Classi¢a|*- '

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.


I Opera School Workshops RS:\.\11). :\1c.\andcr (iihxon ()pcra Stttdio. 100 chlrcu Strcct. 332 5057. 7.15pm. £5 l£3i. Inl'ornial pt‘cxcntation oi RS.'\.\11) \tudcntx' uork in progrcxx accompanicd h} piano and l'caturing \ccncx ll‘Ulll claxxic opcra rcpcrtoirc.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Ro}al (’onccrl Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 3000. 7.30pm. £11.50 £23.75. .-\\ part o1 thc \pccial l’rokol’im \caxon coninicniorating llic 50th anni\ci\ar_\ of his dcatli. thc RS.\'() pcrlorin Si'ni/i/ionr no 4 togclhcr \\ ith l)chu\\_\ '\ ./(’H\ and .\lo/art\ I’M/In ('onwrin Ho 22 \\ ith l’ctcr 1-‘rankl ax \oloixl.

I Chamber Music Concert RS.-\.\Il). .\latt llltllllvlll ('onccrt Hall. 100 chlrc“ Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. 1-‘rcc. (’onccrt h) \tudcnt chanihcr L‘ll\L‘llll‘lL‘\.

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (’onccrl llall. Broadcasting llousc. ()uccn Margarct 1)ri\c. 333 2917. 7.30pm. 1’1‘cc hut lickctcd. Rarc chancc lo hcar thc Violin (’onccrto h} Hungarian coinpoxcr Jcno lluha) and Kcnncth l.cighton\ Sump/loin no /.


I Urban Hymns Various Locations. 5.30 7pm. lidinhurgli‘x prolcwional. church and conimunit} choirs takc to thc \trcctx in linc \oicc l'or thix annual ('hristniax trcat. Join in or \llllpl} uatch thc l'cxtn c l'un untold.

I Carols in the City St .'\ndrc\\ \ and St (icorgc‘x ('hurch. l3 (icorgc Strcct. 225 33-17. () 7pm. l‘rcc. Join in Hill] llli\ traditional outdoor carol conccrl.

I Orfeo ed Euridice l-‘cxiixal 'l‘licauc. 13 2‘) .\'ico1\on Strcct. 52‘) (lllllll. 7.15pm. £113.50 £52.50. Scottish ()pcra pcrl'ornix a nc“ production o1 (iluclt'x niaxtcrpiccc ()I'li'o ml liurnlii‘v \upportcd h} thc :\lc\andcr (iihxon ('irclc and conducch h} Ra} niond l.cppard.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra l'xhcr llall. 1,othian Road. 228 1155. 7.45pm. £0.50 £21. Sir ('harlcx .\lac1\crra\ condtlctx thrcc niagniliccnt \xorkx h) .\lo/art as part ol' thc 1.alc .\la\tcrpiccc\ \Cl‘lL‘\. includng Rt'i/uii'ni l'or \xhich tlic Ul'cllL‘xll'il \\ ill hc joincd h} S('() (horns and \tiltiixlx,


I Midday Concert RSAMI). luu chlrcu Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. l’rcc. Violin. ccllo and piano trio pcrl'orni ila}dn\ Piano Trio no 28 in I).

I Glasgow Hospitals’ Christmas Concert Ro}al ('onccrl Hall. 2 Saucliicliall Strcct. 35.3 soon. 7.30pm.

£5 £ l-l. Br} an .-\1|cn dircctx thc Rinal Scottish :\cadcin) Braxx \\llll (ilaxgou lloxpitalx' (limit and l'i‘icndx in aid ol- Sargcnt (’anccr ('arc.

I University of Strathclyde Christmas Concert RSAMI). luu chlrcu Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7 «£51. Popular annual ('hrixtniax ('onccrt l‘caturing (ill-strong (‘onccrl Band and ('hanihcr (‘hoir and undouhlcdl} \UlllL‘ hpr li'oni tlic audicncc.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ('il_\ llall. ('andlcriggx. 353 3000. 7.30pm. £0 £13. Scc Thu 12.

