St Andrews

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Youngcr Hall. North Strcct. ()l 334 402220. 7.45pm. £0 £l0.50. 'I’ltt' l-iiur .S't'uwnx pro\ idcx lltc clima\ to an cxcning ol' \\ttl‘l\'\ h_\ \'i\aldi. togcthcr

\\ ith Stun insk) '\ ('mit-t'rlu in 1). featuring and lcd h} Alexander Janic/ck.

Thursday 19


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Royal ('oncct‘t Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm.

£1 |.75 £25. Scc lllL‘ 17.

I Dunedin Consort (ilil\:_'t)\\ l'ni\cr\it} ('hapcl. I'ni\crxit} :\\cnuc. 330 4092. 7.30pm. Bcn l’arr} condtlctx 'l'lit' Prop/("x .l/(IH. an c\citing nc“ collahoratn c cotttpoxilion. dc\ ixcd h} thc Duncdin ('onxort. xix Scottixlt compoxcrx and local childrcn‘x c‘ltoit‘\.


I Theatre Cantare National (iallct'} ot‘ Scotland. thc .\lound. 024 0200. 12.45pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘hcatrc (‘antarc cclchratc tlic l'cxlix c \caxon \\ ith a mcdlc) of. songs. [Mix and ptk‘llh.

I Urban Hymns Varioux \cnucx. 5.30 7pm. Scc Thu 12.

I Christmas by Candlelight Ro)a| Botanic (iardcn. lmcrlcith Rou. 552 7l7l. 7.30pm. £75. lntimatc cxcning ol' music from Rttxll'lllll and a hcautil'til tour courxc mcal.

I Carols by Candlelight t'xhcr llall. l.othian Road. 22\’ 1 I55. 7.30pm. £9 £23. Atmosphcric \ctting l‘or l‘cxti\ c carols and muxic \\llll thc ('onxort ot' Voiccx and the Mozart t-mmt ()rchcxtra in lh’th ccntur} drcsx.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (Juccn’x llttll. (‘lCl'lx Strccl. 008 20I‘). 7.45pm. £0.50 £2l. Scc \Vcd lh’.


I Midday Concert St .'\lt)'\\lll\' (lunch. 25 Row Stt'cct. (iarnclhill. 332 3039. l.30pm. £5 t£3i. l)aguin\ L‘ClL‘ltl‘ttlc‘tl l.('\ l)llll:(' .\.ru’/\ 00“ l_\ arrangcd h} \lark l)at'lo\\ l'or \oiccx.

\ iolin. trumpct. harpsichord and organ. I Orfeo ed Euridice 'l‘licatrc Ro}a|. 282 Han Sll‘L‘L‘l. .552 0000. 745w”. £3.50 £52.50. Scc 'l‘hu I2.

I Classics at Christmas RSAXII). I00 chl't'cu Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £l0. Scotlixlt Spina Bitida .-\\\ociatiott prcxcntx a nigltt oi. \caxonal lamuritcx lcaturing thc ltotlmcll Philharmonic ('hoir conducch h) Mark l)onncll_\.

I Cappella Nova Carols by Candlelight Baron) Hall. ('axtlc Strcct. 287 551 l. 7.30pm. £5 £l4

i£3 £l0i. ('appclla .\'o\a \\ ca\ c thcit' \oiccx in a cclchration ol' ('hrixtmax. singing traditional cat'ol\. nc\\ ('hrixtmax music and carols l'or _\ou to sing along to. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ('il} llall. (‘andlct‘iggx 353 8000. 7.45pm. £0 £IX. Scc \Vcd l3.


I Dunedin Consort (trcht'riarx Kirk. (it'c) friars l’lacc. 008 20l9, 7pm. £1 l (£7 i. SL‘L‘ llhltll l‘).

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xhcr llall. l.othian Road. 228 1155. 7.30pm. £ll £24. Scc 'l'uc l7.


