Glasgow life

Sunday 22 continued

'I‘hcatrc. 13 Row Strch 333 9138. 10.30am. lircc. .-\\ part of thc (ii-“IX l)()ul‘\ ()pcn 1)a_\ thc} “ill hc ha\ ing a \pccial c\ cm for \ l\tl;lll) impaircd and dcal‘ ciiicma goci‘s.

Eccentric City Tours (il;t\gtt\\ ('it) ('cntrc. 341 (1844. 1 1.30am tk 3.3llpm. £4. 'lakc part in onc o1 thc moxt opinionach and illlitl‘llttlll\ c lUlll'\ oi lhc cit} “ith chat and chcck trom \culptor (icorgc \V) llL‘. l’t‘olc\\ttl‘ :\lltl} .\lacMillan and \cil Ba\tci'. l’urr u/ .lh’l’t‘llillll (in l'i’xlii‘til.

East Dunbartonshire Travel festival Various \cnucs. Kirkintilloch. 578 8043. .\'ooii 5pm. l-‘i‘cc. liaxt l)unhartonxhii'c takc part iit liiiropcan .\lohilit} chk h) holding this l'cxtixal of 11m cl. ‘l'akc a l'i'cc boat trip hctxiccn 'l‘xxcchai' Bridgc and Kirkintilloch or join in thc guidcd lli\lt)l"\ \xalk. 'l‘hcrc'x also a l'ai'mci'x' markcl and lttl\ ol' \ltlll\ and acti\ iticx to kccp all thc l'aiiiil) happ}. In Town Without My Car .\lcrchant ('it}. Now 8pm. l‘i‘cc. lixpcriciicc thc car-li'cc \ll'ccl\ til lltL‘ .\lcrchant ('it) and cnio} thc Victorian l'unlair. \trcct thcatrc. handxtand muxic. hoi'sc and cart ridcx and much inorc. l’url offllli'ri‘liiuil (ii/IV l'i'.\lll'll/.

Tuesday 24

Book events

AN Wilson Bordcrx Book\. 383 Buchanan Sti'cct. 333 77()(). 7pm. 151cc. 'l‘hc author discuxxcx hix most rcccnt work. The \ii'loriii/n.


Regal Masters (il£t\:_'t)\\ ’I‘hixilc llotcl. ('aitihi'idgc Strch ()870 ()133o53. 3pm & 7pm. £3/L‘7. pla}cr\ compctc l'or tlic £3t)5.l)t)t) chal .\lttslcl'x.


10 Minute Talk Iluntcrian .\luxcum. l‘nixcrsit} .-\\cniic. 331) 4331. 13.45pm. lircc. [)1‘ \cil (ilttl‘lx tli\L'll\\c\ Llll](t\tttll'\ in hix talk ciititlcd liar/ting Dinnwurx.‘ I‘iml/n'inlx I‘ll Illt’ Sum/x (if lllllt'.

Wednesday 25


Regal Masters (ilaxgim 'l‘hixtlc llotcl. ('ainhridgc Sti'cct. (1871) (1133(i53. 3pm «k "pm. 1.3/1.7 Scc 'I’iic 34.


Fine Furniture l’ollok lloiixc. l’ollok (’ountr) l’ai'k. 3()(i() l’ttll()l\\lltt\\\ Road. (ilb ()4 ll). 3.3(lpm. £5 l[.3.751..-\ tllcmcd tour ol' thix liduardian L‘Ullltll'} lltttl\L‘. Discussion Group (ilil\:_'tt\\ l'lllll 'l‘hcati'c. l3 Rnxc‘ Sti'cct. 333 3138. 7pm. £1 £3. Join in \\llll llllx iiil'oi'mal group and tli\L'll\\ t|ic month‘x topic ‘draniax around thxl'tiiictioiial l'aiiiilicx'.

Other events Dundee Dance Festival Master classes Spacc. Bar .\1. 43 Jamaica

Museum of Transport

Kelp/“i llgiil. ' Hii""“)..f;-:.- Read. Me." Thain {HAIL i' J“. 53.1" ‘larii f)l)lll_ l l‘:-f:. A ’lltlf)(:li'1i'Lli:"i'll{:’l .'.i‘.t‘ buses. fiariis). in:

engines, ‘4" {LT

1min sat

(iii/T). l\/‘|<;ii

it) tlit; (fist/w, mi transmit?

