Glasgow life
Saturday 22 continued
()lll‘:r ‘:.";'V'.',
Farmers Market \I.11:11:.-1.I 11:12» ll_‘-111ll.1111l\tI.'.‘t .‘\ .‘II‘I‘I l".:111 ‘1‘11. l 11'." \ .l1.111. .‘ 11» MI. 11.41 111111111. .' 1l11.-.I11111111l1.'t.11111.'1\
Jubilee Scotland Campaigners Day \I \l.11_‘~. K ( .1Il1.‘1l1.:l 111" (11.111 \\1‘\It‘111l\’11.11lMINI“ l4.‘l l Icy \1l.1j. I111Il111\.'1111.‘I.'\I.'1l1111l1.~ '.‘.111l1l1l.~l1t1.111111.11:‘11 '.'.11l11l1\.11\\11111.
3 41111111
11.“.'. \ .1111l ‘.1.111l_\l11111\ 111 ..::1:I‘.1I ‘11111‘ |11l1l1\111:‘ 111.'1l1.1.1111l1‘11l1l1. 1.111111:
Scotfairs Antique Fair \11111 II.:II. \l11. lu'll ll1t'.111.‘( 11111I1l.‘\, (11.111‘.1l|.‘ \ll1'.'l, _‘\‘ llI.1111 3 41111111 {I 1l11'1'1 l4111‘~.1.\.- \l.1ll\ |.11l«11'.1.11l1 1.-'\.1..-|l.‘1_‘.. 111111x. |111.'11,111.'1l.1!\.1111l.111111111.-\
Monday 24
Lions and Illiteracy 111111.11 (11llt'.111111. .‘lW' l’11ll11l.\l1.1\‘.\ |\’11.11l. ‘\' 5‘11 ll Q11.1111 l11‘.‘ \l.11j,'.111't \111lc1x1111 l1'.11l\tl11\I|11'1111'1lI1111111111111l1l11' .11llc.111111
Tuesday 25
Nuts and Seeds ll111111'11.111\l11x1'11111. l 111\1-1\1I1 \\1‘11111'. Hll 1,‘.‘l l.‘ 1‘11111 l11‘1' | “1'11 \11111l1 ;'1\c\.1 \l11111 1.1lk 1111.1 11'“111|11\l.1\11111111't|1111;'\
Wednesday 26
Holiday on Ice ‘In Concert’
\l ( ( .l111111w11111 (311.1}. HV‘II 11111 2111111 \l1111 \\.‘.l 41111111. \.11 lI1111.
1 11111111 .\ ‘1111111.\1111 l11111.\ 111111 {ll 9_‘l 1?. flil \l..111111' .‘\11.:‘..1".111/.1‘.‘.11l1\1111111l\.1111l11111‘..'\ 1111111 .1ll 11‘..-1 111.- '.1.111l1l ‘.1.11l1 l1:'l11 \l111'.1.\.1111l111111t'.111111\ \.'.'11l111111 ..1I1111111
Big Word Performance Poetry \1.."11'\l1'.1/\. l.‘| \.111.l11cl1.1ll \II.'.'1. “1 '1‘“ I“ ‘1 ll l11111 {111:1 \l.11111 I1.'11111111.111..'1111c111 111111 \1.11|1 ln11 l11111l111ll. l)11111nnt \\.1\III:' l}11\.1l. \1111.1(111\.111.1111llc111 l\’11ll\
Thursday 27
John Hegley and John Cooper Clark ('( \. 1‘11 \.111.l11.-l1.1l| \IIch. <<_‘ 1111111 \11111 M 1111 1111331111111: l1111111\‘.1111l\11111l1llv;‘lc} .1111l.\11\111111l\ [1111-1('1111|11‘1 ('l.11l\.'l11x1‘.1\11|.111|t'
1111 kt.11l11l I1t'11111111.111t.‘\1'Iw
()tl1121 events;
Holiday on Ice ‘In Concert’ \l('('.l111111m11111(‘111.1\.Ilh"lllllll 1111111 tll 1._‘t1!_' L |_"1 \ct- \\1-1l .‘(1 Joint Action Against the M74 (i11\.111l11ll (11111111111111) ('1'11111'. l).11\} \llt‘k'l. l.‘;l1‘l"‘l {lllllll llt‘t' l.ll\t' [1.1111111l1c11111111l1l} .l\\l"~11111'c1111;f\ .1111l1l1xt'11xx.11'111111.1;'.1111\I Il11‘ \lfil 111.11l\\l11t'l11\ \1'111111111Il111111pl11l11' \11111l1\11l1'11lIl11't'it)
GET YOUR SKATES OH If you like your shows jam packed full of pizzazz, Holiday on Ice is the show for you. A spectacular ice extravaganza with world class skaters performing alongside musicians who will be taking the audience through an historical and cultural journey round the world. Lights, projections, video and a moving stage make this the most impressive ice show to date.
