Glasgow Fridays continued
I Fridays in Bed .II III-II IIUllllI‘lI} IIlt' \t'I\t'I RHIIIIISI I IpIn Min t; I111 \\t'k'I\I_\ \JCL'III I.lI\t‘\ yin nn .In I<I\Il .llltI Inp IInp IIIp m c1} \wcl. \xliilt- IlIIIj. \ilIIlflel Imin IIIC IIIn In IIIt‘ lInnI Ilt‘IIIImlll
I Friday Street .lI HI.“ Minn
Spin |.nn LII It): IS I up \IniiIIII) Rt'\ItIt'III\ p|.i} IIIC \I'I} IIIlCSI innII. llllIIIlL'lll \nnl .lIltI I.nnl.i \InInuIi Illilk". \xlnlt' gut'xl Ill IIlIllll.I\ Inn-n1 Ilcllml \xIII Imnjs .l IIL'\\ \I.lllI nnIn IIlt' I'IIII.i_\ \llt't'l
I Fuel .iI I llt'I Illixlinphiippw
Ill illpm 3.1”] L1 \\t't‘I\I} \t'U. \ IIII‘ \t-nlnic linin IIII- (il yinnp. \xlntli l\ .iIIcIanIny In t'\p.iniI IIlt' .i\I‘I.i§_'c (iI.l\\\t'_L'I.lli.\ Iilm nl \xlmI \wt'ki'nilin): Illt'.lll\ I’.iul Rm pl.i}x t Inli t'I.i\\It\. Rik”. lunk .inII .in);; \klIIl .l ginnu' SnIiIINIIi' .llltI \IllIIISIIIt' II'x \I.llllllf,' In jJL‘I likt‘ I nnIInn lll Ilt'lk' \ \xi't‘ I‘ll
I Full On .iI I’Inilcgi' Ill illpin Run t” It“! \Vt'i'kl} Illlll \\ lI\Iill. (it-kkiilxiu}. SIt-\\.iII (iii-tn \\ lIIl.llll I).l|l|t'I. (i;i\ IInnxlnn. SIII IIlI\I .inII ( iin I't'lll .llt‘ )Illll IlU\I\ .II Ilnx xii-III) iI.Int‘t' nIyIII Ilimn nn Ilnpt' SIIt'i‘I
I Funhouse .il ILIIII} llpIn i.llll L31 «Lil “ct-kl). \ IllfJIlI nl um-II up punk Il.l\Il .llltI t‘;iIII.Iilit' nnnxcnw pnp. IIt'xipnt‘II In than all nl Iiik' \InI nnI nl _\nni I'.ll\ R.IIIIn l‘x I'IMIInInf: \it‘ (Lillnuu) .llltI _\II |’.'iIII \t'ciIIt‘x .In' In t'Ii.iI;_'c nl Ihc Innxit‘
I Funk Room Ill IIIt‘ \iuht-x .\'I-\I tI.lIt' II»:
I Gavin Pearson and Adrian Coll :iI \It'tlm. I IpIn Mun. [Ilka \\L't‘I\I_\. i'hk' I\\U I)_I\ \\IIU .ltIllIIl IIIL‘ It‘ll nl Ilnx Il\llll_L‘. lll .ixxnt'mlinn \inh (IMII' I. .II Ilnx llt'“ I} l\'\;llllllt'tI \t'nut'. I’IIiann‘ Illllt‘S .inil all iII'InIu Inf [3. \nI IMII.
C3 Glasshouse Transmission .ii I’i'nplc'x I’.II;It't'_ (iI;I\:.'n\\ (iI't‘i'n. Spin lain. .v\niII‘i-\\ \VmIIii‘I‘ull i\ llllllt'ti In ('IIIN Ilnci and Ill” IIIIIt‘hInxnn Hula"! lnI' .i lllfJIll nl cviling clct‘li'nnim. .'\II\;Illt‘t‘ llt‘Ixt'I IIHItIt'I'S UllI), .Si i' [II'r'I Ii ll. I Haptic .II IIIL' \linII. \cu iIulc llx‘ I Heads Up ill lllc Sub ('Inli. NL‘\I IIIIIL‘ lIlt‘.
I Kinky Afro ill Ihc Sup (‘Iuh
llpin 3am. (S. “ Mm. \IIIIIIIII}. 'I'Inx innnIIi'x Kink} \\lII lw lllIllSCti \inh ll I.;IIin l\\l\l ;l\ \\t' .iii' |U|llt‘tI Ii} Ili'u/ilmn ll.i\nuicil (Illllll II'nIIpc Sainlxi )II ILIInIm' and DJ Iill l’t'ut'lit'x I-.\pct'I Ihc ll\ll;lI lini' Ill\lilll nl himkx lunilx and In“ linin I).I'\ .\I;iIIIIt'\\ Ili'nncll uniI Rnh/ nnwd up and \hukt'n \IU“ n \\ llIl .I hllxlt'I‘Ing pci'lnrinuncc lI'nIn St‘nlluntl'x IUl't‘lllUSI \uinlm nIIIliI.
