& Pop

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at glasgow©list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Horthmore at henry®list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Northmore and Fiona Shepherd.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from: Tickets Scotland i’l‘L',‘/\"1,:‘781’t:1:i.

Tic ets Scotland '. Ho .1.- $111.42.. 1 «1.111,.1'1'L ' .. 133/.

Ripping Records 1' Soda 111 zit/11;. [3'11 :70 Kilt-4.

Way Ahead

Thursday 10 Glasgow I The White Stripes (‘arltng .v\eade1n'\. 121 liglinton Street. 0005 020 3000/0870 771 2000. 7pm. S()l.1) ()lnli. 1'nder 1-1s to he accompanied h} an adult. 11ot damnl 'liliose hogus sihlings lilast hack into the stratosphere with their next album l-j/e/iluuti leaturing much the same hrand ol' nou\eati hlues garage rock and Jack White‘s near- demented \ocals. I Stickman, Crysoul and Spleen King '1‘tit‘s \Vah \Vah 11111. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5270. 8.30pm. £4. I Colditz Mono. 12 Kings ('otn‘t. King Street. 553 2400. 10pm. 1‘1'ee. (‘oldit/ one man atid his laptop promotes his debut alhum 111' (“2’ .‘lltlllltl/\ ta Psychiatric Recot‘ds/ (‘1'eeping Bent production) at this launch gig. See records for alhtnn 1'e\ iexs. I Polar Boy, Viva Stereo, Manrib and The Freesoul Aspiration Barll}. 201) (‘lstle Street. 0870007 0000. 8pm. Line-up 01' hands irom Paisle) t'iii\e1'sit). I Dirtbox, Who Shot Jonson?, Gopherwood, Veda and PMX 'l‘he (‘athottse. l5 l‘nion Street. 248 0000. 7.30pm. £4.50. ()xer- 14s shou. Skate ptiiik line-tip. I The Haze, the State, Charlemagne, Your Scarecrow and The Driven Strauherry l’ields. 50 ()s\\ald Street, 0845 05.3 0280. 7.30pm. £4. Indie and rock. I Cyan, Blacklisted and Castro The ('ellar Bar. Ramada Janis llngraml Hotel. 100 Miller Street. 1010: .553 2.51.5. 8.30pm. Free. I Sticky Fingers Sttidio ()nc. (irosxenor llotel. (il'tis\ellt)l‘ 'l‘crracc loll B)res Roadl. 341 0510. 0pm. lirce. Rolling Stones trihute hand. I John Alexander ’l'intlerhos. 180 lives Road. 330 3108. 0pm. 1‘rce. .-\eou\tie set. I The Vagabonds The Scotia. 112 114 Stockuell Street. 5.52 8081. 0pm. liree. Popular co\ crs. I Open Mic 'l'chai ()\na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. l‘ree. I Jam Session Satnuel l)0\\ 's, 07 71 Nithsdale Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. Free. I Live Music Nic‘c"ti'Sle;1/). 421 Saucliiehall Street. 333 0037. 0pm. I Live Music .\ll\ti. the 13111 Note (idle. .50 ()0 King Street. .553 1038. 0pm. £3. lilectroniea the. I Live Music Stereo tt‘ornierl} West 13011. 12 14 Kehinhaugh Street. 570 5018. 8pm. 1-‘ree. Next monthl) shtmcase tiight. called Your Sound. (‘ontaet _\oursound(a holtnailconi.

46 THE LIST Mir-~24 A1»: 2.31:3


Old punks never go away they just get bigger trousers. The bondage trews have long since gone given way to the combat kecks, but Shelley and Diggle can still walk head held high despite it being over 25 years since the Spiral Scratch EP spluttered its way in to our hearts. Like the Ramones. Stiff Little Fingers and too few others, their charmed formula was never broke. so they never needed to fix it. A new album for Cherry Red proves that age need not wither the ear when it comes to a

spunky, punky chorus. (Mark Robertson)

I 1""71: r, .

I Live Music M;1c‘So1‘lc‘)'s. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 8581. 8pm. Free. Three unsigned local hands.

I Live Music Beanscetie. 5 ('1'ess\\c11 Lane. 334 0770. 8pm. Free.


I Electric Tibet, Ellis and Masamune Thee l'lidei’uorld. Bannerman's. Niddr} Street. 550 3254. 8.45pm. £4. Sophisticated indie lac Aherdeen.

I Genepool Sttidio 24. (‘alton Road. 558 3758. 7.30pm. £4 £5. 11cm} htit melodic rock.

I Lee Paterson and Roguestar \Vhistlehinkies. 4 0 South Bridge. 557 51 14. 0pm. Rock. hlues and pop co\ ers from Paterson. “1111 some stadium rocking from Roguestar.

I Out of the Bedroom Wmcrle)‘ Bar. 1 St Marys Street. 557 1050.

0pm midnight. 1-‘ree. Open mic session l‘or tidinhurgh-hased singer-song“ ritcrs. ()riginal music only \sith the chance to record a set on tour-track jtist bring a hlank tape.

I Open Mic Night The (‘anons‘ (iait. 232 (‘anongate. 550 4481. 7.30pm. 1‘1‘ee. donations u eleomc. Welcoming all st}1esol'1ntisical dehaucher). co\ers and original material.