I Home/1 an /ce In Concen'. 2F—30 Mar. SECC. Fran/921m Oua/
0370 040 4000. {Lid—{‘24 4, 7—1. 721.
100 THE LIST '* ' 1.1
Events are listed by date then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to edinburgh©, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.
Thursday 13 '
l3 ' Scottish Lives \.':'11.-:'11.~-.1. \::\1 .-::::.~ 21 2‘ll1-.‘l1\!1.'.‘t.“INH'W _‘;‘11: l l)-111.1l1i\11111l1l.‘.11lxtl:1\ \.'1:.'\11It.11k\ 111111.13:.1?tl1.'\l."..‘11111111.'11111!l1111z‘1.1;1lt\
.1111l .11111111111;'1.1;1l1} 11: \.11:1.111.I (30"51’37111‘11708
International Women’s Day Conference \\\'.‘!Izl1l\ 11.11111» <£ (it'1'I1‘c\111'.'1.,‘.‘H 1‘1‘14 [11.1112
1‘ 11‘ ll11x 1.‘.11'\ .1-1111‘1.':1..' I.1l..‘\ .1x 1!\ IlI1'111y llwnv 1' 1 /1’:.3/:,'\ //:1~'..1: /1':.r1:f\
.1x1l1.-.1111I.'1.'11\.‘.'\11l111.-\ :\\111-~.:111i
2 Hip”)
11lt'.1\.111111111l1t‘1l111.'1.‘11.1'\‘1‘.11111.-11..1!1 111.1k1' ('l1.111'.‘1l l1} lx’111l1\\1\l1.111 v.11l1 lh.‘ l111l\1111\111\l1.1111\11\l.1k1l.1.(11.1\\111111\112 \1111tl1 \In..1. ‘11 ‘1' ( '.111111.11~.,'11. ' \l llIc.1111' (1111111411) .1111l111.1111 111111.-
Lord Byron: The First Celebrity \.1111111.1l l’11111.111(1.1ll1'1_\. l (‘)11c1'11\111‘.'1. 113111311” I: 1‘11111 llL'k' |l111111\ I1111j.:1.1}1l11'1.l11111.1\l.1.'('.111l1) 1l1\.11\\1‘\ 1hr 1111- .1111l \1111k 11l Il11' l\'11111.111111 111 wt After Hours \.1111111.1I (1111.11 111 \1111l.1111l. Il11' \l1111111l.l13-l(111111 (1 "Pm l'11'1' l|1c 1:.1llc11‘x 1l1'1‘l\ \1.1_\ 11111'11111xl Il1.11l11111'l111|.11c1 I111.111111;'1.11111111'111 l.1ll\\. 11111~11p 11'.11l111§_'\ .1111l111 111111»: .111
Othor events
The Jacobite Clansman l 1l111l11111_'l1 (‘.1\Il1~.l\’11_\.1l\l1l1'.33*‘)\-l(1 ||.1111. 11111111. 3111111\ 111111 U11: U11 \l1'1'ttl11' .l.11'11l1111‘1‘|.111\111.111\1]111l1.1\.1111\1'1l111 l,1l111l1111:_'|1I11\1;111111I111 Il11'.11111}111 ll11111111- l’1111t‘1- (‘|1.11|11'
Other events
The Jacobite Clansman l 1111111111211 (INIL'. l\’11}.1l \lllt'. I.“ ‘).\-l(1 ll.1111. 11111111. 3111111\ ipin L\ 1L3 U11 \'1' Hm I K
It’s in the Stars l\)l‘_\.ll ()l1x1'1\.11111} \1x11111(1'11111'.lll.11'kl1111lll11|.l1l1\ \lH-l “ 0pm 1: (\ll 1 LI KM ('111111'.1l1111§: .1111l [111-[1.111'l11l1t'1l.1//l1'1l l1} Il11x 111111-1l1l1lt' 11111111111 \11'\1111; 1'11'1} l‘111l.1} night \11 l11111k111j: 11t'1'1'\\.111
Saturday 15
Book ovonts
