We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Glasgow lite listings compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Thursday 19

Book events

Alan Spence ()ttakar'x Booblorc. Inn 0. Buchanan (iallcricx Buchanan Strccl. 353 I500. (3.3llltln. l‘rcc. :\ combination ol. poctr) and mnsic ax .-\|an Spcncc rcadx lrom hix latcxt collcction ol' pocmx. (i/rlwrm Xv”. to lllllSlL‘ pla}cd h) Dick ch‘.

Neal Ascherson littl'tlch Boolu. 383 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 7pm. l-‘rcc. 'l‘hc popular author talln about ltix latcxt “ork. Stu/tr lit/in: 'I‘lic Scorch [or Scot/um].


Fitba’ Fitba’ Fitba’ l.o\\ l’al'lo .\lu\cum. 12‘) Mini Strcct. llatnilton. 01008 328232. l’rcc. l‘rcc l‘oolhall training \cxxion l'or kids and adult\.

Horse Racing at Ayr A} r Racccourxc. I Whitlcth Road. .-\}i'. 0| 3‘): 2(r4l7‘).

2.05 5.35pm. £8 £3. Racing at Scotland\ prcniicr racccourxc. l'caturing thc (iold (‘up and tltc \chtcrn .\lccting.

Other events

Four Blokes - Word on the Street ('(‘.'\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4900. 7l‘m. £4 tt'3r. t('(‘.v\ 5t. l’our dixcrxc pcrl'ormancw l'rom Jcin Rollx. l‘oundcr ot' thc Big \Vord; poct aitd \tand-up Richard .-\llcn: (i|a\go\\ actor. poct and \tand-up Sand} Nclxon and ncucomcr .\lichacl .\lc(iil|.

Beating the Bounds (iallcr_\ or .\lodcrn Art. ()uccn Strcct. 34l 0844. (1.30pm. l’rcc. 'l‘hc Mcrchant ('it} l‘cxtiVal gcts oll to a colourful start u ith a communit} lantcrn proccxxion incorporating drama. dancc. poctr} and lnll\lc. 'l‘ltix pt‘oc‘t‘xxlonttl and tltcatt'ical CVcnt hcginx at (io.\l.'\. hcl‘orc making its \t'a} around thc cdgcx ol' thc Mcrchant ('it\.


Fitba’ Fitba’ Fitba’ l.o\\ l’ul'le .\lu\cum. Ill) .\luir Strcct. Hamilton. (“NM 33333:. l‘rcc. Scc 'l'ltll ll).

Ayr Races A} r Racccotlrxc. 2 \Vhillcttx Road. A} r. (02‘): 304170.: 5pm. £8 [37. Scc 'l‘hu l‘).

Glasgow Rugby v Bridgend llnghcmlcn. 33 llnghcndcn Road. 353 34(18.7_30pm. [l3 U4 tt'o Ur. ('cltic l.caguc rugh} match.


Introduction to Scottish Mountaineering 'I'iw (ilttxgtnt ()tlltloot' li\pcricncc. 50 («MPH Slrccl. 'l'ounhcad. 55‘) 5450. " ‘lpm. £47. A l\\o tltl} cont'\L‘ tcaching )ott lhc lNNU to hpr

mm c )ott on l'rom \xalkmg to mountainccring.

Navigation in Summer 'l‘iso (illhgou ()utdoor li\pcricncc. 50 (‘oupcr Strcct. 'l'ounhcad. 55‘) 5450. 7 0pm. £38. .-\n introduction to thc ‘micro' na\ igation tcchniqucx ncccxxar} to hpr _\ou um i\ c tltc grcat ottldoot'x.

Verbal Studio (ilaxgtm l’rint Studio. 33 x 35 King Strcct. 552 0704. 7 0pm. l‘rcc. .'\n c\cning ol poctr} and chat \\ ith racontcur Rohcrt Kno\ cclchrating thc launch ol \Vt'itcr'x l‘orunt. /’url of .llr'rt‘ltunl (in l'i’Ull‘rll.

Other events

Russian Tearoom Weekend (‘at'c (ioxxacltolx. l0 King Strccl. 5.53 0733.

l 3pm. lr'rcc. (ict a taxtc ol' Ruxxia uith \omc traditional Rll\\tttlt tlL‘\\L‘l‘l\. Purl of .‘Il’l't'llll/l/ (in I’twlii‘ul.