I BT Scottish Ensemble Ro}al ('onccrt Hall. 2 Saucliichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.45pm. £10 £12 (£3 £91. ('andlclit pcrlorniancc ol rum c \Hll'lxx l'caluring lhc tcnor \oicc ol' lob} Spcncc. Scc prc\ icu.

68 THE LIST ‘9 1m. 1' 12'


I Die Fledermaus l‘cxtnal 'l’hcatrc. 13 2‘) .\'icol\on Strcct. 523) (3111)”. 7.15pm. £10.50 £52.20. Sc‘tillidl ()pcra prcxcntx (iilcx lla\crgal\ production of Johann Sll'atl“. Div l’li’rh'l‘nulln. L‘Ulidllclcd 13}

W) n l)a\ icx and chorcographcd h} 'l'crr) .ltlllll Bitlc‘x.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xhcr llall. I.othian Road. 228 1155. 7.30pm. £0.75 £23. Scc Thu 12. I Scottish Chamber Choir St (illLN. ('alhcdral. Ro}al .\li|c. 225 9442. 7.30pm. £101£olz laniil} tickcl £25. .\lichacl llarrix lcadx lhc Scottish ('hanihcr (lion and pupils at St .\lar_\ \ .\lu\ic School in a l'uudraixing conccrt l'or VSt) pcrl'orniing ('hrixtniax map and iiiuxic ll’Ulll around thc uorld. l'ior tickclx call 020 S730 7268.

Saturday 14


I Christmas Carol Concert (ilthgml ('athcdral. (‘axtlc Strcct. .55: 8108. 0.31) H.30pni.£7.501-l.50;l'anii1} £131. (irahani'1‘a}1ordircct\ lhc(‘it-\ ol' (ilaxgou ('lioi'ux tor a \caxonal conccrt

\\ ith rclrcxlnncntx and a childrcn'x \tor)tcllcr. In aid ol' thc l’rinccxx l{o_\a| .\latcrnit} .v\ppcal. 'l‘iclxctx l'roni (ilaxgou Ro_\al lnlirniar}: 0141 211 407-1.

I Opera School Workshops RSAX”). lllll chli‘cu Sll'L‘L‘l. 3.52 5115—. 7.15pm. £5 i£3i. Scc Thu 12.

I Glasgow Youth Choir Christmas Concert RS.-\.\ll). 100 chlrcu Sum. 332 505.". “.30pin. £0. Ranging limit ach (3 1-1. (ilmgou'x lincxt _\oun§_' \ingcrx pcrl'orni a \\ idc rcpcrtoirc o1 \ongs lroin claxxical to l'ollt. to niodcrn.


I Two’s Company (in ..\n ('cntrc. 3 .\litl'l\L‘l Strcct. 52‘) .3993. .3 Jillll. l'iliL‘L'. Violinixt llcctor Scott and clarinctlixt Shinohu Mild continuc tlicir \cricx o1 inlornial altcrnoon conccrtx. lilling tlic ('it} Art (‘cntrc \\ ith tlic \otllldx o1 contcniporar) Scottish L‘tllllpt\\L'l'\.

I Harmony 21 Ro}al .\lu\cuni. 2 (’lianihcrx Strccl. 2-1" 421‘). Jpni. 1’rcc. l-rcc ('hrixtniax conccrl h} tlic liugc trcc in thc Ro}al .\lu\cuni o1 Scotland.

I Orfeo ed Euridice t-mml 'l'licauc. 3 2‘) .\'icol\on Slrcct. 52‘) 0000, ".15pm. 13.50 £52.50. Scc Thu 12.

I The Sargent Hospital’s Christmas Carol Concert l‘xhcr llall. l.othian Road. 223 1155. “.30pm. £12 £17. XL'll .\lantlc lL‘;ttl\ lllL‘ l'.tll|ll‘lll':_'ll. l‘ilc and '1a}~idc lloxpital'x ('hoir in tlic 20th .-\nnual (‘lirixtniax (‘onccrt in aid o1 Sal'gcnl (’anccr (arc lor (‘hildrcn. Scotland.