People’s Palace and Winter Garden

(Sasqiox. (Pun-'1 “JR-1

ll<;ll‘i‘- a:

difiiiitiilm'l 'iar; '<;<;i;iit",' iiri<1(:'g<>i‘-<: a iiigiioi Lice-aft to <:(:1(3t;l£ii(: its centenary, yeti'. Scotland Street School Museum Miifstriilli of [ <li.(;{l’.'t)l‘. 22‘; Scotland Street. Piaf \. #4 Sat turn :flpiii: l i. {*4 Son paizitn‘iwigrti. 'liu'l'lrfl llgi'ii fiinii. 1 me. [)t:t,<_;i:<:<livi100.111, (Linnea Heiiiw: iii-L.- l\/1;:<;kii‘tt;+;‘i and l“)".'.’

l i

.t'fll"‘.'(: 'lltli(:l.itl il‘t: ()l‘i {:(hulililhl‘

Sti‘cct. 573 (1198. Want noon. 1‘rcc. l'niiiissahlc opportunit} tor prolcxsional danccrx and dancc studcntx to takc part in a iiiaxtcr clasx taught h} a \arict} of top cltol'L‘ttgl‘apltcr\.

Thursday 26

Book events

Things Can Only Get Bitter Bordci'x Boob. 383 Buchanan Strch 333 7‘00. 7pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘hc launch iii" an antholog} of 11C“ “hung from a i'angc of Scottish aiithoi‘x.


Regal Masters (il&l\:_‘0\\ lltixllc llotcl. (‘aiiihi'idgc Sum. (1870 (1133053. 3pm & 7pm. t‘3/L‘". Scc luc 34.


Katarina Lofstrom and Camilla Low 'I‘raiima}. 35 .\lhcrt l)l'i\L‘. (1845 331135111. opiii. l’rcc. Participating tll'lt\l\ Katai'ina l.ol\ti'oiii and ('amilla 1.o\i talk about thcir \\t)l'l\.

Other events

Dundee Dance Festival Master classes Spacc. Bar .\1. 43 Jamaica Sll‘L‘L‘l. 573 (HUS. lilttllt noon. l'il‘L‘L'. Scc \Vcd 35.


Regal Masters (ilthg‘ttn 'l‘liixilc llotcl. ('anihridgc Sti‘cct. ()8?) ()133o53. 3pm tk 7pm. 133/137. Scc 'l‘iic 34.

Other events

Dundee Dance Festival Master classes Spacc. Bar .\l. 43 .lamaica Slrccl. 57: (HUN. lllttltl noon. l'il‘L‘k‘. SCL‘ \VL‘tl

Saturday 28


Regal Masters (llaxgim 'l‘hialc llUlL‘l. (‘ttlltltl'ldgc Strcct.(1871111133053. 3pm ck 7pm. £7. Scmi llllttlx. Scc TM 34. Celtic v Kilmarnock (‘cliic l’ai‘k. Kct‘t‘}daIc Strcct. l’arkhcad. 551 8053. 3pm. £31 (£131. Sl’l. l‘oolhall match. Motherwell v Dundee l-‘ir Park. l’ii'pai'k Sti'cct. .\lothcmcll. “HMS 333333t1o £11 (£5 £~l..\'l’l.1oollt;tll match. Partick Thistle v Hearts l-‘ii-liill. so l-‘irhill Road. 57‘) 1071. 3pm. £151L‘Xi. Sl’l. l'oolltall match,

Other events

Mugdock Craft Fair Weekend .\Iiigdock ('ounlr} 1’ark.‘)5(i(illlt),

.\ooii 4.3(1pm. l'it‘cc. l.oca| ci'al't tt'adci'\ \hon oll thcii' goods at thc \‘ixitoi' (‘cnlrc \o )oti can hrou \c or hii} ll'Ulll thcir \L‘lL‘L‘llUll Ul llttlltl L't‘flllt‘tl gil'lx


Regal Masters (ilaxgou 'l‘liixilc llotcl.('amhi‘idgc Sti‘cct.(1371111133053. .\Joon. £31). l‘iiialx. Scc luc 34.

\.'../’;'l(l \.'.';ii 1| it"il tli‘ii-t‘ fillilfltl' <t;ig,t;.