I Hustle and Bustle .iI IillIltl/J. (ll‘lll .ignn II).i\ li'nni I lpnn. I‘I'cc I‘t‘IHl't‘ I lpni; [5 .Il’Ii'i'. \Vcckl}. I’IIIII 'I'i';I_\nnI. SkIIiI and Bill} .IUHCS I'Ip ll up \\ IIIl \Ulllt‘ Inglil} t'II;ii'g:ciI Rtin .llltI Inp linp InI\ciI \\llIl limit} and lunkit'i' Il'ilt‘IxS.
I In at the Deep End in .'\tI i.lI‘. llpm 3am. [5. \Vcckl). .'\tl I.II‘ t‘lt'IIix Iht- I;ib|c\;i\\;1) nncc .iguin .l\ Rit‘lmnl and lntIIt'u Iukc t'nnII'nI. Lickin‘ hcuh and \UIItI gi'nnwx tInInIngiIc \\ IllIL‘ Iilglnnl \Iilllkt‘} pI’IH IIIC\ IIIL' IIIICSI quuln} Inc pcit'uxxinn.
I Life ;ll I.IIC. Illpin Run. I‘I'cc leni'i‘ InIIInIgIII; t" allcr. \VCL'ki). chin McI‘urlunc Iliml Inm Likcx nn Ihc l\\n l‘ililllh \\llIl .I \llIItI Iunk. \nul. garagc .IniI UltI‘SCIlUUI CIJSSIt'S \t‘Ict‘IInn
I LiveVEvil .II (ilmgnu St‘linnl nl .'\l'I. Ilpin 3am. LIS' (UH. 3S l‘t'h. l-‘nI'InighIly \lnu‘ Ill;l\\l\t‘ ili‘um I\' I‘.l\\ nighlx l'rnln I.i\c\'Ii\ lI. ilS I)nin .llltI Rnlginil Hi .\In\ In; SIIIIiIn“ \ l\ll\ (ilmgim IZS I‘cln. IIllx \\lII hc iUIIU\\Cti up h) unnlhci' hugc l.i\c\'l:\il nighl \\lIIl |)nt‘ St‘nII In Ihc \cr} nu.” IllIlllL‘
I l4 .\I;n l. \n Ihcxc guy haw gnI lI \wll .llltI Ii‘ul_\ Int‘kctl dimn. Rt'SltIt‘llIS .\Ini‘ph_\. (iccn. l’unl Rcwl. \t'lnt‘cl .llitI .\l(\ (iiilm .IlltI I'..l\lI\\ll'll make lIIIx .l hill In Iw ICCle‘IlCtI \inh. lnr 35 If li nnl\ .."l.l\l~('il/'(l linlili'n «a! 1/ NH ilnnr [mi (' all Ills/II.
NATIONAL POP LEAGUE Woodside Social. Glasgow. Fri 28 Feb
The name National Pop League has something of the party political about it, and with good reason. It is easy to imagine John Hunt, DJ and mastermind of this West End institution. up on a podium, indoctrinating the masses with his ‘manifesto’. No need for spin here though - the founding policy of the league is to play ‘beautiful and passionate
music really loudly.’
Since November 2001, NFL has devoted itself to creating a community from the love of a good tune. Each night is an event in itself with its own tag line, badge and fanzine - and this date it’s National Pop League #15: Talk Things over with NPL. But this is not for those who want to be cool, or be seen. or be seen to be cool. It takes place at the staunchly uncool Woodside Social Club. where good social club prices and excellent sound quality is more than
adequate compensation for the fact that the bar staff won‘t be wearing hipsters.