Saturday 14


I The Spirit of Christmas (‘anongatc Kirk. 153 (’anongatc. on." ".30pni. £o (£3l. lhc lidinhurgli Singcrx prcxcnt an cxcning o1 \caxonal lllll\lL'. \crxc and Pl'tl\L‘. including: nnhic 13} Brittcn. '1'a\cncr. Vaughan \Villianix. Bruckncr and Victoria. .\lu|1cd xx inc and niincc picx \crxcd. 'l‘iclcclx li‘oin thc ()uccnx Hall. 0131 007 77-50 or on lllL' door.

I BT Scottish Ensemble ()uccn'x llall. (‘lcrk Strccl. (ms 201‘). 7.45pm.

£10 £12 i£3 £01, Scc l‘ri 13.


I Sunday Promenade Organ Concerts .r\rt (iallcr‘) «k .\lu\cuni. Kclx ingrm c. .'\r}_"\|c Strccl. 2K." 209‘). 2.30 3pm tk 3.30 ~1pin. l'il'cc. l‘ortniglitl} organ conccrl gncn h) local lllll\lcl;lll\. I Christmas Gala Concert Royil ('onccrl Hall. 2 Sauchicliall Strccl. 353 3000. 7,30pin. £10.25 £23.50. Rtixxcll lluntcr hoxtx an c\cning_' ol ('hrixlniax cliccr \\ llll lllll\lL‘ and t‘tll'tllx including:

'l‘cliaikm \l’x_\ \ Suin' [mm I/Ir' .Vuii I'm/«'1‘ and .r\ndci\on\ Slut/i lx’i'ili’. l'caluring tlic Scottixli ('onccrt ()rclicxtra.

I Glasgow Youth Choir Christmas

1 £



Christmas concerts are so numerous this year that the choice is bewildering. Tried, tested and always a favourite is Cappella Nova’s Carols by Candlelight. It has everything you could ever want in a carol concert. Singers with glowing faces and voices, shiny brass instruments to accompany them, lots of flickering candles and, best of all, the chance for the audience to sing their hearts out to familiar Christmas words and music. First Brass are the guests and we’re even told that there is still space for a few surprises in this special concert forming part of Cappella Nova’s 21 st anniversary celebrations. (Carol Main)

I Cami/town girzrxn'z' a? [fizz/(MW Hall. C

[«I',I‘li r‘ li‘ S')’ ’9 ' [ “,w \I'J/cl . \ <4. ( Hm.

Concert 1<S.I\.\ll). 100 chlrcu Strcct. 332 505". 5.30pm. £0. Scc Sat 14.


I Christmas Carol Concert l‘.tlllll\tll'f_‘ll (.QISllC. R0};ll .\li|c. 2.25 V340. 1.30pm & 2.30pm. £3 l£2 £01. (iacl l‘orcc pcrl'orin 1mm l'a\ouritc\ \\ lllllll thc \pcctacular surroundx ol' tlic castlc.

I Na Clarsairean ()uccn‘x llall. (‘lcrk Strccl. (iox 201‘). 2.30pm. £8 [£5 1. 'l‘lic Scottixli llarp ()rclicxlra pcrlorin lllll\lc lroln l.o\\ land and (iaclic traditionx and \\orl\\ h} 18th ccnlur} ll‘l\ll harpixl. ()‘(Xu'olair

I Leith Concert Band 1(0in .\lu\cuni. 2 ('hanilicrx Strccl. 24' ~12 1‘). 3.15pm. l'rcc (‘lirixtniax conccrl h} llic littgc trcc in tlic l<o_\a| .\lu\cuni 01 Scotland.

I A Concert for Christmas (‘)tlL‘t‘ll'\ lltlll. ('lL‘l'lx Strcct. (i(i.\' 2111‘). 7.30pm. £0 £3 l£5 £"l. Nculongrangc Sil\cr Band join lot‘ccx \\ itli llic Kcmck ('lioir lot" a lull on (‘lirixtniax lilaxt.

I St Giles’ at Six St (iilcV ('allicdral. Ro}al .\1ilc. 225 0-1—12. 0pm. 1"i‘cc at door. .-\ programinc ol' llltl\lL‘ l‘or ad\cnt lroni ()rucll Park School (’onnnunit} ('Iioir.

