Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.
Glasgow Thursdays
I Bed-Sit al lied ilormeil} the \elxet Rimllhl. llpm iam. H it'll \Veekl}. Bill} Milligan pro\ Iiit'\ lhe \liideiil i;l\i)lll'lll'\ in lhe haek bedroom and Seoll ‘l’ingerx‘ .\1e.\li||an llll\L'\ up a \lorm in the lion! hedl'oolll.
0 Being Boiled ill the \Voodude Soeial. 0pm 2am. LI? (» .\lar, Monlhl}, \eu nrghl ol hrillianl underground llllhlt'. li'om all genrex, \Vide ranging \el\ and an eeleelie eroud u ill make lhl\ eliih \tand right out. Hill} Izleelrolux I\ III eharge ol the lunex
I Bennet’s al Hennel'x. | lpm 3am. (3 till \Veekl}. (la). mi\ed. \li'aight “I10 eaiex ’ .ill\l hax e a Nomi) good time. people. Shaun lining!) |a.\\ doiin lhe eroml pleaxerx in lhix e\ er popular ’l'hii night maxh up. Annie .‘llxo pro\ lliL'\ hiin-oelane liineage
I Giggles al the Mereiir} Lounge. 0pm .iain. [4. Weekly (‘oini-d} night eompered h} Alan .I\nder\on. \\ ilh \[k‘t‘llll \iilh‘llllllc'\ gllL'\l RC3: ‘Voodim' .'\ll(iL‘l\Ull. and llllhlt‘ill nia}hein l'rom geordie gagxler Kll'\l_\ .\io\\. the man lo\ ing ilnol'L‘L'L‘.
I Carnival at liaile lll.3tl]viii 3am. H till. \Veekl). .-\ \ieekl} .\I;ii'di»(;ra\ al lhl\ L‘llhxlt‘ \tudent \eniie. DJ Roherl mi\e\ up Rik”. uhile Slew en Brimn hlaxtx out the ehillin' home and bod) grindin' |,alino healx. 'l'hereK alxo a hit ol karaoke. N that l'Ioalx )onr hoal.
I Columbian at the .v\\) liiin llaek Room. 8pm lam. l-‘ree to (‘l'Sl' inemhen; L'l Ulllt‘t'\\l\L‘. Weekly l’iil \UlllL‘ hreakin‘ t'iink in _\our trunk “llil lhl\ entertaining night ol \ludenl lllillillC\\.
I Fire Wire at Bamboo. 5pm 3am. £5 iUl. \Veekl}. (iraham i'i‘l'gllxiill ini\e\ a mile \ariet) ot' muxieal \l}|L‘\ \i ilh oeeaxional li\ e hands in the \ame room. Jim Brad) “l” p|a_\ an eeleetie mi\ ol'
lounge giom ex uhile (lax in \i.l\ leod \iill he dioppiiig elamil houxe and \ihtl‘ I Freakmenoovers .ll (ilmgim Seliool ol .\rl llpm ‘ani 1-1 :1 it \Veekl) .\h _\'iee and l)ema are m tull etleet at lilh tiont ehamhei hip hop \L'\\lHll Seldom “I” )ou hear \ueh a
\k C” it'\k'illthL'ti .ltlii \\ UH [‘i.i}i‘il \eleelion l‘i lllllh} i‘t'.li\
I Homework al \‘aull I lpm 1am ‘5 «Lily \Veekl} Ian and Slex ie man the ho\. \o all lll\L't’llllllC\ met the lime\ are dixpelled l'hix night .lllll\ toi \ludenl happinexx \Hlilnlll Ullllpli'lllhlllj: the qualil} lexelx
I Hype al (‘iihe I l. illpm ‘ain Li iLZi. \Veekl}. Jim l)a Hext [Callh up \Hlil lhe ll_\pe ere“ lo piil on a night ot l\\l\lL'ii. iiltra-tiink} houxe. l’lent} ol eheap home make\ lilh a tun iiighl out, I Madhouse al the Shaek.
lll.3llpiii 3am. £5 it'h, \M-ekl}. ('J and And} take _\oii to the bunk ol Ill\;lllll_\ “llh \ome ol the moxl oiitiageoiix and eoiii‘ageoux \ludenl anlheim
I Old Skool Reunion al .-\reliam. llpm 3am, [5 (tree {INN \M-ekl). ()Id \eliool leehno t'i;t\\|\'\ and dixeo
st} le lunex lor the lren/ied \lllilt'lll\
do“ n :\rehao\ \ia}.
I Pimpology 101 at the i.l([lllii Lounge. lllpm 3am. [-1 US). Weekly Hip hop and break pla_\ed oul h) the inimitable [)1 Snalii. Siliialion normal. all illk‘hl‘li up.