NPL is reluctant to be tagged an indie night. preferring to describe its music as ‘songs that will put a smile on your face‘; this could be anything from Felt to Dinosaur Jr, Daft Punk to the Smiths. ‘lt‘s all about admitting that you love music without any sense of cynicism or irony.‘ says Hunt. Perhaps not such a politician after all then. (Anna Barton)
I Latin Fever .iI ll.i\.in.i. ‘lpm 2.1m I‘lt‘t‘ \\ccl\I_\ I).l Ix'cilh l) \I‘lll\ IIp \nnic (‘nIInnI‘LiIL (‘uInnL \wa \nik .IlitI \liit'an \.lI\.l. .iIIIIIng .i l\\l\I nl I .iIin (ILIII. Rik” .lIltI glnlml I‘t‘.lI\ In llic lIl_\IIl|lllt'.’lI SIC“ I.l\I.\
I Keeping it Sound ;l| lIlt' XII-flunk- Rnnni ll.” Spin |.iin I'Icc \Vi‘t'kl} II‘lll ('hIIIcIIIII .lIltI .\i.lIIIlt'\\ K pit-will .lll I'm-mug: nl nnn ILmt‘cIlnni Inuxit'. Inwiing .ill \I)II‘~ lll IIlL'll I).I xcl. I‘,\Pt'L'I In Ilt'dl .nnlm'nI. till“ nIi-nipn .llltI t'Ict‘IInnit‘J .ilnny \\ III] will. I.l// .lIltI lt‘fJfJJt' .InII .III)Ilnn;_' CI\t' IIII') It‘t‘I Ilka'
I Life .iI Ihc (‘niinllimn lilpin Run U» \\cckl) Kmn \Icluulanc liit‘dl lllfn pl;i_\\ IIlL' linth lll \IillI. lunk. Rikli. Ill‘lISC .llltI UItI \t'IInnI t'I.I\\It‘\
I Medicine Wheel ;II Ihc th ('III|\ .\'c\I \IJIt' Iht:
I Midi Hi-Fi .iI Ilic (II.l\:..‘\l\\ St‘IlnIlI nl \ll. Ilpin Kim I" IS I'ch \Innlhl} \illII III II t‘nnIInIIc \\lIIl Ihcii plan In Imn; I'M-I} \\nIIII} gut-\I lll IIIc “UIILI In IIIc L'Il\ llilll\ nl IIit' \II St'linnl .ind IIIcII IIt‘ligIIIIuI t'Inh I’Inx Illllt' Ihc} '\c cnIit'cII .I.lI\t'\\Ilt'll).l‘IIlt'I\\|\t'I'xlli‘\\l1.l\IIlt' IICII‘JIl/L‘l. up IIIc IllII InI .lIl cniI nl InnnIII lll.l\Il up.
I MOHOX .Il lIlt‘ SillllliIIlth \L‘\I II.IIL' II‘\.
I Music for Pleasure .II IIIc .\lt‘IlL‘\, llpIn 3.1m, (5 " .\I.II \Innllil} lunch“ ICSItICIII\ Liltc nxci Ini .l ncu nighl nl IlUIhC. lt't‘IlIlH. CIt't'IlU .lIltI .I \\III\IC \Inallcnnf; nl nIIIcI I‘L'JllIlIIII \Iull .iI IInx I'lmxig \cnuc Kuxln .llitI I).m- \iilillt' .llt‘ IIIc IIlL'Il lll t'Il.Il_‘_'t‘. \n .illu} Ilinw liziix .mil I‘.IIC IIl.lI I‘It‘alh' In; Ilm f/lllt nnl\ 'I-l le' Hun" linlili I\ u! I l\’l l (Hm all Izzy/II
I National Pop League .ii Ihc \\nnII\IIIc Snt‘ml S-ISpIn 3.1m. L" H43! 35 I't'I‘. \InnIlIl). IIIL' Innxc llll\ nl pan
punk. ('Sn .lIltI IlltIlt' pnp \k'l\t'tI up In .ill )nII I‘t‘dllIlIllI t‘lnh gnt'Ix In IIlt' |.t';i)_'uc lni \illlillMI I’np l.lI‘L‘l;lllIlll \u l’lr'lli n I Nocturnal ill .\Il \cxi ILIII- 3! Mai.
I The N00 Groove .ll .V\Il Iih \i-xi iIuIt‘ IN.
I Nurture Ill ('IllIl (i‘l \I‘\l (Itllt’ I-I I'CI‘.
I Offset .‘iI (‘uhc llpin Mun Snnnn I'n}. I'l';l\t‘l' I..III;i and .\I;iII l.L' I'Iink \Illll up .i \Iflllll .iI IIHS lnnk} llljJIlI nn ()ui't'n Sllt‘i'l. IIK Ii t‘cIt-In'ulinn nl IIlt‘ll lllItllllIlll\ t'lnh pinInnIi'I St‘nII II;iIII\. \n Ihi') 'Ic gnnim bring nnI IIIL‘ lug: gum .iI lIII\ pail},
I Off the Hook ill IIIc (iI.Ix;;n\\ St‘IlnnI HI .'\ll, \L‘\l IIIIlt‘ lI‘t'
I Pressure ;iI Ihc .\It‘hc\ I Ipin Run. tl‘).2SI1'IXMnnIIII) Big; nIgIII lnI .lII
Ilic l‘ItI xt'hnnl I’I'cxxnic Ilt'iltIS IIll\ InnnIII.