Douglas Dunn \.*11111\I1 l’m‘lI} I 1111.111. < ("111'l111111‘x ('l11w. (".1111111;_'.111'. ‘V 371 l|.1111 1 “111111 L‘ 1‘31 l)1111;:l.1\ l)111111 pitlx |11\ I.1\1111111c \1.111k\ 1111111 1l11' t11||1'p111111.111l11'\'11111\l1l’111'11} l 1l11.11} Tall Tales Oscar \1-111.-11111\1. \11\ ('1'1111t'. l: 11‘ ll1§:l1\111'1'1. “(HIV‘I
“ l1111111 [111L311 ('11111111'1111gt111 Il11' .1111111.1| 111// /11/1\ (M411. \111l.1111l\ \l11l}lt'llt't\ (1111\11t’l\li1tli‘\ll11111ll1\' \11l\|11111'I11Il1c111l11'1111111x111.1l111l11111.111 Il11' It"): .1\\.111l \ll 11111.1'1'1l\ :111111l1c 511111m1111 \ll \11I1c.1|
Writing on the Farm (1111;11- (11} l'.11111. 51 (1111;11- l<11.11l. “"133”:
‘ ‘1 :1111111 L; ILII l,111'.1l\1111c1.l1111t'1
\\ 1l\1111 Incwnh .1 \1111kxl11111 I11 1l1\t11\ 1'1 .1111l1lcwl1111111111 1'11'.111\1' 11111111; \lnllx l11t‘lu1lcx 111111 111 1.11111 .1111l 11-111'\l11111'111\ Mammoth Antiques and Collector’s Fair R11} .11 1112111.qu (‘1-111112 l11:_'l1\11111. ‘1‘ (131111 111.1111 <11111 {511‘ {41 St‘111l.1111l\ l.11;:c\1 .1111111111'\ .1111l 1'11ll1'1’111rx 1.111
Guided Tours: Heralds of Spring R11}.1l ll11t.1111t' (1.111lc11. l11w1lc11l1 Home. 55: ~l"l lll 15.1111 :5 l.1l\1'1111l1c.'11\11 ~111111; .111 .1~ 11111 11.111111-1 .111111111l1l1c
‘1‘...1.. II .\ H ;.....1.i .‘ \'
.i\.-....tt1‘.‘."l‘. . °\ " \\‘. .1: .\ l ..'
Conpulsion 2003 19.1.11 R1111 l 11.11111 ll11xI11 \1111.1'.‘. 11*“ 111'; l" *I'.:111 1111‘." I111 \\.'.‘l\.'111l11. kc“ l1l111l11111'l1'x111.'1111.': ;'.:111111:' .1111\.-11111111 1.‘11:111\ I111l1.' ..11\11.1l \11.1111111111 1111111'l1112' '.1.11l11l1.':‘11.'\t\..:II.'111l.‘.'\'11:}? .:l\1~l1.1\.~ Il11'11;11‘1111111111\ 1111.1.K.‘ 11.111 111
: "11.11l.'r.111~.'.‘11t 111l.'1\l.1\111:'_.11ll.'.!1l1l.-
..1I1l «3.1111.‘ 11111111.:111.‘111\. :11. l111l111-3 .: lw 1'1 H.131 .'\.*11.I. I.1|111'I11I1\1..11:‘.1111.‘\. l111.11.l:'.1111.'\ .1111l .l.'1111111\11.1111111 :‘.1111.-\ I111Il111\.'11111.'.‘1111t.1\1111I11II.'I.::l Il1.'1.1;\\ Il1.‘1.' \1111 l‘1‘ \I.1ll\ \x‘lllltt‘ 11.'111\ 11111.\.~.11111l l1.1111l111l.'11l.1\111:'l11111l\\111 .1111111111I1|.11111:'I11..1111;'1.1I\l1\ \ 111.11111 I.'.11111.'11t Il1.".\..'.‘l..‘111l1\Il11'.l1.1111\ .111.111111.1111l1.1ltl.- '.1.l11.l11.11\.'1l 2 1111111 I111 . l1.11111.‘\. l’11x1I1x.- \111..~ .1111l \I l.1\l\.'.11 ( l1.'1l\11111 ~.1.\1.\1..11111111|\11111111:'I111.1111Ill1111'111111l
( 11l11111l1.:\ll11\111..'
