I Remedy and Roddy Hart \ic'c'ii'Slcal}. «l2! Satichichall Stt‘cct. H‘Wi V7. ‘lpiii. (‘oiinti'_\ -tingcd IIlL'lHtllL‘\.

I Mystery Juice, Little Hell and A Close Last Halli}. 2(il) (lulu Sti‘cct. 03W! 007' 000‘), Spin. £4. :\ ti'til} cclcctic hlciid ot rock. liltics and hip hop iiit'lticiiccs ti'oiii lzdinhurgh's \l}\lt'l'} .ltiicc. .ihl} stippoi'tcd b) l.oiidoii‘s ouii squall} rock tci‘i'oi's l.llllt' llt'H.

I The Jades, Grain and Jet Marine ‘l'lic Hih .\'otc ('alc'. 50 ()0 King Sti'cct. 553 loiS. 0pm. £3. l'.\[iciisi\c mclal gi'ooxcs troiii Jadcd. \Vhatcwr that is.

I Nurotica, Mangara, Ampersand and Electric Overdrive Stranhci'i'} l‘iclds. 5(i ()\\\;||d Sll'cg‘l. 7..“Jplll. £5, l)\c‘l'- I-ls shim. .»\|t.i'oc|s liiic-up.

I Trading with the Natives (ii'and l)|c Upl'}. l’aislc} Road 'l'oll. 42*) 5300. 7.30pm. £-l t£3 iiiciiihci‘sl. (‘otiiiti‘}.

I Neil Diamond Tribute Bout-hon Sti'cct. I08 (icot‘gc Strch 552 0H 1. 7pm. £5 t£l(i.50 \sith dinncri. l‘cattii‘ing (iat') R)ati ol Stun in I/Il'll' [Jim ‘taiiic'.

I Diablos .\lc(‘htiil|'s. 40 High Stt'cct. .552 2l55. lllpttl. l'il'c'c.

I Jamie Barnes and Cochise .\1acSoi|c_\ ’s. 42 Jamaica Strch 248 S5Sl, (ipiii. l’i‘cc. Rtin \ctci'aii.

I Roost \lacSorlc} 's. 42 Jamaica Slt‘cct. 243 3.531. ‘thll. l'i'cc. R64”.

I Open Stage 'l‘ht- Halt Bar. lot) \Voodlamk Road. 504 I527. 4 3pm. l‘i‘cc. \Vcckl) scssiiiii litit' local

I The Counterfeit Clash 'l‘lic Hall Hat. l()lJ \Voodlands Road_ 504 I527. 9pm. l‘i‘cc. ('lain and otlicr

I Itchycoo Park Saniticl Do“ 's. ()7 7| Ntllistlalc Road. 423 0107. 3.30pm. l‘i'cc. (il)s sounds.

I Deke McGee and the Blue Rockets 'l'ciiipo. liltlcrslic Stt'cct. 3.30pm. l't'cc. Int-o: 338 (i018. Sax-lcd RtUi i'csidcnc}.


I Illegal Eagles t'shcr Hall. l.othiaii Road. 22% ll55. 7.30pm. £l(i. 'l‘t'ihutc.

I Miyagi atid The Big Hand \\'liist|c-liiiikics, .1 (i Soiith Bridgc. 557 5| H. ‘lpin. High-cncrgy dancc-soul t}pcs. .\li_\agi arc back by popular dcniand. \sliilc Big Hand pt‘ti\ idc thc ska at midnight.

I New Eagle Stainers, Escobar and The Chase Stihua)’. (it) (‘ougatcn 225 6760. 7.30pm. £4. 'l‘hc hcsl in i'ockiii' and iiidic action.

I Sad Society Spidcr's Wch ('cllar Bar. 258 Morrison Stt‘cct. 477 3-17]. Spin. £3. l.cgciidar_\ local punks Sad Socict).

I Mute Media, Healing Abigail and Tyrant Lizard Kings 'l‘hcc l'ndcrxsot'ld. Bannci'inan‘s. .\'iddr}' Sti'cct. 550 325-1. 8.45pm. £4. .\lorc t‘ightcous rock at 'l‘hcc l'ndci'ttorld.