.lS SLIIn lulu}: lll nIII I.l\t‘\ JL'II ,\II|I\ .lIItI (icnt' I'AllIIS. .ilnngxiilc \Iit'lmcl I)t' IICII x\ III'IIIIII) ~III.iIIcI‘Ing_' nI 311ml yumlx. .i \‘lil\\IIt‘tI iI.Illt't‘ IIHUI IIlltI ;I :JICJI .iImnxpth‘c Inukcx Ilnx .l In; nnt‘.
I Red and Gold Room .ll \I‘lu. Iilpni Mun. I'iu- I‘L‘IUI'C llpin. ‘4" Jim. \\L‘L'I\I_\. |)J \Ilt'lmcl ()'Shc;i pnpx up In \pin nn|_\ IIlk' IiIlL'SI ml»: and I..lIlll Innw 10.1 \L‘l} \\ L‘II IIL'k'ICtI .\ll.I (IIHMI
Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8 Edinburgh
See page 73 for details
I Rockit .iI IIJIHI‘HH *pin 1.1m l.‘ H5) \M‘i'kI} \k'\\ t Inh .lIltI Inn \I'IIIIIII‘ lIl.Il Imnjsx \Hlllt‘ nl II]\' Inan \\HlIIl_\ It'Sltit'IlI\ in (il.i\;_'n\\ Iniri'IIiI'I lnI lnnk} Iinnw .lIltI Ix’.\ If \t‘\\lllll\ (it'l'II \InnIInIII I.lI\t'\ mic nl IIlt' IUllllt‘l. \\IIIIt' I’.in| I'n\ tIt'JIS \klIIl IIII~ I.III\'I. gnIlILIInIniI
I Tantra .II Il.l\Il lllpin Run L‘ IL-li \\\'L'I\I_\ “all In \\.lII iIiunk pm»va \\.iIIt'}' I.l\.l I IIIIt'\\IlIl\I .llltI I.nn
'I Iinnixnn pIa} IIplinnI linuw In .I pm In!'t- IInnI. \HIIl I).| RHI‘L‘II [lI.I)lll;' lnnk} Ill‘lISt'. Ilixt‘n .lIlII llItIlt' lll Innin
I Test III (iI.I\j_'n\\ StIInnI nl \II \t'\I ILIIc Iht‘
I Tidy .il IIIC Shark Ill illpin ‘ {H.iin t5 IUI “ct-kl} It-I IIl.II lllIt'xIlIllh I ll lt‘cIIng.‘ Liki- IInIII nl }nn \kInIi' I).I |.iIn II.IIIInII 1.1km tnnlInI nI IIII' II.IntI' llnnl I Lick It .iI IIlt‘ \It'ItuI} Innnjgc
‘lpin Mini. t-l “ct-kl) Ind nI IIlt' “t't'Ix \IllllltI\ .lllti .lll .in}IInn§_' _‘_'(‘L" .II‘PII'JtII \uII In.i|\c Ilnx .i panI|;iI nI_-_'|II .iI IIII' “CV- ga} club.
I Syntax ;iI iIlt' Sniinilham
llpin 5.1m LS It": " \I.ii \iilllIIlI} I)_l .IIit't'. :\II.iIn \I.iI\II.i|I .lIItI I)I \Ii p|.i_\ IIII' nxnuI It't'linn. IIHIISt' .inII I‘It'deS
I Tronicsole and Tracktion Sessions .11 \I.v\S IIpIn inn L (Di \\ccl\I_\ iIll\ CIIIM mg: llt'\‘- I'll IS \lll'L' In .Illl.It‘l .I Ilt'll} t'IiMiI nl It'\CIICI\ III Ihc t‘iI} t'cnIit- ("Inn II.Illl\. \I.iII_\Ii Jk'll‘L'dIitKItI. \IlIlnII Lit'kxiln .lIltI (inl'IIHII I.H:._‘;lll .llL‘ _\nni IIlllSILJI hme pl.i_\in:_' nIII Ihc linth Iiipp}. Iunk} \Ullllti\ In; ” lliu nHl\ I /1\I'Ii.'nllirllili I\ L'l'l :3 NH ilnnl' [lllli all IIIL'lIl
I Under the Counter III lIlc I.ltllllII I.nnng_'t' I lpIn Run Lle'. “ct-kl} 'I‘Iic Illlt' up hci'c l\ pI'cII} lIIlPIL'SSHt' \Iui't'