Jack Kerouac is 81 1 .111.11.~1 \11lt.1111'. 1'1 {\lll.111\111'1'I_.‘.‘Hf1l'11 "11111 2.111! 1 *111 |1l111111.1l.t'1 l.1.k \l11'.1 l111\t\.111111l11 111.‘1l1.1.-\.'111..'l.'l11.11111:'1l1.' ltl.‘ .1111l \1.11Il.\11l l.1.k l\t'11111.1\ \1'1'
Sunday 1 6
()thnr (31.111111;
Mammoth Antiques and Collector’s Fair 11111.11 III-.1111.qu ('1'11111'.l11;.'lI\I1111. 1“ 11.71111 ".1111 *11111 {<1“; 111 \1‘t‘\.1l lg
Conpulsion 2003 I.-11111 R1111
l 1111111. |l11xt11\1111.111-_I1<H 111‘;
Ill 111.1111 1'111‘11111 \w1‘k1'111l11. k1'11 \.-1- \ll l<
Monday 1 7
Hook (11.101111;
Wilbur Smith \\\1'111l1l_\ l\’1111111\. *1 (it-111;'1'\11t'1‘t.I‘ll 1‘10 (1 “"1111 H Ht'\l k1111\\11l111 l11\.11l\1'1111111‘1111\1-l\ \1'1 111 \111..1.\\11l1111 \11111l11.1|k\.1l111111 l11\ \\Hll\ .lllll lll\ l1llt'\l. lHlljJ .I\‘..Ill1'1l IIHM'l. Ill/I1 H1111 111!
Matthew Sweeney and Anna Crowe \.1111111.1| l 1l11.11_\ 111 \t111l.1111l. (i1'11I;31‘ l\ llII1la'1'. .‘.‘(1 I“! .11111 l11'1‘ \1\11/.1\.1111\111 1l111‘1t111. \1111.1 (11111.12 .1111l \l.1IIl11-\\ \11t'1'111'1.\I\11/.1\.‘|NH 111111 11111x1111-1111'.11-.11l11111111l11‘11 11ml.
Tuesday 18
Book 0111211155
The Tuesday Turtle \1-1111-111..11. \11\
(1‘11111'. l: 1* ll1:'l1 \111'1'1. “11‘1"” ‘111111 Li1l1111.1111111 l)1111.1l1l \11111l1 l111\1\
\1111111'II1'1x 111-11 .1111l1~\1.1l1|1\l11'1l \l1.111'
\ll‘llt'\ .Ill1l lk'k'lll‘.l\ lx
Gamma Ray Bursts 11111.11
( )l1xt'1\.11111} \1x11111 (111111.: ll|.11l.|1111l ll1ll. 11(1.\ .\.llll ‘ “111111 l11'1' llnx \11.111;'1-t11\11111 I1l11-11111111'1111111l1\.11\1-1v1l it))1'.11~.1_-__'11l1.1\11'111.11111-1l.111‘l.111‘.1' 1111\11-1} l’11'11.111'i11l11-1'1111-1I.11111'1l.1111l k'lllltdlk'tl .l\ \l.1\ l\)llllt'!l [\l1'\1'lll\ll11\ 11\1'1\11'\1. 111 11l1x1'111'1l 1.1.1\.1lc\.1111111111\ 111 11l1‘.1\.1111l.1111111.1111111\111111|.1111111\
Othor extents
Razor Octopus - The Company of Pleasure 1111- \1.11111. < 11111. I’I.1.1-. **\ "I": ‘111111 511:1 \I.1l111l1111\lj. 11111 t'.1l1.111-1 111‘111111111'1l l1} ll» \ 11111111: 1'1l_1_'1‘ .1111\1\ \1l111'l11'\11l111c\1111111111x111 '11l1-.1\1111"Il111111pl1 111nm. \I.1111l 1111. 11111111111}.1111111}.1l.111.1-.1111l 1. 11l1-11 \1'1' (il.1\_:11\1 l 111'1111-111‘“
Wednesday 1 9
Book events
Sarah Maguire and Brian Johnstone \‘.1111111;1I 11111.11}. 111 \‘111l.1111l. (11'111§_'c l\ llndpv. 3311-15”