.\lc('ahc ix rcxidcnl. and hc'x hringing in a plclhora ol nnghl} gucxlx III lhc coming \xcclxx. .\Iarl_\ n .lcngahcad dropx h} on 28 l‘ch. l)onlcnlc (‘apcllo ix on lhc " .\lal. and lhc ldllll Ber arc pla}ing out on H .\lai. I’lnc honxc gcnnix.

I Urban al lhc 'l'unncl. llpm iam. £5 l£3r \Vccld). .r\n lell xcxxlon conrlcx} ol I’aul \"Jic al lhix ncul} rclaunchcd. (Lixxlc' (ilaxgou \cnuc,

I Urban Groove al (‘luh lludda. llprn 3am. £4 l£.ii. \Vcckl}. l‘L'dllll'lllf.‘ lhc lalcnlx ol l)omcmc Marlin. \\llo xcamlcxxl} incigcx I'S holixc and garagc. dccp honxc. dixco. xonl. lunk and ran. uhIlc adding lhc odd daxh ol |.alin and All!) groin cx.

Glasgow Saturdays


I Aerodynamico al lllc l.l(|lllll Loungc. I lpm 3am. £lhc. S .\Iar. .\lonlhl}. I’h5.5 and lhc rcxl ol lhc crcxx lllkL' lo lhc \\llL'Ul\ (ll \ICCI HIIL' lllUl‘L‘ limc al lhcir lo\cl_\ nc“ \chc. .\ good xlrong lollo\\mg hcrc indicach lhc cluh'x mnxical xophixlicalion.

I Amatis al Sloan'x. Spin lam. £4 l£3i. l .\lar. .\lonlhl.\. :\ dark cclchralion ol' mclal and iiidlixlrial imixic |uxl oll Buchanan and .>\rg_\|l.

I Bailamos al Ila\ana. 0pm 2am. I'rcc. \Vcckl}. I)J Kcilh I) hringx _\ou a \xorld xclcclion: xalxa. Rckll. I.alin charl aclion and \xhalcwr chc mox cx )ou.

I Base al lhc 'I'unncl. lllfillpm 3am. £7 l£5l. \Vcckl}. (‘hrix and .\Iarlin Ilcxlxclh. along \\ ilh ('hrix llarrix and :\l Kcnl. \\ ca\ c a linc lahric ol lnnk} hollxc and leli al .\lilchcll I.anc\ lincxl dancc cmporium.

I Bennet’s al licnncl'x.

| l.3()pm 3am. £5. \Vcclxl}. I'ccl lhc goddamn l'unk ax Shaun and .-\nnic gi\ c lhc llcnncl'x parl} poxxc c\acll) \xlial lhc) \xanl: connncrcial dancc mi\cd

\\ ilh a xclcclion ol' 70x. Sllx and 00x llllx.

I Caledonia Soul at \Vomlxidc SUCllll. NC“ (lillC lhc.

I CJ Mackintosh al ('uhc. IlHllpm 4am. £8. .S' Mar onl_\. ()nc ol' lhc hcxl known and moxl prolilic produccrx and rcmi\cr.x pl_\ ing hix lradc. ('.l Macklnloxh lakcx lo lhc dchn lll (‘uhc I’m a niglil ol‘ hig luncx and good \ ihcx.

0 Colours with Trevor Nelson at lhc :\rchcx. l lpm 3am. £l(). 8 Mar. .\loiilli|). 'I‘hc don M [K R&Il lawa lo lhc dcclxx in. mcrcilull}. a good \cnuc. 'l‘hcrc \\ ill hc a hugc cro“ d at lhix. a rarc appcarancc from a lrul) paxxionalc muxic man. ('omc on doun.

I Club Cuba! al (‘uha Norm.

9pm 2am. I-‘rcc. \Vcckl}. (icl in louch \\ ilh )our |.alin xpiril al lhix claxx) nighl ol' dancc. 'I‘hc liiicxl l.alino hcalx arc xupplicd h} Duncan. l’arah and Shannon. Makc xurc )ou arri\c carl} lo guaranlcc cnlr}.

I Colours ai lhc Arclwx. .\'c.\l dalc llk‘.

I Cube Class at ('uhc. I lpm 3am. £7 l£5l. \Vcckl}. ()ld-xchool hollxc claxxicx and up-lo-dalc anlhcmx arc lhc ordcr ol' lhc da) al lhix packcd Sal nighlcr. lhanlxx lo main room man .\lall Ic I-‘unk. In lhc hack I).\I(i xcrwx up RcUi.

I Disco . . . the X Factor al lhc SoundhaUx. .\'c\l dalc lhc.

I Divine al (ilaxglm School of All (donnxlairxl. llipm 3am. £(il£5 £4); £3.50 (iS:\ xludcnlx. \Vcckl}. Il‘x hccn going xlrong xincc l‘NU and ix ol'liciall) lhc loiigcxl running rcxidcnc) in (ilaxgmx. xo lhc) kno“ ho“ lo “oil a cron d \\ilh induxlrial xlrcnglh l'unk.

I Elektrik Sweat al Blackl'riarx. \L‘\l dalc ll‘L‘.

I Freefall lll lllL‘ :\l‘CllL‘\.

Il)..‘~llpin 3am. £I2. 1 Mar. Monlhh. .\Iaxxi\c nighl ol‘ hard holixc l'rom .-\lan Bclxhaxx and Simon l-‘o} in lhc l‘L‘fldL‘nl'x poxilion. 'Iilllx monlh lllCl'L“\ 'l‘all Paul and John '(X)' I-‘Icming loo. xo \aluc l‘or monc_\ all round.