I Polo for Me at lhe I’olo lounge, lllpin lain. l’ree. \Veekl}. You. the liiek} punter. take the helm tonight. ax requext eardx are a\ai|ah|e o\ er the har and in the booth. Notiee lor the unimaginatn e one\: 'I x\ni What I .>\m' l\ prohrhiled h_\ Ian and punixhahle h) \panking.
I Push and Pull at the Suh (‘Iuh NU“ (lilit' the.
I Record Player: at (iiilxgiiu Seliool ol Art. 10.30pm 3.30am. £3 it'll. \Veekl). lli-l‘i Sean liil l’idelil) ) and iilhilpllpp) li)i\ inei perloriii eheap deek \uekin' to dixeeau. dumh eleelio and Xllx phuuk. The} ad\ ixe _\Hu to ael up. drexs doun and pla} eax} to get.
I Skint at the (‘alhoiixe llpm iam. £4 (£3). \Veekl}. \er} miieh a night to rel'leet \ihal'x going on in (ilaxgon at the moment. 'l‘oiigh ehemieal break and healx. roeli and indie tor a cum d iiiiieh like lhe one oulxide lhe (iallei') ol Modern Art.
I Speakeasy ill the l‘imeixal (Sauehiehall Laner. lllpin 3am. l-ree, \Veekl}. l’or lhoxe \xlio teel like a le“
Tall Paul guests at Freefall, Sat 1 Mar
diinkx atler lhe puh. hm don't \\.llli to go eluhhmg. Speakeax} l\ lot )ou lhe lllll\l\ ixn‘l eoinpronnxed. and the \ :he I\ \illilCii
I Soul Shaker at \I \\ I lpin iani L~1 I131 \\eel\l_\ \n undixemered gem \\ e ha\ e a nn\ed hag ol eleetio. teehno. houxe and tunk touiteg ol “HM lain. the limbard Dog and John \lii\lik'li
I Theorm at the \auli \e\l dale ilu ITrashai il.l\il lll zllpm lam Ll till \\ee|\l_\ \Iore ol a \peilaele lhaii a iiiglil out. \iilh drunken \tudentx and looihalleh troni “all to \\.ill ln~ane|§ eheap drinkx mean a huge queue alinoxl exei} night \lind lhe i‘l‘lllikk'i\. lliougli I 1210 al llaha/a .\pm lain liee hetoie I lpm. L-l it it alter “ex-kl}
l ileiall) underground ehih houxmg \onie huge \oeal hoin and garage lmehnexx deplo}ed ueekl} h) lan lhomxon and \aiiee
Glasgow Fridays
I Abnormals Anonymous al (il.i\gii\\ Sehool Hi .'\ll \L‘\l \iilit' the
I Aerodynamico at .\d In», .\i-\i date the
I Afterglow .11 .'\\i ill). \t'\i \iilit' [he I Archaos at :\rehao\. I lpin iain. {5 @351“. \Veekl), .\lain\trearn ehait (iillit't'. \Hlli .llld eht‘l‘v‘ .ll (HIL' Hi lili‘ hll\li‘\l l-ri nighlerx in toxin.
I Axis al Soundhaux. .\'e\l date the
I Bebado al i\)l\\‘l\lill‘ (‘liih \e\l dale li‘tH
I Black Rabbit Whorehouse at the Suh (‘luh llpm iam. {7. IX l‘eh. Monthly l“ ileh and \Vilkex e\pre\\ real low lor the origin\ ol eleelronie muxre at llll\ night ot miero houxe.
I Bluntz al lhe (ilaxgoxi Sehool ol .«\rl, llpm Sam. (the, 7 Mai onl), .\'e\\ night at the All Sehool “llll ragga. hip hop and |i\e lllll\lt‘.
I Bogota! al (‘uha Norle, ‘)pin Iain. l'ree, \Veekl}. Barrio and Radio .\i;l:_'lll'l|( mam man Mr l’eaehex enlerlain lhe ll'oopx.
I Bughouse at Suh (‘luh .\'e\l dale lik‘.
I Burnin’ al ('aledonian l'nron. \eu dale the.
I Canvas at "\rla, llpm {an}. [the Weekly “J Walter pla} \ a plethora ol lunk. \oul and Rkll at lill\ heauliliil merehanl ell} hai'.
I Gold at RI\L‘|'\l(iL‘ Soeial. .\'e\l dale lik‘.