Pollok House

Pottok (Zoiiiitn. Park. 911th) l’i)ll:>kt;l‘gi.';ts Hotiil. (510041;), Mon Sta: ‘(larn opiii. 8‘5) flit/Yin; igiiiiihy il(2lv‘.(:i 3":1150. ()l‘i? of ill(:ll1()f;l mega"! lttth (,ttllitil‘, liti'i(lllltlfi iii ttie <,<;ii'itij,. llllf; titstoiit: 11(1t1:;(7 f<:;; i'ltfifl. Sinusii [/ttll‘ill‘itlf; .1‘. [iiitgiiii ili’.)ll‘i <;<;».<:<:ti<;it ()i Sir

\.‘./ iiiillll Stztiiiit; ivlaxvxell.

ft S::<iti.’i'=:t

URL/i. Mn 1' .. i. f) ‘rom WK.) Scottish Football ‘iTLaiii ‘,i,'ii; 1' (“n f’iu' 1l<::;:,i*;li.i”'w:rt Museum

l'a'i‘i ‘,:,"‘: i":(: <;.;i:,‘;iii<,'iir;{tintmi“and: lliiiiiiitiiail’aik.1i:f'ii:ii, (3;i~,(;f,.'.”<,tit:xf ,iVuii'n".l::.'.;i'::;iii. l)' .-’.">'.tl€,’iti.i


Other events

Mugdock Craft Fair Weekend .\Iiigdock ('ountr} Park. 050 ()lllil. .\Uttlt 4.3llpm. l‘il‘CL‘. SL‘L‘ Sill 33. Scottish Computer Fair Sli(‘(‘. l-‘innicxton Qua}. ()l 7()(i 390701).

Illam 4pm. lixci‘}thing )iiti could c\ci' \\ ant or iiccd l'or _\oui' coiiiptitcr pltlx c\pcrt adx icc.

Monday 30


September Weekend Festival Finale Hamilton I’ai'k Racccourxc. Botlmcll Road. Hamilton. (New 333800. 3.3(1pm. [11) U5 tl't'cc Ur). llantilton Park's richcxt da} '\ racing \\ ith o\ci' £(i5.()()l) in pi'i/c monc}. 1cattii‘ing thc 'I‘otc Buttonhook Stakcx and thc 'l‘uo Ycar ()ld liiital.


Scottish Colourists tliiiiicrian :\l't (iiillc‘i‘}. l'iii\cr\it} ol (ilaxgou. X3 Hillhcad Strcct. 33(15431. 5.3()pin. l-‘rcc. l’hilip Long. curator at thc National (iallcr} ol' .\lodci'ii .'\l'l gi\c\ a talk on thc Scottixh (‘olotirixtx

Other events

Bill Drummond Performances (‘(‘.v\. .350 Stttlclttclttlll Strch .35: 49W). .\‘pm. [5 lt'4i. i(‘(‘.-\ (ii. .\ pci'l'oriiiancc h} Bill l)ruiiiiiioiid \\ hich th\L‘1'llk‘\ thc proccxx ol' di\ idiiig up a \ioi‘k h} Richard I.oiig “hich hc piii'chaxcd l‘oi' $31).()(l(). Splitting tIic “()l'h into 311.0110 cqtial \i/cd hitx. l)i‘uniiiiond ix \clling it till l'or ttllc tlttllttl‘ L‘ttcll.

Wednesday 2


Pick One Picture lltiiitci'iait .-\i't (iallci‘). l'ni\cr\it'\ ol'(i|a\go\\. H3 llilllicad Strch. .331) 5—1.3 l. lplll. l'l‘L‘L‘. 'l‘cn minutc l;tll\\ l'ocuxiiig on Jan ('oxxicrx' VIA/iv .\Iitrli‘n/um u/ Sui/i! ('iiI/ii'rilti'.

Other events

Cafe Flicker (ilaxgou .\lcdia :\ccc\\ (.L'llll'k‘. .3l’d Hour. .34 Albion Strch 55.3 3(i3l). lircc. Join in thc dchatcx altcr )iiii ha\ c \\atchcd nc\\ \xork from a \clcction o1 lilm makcrx \\ho \\ ill hc \houing amtliiiig liom animation to c\pcriiiicnta|.