I Primal Scream ’l‘he (iaragc. .101) Satichieliall Street. 332 1 121). 7pm. Part of the (’arling Homecoming series. open to pri/e“ inners. iii \thich established artists return to their hotnettm n stomping ground for an intimate gig. Primal Scream hightailed it to London )ears ago but their gigs iii (ilasgtm al\\a_\s ha\ e that homecoming teel illi}\\tt).

O Glassjaw, Dredg, Second Skin and Christiansen Barrotsland. 244 (ialltm gate. 552 4001. 7.30pm. £0. ()\'et'- 14s shots. See prexieu tor atid 1111 List for (ilassjtm.

I An Evening with Henry Rollins Pavilion Theatre. 121 Reniield Street. 332 1840. 7.30pm. £15. Selt— cont'essional coined} from this iron-

ptimping legend ol‘ Black I’lag lame. See (ilasgtm Lite 101‘ prcx iexs.

I Astrid, G-PLan and Snodgrass King 1111‘s Wah Walt 11111. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5270. 8.30pm. £0. Astrid dole ottt some 01 that summer feeling.

I Genesis in the Cage 'l‘he l’ei'r). (‘1_\de Place. 420 1010. 0pm. £10. (ienesis trihute hand.

I The Nimmo Brothers Acoustic Altair. '1’1'on 'l‘heatre. '1'1'ongate. 552 4207. 0.30pm. £0. (ilasgoxt 's estahlished hlues hrothers.

I Patrick Wolf Death Disco. the Arches. 253 Arg)1e Street. 0001 022 0300. I lptn. Striking teenage performer set to halt the Death 1)isco rexellers in their tracks uith his haunting sound.

I Delicate Awol l'ear o1 Ja/l. the 13111 Note ('ale. 50 ()0 King Street. 553 1038. 0pm. Regular Note night organised h) London-hased post-rockers Delicate Auol.

I Recliner, JT Mouse and How to Swim Barll}. 200 ('1}de Street. 0870 007 0000. 8pm. £4.

I Bob Cuba, Casino and The Haze Nice'ti'Sleal}. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 0037. 0pm.

I Rolla, Doctor Pockets and Paper Street litir} Murr} 's. 00 Maxwell Street. 221 0511. 0pm. £4. including entr} to post-gig cltth.

I Mendeed, the Strand, Red Snowman and Modo Strattherr) l'ields. 50 ()suald Street. 0845 053 0280. 7.30pm. £4. Metal line-up.

I Tommy Truesdale and the Sundowners (it'itlltl ()Ie ()pr}. l’itlSle) Road Toll. 420 5300. 7.30pm. £4 (£3 members). (‘ountr} rock.

I Abba Tribute Bourbon Street. 108 (ieorge Street. 552 0141. 7pm. £5

14.50 \s 1th dinneri.

I Lost Dogs MaeSorle} ‘s. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 8581. 0.30pm. Free.

I The Manky Wins Mc(‘htii|1's. 40 High Street. 552 2135. 10p1n.1-‘ree.

I The Outpatients Samuel 1)t)\\ 's. 07 71 \itlisdale Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. liree.

I Daniel B Shenkin (are Hula. 321 Hope Street. 353 1000. 8pm. Free. Acoustic rock residenc).


I The Saw Doctors The liquid Room. 0c Victoria Street. 225 2504. 7pm. £10. ('elt rock 1a\otiritcs lrotn yester) ear.

I RAW '1‘11e\'entic. 17 21 ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £0. Rock Against War again gather the great and good 110111 the local scene lor another shindig to raise mone} tor the Stop the War ('oalilion. The main room sees ll\e action irom the Big llatid lskal. Parka (indie). Hush and the Magic lland tt'tic‘lk'l 10110“ cd 1)) the 1)] talents ()l l‘ishei‘ and Price l'l'astel u itli reggae 1mm 1)] Mcnin. While dotsnstairs is a touch more chilled \\ itli an open mic/acoustic 1am as \\ ell as sessions irom the Hair} Vista. Pa Presenta and Random Strangers.

I Gunter Prague 'l'liee 1'ndcrttor1d. Bannerman's. Nitldr) Street. 550 3254. 8.45pm. £4. 1.ocal indie t)‘pCs \\ ith a couple oi stipport acts )ei to make themselves known.

I Andy H and The Usual Suspects \Vhistlehinkies. 4 () South Bridge. 557 5114. 0pm. 1.e1tlic1d pop l'rom Mr 11. \tith soul. l'unk arid hlues from the l'stial Suspects.


I H-Foundation Slam. ('arling Acadein}. 121 liglinton Street. 0005 020 3000/0870 771 2000. 0pm. £17. The tirst hig cluh etent at the Acadetn} \xith live set from 11-1‘oundation. ('ajmere ((Ereen \'el\eti 1)Js.

I Goldie Tram. Queen Margaret t'nion. 22 l'ni\ersit} (iardens. 330 0784. 10pm. £10. A rival attraction to the Slam landango a ll\c set l’roin jungle traiIhlaler-turned-'l‘\" tart (ioldie.

I American Hi-fi arid Fake Ideal King Tut‘s Wah Wah Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5270. 8.30pm. £8. Spunky rock.

I The 5.- :2“ C. "‘ The ('athouse. l5 t'nion Street. 2480000. 7.30pm. £5. .\'o age restriction on this shim. Ska punk lunac} from a local cast of thoUsands.