JAcK-kenouAc Is 81 A" \
We Scots cel e a wee dram or a small plnt-ette. But celebrating 81 st birthday of a man is intact dead, reeks a bit of alcoholic desperation. Until you realise the birthday boy in question is Jack Kerouac.
As the author ofg'rfamous novels like On the Road and Subterraneans, Ke c became a valuable er and spokes rson for th at movem t in the 5Qs 60$. Part-autobiographical, Kerouac’s books strug with conformity and reject e then-contemporary s ards. Filmmaker Jack Shea hosts this multi-media evening with performances by Kentucky poet Ron Whitehead, New York’s Frank Massina, mountain singer Sarah Elizabeth and singer- songwriter Allan Taylor. Go raise your glasses people: there’s never been a better excuse for a tipple.
(Anna Millar)
I Jack Kerouac is 81, Sat 15 Mar, 7pm, Cabaret Voltaire, 36—38 BlaigStreet, 220 6176. £6 (£4.50).
~pnt. l'tcv. ~\"t-\n/.t\ .tdnuntxttuttw duu'tot litmn .lUllll\lllllt' and Sarah \lttgun'c turd ttotn lllr'll \xotk,
The Spirit of the Scotia t<o_\.tt \luwunt. _‘ ('htunhcrx Strcct. I-l" ll 1‘). 3.l5ptn. u». l<tl}.tl Scotthh (icogtuphtcul Soctct) dn'cctor I).t\ td .\lunro tcllx thc \lor} ol St‘otlund‘x torgottcn polut hcrocx \\ ho \\ cut to .'\lll;tl\‘ll\'.t hctchn I‘ll): and l‘NlJ.
The Work of the Scottish Executive Ecological Adviser’s Unit ()uukcr chcttn; llouxc. 5 Victoria 'l'crrgtt‘c. 335 4525. ".Sllpnt. {I til i. lun l‘ltttltl‘l'ltlgc. ltt‘tttl Ul lliL‘ Scolltxlt l".\ct‘ull\c l"..r\l '. lttll\\ uhout thc tu‘cttx ot uork tn “Inch thc untt l\ tlt\ol\L‘d.
Gardening’s Gone Funky, Gardening’s Got Soul l..tttt't\lolt (uxtlc. In ('tumond RUJtl South. Uh lehll. llltlllt Jpnt (It). .'\tl\.tll\‘t‘ hooking; rcqttu‘cdt .‘\dd colour to gtudcntn; polx .tnd “.tlt‘l'lllf.‘ vunx lll llIl\ .tdultx' \\nrl\\huly
Other events
On the Stage \orth ltdtnhtugh A\tt\ (‘cnttta l5.t l’t‘tttt}\\cll (‘outL ‘15 .‘l5 l, a “put. .\n Introduction to dttlcrcnt .txpcctx ol .tt‘ttng .tnd pcrtornun; tlL‘M‘lUlk'tl l‘_\ thc (l) \ICI‘ \\.tl\ \Kllllllf.‘ group.
Thursday 20
Book events
Scottish Lives \cthcrtw \nt (‘cntru kl: J5 lltgh Sttcct. 55!» “5"” 3pm. l'rcc. Sec l‘hu l 1.
In Search of Truth and Beauty Ro}.tl liotttntt~ (itu'dcn. lmcrlcrth llouxc. 553 "l'l. 3 Jpnr l‘rcc. lccturc lhmtrc. (‘urtrtor l’ttul \t‘xlutt dcxt‘rthcx the plttloxoplt) hclund thc .t\\.u'd-\\ inning C\llll‘lllttll progtutnntc .tt lnwrlcrth
llouw. ranging; lront John llopc’x l.\th L'cntut} mpctnncnh \\ llll lllell and gun tt_\ It! .\l.tlllll (.lk‘k'tl.\ llllllll lllll Ul l‘.llltmll\ Reflections on a Summer Sea Ro}ul \luwunt. I (‘hunthctx Sttcct. 31" -13 1‘) (r, :llplll til it“. 'lrcxot .\'otton Plk'\k'lll\ .t talk .l\ [nut ot lht‘ lawntn; lututm .‘lllli
Spring into Ceramics luttrtxlott ('.t\tlc. 3.: (‘rtunond Road South. 5 W Soho lll.nn 4pm. L‘". :\d\;tncc hooking; rcqturcdt .\du|t \xorkxhop to .tdd .t dttxh ot \prtn; colour to ccrannu,
Other events
The Jacobite Clansman l-Ztlmtwurgh (thtlc. Ro).t| .\ltlc. 335 ‘).\~1(\. ll.un. ttoott. 3pm tk 3pm. {h It: [to Sec lhu I3.
