Clubs listings

Caledoniasoul resident Scotch Martin gives us his hot soul selection of super rare platters to make you frug like a monkey. But even he admits that he can’t compare with this month’s special guest, Ken Burrel, owner of the world’s most expensive 45 single. Check out www.catedoniasou|.com for more info.

Frankie & The Damons: ‘The Man From Soul’ (JCP Records)

Name sounds; like a (loo-crop group. and they probably were. But when this hedonistic slice of soul appeared (Ht) (308 they t'xei‘e anything btit. Fast ears. inohair suits and délllt(}8 Bond style backing. Love it!

Charles Sheffield: ‘It’s Your Voodoo Working’ (Excello Records)

This; veiy rare R88 was; produced in early 1960:; NEISlWIllt}. Cra/y. nasty. slea/y and frankly downright eixil R88. It'll ptit a spell on you!

Billy Valentine: ‘Nothing But Love’ (studio acetate)

Uplifting O'Jayis; styie (lancer '.'.(as; never released on Vinyl and is; exeltiSii/e to Caledoniasoui. Cl'lfSi). (ip tempo 70$; northern Soul.

Vivian Carol: ‘Oh Yeh, Yeh, Yeh’ (Merben Records)

‘lhii; has been huge for '25) years; and is; Silll one ol the lt)()f3t |l'l'(:f;lf3ill)l(:. antl expensave, Philly lance tunes. l’re dates; (Sainble R. l luff by about ll‘.’(: years anti if; one of ll“), fa‘.'otii‘itef;. | (let; anyone not to (lance to ll).le

I Caledonia 8011/ (1? ‘.'/oorl5;ule Social. C3/{if;{}()i‘./. Sat I”) May:

- "lzrww'.

70 THE LIST 1’ ~. i, ', ..'

Glasgow Thursdays: Chart 8. Party

I Penny and Pound at Destiny. l()pm 3am. £3 before I lptii. £3 alter. Weekly". ln tor one penny (well. not really l. attd drinks l'or £ l. Any next night hased on a system this cra/y deserves some respect.

Glasgow Fridays


I Ad-Lib at Ad l.ih. 5pm 8pm. Free. Weekly. Rotational I)Js proy'ide the perfect soundtrack to wind doWll to the

\\ eekend just as the hat statl .sery e up the right cocktails to take the edge ol't' tlte

\\ L‘Ck.

I Bar Ce Lona at Bar (‘e Lona.

9pm midnight. l’ree. Weekly. Sole cohort (ieot'l' Montl‘ord satiates your ass with a tasty hlend ot' house and disco grooy‘es. I Barry Gemmel at Nico‘s.

0pm midnight. Free. Weekly. The linest Rth. house and garage to please the smartly dressed Friday patrons.

I The Beat Museum at the Variety Bar. 0pm midnight. l‘t‘ee. Weekly. Mark Macallum and l'riends spin otit only' the hest treats from the \yorld ot‘ sotil. dance and hottse.

I Budda at Bar Btidda. 8pm midnight. liree. Weekly. l’ttt'y‘eyor of line ltink (’hris llarris says a slammin' hello to the Btidda clientele. W ho are in tor a night ol‘ hiin class house. lintry only to those is eating their disco trousers.

I Chi at Mc('huill‘s. 8pm midnight. l-‘ree. Weekly. The (‘hi spinners hegiti hy deploying a unique hlend ol' melloyy sliaolin heals and then unleash the

heay ier stul‘t‘ later on.

I Critical Mass at \iee'ii‘Slea/y. 8pm late. Free. Weekly. .\'o_i (Midi lli-l‘i) and John mess yy ith your head playing anything li‘otn dtih. punk. indie. reggae. hip hop. dance and ram k to sotil and ttmk. (‘ome along and kick otit the jams or go tiptoyy it top rankin'. (iuest l)Js most is eeks.

I Cul de Sac at ('ul de Sac.

5pm midnight. Weekly. ('til de Sac knoyys Wllttl its customers want: good music and loads ot~ it. Kenny llislop takes to the decks tron) 5pm to 8pm. and then at 9pm Steye Sutherland (it t 'rhana Music takes (it er. Sensory oyerload.

I Edward’s at lidyyard's.

()pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. An alter- ot'tice crotyd is yyorked tip into a hall of happiness hy l)J Keith l’y per. l’lease he careltil.

I Friday Street at Blacklt'iai's.

