‘ ; Kids listings continued
Kids listings
Activities & Fun
Saturday Art Club Sat 21 & 28 Sep. lOam—noon (ages 5—7) & l.30--3.30pm (ages 8-11). One week £20 (£10). Dean Gallery. Belford Road. 624 6200. A chance for kids to work with practising artists in trying out new ideas and materials. To coincide with the Hodgkin exhibition. artist Kate Kirby will be on hand to help create pictures With exciting. hold colours. Brunton Theatre Open Day Sun 2‘) Sep. 10.30am-«4pm. Brunton Theatre. Ladyyscll Way. .\ltisselburgh. 665 2240. Discoy er behind the scenes of Brunton Theatre featuring guided tours. children‘s workshop and performances by youth drama and dance groups.
Build Up Wed 25 & Thu 26 Sep.
£5.50 £3.50. Queen‘s llall. (‘lerk Street. 668 2019. Music charity l-‘ischy Music launch their fourth album. Build (.‘p. ftill of funny and thought-provoking songs for S to lZ-year-olds. With live music. drama. video and audience participation.
Theatre & Dance
The Birdcatcher Sat 28 Sep. 2pm 8.- 7pm. £4; family ticket £l5. Brunton Theatre. Ladyyvell Way. Musselburgh. 665 2240. Ages 6+. Dance. puppetry aitd music combine in this imaginative shoyv for children perfonned by the 'l‘abula Rasa Dance Company. Choreographed and directed by Claire Pencak. the shovv is art adaptation of an original produced created by Shona Reppe and Pencak.
Hero Worship L'ntil Sat 28 Sep. Free. Museum of Childhood. 42 High Street. 52‘) 4142. Children's heroes from past and present including Davy Crockett. Shirley Temple and Luke Skyysalker are celebrated in this exhibition. Come along to take a trip down memory lane. dress tip as your favourite idol or add to the Heroes Wall of Fame.
This Book Belongs to Me t'niil Thu 31 Oct. National Library of Scotland. George IV Bridge. 226 453 l. lixplore the exciting and colourful vsorld of children‘s books from the original 17th century Tom Thumb to the latest Harry Potter blockbuster.
Storytelling Tent Fri 20 Sep. Sun 22 Sep. Fri 27 Sep. Sun 29 Sep. 2.30 3.l5pm & 3.304.15pm. Free. National Library Of Scotland. George W Bridge. 226 4531.
Burrell Collection, Glasgow, Sun 29 Sep, 2pm, free
The Puppet Lab. It has a kind of scientific ring - a den of experimentation in the field of marionettes, conjuring
images of Punch and Judy laid out in the operating theatre. Well maybe that’s a little dramatic, but Philippa Wright of the Lab explains why the group formerly known as the Edinburgh Puppet Company recently changed its name: ‘The Edinburgh Puppet Company is quite a traditional sounding name and while we certainly do touring puppet productions, our work encompasses a lot more than that.’
The show they are currently touring is Rapunzel, and Wright reveals what the Lab are doing with it: ‘We’re trying to deal with - in a way that five-year-olds can handle — the slightly darker elements to Rapunzel. It’s to do with abandonment and it’s to do with girls’ relationship with their parents as they grow up - the need to protect and the need to break free. It’s story telling, live puppetry and live singing.’ (Ruth Hedges)
Ages 4 6 and 7 ‘). Scottish storytt 'rs bring c‘ltiltll'ctfs stories to life.
Sunday Stories Sun 2‘) Sep. 2 3pm. liree. National Portrait (iallery. l Queen Street. 624 6200. l-‘or ages 5 and aboye. ./\n afternoon of tales ysith Dr Colin .\lackay in the atmospheric l’ortrait (iallery ys here paintings are tised as springboards iitto the imagination.
Outside the Cities
Activities & Fun
Acoustic Guitar l'ntil Sun l l)ec. £24 per tertn. liast ls'ilbride .-\rts ('entre. ()ld ('oach Road. liast Kilbridc. 0l355 2(il000. Ages 7 l l. have liorrestcr proy ides the instruction on this l2-yscek course.
Arts 8 Crafts Sat 21 Sep. Sat 2S Sep. l0am. ll.l5am. lpm tk 2.15pm. £30 for l2 yveeks. liast Kilbride .-\rts ('entre. ()ltl
Basll Brush If YOU thought the current young f}(?ll(}l’£lll()ll ll£l(l avoided the cheeky mouthings of a posh lox whose catchphrase was. tintoitiettzilily. 'Boom Boom!‘ you'd be mistaken. ()tir lorry trieittl returns this éttlltlll‘ll \.'.'|lll his own sitcom Starting on BBCl. Today 27 Septeiitlier (ll "liltlpiii. See lV page i l i.