St Andrews

I BT Scottish Ensemble ll}rc

ilillL‘illl'C. .'\l3l3C_\ .Sll'L'L‘l. (11.3.34 4.551111”. 7.30pm. £10 £12 i£3 £9). Scc iii 13.

Monday 16


I Liberton High School Christmas Concert ()iiccn‘x llall. (‘lcrk Strcct. (308 201‘). 1 1.30am. l‘rcc tk ".30pin. £3 l£2l. ()i‘clicxtrm. liandx. \‘lltlll'\ and ill\ll’lllllt'lll;ll cnxcnililc takc _\ou through tlic (’Iirixtinax l'a\ouritc\. Spccial morning: conccrt lor \cnior citi/cnx.

I St Marys’ Music School Christmas Concert l’;illiicl'\toii l’lacc ('hurcli. l0 l’alinci‘xton l’lacc. 220 1000. l‘rcc. ".30pni. 'l‘o includc Itlll\lc Ii} ltacli. lla)dn and 1’crgolcxi'x .l/ilunilit (1].

Tuesday 1 7


I Orfeo ed Euridice 'l‘licau-c Rll}ill. 2S2 llopc Strcct. 332 ‘1000. ".15pm. £3.50 £52.50. Scc lhu l2.

in 20 Dec." Once/Vs Hail.


I Dalkeith Singers Rtl);ll .\luxcuin. 2 ('lianihcrx Strcct. 247 421‘). 0.30pm. l’rcc (‘lirixtinax conccrt h} thc hugc trcc in llic Ro}al .\lu\cuni ol' Scotland.

I Bathgate Menzies Choir St John's ('hurcli. l’rinccx Slrcct. 01500 410001. 5.30pm. .-\nnual (’hrixtniax carol conccrt Ul- l'L‘\li\L' ltlllL‘\.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra (‘aird llall. ('it} Squarc. (11533—154941)._..5l)|llll. £14 £17.50. ('onductcd 13} (‘hrixtoplicr Bcll thc RS.\’() 1\ joincd h} tlic RS.\'() cliortlx to l‘crl'orin it \clcction 01 (‘lil'ixllllth l'a\ouritc\ in thix popular annual c\cnt.

Wednesday 18


I Strathclyde University Chorus Baron} llall. (‘axtlc Strch 237 5511. 3pm. I‘rcc. .loin tlic Stratliclylc l'ni\cr\it_\ (‘liorus and l)a\id Hamilton on organ tor a carol \cr\ icc.

I Die Fledermaus ’I‘licairc Rtl};ll. 2S2 llopc Strcct. 332 0000. ".l5pni. £3.50 £52.50. Scc 1‘11 13.

I White Christmas Royil (‘oncci‘t Hall. 2 Saucliicliall Strcct. 353 xuuu. ".30pni. £12.50 £24. Paul Batcnian prcxcntx an c\cnin;_' ol' \ongx and carolx including ‘\\'intcr \Vondcrland'. ‘Silcnt \iglit' and ‘.lo} to thc \\'or1d' lcaturing lllc Sc’tllli\li l’npx ()rchcxtra and \olni\1\ .lan llartlc} and (iraliani lticklc}.


I Christmas Carol Concert (‘lun} l’arixh (‘liurclr ('lun} (iardcnx. Morningxidc. 332 2"5S. ".30 0pm. Donations niucli apprccialcd. .-\nnual ('lirixtniax conccrt ll'nlll tlic lidinliurgli 'lclcplionc (‘hoir (-10 \oiccxl and lllll\lL';ll dil'cctor lain 1)unn. in aid ol' local cliariticx.

I Christmas Gala Concert t\|icr llall. 1.otliian Road. 228 1155. ‘..3llpni. U) £2-l. SL‘L‘ Stlll 15.

I Carols from the Southside ()uccn‘x llall.('1crk Sti'cct. (ms 201‘). 7.30pm. £1.50 (£2.50); liiiiiil} tickct £0. ('lirixtniax lllthlc' lroni local priniar} \L‘lltltll\. joincd llll\ _\car 13) ia// hand. Suing: 2002.