3pm l.3()am. £3 (£2 ). Weekly. The city 's premier Mod aitd northern cluh takes you to the cleaners one more time. with residents Mikey (‘ollins. l’atil Molloy'. l)a\y Quinn and special guest 'l‘am l.o\ e. I Martyn at Air ()rgattic.

0pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. Martyn (.lengal‘ieads. Mhelt Project. l’ndcr the (‘ounteix Jengaheads) drops into the ultra- tunky. l)ean llappel-designed West lind har to l'urnish the darling customers yy ith a set that goes \y herey er it damn \y ell likes. Regular guest slots tron) his l'riends make this a night (it diyerse goodness. Here comes summer. . .

I Kenny H at Moloco (\Vcst littd). ()pm midnight. Free. Weekly. l‘tmky grooyes l'i'om around the glohe. \y ith a healthy smattering ol' sotil throyyn in tor good measure.

I Modalicious at Moda. 0pm lam. l-"ree. Weekly. Mark Bull is Ally Sandler pull out some t'ttnky \ocal house grooyes mi\ed \y ith appetising garage anthems. bill it they don't l'tillil then just maryel at what must he the coolest lireplace iii

I Moloco at Moloco. 8pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. Rotational l).ls from the Bull cltth \york the pre—cltth croty d in this line West lind hoo/er.

I Moskito at Moskito. ‘)pm midnight. l'ree. Weekly. the Sole don Stey ie

Middleton yyarms a ltmky ci'oyy'd under Bath Street. like all good l)Js. he‘s not alraid to throw in something old. horroyyed or eyen hltte.

I Nico’s at .\'ico‘s. ()pm midnight. liree. Weekly. .\'ico's warms the Sauchiehall resellers up with happy. popular music and a selection ot' alcoholic hey'erages. A novel idea it e\ er there was one.

I October at the ()ctoher ('al'e.

()pm midnight. Weekly. (iot'don Miller puts his decks to yery good tise with the hest in total hottse and [S garage.

I Papacool at the Basement Bar. ()pm midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. l’apacool occupy that heatitiltil niche ol‘ja/ly' sotil ttmk \y ith a grace that ittost just can't manage. Quite special.

I Paul Cawley at Air ()rganic.

()pm midnight. Free. Weekly. Respected (ilasgoyy 1).) and l‘enetik king l’aul ('ayyley' sery'es tip some tasty shit to the ()rganic posse.

I Phonic at 5-1 Beloyy. ()pm midnight. l‘t'ee. Weekly. Phonic l).ls Steyen Reilly and (iordon Logan serye tip some quality house gi'ooycs.

I Russell’s at Russell‘s.

opm midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. 1)] Ya“ kicks out the hest Rth. hip hop atid

syy ingheat.

I Soulsa Presents: Vinyl at Strata. 0pm midnight. l't'ee. Weekly. Another heatitiltil (ilasgoyy har \\ ith a tilting music policy. l'nderground house. Latin \ dies and choicest disco l'rom Andy l'nger. Shae-I) and special guest I)Js.

I Sound Museum at ('(‘A hat‘.

0pm midnight. liree. Weekly. ('hris "Beans' (ieddes (Belle ck Sehastian) and lltishptippy (l)iy ine. (iSA) tlllt‘o\ er a forgotten \yorld of sound. dely ing deeper and more carelully than many into lost realms ol~ sotil. l.atin. l'unk. disco and eXotica.

I Stateside Sounds at the State Bar.

4 7pm. l-‘ree. Weekly. l’aul Shields selects liayotirites. rock classics and hlues cuts. A night that should he commended for doing something dillerent and tor doiitg it \y ell. I Straight Ahead at Spy Bar.

9pm late. l’ree. Weekly. Dance lloor

ia/x. northern sotil and ltttik sptiii hy the

superh Straight Ahead creys.


I Abnormals Anonymous at the (‘(‘A. Next date -8 Jun. Monthly.

I aerodynamico at Ad l.ih. ll.3l)pm 3am. £5 (£4). 7 Jun. Monthly. l’h5.5. along \\ ith in it) liarth. streamline nu-ja/I. ltink. sotil and breaks at hoth 33 and 45rpm. in anticipation ol' their l'orthcoming releases a dehtit sampler

lil’ and compilation alhum. ()n this night.

also. \y e haye guests Steye Murray and Big (i (Land. Dundee). so you're all made tip. A night of classy music. in a cool yenue (alheit one \\ itliotit any recognisable cliillottt /one).

I Afterglow at Att l.ih. Next date 7 Jun. Monthly.