I The Cathouse al lhe (‘aihoima lllfillpni 3am. {I below I lpm; H «L ii aller. \Veekl}. Riding high on the nu metal “in e. lill\ I\ one ol the hiixiext lllghh in li)\\ll. Roek. grunge. indie and a daxh ol' hreakheal aeroxx three llooix al (ilaxgou \ lop \enue loi' i'oekeh and allernaleenx,
I Coded at Vault. llpm 3am. (5 (Hi. \Veekl}. The} ‘re hour a reeoid \loie. \o the lunex are going to he ll'i'\|l aiid highl} luiik). aren't the} " .\ rotating lii\ll‘l’ ot [)J\ allilialed to 23rd l’reemel \uppl} hoiixe—led grooxex at lhe llL'“ eluh Stewn .\le('reer) l\ the main man. hut the pool ol talent ineludex Hill} Kilkie. Bill} \Voodx and Amanda l’rree.
I Crash al the Shed. llHllpm 2am U ([3). \VL‘L'H}. (.l'ihil llllo the \\ L'Cki'liil\ eoui'le\_\ ol lill\ hugel} popular night
\\ ith the Siilllihliic \et. (iarage l)J (leir) l._\on\ i1i)\l\ lhe main hall \\ ilh the ultimate eeleelie part} \oundlraek and H] Um e Mulholland l(‘uhei lakex the helm in the [oil upxlairx “Ilil a night ot L‘i;l\\lL’ Riin
Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8 Edinburgh
See page 73 for details
gs CIUbS
‘ * 3
Jurassic 5 Aftershow Party
“mistrial ranttv .ir'ilt Mum filli'illl izf’-'l1llll".
[U l lt-til“ Hal.
Being 80 't llmi
(Apr. tipix‘nr‘,’ .r.',.r
ti ltrxti .l'\ lf’lv'z" 12'1"!“ “at T"»*-'i~:i\otthw
r1 ‘l‘iw “4‘
m. an? t'iv
.1") tllffii‘. . “i‘~ 'l' illi' ‘5!Waxyf'ls-lliiirmrr‘ .tth
tat/tail, .7’ it ’r run.”
Glasshouse Transmission [loh tor hno Iraiiwirl Atltlrr‘w \"lezittiorall with; (Ll‘: at lll‘nh and Jim l ill'filllllfit >n tor 1m, (rltetttroniea
i'rorkoht rr‘ Int.- H‘s»!
:‘m ‘fw’rlt’lltr and
Ehzit‘g.‘ sairvoo'iohtir; of "it:
(‘ilatmliontar Prop/u", l’aral
(ilgrsgoz'. (Emu/r In J 1‘: far
Colours with Trevor Nelson lho gonornol; talented Mi Noltaln Mill (LUl‘lUf) to I?1t:/\lt,lll?5; to uproarl thr: tnnk, .‘rOltl ol loa: to all hrs; run, sexy |£l(l', lhe-not, Ara/row. fiat J": Mar
Progression Sessions 1hr.- drum 3. l); 8?; Innovator l H 2)okorn If; rt‘. loll (affect WITH thi: ‘.‘/()ll(l(‘rilll MC Conrad at llllf; <;<:Ir:l>ration of thr: frustrated rzw‘, hunt. Nothing more lltflfdf} to W: sand. at; llllf; “.‘Jlll probably sell nqht out. ()t/oun r'l/largzirot l/n/orr. 8a? (‘7’ Mar
Death Disco Another llit l Ifil lYlUllilOll for this; club. {tllti hwy do they lllttl'li it Detroit (‘iranrl l’nhah“, (locale that the“, trout torn tht: [)mth Drssrgo and .neoluatr: ,lou with therr :nrr'irtlem; hranrl of techno filllllttfi‘m lhmr lfléilltl is; No l rt||:;, lll(,l(if:lll£tl|y.
Nation. In .7-1 Pillar.
0 Death Disco al the Aiehex. Ilpiii 3am. Llll. l~l .\Iai. More eool guexlx al lhh mnoxaln e leehno and eleetro eluh. a\ Detroit (irand i’llhllih drop h} tor a hil ot hou \ )oui lather. None loo \hahh}.
I Fresh at the Polo Lounge.
llpm 3am. £5. \Veekl). Miehelle and And} take eharge ot lhe lllll\lL‘;l| duliex Ill lilh iit‘ilt'lulh Merehanl ('il) ini\ed eluh. \Vhelher )oii're in the Trophy Room or on the daneetloor. the tunes “I” tuel )oiir illlpplllLNx.
I Fridays at Trash al 'l‘raxh.
| lpm 4am. U) (Hr. Weekly The hexl and onl} “ax to \larl the \xeelxend “fill our Heal tor» rcxliit'lll l)J\ i.l\;l i.lll|c\\()i)d and Seool MaeKa} in Bar 3 pla}ing xex} liinked up houw. Bar lhoxlx DJ Rob B pla}ing lhe hexl ehari. Rik” and Hip Hop.
' Zi/rl' fl", VHE LIST 67