I Medieval Trumpets Burt‘cll (‘ollcclioir 2000 l’tllltllx\lltl\\\ Road. 287 2550. 2 4pm. l'i'cc. 'l'raditional mcdic\al muxtc pcrl'ormcd h} (ilaxgou \ on n pla} crx.

I Junior Academy Christmas Concerts RSAMI). I00 chlrcu Strcct. 332 5057. 3pm x 7.30pm. £7 l£4 i. Junior :\L‘tttlL‘lll) (‘hoirx and Junior .-\cadcin} ()l'L‘llL‘\ll';l\ comhinc to pla} “oil” 0} \crdi. Strauss. \Valdtculcl. Rinixk}-Kot\ako\ and Borodin.

I Die Fledermaus 'l‘hcatrc Rt)_\ttl. 282 Hope Sircct. 332 9000. 745ml]. £3.50 £52.50. Sec Hi 13.

I The Messiah Art (iallcr) and Museum. Kclx ingrmc. Argylc Strcct. 287 2073. 7.30pm. £ll) t£5l. llandcl'x mastct'piccc ix thc lll‘xl conccrt ot~

Kch ittgro\c\ concct't \L‘tlxttll.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Ro)al ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l l.75 £25. SL‘L‘ 'l-UC l7.


I Edinburgh Saltire Gaelic Choir Ro_xa| \ltixcum. 2 ('hamhcrx Strcct. 247 42 19. 4pm. l‘rcc ('hrixtmax conccrt h} tltc liugc tt‘cc in thc Ro}a| .\lu\cum of Scotland.

I Cappella Nova Carols by candlelight ()UL‘L‘HK llttll. ('lct‘k Strcct. 008 20l9. 7.30pm. £5 £l4

(£3 £I0i. Scc Hi 20.


I Yuletide Choral and Brass llomlcn l’at'k. lloudcn. 0|500 852 I44. 7.30pm. .»\ li\ c pcrl'ormancc from thc 'l‘occata ('hoit' and Brmhurn l’uhlic Hand.


I Christmas Carol Service St .‘\l0_\ \illx‘ (lilll'c‘ll. 25 Roxc Sli‘L‘L‘l. (iarncthill. 332 3039. 4pm. lircc. (‘hrixtmax carol \cr\ icc \\ ith l'ull choir and scripturc t‘cadingx.

I City of Glasgow Chorus - Pops at the Phil Christmas Cracker Ro}al ('onccrt Hall. 2 Saucliichall Strccl. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l 1.50 £20. l’cxtn c and popular lltlhlc from the (it) ol' (ilaxgou (horns and ()rchcxtra. l‘caturing \pccial guc~t (iracmc l)anh_\ in thc (‘crcmonial l’ulling ol thc (‘rackctz


I The Consort of Voices [{0in .\ltl\Ctlttt. 2 ('ltamhcrx Stt‘cct. 247 42l9. 4pm. l'rcc ('hrixtmax conccrt h_\ thc litigc tt'cc in thc Ro}al .\lu\cum of Scotland.

I Lessons and Carols for Advent and Christmas St (iilcx‘ ('atlictlral. Ro}al .\lilc. 2259442. 0pm. l‘rcc. :\nnual (‘hrixtmax concct't.

I Glory of Christmas t‘xhcr llall. l.ol|tian Road. 223 l I55. 7.30pm.

£9 £23. lidinhurgh Royal ('horal l'nion attd tltc Scottish ('onccrt ()t'cltcxtra cclchratc (’hrixtmax \\ ith traditional music inclttdittg Bach‘s ('lirixlntm ()rulurlu.

I Service of Nine Lessons with Carols St Mar} '\ lipiscopal (‘athcdral 23 l’almcrxton l’lacc. 2250293. 7.30an l‘i'cc. ('ltrixtntax .\la\\ \\ ilh thc ('ltoii' ol St Mar} \ ('atltcdral.