I The Ark at the Tunnel.

ll).3t)pm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. .\'e\ er mind \yho actually t)\\lls the place: the Tunnel does is hat it does yery \y ell and its loyal croyy d lose it. Scott Mackay and Simon l‘oy keep the croyyd jumping yy ith industrial strength hard house in the main room. yyhile (iary (‘ttrley (noyes the

croyy d in har [no it ith smooth garage and \ocal liottse.

Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh

See page 73 for details

I Basic Level at the Soundhaus. Midnight 3am. £8. 2-1 May. Monthly. A neyy night. \y ith the musical hackttp to make it work and ytork yy ell. Techno and electro is play ed otit hy the Basic l.e\el residents and special guest Keith 'l‘ennisyyood (aka Radioactiye Man and one halt ol' 'l'yyo Styordsmen ).

0 BCbfldO at the Riyerside Social. Midnight 3am. £5. H May. Monthly. Behado continue their quest to shake the (ililsgoyy ‘s collectiy e ass \y ith a tearsome line-up ot' tiherttinkmeisters. This month's t'eatured hand is a nine-piece samba/contentporary drumming hand called l)rumatic. htit don't l'orget resident hand The Behado Allstars and DJ ('liiel' de Jaya.

I Bogota! at (’uha .\'orte. 9pm 2am. Free. Weekly. A night ot‘ Latin pop and house. replete \y ith tood. dancing and general merry-making. Beautil'til.

I Bughouse at Soha. l lpiti 3am. £5. 7 Jun. Monthly. ()ne ol the tinest underground house otitlits in the dear green place. Btighottse continue to strengthen their popularity hy appearing at only the most attractiy e and cool spots. Straight dth the litte. this is great house music played hy people that loy e it hest and in the right say.

I Concrete at Sotmdhaus. .\'e\t date 14 Jun. Monthly.

I The Cathouse at the (‘athotise ll)..‘~()pm 3am. £l helore llpm. £4 (£3) alter. Weekly. Ridiitg high on the nu- metal yyaye. this is one ol the htisiest nights iii toyyn. Rock. grunge. indie and a dash of hreakheat across three lloors at (ilasgoty 's top \enue tor rockers and alternateens.

I Club Cubana at the 'l'empus har. Next date 7 Jun. Monthly.

I Coded at Vault. llpin 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. they ‘re limit a record store. so the tunes are going to he ll'cslt and highly ttmky. aren't they 1’ A rotating roster ol' l).ls al'liliated to 23rd l’recinct supply house-led grooy es til the neyy cltll). Steyeit Mc(’reery is the main man. htit the pool ottalent includes Billy Kiltie. Billy Woods and Amanda l’i‘ice.

Deep Freeze at Soha. l lpin 3am. £5. 3t May. Mattheyy l)rtimmond and Barry giye (is another reminder (it \y liy they ‘re at the helm ol' one (it the most respected house lahels and nights in the city. And it‘s happening doyy itstairs in the grooyy noodle har. too.

I Deviance at Alaska. 1 1pm 3am. £7 (£5). 7 Jun. Monthly. Michael l’eck. aka ()yertone oi Kitshi Records and DJ Roki (M()BA) spin all night in the har area creating that luscious house \ the that only they can. yyhile upstairs in the main room ()\y en ('aldyy ell and Day e 'l‘homson (Remedy ) it ill keep you entertained tor the night. lispect some quality house. techno. electro and pretty much any thing it ith that grooye to keep you moy ing. I Fresh at the Polo Lounge. llpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Michelle and Andy take charge ol the musical duties in this delicious Merchant (‘ity miyed cltih. Whether you're in the 'l‘rophy Room ()I' on the dancelloor. the tunes \\ ill t'uel your happiness. I Foresight tlt Rocksy is Basement. Monthly. .\'e\t date thc. I Funk Room at the Arches. Next date It Jun. Monthly. I Gain at Alaska. .\'e\t date 14 Jun. Monthly. I Glasnost at Alaska. llpii) 3am. £8 (£o). 7 Jun. Monthly. Special guest on this night (it line musical eclcctica is Berlin's 'l’homas i'clllllltlltll. a piyotal l'orce in that city 's cluhhing culture. lle's hacked tip hy the usual (ilasnosl suspects a plethora ol' ltotttcgt'oyy n geniuses l)otigal l’erman (Radio Magnetic). Rohin Murray (Kinky Al'i'o). Malliety Bennett (Kinky Al'ro). (iay Sutherland (l‘ndergi‘otmd Solti'shni. (ilasnosl is ltllsitlg tt hack to its roots.

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