I Freeform al lidlll}. lllpm 2am l'rcc hclorc lem; £5 I£4i allcl

\Vcckl} lhc \Vall hrolhcrx plcxcnl _\ou \th an cclcclic mi\lurc ol claxxic xonl. lunk. ()ll\ hcal muxlc and l.alm luncx. \Hlll a xclcclion ol hig hillci‘x llnoun Ill You arc nixl ax hkcl} lo Iicar ohxcurc I.alino \oodoo and dark |a// ax \Ilchacl Jaclxxon or Jalncx lirmxn. Scc l-ourl’la} I Freelance Science al lhc .'\l'L'llL'\. NLWI tldlL‘ lhc.

I Fusion al lhc Rncrxidc (‘luh .\c\l (lillk' ll‘L'.

I Gordon Miller al I'ucl lliixliophriggxr lllfillpm 2am £5 \Vcckl}. I'unk) houxc al lhc ncu .\'orlhudc cluh \cnlurc‘x rcxidcnl,

I Groovejet al 'I raxh. llpm 3am. £3. \Vcclxl}. l’aul .\".Iic prcxidcx o\ci lhc cll} 'x Inoxl popular Rx” and xoul mgln. allracling a lo}al com d c\ cr} \xcck.

I Higher Ground al (‘(‘.-\. \l-xi (lllIL‘ Ilk‘.

I Hi-Karate al liqmd loungc,

3pm 3am. £3 run. I .\Iar. .\Ioiillil). 'I‘hc} 'rc lo\ mg llnx nc“ rcxidcnc} and apparcnll) xo arc lhc lanhlul lhlx'aralc maxxnc. Ncil .\Iaciiiillaii and ('ran lord 'l'ail hold \\\;l_\ al lhix nighl ol xkcucd. imcnlixc hip hop. \'ixualx h} (it) l)cl' and (iirhgoo. l-ur I/lI\ llllll’ nIl/\ ii» /.l\l ' um/ hull/lax gr! Int/I [2m 2' «'nln lu’lun’ Inn/nigh].

I Heads al lhc Rncrxidc ('luh. .\Iidnigln 3am. £lll (£3). Jcngahcadx rock anolhcr carlh-xhallcring xcl al lhix xmall. claxxic (ilaxgim \cnuc nc\l lo lllL‘ (‘l_\dc. (il'clll xho\\ on liclll lllh, and grcal nighl oul hcrc. (‘hcclx il oul.

I Homecookin’ al Hahn/a. lllpm- 3am. l‘rcc hcl'orc l lpm; £5 allcr. \Vcckl}. l).lx Slcnarl .\lc(’a|lum and .Ioc Iligginx kccp lhc nnixic iammin' and lhc dancc llool' iuinpin‘ all nigln long. R&ll ll'llL'le Ini\cd \\ ilh lhc odd claxxic and old-xkool Iaxourilcx .luxl “nlch oul lor l‘oolhall pla_\ crx.

I Homegrown al Bamboo.

5pm 3am. £8 (£0). \Vcclxl}. Slmic .\llddlclon l'rom Solc pla)x a lunk}. xoull'ul houxc xcl \\ilh (ia\ In .\Icl.cod. Junior and J—.\Ic pla} xoul and leli. and Nolan and Jamcx (iardncr do \xhalcwr lhc) \xanl. .\ linc linc-up l'or a Sal.

I Jamboree al Rcdx. l lpm .‘sam. £7 (£5). \Vcckl). John l.}()ll\ and Marlin llcxkclh ol' \chcl Rooinx Iamc mi\ up a hlcnd ol' commcrcial R&B and xoul. I Joy al Ifilh .\'olc ('alc. .\'c\l dalc llk‘.

I Kevin Austin al ('amax l:\l‘l;ll. IlHllpm 3am. £7. \Vcclxl). (‘onlinuc dancing \\llIlL‘ lhc Inc cnlcrlainlncnl arc laking a \xcll-dcxcn cd hrcak lo lhc main room xoundx ol lunk. dixco and club anlhcmx.

I Life al I.ilc l('orinlhianl.

I()pm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. .-\ l'ormidahlc nighl ol‘ funk l‘or lhoxc \\ ho likc lhcir cnlcrlainmcnl malurc. hut xlill jannnin‘. I)J Skud. and Ian 'I‘honixon prcxcnl a \L‘IL‘clion ol‘ xoul. funk and dlxco augmcnlcd \xilh original xamplcx and loopx lo guaranlcc ll lit“ lllle‘ oll lamiliar xonndx.

I Lifeboy al lhc Mcrcur} Loungc. .S'pin 3am. £4 hcl'orc l lpm; £3 al'lcr. l'pxlllih Jon l’lL‘uxCLl conlinucx lllx rcxidcnc} “hilc drag aclx and muxic pro\ idc lhc lun do\\llxlnll'\.

I LUSh All lhc l’olo Loungc.

Illfillpm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. I-‘caluring And} in lhc 'I‘roph) Room \\ilh hilx lrom lhc (illx lo lhc «S'Ux. “hilc 'I‘om pro\ idcx an up-l'ronl dancc xclcclion in lhc main room al lhc cil} 'x prcllicxl ga} club.

I Mamassan ai Ad Lil». .\‘c\l dalc ll‘L‘.

I Mad Dog al SoundhalIx. .\'C\l dalc I5 .\lar.

I Melting Pot al Riwrxidc ('luh. .\'c\i dnlc lhc.

I Mish Mash al lhc liquid Loungc. \L‘\l dlllL' lhc.

I Missing Link :1! Ad l.lh. \c-xi dan-


llslmgs Clubs


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