A Night of Light and Darkness Burnx National llcritagc l’ark. .\ltirdocli\ l.onc. :\llo\\a_\. 0| 3‘): 443700. 7.30pm. li\plorc thc Scottixh \upcrnatural in an c\cning ol‘ l'ood. song and a \ound and light \lto“ in :\llo\\a} \ haunch kii'k};ti'tl.


Horse Racing at Ayr .'\_\ r Racccourxc. 2 \Vhitlcttx Road. .-\_\ 1'. am: 204170.105 5.25pm. rs r27. Scc Thu 1‘).

Rangers v Partick thistle Ilu‘o\ Stadium. lidinixton l)ri\ c. 0870 o00 1993. 3pm. £10 £22 tL'l ll. Sl’l. l'oothall match.


Introduction to Scottish Mountaineering Tim (illngnu ()utdoor lixpcricncc. 50 (‘ottpcr Strcct. l‘ounhcad. 55‘) 5450. 0am 4.30pm. £47. Scc Hi 30.

Navigation in Summer ‘I‘im (ilaxgou ()utdoor li.\pcricncc. 50 (’oupcr Strcct. 'l‘ounhcad. 55‘) 5450.

()am 4.30pm. £38. Scc Hi 20.

Other events

Craft Fair Mcrchant Squarc. 'l'hc (‘ourt_\ard. 7l 73 Albion Strccl. 341 0844. l‘rcc. lit‘tm \c thc cral'l \litll\ and pick up a hand madc bargain. l’rll‘l ur' .lI('rr'/tunl ('ilr l'i’\lll'(l/.

Family Day l‘axlanc l’L‘tlL‘c (‘itlnll Shandon. .\'r llclcnxhurgh. 0845 4588300. l-rcc. .~\ 'l'ridcnt l’louglixliarc\ da} at thc l‘axlanc l’cacccanip l‘or all thc l'ainil}.

RSAC Veteran 8: Vintage Car Run Bl}th\\\ood Squarc. 304 499‘). ‘lam. l‘rcc. l’rcparc to man cl ax thc annual (‘ai‘ Run \ctx oll l‘roni Bl) tlmmod Squarc cnding up at tltc hcautil'ul lxlc ol' Bulc.

Chatelherault Country Park Open Day ('hatclhcrault (’ottntr} l’ark. otmx 430213. l0am 4pm. l‘rcc. l‘la:_'\hiP c\cnl l'or 'l'rccl'cxt Scotland 3002. cunningl} cntitlcd 'l’rcc in thc l’ark. (‘hcck out \Ulllt‘ local L'l'illlS \uch ax uooduorking. chainxau \L‘lllpllll't‘\ and

‘5; ‘v‘(."" I ivwr 1r ‘v~' ,-/«y (1. $0“; 0 v r \‘ S" )1" ~. . l‘-li£i.‘\. I‘v’k' l'.‘ ..' ’.. 't I: t. ‘--. .L, 5",. . ,. ,. new 2.1!...«2lm3l .. 4 ~. Burrell Collection “0120‘.” was. (..' flight}. ’9‘“, y I , / « ') i \ quflggflligp _ .),",‘ '; ’,'<‘1"£':.'.:1"~.5i'l. l/"“~,‘?"’.l. . '1 ’l’lti'ti'fk H I . '/ ' .. . 5;: ' ' ' ' l" , N. J..- I. .1 I. ~- - 5 Glasgow Science Art Gallery 8. Museum, .. .a . 2 centre ' Kelvrngrove H ' "3"}.‘r8‘."‘:‘:°..Piivi;;‘./!i!. l“:él..ii.. éi'i' '.‘ ," V". "x. '. Sat 1' f r t r: "flaw '5}:,rr' i r )2. I: Hr l ,;"r:; ' Irrr ;:;_{; ':~( 'rr~{. Isn't/t t .r "I! Him in. ,. .; “Ii It .11 um I: rm : r .i‘.‘ ‘J v i' Gasgow Cathedral 'r '..'t .l Cgi=s'.‘,~8'.'t:t>‘.. "-114 T-t'itia r v "n" t' ' 7/12" Szi'. '1 " :J - .'.",r"’l/.1)..’.""ii"“:‘;itfi ;) 'jgld' H l. l"‘ '1‘,” ’i' ' l :l’ “’l [X ° " '.. .' ," "(i‘l '.l'_ , W < : ,.

