Theatre llSllflgS
Theatre listings continued
Edinburgh Drama
ll 2‘).\'icol\onSlick-1.539!)le Ill. m ‘. \ml
Blood Brothers l'niil Sui H .luii inol Solo 7, *Hpin; 'lhii & Sui 2.30pm «k 7 Wpiii Hi5“ L37.51).\\’ill} Riixxcll'x .i\‘-.'ll'(l \Hlllllllf.’ lllllSlL'zll uhoui mo l\\lll\ \cpuiulcd ul hii'lh uiid i'c- iiniicd h} lulc conlinncS lo llllIH'L'\\ lélll\ cwi'}\\licic. “Illl ilx huunling \(HIL‘ including: "lcll inc il'x .\'oi 'l'i‘nc‘. '.\luiil}ii .\loni'oc‘ und inun} inoi‘c. \Viih pi'cx lUllS Ill'iitlllL‘lliIIIS ginning: .‘iccoludcx Such .'l\ llcxl .\llI\Ic;i| in London und \cwn 'l’on} noininulionx on lli‘oudnu}. llllS IS llllllll\\;ll\lL'.
2 Inch Sliccl. 52‘) noon. |Il. 'l'l'. \\'(‘. \\'.»\|
The Happy Gang’s Big Adventure Hm I: Sui l-l Jun. Scc KlilS llSlllljJS.
NETHERBOW ARTS CENTRE ~l§ ~15 llllel Sll‘ccl. 550 957‘). I\\'(‘. \\‘..\|
The Insect Play l'l'l o & Sui 7 .lun. 7. leiii. £5 it ‘50» lidinliui'gh Youlli (ii'oiip Illt‘St'lIIS Kui'cl (‘upcc‘x hui'd- hilling: ullcgoi‘icul lunlux) \xhich pl‘i't‘lllilk'il llu' SL'L‘ond \Vill'ltl \VAII‘. When we are Married “Hm
I: Sui l-l .lnn. 7.30pm. £5 it‘KSUi. 'l'liculi‘c :\lhu Adult l.L‘l\lll‘L' (ii'oiip Ik‘l'lnl‘llh Jll l’i‘icSIIc) \ lui'cc ccnli‘ing on llii‘cc t‘UlllilL‘S who inch up lo cclchi'uic ihcii' \icdding Allllll\L‘l'\;Il'It‘\.
l3 :3 (ii'L‘L‘nSidi‘ l’lucc. 0870 0003424. Ill. \\'( '. \\'.-\I
Cats l'niil Sui 7 Jun. 7.30pm (\Vcd & Sui inul 2.30pm». £0.50 £32.50. 'l‘hc \xoi'ld'x loiigmi running iiiuSicul lcu\c\ IIS \VL'SI lilld llUlllL' lo gl'uL‘L‘ ll\ \\ ill] ilS lL'llllC liiolSlL‘pS. SCL‘ I'C\ iv“.
The Hobbit 'l‘uc l7 Sul 3| Jun. 'l'uc & l'ii 7.30pm: \Vcd & ’l‘hu Zpin & 7.30pm; Sui 2.30pm & 7.30pm.
£3 L' l 7. (il)n Rohhinx' uduplulion ol' JRR 'l‘olkicn‘S lunluxlicul lulc l‘olloxxiiig
ihc ilil\L'lllUl’L‘\ ot (iundull lhc Sorccrci‘ uiid llilho Buggin»
ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irindlgo Sirch 343 4x43 Il’. ll. 'l'l. my \\'.-\1
Shell Connections 2003 Inc
lU Sui 14 Jun Youih ‘l'hculi'c gi'oiipx li'oiii ull o\ ci' lhc counii'} com ci‘gc .il lhc l.)cciHi1 loi' lhc Shcll (‘onncclionx chionul Shimcuxc. ollcring.‘ lhc pui‘llclpunh u chullcc lo pcrlorin on onc ol lhc IHUSI Illlpl‘L'\\l\C Slugcx. .Scc ll\llll:_'\ hcloxi und pi‘c\ lt'“.
Ice Palace Inc I“ «k \Vcd ll Jun.
‘ Wan U“. Slicllund Youth 'lliculi’c pi'cxcnlx I,ucindu ('o\on'\ piccc on 'l'uc night. uhilc (ioi'donxloiin Youth 'l‘hculi‘c lukc up ihc inunllc on \Vcd cxcning. Moontel Six 'l’uc Ill Jun. 7.30pm.
L' I”. .\lucRohci'i Yoiilli 'l‘hculi'c pi'cxcnl u conlcinpoi‘ui‘} kind ol lii'uw .\'c\\ World “llt'l't' u group ol gcnciicull) ullci'cd lccnx hu\c hccii pni‘xucd into hiding h} lhc I'L‘SldcnlS ol MoonSlL'ud liSlulL'S Ill ll \xilcli hiinl.