96 THE LIST 19 Sep SUM/X11
(’oach Road. liast Kilbritlc. lll55.‘ 2(il000. .-\gcs 5 7 ck S It). li\plore arts and crafts techniques tising a \ariety of materials. MSD Club Mon 23 Sep. 5 6pm. £22 per term. liast Kilbritle .'\rts ('entrc. ()ld (‘oach Road. liast Kilbt'idc. (H .355 2(illltlll. .\ \cry popular course for younger children tising music. song and dance to e\plore aspects of Scotland's culture.
Fungi Workshop Thu 3 ()cl. £5 i£2iz families £l0. llrotlick (‘astle and Country Park. lit'otlick. Isle of .v\rran. (HT-'0 302202. (iraeme \Valker leads an informatiy e yyorkshop on mushrooms and loatlslools.
Theatre & Dance
Disney on Ice - Beauty and the Beast l'ntil Sun 22 Sep. £0.50 £l2.50. llraehead .v\rena. Kings Inch Road. Renfreyy. SS5 144 l. The delightful Disney musical is brought to life in a magical ice setting.
James and the Giant Peach t'niil Sat 21 Sep. \Ved tk Sat 2pm tk "pm; Thu tk l’ri l0am is 5pm. £9 i£"l: family ticket £25. Adam Smith 'l‘heatre. liennochy Road. Kit'kcaltly. (H.592 ~1l2‘)2‘). Roald Dalth L‘l;l\\lc‘ lttlt‘ til ti small bit} 's adycntut‘es till the high \L‘tl til it gltllll [)L‘aclt is ltl’tttlglll it) life by the Birmingham Stage (’ompany. Bodger and Badger’s Magic Mash Show Sat 2l Sep. llam. £5. Palace Theatre. ‘) (ireen Street. ls'ilmarnock. (H.563 523500. liodger and liatlger proy ide the mess. mayhem and mashed potato. Cinderella Wed 25 Sep. 5.30 6.15pm. £4. liyre 'l‘heatre. .r\bbey Street. St :\tttlt'e\\s_ (ll 55-1 475000, Ages ov er (i. liyery day is a bad hair day for our ('inders. That is. until a glamorous lady comes along and fills ('inderella's handbag ys ith magic. .\'ovs it's tip to her to find a dress. get to the ball. dance the cha-cha-cha and fall in line \y ith the handsome prince. all before midnight. The acclaimed Shona Reppe l’tippets adapt this timeless fairytale tising beatttiftil puppets. original music and maybe eyen dancing mice in hats. Greyfriars Bobby Sat 2S Sep. 1 lam. £5.50 (£2.5lll. 'ltmn llall. lio'ncss. (ll 32-1 506S50. Syly ia Troon puppets use original songs. colourful scenery and charming puppets to recreate lidinburgh ol old and
tell the story of the famous loyal pooch. The Hare and the Tortoise Sat 28 Sep. 2.30pm. £5 t£4i. Byre 'l‘heatre. Abbey Street. St Andre“ s. 0| 334 475000. :\ng
5 7. “cc Sittl‘lcs present the Classic Aesop‘s liable about the brave tortoise yv ho challenges the hare to a race.
The Singing Kettle’s Jungle Party Sat 2S ck Sun 2‘) Sep. noon & 3pm. £‘) i£7iz family ticket £25. (‘iaiety Theatre. ('arrick Street. :\)l‘. (H 292 (il L222. [)I'L‘ss tip as your fayourite wild animal and join the Kettlers \\ ith neyy member Keyin for a tropical adyenture \y ith giraffes. chimps and lions galore. Sing along yvith the gang to your fayotit'ile songs and a few new ones
The Birdcatcher Wed 2 ()et. l lam. £3.50. (‘umbernatild 'l‘heatrc. Kildrum. ('umbernatild. 0| 236 732SS7. Ages 6+. See .\lttsselburgh.
The International Purves Puppets lliggar l’tippet 'l‘heatre. Brotighton Road. 0IS‘)‘) 22063l. £5 (£4); family tickets £23 tk £36. Book in adyance as times are subject to change. Reductions for parties of 5 or more. Shots s on offer oy er the next tyvo necks are:
Nessie Meets Morag Sat 21 Sep. 2pm. Nessie the Loch NL‘Ss Monster gets it message from .\lorag. the monster of Loch .\lorar. that a my steriotis foreigner yyith a red beard has appeared at l.och .\lorar. \essie learns that he is searching for
PR ('ll 's TR " "Sl‘li (specially coded message). and so a race to discover an ancient secret begins...
Pips and Panda Meet the Toothfairy Sat 2S tk Mon 30 Sep. 2pm. Another adyenttire from the famous characters. l’ips the little monkey and silly Ultl l’alttltt. .-\ silt)“ for the under sey ens. full of songs. fun and music \sith magical effects and an e\citing story about their trayels on the magic leaf to Tooth-
l'airy land.
Tree Tales at Dawyck Sat 28 Sep. 2pm. £2. l)a\syck Botanic (iardens. Stobo. l’ecblesshire. (ll 72] 70025-1. Ages oy er S. llear traditional tree tales and music from around the “mid frotti ('laire .\ltilhol|and and Marion Kenny.