ARCl llliiCTURl DOORS OPEN DAY Open to all


Glasgow life

Doors Open Day lasts a weekend. Strange I know, but this is because you need more than one day to have the slightest chance of seeing inside so

many of the city’s incredible buildings.

Glasgow was the first city in the UK to have a Doors Open Day when it was introduced by the Glasgow Building Preservation Trust in 1990. It has grown in popularity and now 62 buildings within the city are opening their doors to let the public have a good old nosey around. There is a wide mix of buildings taking part in the weekend event from the sheriff court and the Glasgow Science Centre through to the GFT and Garnethill Synagogue. Many of the buildings are open to the public on a daily basis already but for others this is a rare opportunity to see behind the scenes.

Glasgow is steeped in architectural history and this weekend allows you to step back in time and catch a glimpse of history. One such building is the Britannia Panopticon Music Hall, one of the last survivors of the music hall in the UK. Others show how old buildings have been reworked and revamped to bring them in line with today’s needs such as the Arches and the Lighthouse. It is also a chance to see the work of some of the city‘s

famous architects. (Jane Hamilton)

I Doors Open Day. var/our; venues. 221 ($00 7. 8th ("i 8 Sim: 25;) Sop 70am

(In/n. Fret).

working litil'SL‘S.

Homes Overseas Exhibition Sli(‘('. l-‘innicxton Qua). 0870 040 4000. Information and practical ad\ icc on

but ing a houxc in thc \un.

The Dangerous and the Delicious l.inn l’ark ('onntr} l’ark. Simxliill Road. 037 ll-l7. llatii. l-rcc.

.loin thc countrpidc rangcrx and dixcmcr

thc lungi ol' l.inn l’ark.

Scotland’s Exclusive Wedding Event Ro)al ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sattclticltall Strch 353 8000.

I l.l5am 4.45pm. .v\n c\tcn\i\ c rangc ol'

\\cdding c\hihitor\ \otn‘ccd lrom all mcr

Scotland. \\ ill Itc taking part in laxhion catualk \lto\\\. \\ inc and cakc taxting. hair and hcaul) dcinonxtrationx. and a \arict} ol' othcr \tcdding l‘caturcx. Paintings on Railings Ramxltorn ‘l‘hcatrc. 98 lngram Strcct. 34l 0844. l’i'cc. Brouxc or hit} lrom a \clcction ol

\\ot‘l\\ h) local artixtx. .»\l\o on dixpla} iii (‘andlcriggx

Other events

Chatelherault Country Park Open Day ('hatclltcrattlt (‘ountr_\ Park. (0008 4202B. l0am 4pm. l‘rcc. Scc Sat _‘|. Homes Overseas Exhibition Sl-tt'. l‘i;‘..".ic\to:i Qua}. 08—0 040 4000. Scc Sat 3 l.

Scotland’s Exclusive Wedding Event Boyd ('onccrt Hall. I Sauchicliall Strcct. 353 8000. ll.l5am 4.45pm. tltc. SL‘L‘ Sill 3 l.

Farmers Market \lcrcltant (in. nun Stt‘cct. 34i 0844. l’rcc. Brouxc thc \tall\ and ptircltaxc \oiiic dclicioth contincntal lood and drink. lit/'10] .llt'rt/nm/ ("i/t l-i'xriini.

Doors Open Day (thing t-‘ilm

Glasgow School of Art Hark "'..,?;".:} v. x .. a“ :' l"-’:l\./i£t<f'\"'.1:fl"(it! .':" ' 4-: " ‘-.- ‘07 Honl'w. Show. 4:3.“ .. . t «a {E‘giiat/n'. St‘ttar " ":a '2'} . :;'_.,'~" A". t; (2"41' iffl lit?""‘? '."i> r. .. . Glasgow Science : Centre ~;'.. ~ 5: in." House for an Art {7. Lover u- l " -\ i “.."i \'\l; lt trig. . 'til‘rl l H V\' '.~;>.:"v‘r:>';,.r.. : ... " ' Holmwood House :z'w- : 'k' t" tin“ N114." amt} K '3: ' "‘ " i\.i'.".l.:'f.'i‘ ‘3‘ '_ n. .‘ : 2' ~.'\.

"Tit‘l ~.T '. . THE LIST 97