Brokenville Tim I: .lun. l’hilip RidlC} '\ \xoi‘k IS i'c inlci'pi'clml hci‘c h) lloi‘dci'x Youth ‘l‘hculi'c.
The Queen Must Die 'l'liu ll Jun. 7.30pm. £1”. liilc coinpun} llchind 'l'hc Sccncx hi'ingx l)u\ id l‘urr'x coincd} lo lllL‘ Slugc.
An Island Far from Here l-‘n l3 Jun. 7.30pm. £10. .'\lk‘l'tlL‘Cll und .'\lk‘l'tlk‘t'llSllll‘C Yoiilh 'l‘hculi‘c pi'cxcnl IlliS lzllL‘ uhoul ho“ l\\o \l\lt'l'\ li\c\ ui'c cl'lcclcd h} un old \xoinun und hci Son'x i'clcuSc l'i'oiii [H'lSUlL
Purple Sui [4 Jun. 7.30pm. L'H). 'llic Royil I.) cciiin Yonlh 'l‘hculi'c pi'cScnlS Jon lioSw‘S cluuxii'ophohic plu} Surrounding u ill‘llllllllL‘l‘ uiid u gnilurixi‘x i‘clulionxliip m or lhc coiii'w ol un cwning'x huiid l'L‘llL‘ul‘Sill. You mu}
i'cincinhci‘ l‘oxxc'x inoSl i'cccni \mi'k l‘lii’
(iirl on thy Sula. which pi‘cniicrcd lo gi‘cul uccluiin ux pui'l of his! )cui‘K liilci'nulionul l‘cxlnul und \HIS Siinilui'l) uduplcd h} “an id llui‘i'ouci'. l)ii'cclcd h} ('oliii lli'udic.
Totally over You Sui l4 Jun. 7.30pm. (It). 'l‘hc ch\ Youth 'l‘hculrc (ll- lo your oldxi production of ihix \loi'} ol’ uxpii'ing gii‘lx und hoihund
ho} \,
/..i(lpin. UH.
34 lluinillon l’lucc. 22h 5425 Ill. \\'('. \\'.-\
Consider Rather the River Inc 1‘ Sun 33 Jun Scc Klil\ ll\llll:._‘\
(’uinhridgc Sti'ccl. 238 MIN. Il’. ll. 'l‘l. \\‘(‘. \\'.r\|
The Play 0’ the Wather I-n (» .\ Sui " Inn. in .Spin; Sui I. Hlpin \\ Spin. L‘) It'l £5) Scc 'l'i'on lliculi'c. (iluxgou
Indian Country \M-d I l Sui 11 Jun .S'pin UN m: U») l‘llllL‘S i‘niul \\u|c\ collidcx \\l[ll llo|l_\\\ood in llll\ hillci'S“ ccl lulc uhonl u liio ol chui‘ucici'x coining; io IL'I'lllS \\ llll Icinplulion und loSS. ui‘illcn h} .\lcic l’o\ c_\ und dii‘ccicd h} Siinon ll;ll‘l'l\. Bread and Butter ‘I‘m- 1“ Sui .‘I .lnn. h’pin ISui inul Zfillpini. L")
it'J £5). ('l’ luxloi'x iiioxing: iulc ol un ccccnli'ic ll'lt‘lliISIIIP l‘t'l\\t't'll l\\o \xoi'king cluxx .lcxx \ pci'loi'incd hci'c h} dunihloiindcd lhculi‘c uiid lhc ()\loi'd Slugc (‘oinpun_\. \Viih dii'cciion Ii‘oin .\lui‘k Rownhlull. u cuxl including liininu l)'ln\ ci‘no. .lolin Sluhl und l’uulinc 'l’ui'nci' und ci‘ilicul uccluini lollo\\in}._' Il\ l.ondon l'llll luSl )cui'. llllS iS dcl'inilcl} \\oi'lll :i look.
Edinburgh Dance
Ind)“ cll Wu}. .\lii\\clhui'g_'h. («)5 32-10. ll’. ll. 'l"'l‘. \\‘('. \VAI
Annual Show Wed 1 l Sui 2| Jun (nol Sun). 7pm: l-l .liin ipin & 7pm, .\ Shou cuxc ol' duncc l'i'oin Ihc Moi'ug.‘ .-\|t'\uiidcr School ol Uuncing.
Nu .\Ioi'niiig_'\idc Roud. 230-1349. Il’. lll
Variations 2003 Fri I3 & Sui l4 Jun. 7pm; Sui Zpin & 7pm. U15” (£4.50). l’L‘l’lill'lllilllL‘C h} Morningxidc Duncc .-\cudcin}. l‘oi‘ lickcix cull 0| 3| ()(iX 4077.