I Handel’s Messiah (‘luccn'x llall. (.lCl'h SII'L‘L‘I. 008 20“). 7.30pm. U)

t£5 £7 l. 'l'ltc John (‘urric Singcrx and ()rchcxtra prcxcnt their annual pcrl‘ormancc ol‘ llattdcl'x .llt'xxiu/i \\ ith l'ull pl'tllt‘\\lttlltll orchcxtt'a. \ttlt)l\l\. conducch h} .lohn (‘urric.


I Glory of Christmas Rt)_\;ll ('oncct't Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 3000. 7.30pm. £l2.50 £23.50. Scc Sun 22.

I Christmas Concert (it) llall. (‘andlct‘iggx 353 8000. 7.30 9.45pm. £0. 'l‘t'aditional and tnodcrn \ongx aitd cat‘olx trom lhix annual concct‘t from lltc l.inn (lion and gucxtx.

Christmas Eve


I Half Hour Service St (tilt-c ('alltcdral. Ro}al .\lilc. 2259442. 5.|5pm. l'rcc. Scrx icc accompanicd h} tlic ('lioir ol St (iilcx' ('alltcdt‘al.

I Service of Nine Lessons with Carols St .\lat"\ \ lipixcopal ('alltcdral. 23 l’almcrxton l’lacc. 2250293. 7.30pm. l-tcc. Scc Sun 22.

I Watchnight Service St (iilc\‘ ('alhcdral. Royal .\lilc. 225 9442.

l l.30pm. l-‘rcc. l.atc nigltt church \ct'\ icc. I Watchnight Service St .\Iar_\ \ lipixcopal ('alhcdt'al. 23 l’ttllltcl‘xlttlt l’lacc. 225 0293. l l.30pm. l‘rcc. Scc ahmc.

I Watchnight Service Old St l’aul\ ('hurch. 03 Jcllrc} Strcct. 550 3332.

l l.30pltt. l'lL‘C. SCL‘ ilht“ c.


I Christmas Classical Gala Ro}al (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Satichicliall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. U250 £23.50. l.c[ thc lt‘xllu‘ L‘llL‘L‘l‘ \L‘lllL‘ llt llll\ rclaxing conccrt ol' popular L‘litxxlc‘ill picccx from thc Scottish ('onccrt ()l'L‘llL‘\ll'tl. inclttding Strauxx' (’liuni/mgm' I’m/Au. and \'i\aldi'\ ll'inlt'r l‘t‘ont 'I‘ltc' l-our Stu/mm.

Saturday 28


I Opera Gala Night Ro};tl ('oncct‘t Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l0.75 £25. Andre“ (it‘cctt\\tit)tl coltdttclx lltc Scttltixlt ('onccrt ()rcltcxtra attd (ilasgtm l’hocnix ('hoir in an c\cning ol' opcratic c\li'act\ from sonic ol‘ thc lllthl popular opcrax. includittg (tunic/t. .lltu/mnu Ititllt’r/lr and Lu 'Ii‘ui'iulu.


I Tchaikovsky Gala Night t‘xhcr llall. l.othian Road. 228 ll55. 7.30pm. £9 £24. Scottish ('onccrt ()t'chcxlra takc on 'l‘chaikox \l\_\ concluding \\ ith his licr} /t\'/2 ()t‘t’l‘llll't’.

Monday 30


I Tchaikovsky Gala Night Roytl ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Slrcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l0.25 £24. Scc Sun 29.


I Hogmanay Gala Ro};t| ('ottcct‘l Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l l.75 £20. l'na .\lcl.can pt‘cxcntx an cwning ol‘ llogmatta) cclchration pcri'ormcd h} tltc Scottish (‘oncci't ()t'chcxtra. including

'l‘cltaikm \k} \ .X'u'rm ].(ll\(' l'inu/t'. l’uccini'x .Vt'ntm Unl‘lltu. ;\nd ol~ cout‘w. ‘Should atild acquaintancc he forgot . . .’