Thursday 3


Rangers v FK Viktoria Zizkov lhi'o\ Stadium. l'.tllllt\lttll 1)ri\c.1187() (till) 1003. 7.45pm. £11) £33 (£1 ll. l’itlttll‘illl.


Stephen Healy: the Greenhouse Project Launch (‘(‘.'\. 35o Saiichichall Strch 353 4‘)()t). 3 0pm. Stcphcn llL‘al} lttllllcllc\ lti\ \itc-xpccilic projch \\ltlcll takcx placc \\ ithiii a (ilaxgou allotmcnt.


grit E R it; M ii" t "if

4.3; ' E7 3 VA. it...

1. It's new. This is the first time

that the Merchant City Festival

has ever taken place so it should have an air of excitement as well

as giVing you an exotise to

explore this regenerated part of

the city. 2. There are loads of music events happening from easy

listening and classical to Russian

folk. ia/z and (:eilidh nights.

3. You can party all day and all

weekend starting with tea and

scenes at the Russian Tearoom. then catch a i.’)erforiiianee of The Duchess of Mei/fl in the Raiiishorn churchyard before rounding the day off with some of the top DJs

and a spot of clubbing. 4. It's happening at the same

time as Doors Open Day so not

only can you enjoy the

atmosphere of the Merchant City and Join in the festival events but you can also have a good nosey

round some of its historic buildings.

5. It's got loads of events for all the laii'iily. Not only is there music.

DJs and buildings there's also theatre. exhibitions. a lariiier's market. talks and city tours.

Merchant Citv Fest/val various venues. Me/‘diant City. (341 0844.

Thu 19—Si/n 22 Sep.

Mo.“ Sét'. Tijzirii 5>i:'ii: t(iiiaiil13:3':;i.;1:;-\.':; gi't .'.;;'>\:: 'ltill‘i f'ic- Son ‘tziiii 5min. S‘ft k'iet::::;:..i:ti.'t%:;nitric ‘.'.;;r:i’:::;ix'iitiov ‘S\i}.53(}l, i11(3 {1011M} of t'oii‘. f;(";ll? 'llt’i'itl .iiitl !<:|§;‘tl":l. [)ti 3:, (3!" 5:.' Scottish ‘oottiail nov. tip, i.'.;::><it:»" '_ 't“; 1'»: 511'? C)‘ ."":‘- (,‘x‘ * 1‘.()Lif;(3§§Ill(:l1.f;i()", (if ti‘ta tie'to'iiiti'ittt: 11.15. stout-t, l?‘;t ‘3. it ' 5;. {ltriliil'ltiititlllltilli :itl‘..rii;iiiii‘tg': { itil‘i t"‘ Suntldtitl. ()i‘ (lisinzi‘, .3; (train. \“(oiksl‘oixz ‘o' '.'.i>'t}f; 12".: l? ;t'...'i:-:;. Elii: (wrest 'itititi'igil ti'txiiit; ti":i 1?! ‘.<1:'..' The Tall hip At tintilii, ill the i.'.'<iil<l. '.".(;' l)€?li:>’fllti"i‘13t; grim Glasgow Harbour S<I<>illfill(;lil)Allttillltltiil iii, ti'ui'aie'ntt-"f ‘iit‘iStatiit'osr;Hittiii. more. St Mungo Museum 3.44:: 3031. [).i.i\, Sharmanka Kinetic of Religious Life And ‘oa'r :Kiwi. 512.5,; Gallery Art "i nu: \i‘ixir‘i i’iiti‘ 1 ioiri. 1-1 Ki'xi >(7iit;t-.- SEW-u. 5%" Warren I'm 1 i‘ o Sit-1,1,4. 51.2.) i" l.." ;)53:l\li l\.’l:.‘" ..\ :30 1‘t7ti'. (itttlitu..'t1 1tiiii. lHtl i':"i.33.." ititlll‘i :':t:rii; x’Soi ini't'iit, l"...ltllt‘ tilill‘i 'll.t'.‘l $3.." “I 'i‘ 'lli friiiii »\" t at: '."-.‘ 8‘ (it ' xiv. int t2 ' tit;..' L: c" t; 3:6": * .i’. i..:-".:«-"."ii-~::. iii' 2'. .r' '."-nt11\'