A Life in the Day of . . . Tim I‘) Sui 2| .luii. 7pm (Sui inul l..’~()pini. £7.50 (UH. Duncc \hou h} Duncc l’oinlc .-\L';ItlL'lll}. ’l‘ickclx mulluhlc on 01068072458.
l‘~ 2U \ucolwn \llch. ‘3” moo Ill. \\(‘. \\ \I
Nederlands Dans Theater 2 Inc I“ i\ \\cd |.\ .lnn ‘ illpin {N Ll.\ So '\ \xclcoinc i'clui'n io Scollund l\_\ ihc _\oulh “in; H! lhc \\i\ll\lt'lllll \cdcilundx l).lll\ l'hcuici \\ilh \\\'ll\\ l1} .lll'l K}| l’uul l ighitool und .loliun Ingci lincd up. \l)l I look wt to l‘llllil on lhcii .ili‘cud} cucllcni icpiiiution \oi lo lw llll\\L‘\l l‘_\ unymc \\ ilh c\cn .i puxxing llllL‘lL‘\l in duncc \cc pic\ic\\
KING’S THEATRE Slcxcn Sliccl. 5.“) Mill“ Ill. \\'.\I
Zero Gravity in o .\ Sui “ .liin "Ropin (SSH. l'dinliuigli lclloid ('ollcgc picScnlS lhcii cnd ol inn piodiiclion \\ illi llll\ docixc .nid c\ciling_' piogiuinnic
I l.\\(‘.
l3 3: (il‘L‘L'lhlilC l’lucc. “Nail (villi z-l_‘~l Ill. \\'(‘. \\'.-\I
Tango Pasion Hm I: Sun H ,Iun Scc (iluxggim. Ro}ul ('oilccil Hull
(‘uinhi'idgc Sliccl. 3.38 I-llH Il’. II. I l. \\’( ". \\;\|
Alma Flamenco \Vcd LS .lllll
7. illpin. { | 5 it I 2 5m Scc (iluxyou. (illlllUlL‘llllKil:
Central Drama and Dance Ayr
(iall‘l'lt‘k Sll't‘t'l. Ill 3‘): (\l l3): Ill. \\ ( V. “A!
Dancing Dreams l'nlil 'l hii l3 .liin inol l‘i'i (i Sui 7i. 7pm, [5 [7 1H {5| l.ocul duncc li'oiipc l);lll\;llt'll;l \llljJt' lllcil' lillt'\l Shim.
That’ll Be the Day \Vcd |.\' (\~ Hm I‘) Jun. 7. illpin. Ho, Sicp buck in iiinc \\ iih lhc popiilui‘ loiii'ing \llU\\ io hcui hilx l'i'oin ihi‘cc inciiioi'uhlc dccudcx in lhc lllllSlt‘l‘ll.
CUMBERNAULD THEATRE Kildi'nin. (H2 Vi 7‘3337. Il’. ll. l'l. \\‘('. w-u
CCA Gllmorehlllmz King’s Ramshorn BSAMD
Tiamway Tron
I.) \hlfillil
llx‘ Not} HI .lX‘ulCl '\
” Guide
Thursday 5
'l'uiii ()‘Shuiilcr
Friday 6
lam (YShunicr
l iiiclicuixcd llcuul}
Saturday 7
Tim) ()‘Shunicr
Sunday 8 Monday 9
\K'C (-IIS l llt'
Sec (‘in Life
A Muhcunrjfl) ngiux A .‘iIixhuimflilfl ikmnv... (iluxgmw Whin lxmx
5LT Rik k A l’oI‘
Wednesday 11
3 Lics (.‘rcaic Happiness
Tuesday 10
Sec ( 'omcd)
Soc ('iiy Life Sec (‘iiy Life \llillllthI \ ( 'lnldicn \llillllz'lll \( llllillt'll
llk' l'luh U- l)L‘.ll('l \ lll'lin .‘lxilk1i\( liar
Church Hill Festival Theatre King’s Netherbow
Royal Lyceum Theatre W’shop haverse 1 “averse 2
Blood llrollicix
Blood llrolhcrx /cio ( il.l\ ii} ’llic lllSCCl l’lu}
’llic PM) o‘ ihc Wuihcr 'Hic l’lu} o' the Wulhcr
Blood Broihcrx /cio ( iiuxiu
'llii: lnscci l’lu}
Blood Brolhcis
Annual Shim Blood Brolhcrx Blood “Ioth‘h Slicll ('oniicciiom
Shcll ('onnccliom
Sci: ('omcd) Indian Country
68 THE LIST :~ ':'- 14