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xltcr llall. l.ot|iian Road. 228 ll55. £ll £24.50. (iat't') \Valkcr conducts thc Bank ot' Scotland llogmana) (iala \\hicli lcaturcx .lamic .\lacl)ougall ax tcnor and prcxcnlcr.

I Candlelit Concert St (iilu‘ ('athcdt'al. Ro)a| .\lilc. 2259442. 7.30pm. £15. 'lakc a pauxc in thc tour- da} cclchrationx to find a ntotncnt ol pcacc \\ ith St (iilcx‘ (‘athcdral (’ltoir. dircclcd h} Mich;th llztt't‘ix. and thc Bl Scottixh linxcmhlc. 'l‘hc} pcrl'orm Bach's /.lll/lt’l'(llt .l/tln in (i .l/tl/ril‘. llt‘lltl‘lclt Schut/K \clling of thc Magnilicat and Vaughan \Villiamx‘ l-uiilmiu on (‘ltr‘ixlmm (um/x.

New Year’s Day


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra l'xltct' llall. l.olltian Road. 220’ ll55. 7pm. £0.50 £2l. .\ uclcoming iii of thc .\'c\\ Ycar \\ itli traditional lktxotit'itcx including \xalt/cx. polkax atid ntarchcx h} Strauss. l)ll'('l'lllllt'lllll in l) h) .\lo/art and \'ilia from 'l’lur .llt'rrt Hit/on h} l.char.

I A Viennese New Year t'xlicr llall. l.otltiatt Road. 220' l I55. 7pm. £7.50 £22.50. \‘icnncsc conccrl l'caturing \ iolinixt~conductor lirnxt Kmacic and \opt‘alto ('lairc Rultcr.

classical & opera listings Music

Dunedin Consort By the time it reaches Glasgow and Edinburgh. the Dunedin Consort's new commission. The People '3 Mass. will have been performed in front of rather a lot of people all the way from iviull to Aberdeen via (rather oddly) Ayr and Inverness. It’s all about six different composers visions of ancient words and modern music. with fancy lighting and some dancing too. Tommy Fowler ipicturedi. Christine McCombe and Rebecca Howe are three of the six featured composers. University Chapel. Glasgow. Thu 19 Dec; Greyfr/ars Kirk. Edinburgh. Fri 20 Dec.

RSNO A 6pm start means that there is still plenty of time to do whatever else you might want to do on New Year's Eve after the Bank of Scotland Hogmanay Gala. Edinburgh's very own young conducting star. Garry Walker. makes a welcome return to the podium. with witty interjections from tenor and broadcaster Jamie MacDougall. Usher Hall. Edinburgh. lire 3/ Dec.

Scottish Chamber Orchestra Sir Charles Mackerras is. unsurprisingly. one of the SCO's favourite conductors. His all- Mo/art programme is the first of two this season to examine the last works of two composers lthe other is Schubert) who died far too young. Opera house. concert hall and church come together in the overture to lhe Mag/c li/ute. Jupiter Symphony and Heguiem. Uslie/‘Ha/l. Edinburgh. flit/ l2 Dec: City Hall. Glasgor'x. f‘l'l 13 Dec.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Rina] ('oncct‘l Hall. 2 Sauchicltall Slrccl. 353 .\’000. £l l.75 £25. RS\() and thc RSNt) (’Iiorux join l'orcc\ to pcrl'orm llandcl\ monumcntal .llm xiii/1: L‘ttlttlllL‘lL‘tl l‘) RU} (itltltlllldll.


I Handel’s Messiah l‘xlicr llall. l.othian Road. 22.\' 1 I55. noon 3pm.

£l0 £25 i£5 £20i. l'.tlllll‘lll’;_‘ll Ro}al (’Iioral ('lioir prcxcnt thcit' annual pcrlormancc ol' llandcl\ .l/t'\\ltl/l \\ ith an imprcxxn c roxtct' oi prolcxsional \oltii~t\. thc ('alcdonian ('hamltcr ()rchcxtra and conductor Rohcrt .\l;tl'\lt;Ill.

.~ THE LIST 69