Big Word Performance Poetry 'l’hc 'l'ron. ‘) llnntcr Squaw. llllel Sttcct. Sin (Nil. ‘l llpm. L" till. .\l.unt' pcrtornmnt‘c pot-tr} tout utth 'l'tnt 'lutnhull. l)onuntc \\.t\|n;_' l,}t'tt‘.tl. \ntt.t (in\.ttt ,utd alctn Roll~
Good Manners and Physical Violence l.dtnhtu_-_'h ('ollcgt' ot .\tt. l.tllll\lHll l’lut'c. Ill hllllll 5 ‘llprn .\l.t;_'ntttt.tt [‘lk'\L'lll\ .lll cwntng ot pcrtotumnt'c .tnd \lklk't‘ tmttutn; nun \xotk h} xtudcntx ttont .tll tout \‘otttxh .u't
Heart of Glass l..tttttstott (Anne. 3.1 (‘mtnond Ro.td South. 35l‘31ll‘ll
llltnn ~lpnt. L“ \d\.tnt‘cl\ool\1n:_' thuncd \dult \\ot'l«\ltt\[‘. l \tn; nature and \l‘llllg .t\.t\l.tllllI:_' point.upctnncnt \\tll1:_'l.t\\ painting tcchntqucx
Other events
The Jacobite Clansman l:dtnl‘tu;_'h (listlc. Roytl \ltlc. 335 “Mo ll.un. noon. 3pm t\ :l‘ltt. L'.\ H42 UH Scc lhu lz
It’s in the Stars Rout ()tm-n.tt.~n \ l\lltll (.k‘llllkl. llldxlxltlltl ll(l\
No.1." up.” 0;: (to ml .6. \ct- l n It. Talks
Human Rights v Money Night ('cttlt'ul ll.tll. \M'xt Milk-to“. 33‘) "‘t i" I hurt, l'rcc, .\ltctnoon [‘tt‘u'tlldltnlt and tll\L'lt\\lUll \\ 1th (ltt.tlcllt.tl.ttt human l'lglth trt‘tn l\l .lcun let u ()Mtl'ttr ()rguntwd h} thc \t'otttxh ('ruutt‘ntttlun (iroup \\ 1th \\ l)\l t\ .\ntnc\t_\ lttlct'ttuttottul. ('hvt'k out \xuu_\\dntxgotl.tnd.org.ul\ cwntx
Other events
Plant Propagation Workshop Ro}.tl liotuntt' (l.lltlk'll. lnwrlt'tth Run. 553 "l‘l. Ill.nn ~1pnt L' ‘5 ('ontt- .utd got _\out h.rnd\ dnt_\ \\lll1llll\[‘l.t\'ll\’.tl onc du) llllltitlllulltlll to lllL" proptyutton ol plultlx lt'ntn .thottt \k'k'tl \r\\‘.llt‘.'. t'lllllltg‘x |.t_\cttnj_'. j_'l.llllllf.' .rnd drx Non t'ourtcx} HI I tip} \Httllgj .tnd John Hunt). \lcct .tt the nntwtj.
30/20 Craft and Design Fair _\\\r‘llll\l\ Rtltllll\. <1 (lg‘tHffx' \llt‘x‘l. 23ll~l§-1‘l. Ill “Lint l {llprn Ll V'llpr (‘ontctnpomu t‘t,ttt\\.otl\ \old dntxt l\_\ thc Inukctx
Sunday 23 '
Other events
Time and Tide lht‘ \l.tlttn_:\. (‘1.nnond l‘l‘lt'\lltllk'. ll” “I l5 l ipnt l'tcc, .\ :Jllltlk'tl\\.lll\l.ll\llljjlllll1\'\ll|'lk' l‘lltlx \xhtt'h rnlmhtt lhu l<l\k'l \lntond. thc t'L‘lttdlth ot thc Ronmn lort .tnd littthhouw. .tnd (runond \llll\
Big Word Performance Poetry Slam Billlgtt (“ltllt l-l \t'v. \ltt‘t'l. 55x "not 5pm L-l .L‘i. tut-m} rm- pools lxtttlc it out to he ttouncd lzdtnhurgh's \l\lll ~|.nn thump \\ nut. .lctn Rolls and ,\ntt.t (iomn gotnpt-tc. \thth [)0 (‘ltu'lu‘ ptm ltlc\ thc ponut l‘khllk‘lv
Edinburgh life
Dynamic Earth "
Royal Observatory Visitor Centre 7' ':"‘: