
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at ruth@list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.


I Jock Tamson’s Bairns l.l\L‘ at the Star. St Andre“ \ in the \quarc. oil Sttlltttttt'kcl. St :\ltdt‘e\\ ix Street. 543 6020. 8pm. L'6tL'41. 1ind-ol'-the-_\ear \pecial e\ent tor the Star ('Iuh \\lll1 singers Rod l’atehon and John ('roall iii the celebrated lllllill-l11\[l'lllttt‘ltl;ll the- piece. The club then reopen\ in liebruar). I Mambo Tango (‘tiha \orte. John Street. 552 3505. 9pm. l’ree. DJ ()xtra pro\ ides l.atin. \oul. l'unk. hip-hop atid reggae \Ulllltl\.


I Out of the Bedroom \t'atei‘le} Bar. St Mar} \ Street. 55.” 1050.

‘)ptti midnight. 1‘ree. ()pett-tnic night. 1idiiilttirgh \iiiger/xong“riterx. .\'o L‘tHL‘l'S.


I Calasaig l.och l.omond Shorex. Ben l.otnond \Va}. 0138‘) 722 363. 7.30pm. ‘5'. 1"i\e—piece 11111lH-lllSlt‘lllIlL‘ltlul hand pla} ing cheerful traditional Scotti\h and contemporar} ltllhlL‘ and \ong.

Saturday 14


I Ceilidh at the Caves Sottth .\'iddr_\ Street. 8pm. £5/L'4. lidinhurgh 11L‘\\C\l ceilidlt \enue totall} ret'ttrhixhed in atnioxpheric underground ca\ern\ tinder Sotitli Bridge. ()penx “till the lunk_\ Robert l‘ixh Band.

I Zuba lhe Liquid Room. \‘ictoria .SII'L‘CI. 225 2.504. "pm. LS. (il;t\go\\- based at'ro-l‘tixion and mu itig dance l'l1}lllltl\ do their hit lor charit} \\ ith thix .r\tnne\t_\ International benefit \ltou. Members hail l'rom Liberia. Ziiiiltabue. the Baxque cotintr} and Scotland.


I Eilidh Campbell, James Ross and Michelle Bourke \Vee i‘t)ll\ (’luh. Roytl ()ak. lnlirtnar} Street. 557' 2076. 8pm. £5. lind ol' the _\ear lot‘ the “CC l'iolk (illll3.\ 2002 \L‘;t\otti liddlL‘. piano attd \oc;t|\ in a _\outhl'ti1 take on Scots and lt‘lxlt tt'aditiottx.

Wednesday 18


I Jock Tamson’s Bairns lidinhttrgh 1"o1k (‘ltth (‘aharet Bar. the l’lL‘axttltCL‘. (L50 254‘). See llttl l2.

Thursday 19

Glasgow I Mambo Tango (‘ulm .\'orte. John

Street. .552 5.50.5. 0pm. i'iliCL‘. SL‘L‘ 'l'lttt l2.


I Out of the Bedroom Water-1e} Bar. St .\1ar_\\ Street. 557 1050.

()pllt itiidttight. 1‘i'ee. See lltll l2.


I Wolfstone 'l'olltootlt 'l'lteatt‘e. .lail \\"\nd. 01786 274000. 8pm. £10 tL'6.501. Wollxtoiie‘ are back \\ ith their big sound built rottnd Highland rock. next \ottg\. bagpipes and fiddle.


I Ceilidh .v\\\clltl\l'\ Rootth. (ieorge Street. 220 434‘). 8pm midnight. ('eilidh dance presented b) the .'\dult learning l’t‘oiect.


I Wolfstone Rolltc\ littllx. Rotltc\ Square.015‘)2 611101. 8pm. £8

(£0 Ui. See Thu 1‘).


I Ceilidhs at the Caley (’aledoniaii Brewer}. Slatel‘ord Road. 6238066. 7pm. L'61L'5i. 1.i\e lllllle' l'i'oni the Sand} Legget and the ('atNeloch ('cilidh band.

I Wee Folk Club The Roytl ()ak. ltilii'inai‘} Street. 55" 2W6. 8.30pm. [3. See Stiii 15.


I Ceilidh at the Caley (‘aletlouiaii lii'euei'}. Slateloi'd Road. 623 8066. 7pm. £3. 1.i\e lllll\lL‘ troni'1‘eannatch.

Boxing Day

Glasgow I Mambo Tango ('ulta \oi‘te. .loltlt Sll’L‘L‘l. 553 .5505. “Pitt. l‘it'CC. SL'L‘ llttl



I Boxing Night Ceilidh (ittltlL‘ll l.ion lltilL‘l. Kitth Sll'CL‘l. (H780 47.555 l. 8pm. (air) on the textne celebrations \\ ith thix ceilidh led 1t} the Stuart McKeoun Band.


I Ceilidh at the Caley ('aledonian Brewer}. Slatel'ord Road. 623 8066. 7pm. £619.51. .\lll\lL‘ l‘rom 1.;txt'1‘ram tae .'\uchen\hugg1e.

Saturday 28


I Lori Watson Duo lhe lttitt. ('axtlehill. Ro}al .Mile. 473 2000. 3pm. Award-u inning liddler 1.ori \Vatson ix accompanied h) 15iona Yotttig oti the accordion.

I Shetland Sessions Queen'x Hall. (’lerk Street. 668 201‘). 8pm.

£10 £121£S E 101. Rtttih} cotiteiiipoi';tt'_\ \ollttd\ mixed \\ ith older liddle traditions in a grand night ol Shetland hands and \oloi\[\. The big line-tip includes Rock Salt and Nails. Drop the Hm. Hoin Bru. Milladen. Shoormal. 1-"ilxk'a and (ieinina Donald.


I Dean Owens, the Felsons and Friends Queen's Hall. ('lerk Street. 668 201‘). (‘otititi'} llCl\'\ lrom the acclaimed l‘elxonx. pla)ing oiil} their second \htm ol the _\ear. \\ itlt support l'rom artists including Sheila Henderson. I Corrina Hewat the Hub. ('axtlehill.1<o_\a1 Mile. 473 2000. 3pm. (ii'eat pla_\ ing on the \lllilll harp from the lidiiihui'gh-lxtxed. _ia//-inlilected singer who 111t)\L‘\ lt‘om l'olk to l'uxion. I Traditional Music Evening with Cantrip The Hub. (‘axtlehilk Rt)_\;ll\iilg‘,—i?.i2(lllll.7.3013111.[Klfihk Wild and “000). and highl} skilled. lixe-piece (‘eltic band \the lirxt album lt;t\ _ltl\l ltL‘L‘tt l‘L‘lL‘;l\L‘d

Monday 30


I The Night Afore Fiesta Vat-tom Venuex. 7 11pm. l‘ree. l-iesta mm ex lk‘l“ L‘L‘tt (ieorge Slt‘L‘L‘l. (‘axtle Sll'L‘Cl attd Hano\ er Street. The World Music Stage ltt)\[\ 'l'ranxglohal l'ndergrotmd and funk} heats l'rom D.1 Dolphin Ho}: on the (‘L‘llltlll Stage on lltttttn L‘t' Slt'CL‘l are the 1’oi'tohe11o('eilidh Band and Strip the \Villtm. 1i\ent\ kick oll \\ ith 111;I\\L'tl pipes and drums at the top ol. the 1<o_\a| Mile.


I Glasgow’s Hogmanay George Square. 287 3666. 0.30pm 1.30am. l'il'L‘k'. litll ticketed. (it'ol'l \o .5. Shooglenil't}. Raggaelx and John ('arinichael ('eilidh Band.

I Hogmanay St .»\ndi'e\\ \ iii the Square. oll Saltmarket. St Andre“ \ Street. 548 6020. 8pm 1am. £20. See in the New Year iii traditional \t_\1e \\ ith a ('eilidh Dance Band. Bullet. Midnight Dram and Black Bun.


I Emily Smith Band The Hub. ('axtlehill. l{tt_\;tl .Mile. 473 2000. 3pm. L8 (L61. Singer. accordionixt and \\ inner ol HH("\ Radio Scotland Young 'l‘i'aditional Musician ol' the Year. Smith is joined h) the l'lutex. pipes. l‘retx and \\ l1l\llL‘\ til Roxx .'\lll\llL‘. .lltltltL‘ Mc|.ennan attd Sean()‘1)onne1.

I Hogmanay Bash in the Marquee ('aledonian Ht‘L‘\\L‘t‘). Slatel'ord Road. 623 8066. 7pm. £25. 'l'eaimaich leads the (ale) '\ Hoginana) celebration\ in the marquee. S()1.l) ()l‘l.

I The Reel Fling ('aletloniau Hreuer). Slatelord Road. 623 8066. 7pm. £45. l‘ormal dinner. S()1.D ()l‘l.

Stirling I Hogmanay Ceilidh :\ll‘el'l lltlllm Duinltarton Road. 01786 473544. 8pm.

folk & world listings Music


Shetland Sessions A blast from the north hits Edinburgh's Southside when the mother of all Shetland sessions takes over the Queen's Hall. Pioneering folk band Hom Bru are back in town with their blistering banjo: roots rockers Drop the Box and Rock. Salt and Nails are there: there are harmony vocals and original songs from Shoormal. the fieny fiddling of Filska and more. Queen's Ha//. Edinburgh. Sat 28 Dec.

Jock Tamson’s Bairns The Bairns play out the old at both ends of the M8 when the five- strong Scots music band tfeaturing our multi tasking folk editor Norman Chalmers. no lessi end the year for both Glasgow and F-dinburgh folk clubs. Glasgow's Star Club has now settled into the wonderfully renovated venue of St Andrew's iii the Square and the capital's venerable Folk Club continues at the Pleasance. St Andrew's in the Square. Glasgow. Thu 12 Dec: the Pleasance. Edinburgh. Wed t8 Dec.

Music and Art for New Year’s Day Cafe society and classy. soul-soothing music is the free offer on the first day of 20013. lhe astonishingly good Scottish Guitar Quartet are paired with Joan Lardley's paintings in the City Art Centre. while the pure vocals of Gaelic singer Alyth McCormack -- with her the -- are the foil for the Fruitinarket's Visions for the Future /‘/. City Art Centre and Fl'tlli/llt'll’kOl Gt’il/ei‘v rU/lllflll'g/l. li"/ed 1 Jan.

Zuba Self—confessed i-iorld ftisionists. 7uba cannily combine African folk and reggae with a celtic twist. The octet keep the charitable spirit of the season going with this benefit show for Al‘lllCSly International. Liquid Room. Edinburgh. Sat M Dec.

£32. See iii the \eu Year at this Hogmana) ceilidli dance.

New Year’s Day


I Music and Art for New Year’s Day 1-‘ruitmai'ket (iallet‘). Market Street. 225 2383. 1 5pm. l‘ree. :\l\\;l_\\—poptll;ll' ltangm er cure. Beatitil'ul music “101;! \ti‘ong ia//} edge from the Scottish (itiitar Quartet. and (iaelic and conteitipoi'ar} litiglixh \ong from the pure \oice ot' l.e\\ ix singer/ache“ .-\1} th .\lc('orinack accompanied It} the t\\ iii talents ol'1)a\e} 'l'roughton. piano. and ('apercaillie liaxxixt lixtan \ernal.