I Sykik Vandals, Loose Thread and Locosea 'l'hc Tron. 9 Htiiitci' Sqtiai'c. Hiin Sti‘cct. 226 093]. S.~l5pni. £4. l’tinls t}pcs S}kik Vandals hcadlinc.


I Lo’Jo atid DuOud 'l‘olhooth. Jail \V'Hid. 0|7Sb 274000. 7.30pm. £12 (£8). l.o‘Jo lltl\ Arabic niclodics. Jamaican cross tciiipos. \ ioliii and hcats \xhilc North African ltitc pla) crs. Sitiatli and Mchdi Haddah aka I)ti()ud t‘iisc traditional sounds xx ith clcctronica and drum & bass in a collaboration cvohcd t'i‘oni thc Paris jaH/dancc sccnc.


I Lifehouse and Akayzia Parker Quccii Margarct l'iiion. 22 l'nixcrsit} (iat'dcns. 33‘) 078-1. Spin. £9.50. .\lo\cd

Glassjaw Long Island's most genial young men add a tuneful pop tWist their emotionally wrought posthardcore crunch. Their album. Worship and Tribute. was one of the finest rock records ot last year. Don't miss. See prewev; Barrow/and. Glasgow. Fri 7 7 Apr.

Public Enemy Still the musical egtiivalent of the Black Panthers. Public Enemy stand as probably the only hip hop act to successfully combine hardcore rap With radical politics that would make Billy Bragg blush. See preView. Carling Academy. Glasgow. Men 74 Apr.

Radio 4, Out Hud and The Rogers Sisters Provnig that electro rock needn't be cliche— laden folly. this gang of garrulous Americans prowde a feisty triple bill. See preView. The Venue. l‘hu 77 Apr; King Tut's. Glasgow. Hi 18 Apr.

Laura Cantrell The NashVilIe born singer (picturedl has BHJOYOCJ success With When the Roses Bloom Again, an unsophisticated COuiitry album of Singular beauty. See preVIew. Queen '3 Hall, Edinburgh. Wed 23 Apr.

The Sisters of Mercy and Oceansize Two pertinent examples of trippy rock-bombast: one from the platinum age of goth. with the ever sardonic Mr Andrew Eldritch charming the hoards. and Oceansve. more excitable northerners. who while being mere pups in this game. are snapping at the big boys' heels With VigOur. Barrow/and. Glasgow, Thu 24 Apr.

up from King 'I‘ut's. Support from ncxs soult'ul siiigcr/songuritcr Akayia l’arkcr. I The Bluetones atid MASS 'l‘lic (iaragc. 490 Sauchichall Strcct. 332

l 120. 7.30pm. £ l 3. ()\'cr- I-ls \ht)“. 'l‘hc Bluctoncs round ot't‘ thc C\lClt\l\C Scottish Icg ot‘ thcir nianinioth 50-datc tour. taking a tastc ot‘ Bt'itpop nostalgia to thc parts that other bands don't haw thc cncrg) or commitment to rcach. But thcrc is ncu matcrial too. in thc shapc (ll. forthcoming thitthlc‘ .-\—\tdc sittglc ‘liast Bo} '/'l.iqtiid Lips'.

I LA Guns and Enufl z Enufl 'I'hc l-‘crry ('lydc l’lacc. 42‘) Will. Spin. £14. Poodlc hair nictal with slcal} glam touchcs from this nostalgia linc-up.

I Akercocke King Tut's with Walt Hut. 272a St Vincent Strcct. 22l 527‘). Spin. £6.50. ()\cr- 14s \hti“.

S nci‘ s: r‘gs Music

Box Office: 0l3| 228 ll55

A UsherHoll



EAGLES | 2 April, 8pm

_ £||-£l5+50pCCCharge

Dame Kiri Te Kanawa

in Recital 24 April. Scottish Life urnulktrquiwta‘ql‘, - I .50

' Dave Brubeck

Quartet 28 April 7.30pm

“‘93! 65 W Brgthers

Soul, Rhythm and Blues Revue £ I 2.50, £ I 0.50

6 May + 50p CC Charge


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£|S - £22.50 + 50p CC Charge

lane Birkin - Arabesque

£|4.50 - £l8.50 + 50p CC Charge

£|4.50 - £|8.50 + 50p cc Charge. °€DINBVRGH°



' ,r 2-1/~:,' 2', J: THE LIST 47