts.


(".unpht'll Slim-t. lll-l"5 "3 ill“ ll’. ll. \\'.'\|

The Morton Story: A Game of TWO Halves l'nltl Sal " .lun " 5UP”! LN lU\.5lll. 'l-llk' lilxlul} (ll (ilt't'lltk'lx Morton l'oolhall ('luh l\ lL‘lUltl through k'tllllt‘tl} and llU\l.ll_L‘l.l lot the t‘hat'at'lch \tho \hapctl thc nughl) "l'oii.



Much Ado About Nothing l'nul Sal l4 .Iun inot Sun 3 inc liii " illpin £7 (£5). Shakcxpcat‘c at 'lraquat' pl‘L‘wnlx lllL‘ ltal'th L'omt‘tl} ol [m t' and tht‘L‘ll.


its: was Theatre

Interference, at

The Arches. Glasgow




I Io llaihoui Slim-t. ill .“ll

3mm [IL \\('. \\.\1

Culture Crazy and the Wiles of a Strange Ihu 5 t\' l'll o .lun

5’ ~15pni L5 i‘;{ 5U H. \layt-ltig'hl (iHlllllllllll) lhania l‘lk'\k'lll\ a t oninh W! In (ilaxgou tluiing' lht' \t'ai ol ('ultutc. and .l Ullt‘ atl pla} hath on an old l.ul_\ in ht't "(ix

Broken Biscuits \ai " .lun

“915w” U) tLV-l l_5i (iatlalmtll lllt'allt'

pi‘cwnlx llll\ lalt- ol hullt my gout}:

nutltllt' aggc and thy t'llct'tx .llltl t'titixcqtit'tit'cx ll tan haw on hxm Boston Marriage Sat 1-: Jun 715pni i H L5i St't' (.llllll‘k'lllJllltl

Thursday 12 Friday 13

Sec ('it) Life

\lithnphlk ("hiltht-n Mnhuyhtk ('hilthcn

Plants and Ghosts l

Plants and Ghosts

Saturday 14

Lies (‘rcatc Happiness: Lics (‘rcatc llapptncssl Lies (‘rcatc Happiness

Midnight's (‘hlltht'n

Plants and Ghosts

lll‘lln .l 11:11“ lin‘ llrlln o' .l huh“ h‘t‘ lll’l’ln o‘ .llztk1\( lltk‘

Sunday 15

3C6 (All) I lIC

Scc Rock & Pop

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues, can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Monday 16 Tuesday 17 Wednesday 18 Thursday 19

See (at) lllC


lntcrlctcnt'c Sec ('it) l.tlc Sec (at) l.tlc

l It inf: llahiw

Arches CCA GilmorehillG12 King’s Ramshom RSAMD Tramway Tron

Annual Slit)“ Annual Shou

Blood Bruthcn

Blood Brothcn

lhc llapp} hang-x lhc Harp} (iangtk lhc

Lingo lLlHUll I.lll:_'|‘ l’axion Shell (‘onnu‘ltonx

Shell Connections

Indian ('ountr} Indian (‘ountn

Blood llrolhcn

llappx (‘.:.' \

When w: are Married When \\ c an: Married thn “c arc Marncd

Lingo I’.t\l\‘ll

Shell (‘onncctionx

Indian Country

\ctlcrlantlx I )an\ \k‘tlk’l land~ Dam


Church Hill Festival Th King’s

Netherbow Playhouse Royal Lyceum

Theatre W’shopljfi haverse 1 "" haverse 2